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- DCOM95 1.3
- Release Notes
- Last Modified: September 14, 1998
- DCOM95 provides Distributed COM support for Microsoft« Windows« 95.
- The DCOM wire protocol transparently provides support for reliable,
- secure, and efficient communication between Component Object
- Model (COM) components such as ActiveX« controls, scripts, and
- Java applets residing on different machines in a LAN, a WAN, or on
- the Internet. With DCOM, your application can be distributed across
- locations that make the most sense to your customer and to the
- application.
- For more in-depth information, see the DCOM Technical overview
- available on the Microsoft COM home page,
- http://www.microsoft.com/com/.
- Contents
- ========
- I. New Features
- II. Bug Fixes
- III. Known Issues
- IV. Differences from DCOM on Windows NT
- V. Redistribution
- VI. Support & Resources
- VII. File List
- I. New Features
- ---------------
- Replacing DCOM95 with Older Version Prohibited
- In previous releases of DCOM95, you could replace a newer
- version of DCOM95 with an older version of DCOM95. Version
- numbers are now checked on installation, and you are not
- permitted to install an older version over a newer version. This
- change will avoid problems with incompatible versions of DLLs.
- Visual Studio 6.0 Process Monitoring Support
- In support of Visual Studio 6.0, DCOM95 provides monitoring
- information for developers to help them understand the behavior,
- performance, and structure of their application. If you are using
- Visual Studio Analyzer on a computer that is running Windows 95,
- you should always use this version of DCOM95.
- New Directory Created by Setup
- Setup creates a directory called DCOM95 under your system
- directory. The end-user license agreement and other files are
- stored there. Setup also creates a subdirectory of DCOM95 called
- OLDOLE, into which the old DCOM95 or OLE binaries are backed
- up. These files are restored if you later uninstall DCOM95.
- COM Internet Services
- The COM Internet Services (CIS) enable clients and servers to be
- connected over the Internet using COM. CIS consists of
- * A new DCOM protocol, Tunneled TCP
- * A new moniker type, OBJREF moniker
- * A new CISCNFG utility
- For CIS client support in Windows 95, you must install both DCOM95
- and DCOMCFG. Then use the CISCNFG tool, which is installed when you
- install the DCOM configuration utility, to change the registry key
- that defines which protocol to use for remote processes. In the
- Command Prompt window, enter:
- ciscnfg <protocol>
- Where <protocol> is:
- * rpc to use RPC
- * http to use HTTP
- * tcp_http to try TCP first and then, if the server times out,
- to try HTTP.
- The ciscnfg command with no argument provides usage
- information.
- No SDK updates are required to use the Tunneled TCP protocol.
- There are a few updates for OBJREF monikers.
- CreateObjrefMoniker
- Creates an OBJREF moniker based on a pointer to an object.
- WINOLEAPI CreateObjrefMoniker(
- LPUNKNOWN pUnk, //Pointer to the object
- LPMONIKER *ppMk //Address of pointer to OBJREF moniker
- );
- Parameters
- pUnk
- Pointer to the IUnknown interface on the object that the moniker
- is to represent.
- ppMk
- Address of a pointer to the IMoniker interface on the OBJREF
- moniker created.
- Return Values
- This function supports the standard return values
- E_OUTOFMEMORY and E_UNEXPECTED, as well as the
- following:
- S_OK
- The OBJREF moniker was successfully created.
- Remarks
- Clients use OBJREF monikers to obtain a marshaled pointer to a
- running object in the serverÆs address space.
- The server typically calls CreateObjrefMoniker to create an
- OBJREF moniker and then calls IMoniker::GetDisplayName, and
- finally releases the moniker. The display name for an OBJREF
- moniker is of the form:
- OBJREF:nnnnnnnn
- Where nnnnnnnn is an arbitrarily long base-64 encoding that
- encapsulates the machine location, process endpoint, and interface
- pointer ID (IPID) of the running object.
- The display name can then be transferred to the client as text. For
- example, the display name can reside on an HTML page that the
- client downloads.
- The client can pass the display name to MkParseDisplayName,
- which creates an OBJREF moniker based on the display name. A
- call to the monikerÆs IMoniker::BindToObject method then obtains
- a marshaled pointer to the running instance on the server.
- For example, a server-side COM component contained in an active
- server page can create an OBJREF moniker, obtain its display
- name, and write the display name to the HTML output that is sent to
- the client browser. A script that runs on the client side can use the
- display name to get access to the running object itself. A client-side
- Visual Basic script, for instance, could store the display name in a
- variable called strMyName and include this line:
- objMyInstance = GetObject(strMyName)
- The script engine internally makes the calls to
- MkParseDisplayName and IMoniker::BindToObject, and the
- script can then use objMyInstance to refer directly to the running
- object.
- If the running object uses static IPIDs and the server process
- always runs on the same computer at a well-known endpoint, the
- display name of the OBJREF moniker will always be the same. In
- that case, the server can store the display name instead of
- calculating it each time it receives a request for the object.
- IMoniker - OBJREF Moniker Implementation
- OBJREF monikers represent a reference to an object instance that
- is running on an out-of-process server, either locally or remotely.
- The moniker identifies the object instance and the computer the
- object is running on.
- An OBJREF moniker is similar in many ways to a pointer moniker,
- except that the running object is out-of-process. A client can call
- IMoniker::BindToObject on an OBJREF moniker and use the
- pointer it obtains to access the running object, regardless of its
- location.
- An important distinction from a pointer moniker is that the display
- name of an OBJREF moniker can be embedded in an HTML page,
- and the running object represented by the moniker can be bound by
- a client script, applet, or ActiveX control.
- When to Use
- The primary use for an OBJREF moniker is to obtain access to a
- running object instance over the Internet. An active server page or
- some other means of generating dynamic HTML content places the
- display name of an OBJREF moniker in a parameter to an applet or
- an ActiveX control. The code of the applet or control calls
- CreateObjrefMoniker to create an OBJREF moniker based on the
- display name, and it then calls IMoniker::BindToObject on the
- resulting OBJREF moniker to get access to the running object
- instance. The active server page then marshals a pointer to the
- running object back to the pageÆs client.
- Remarks
- IMoniker::BindToObject. For OBJREF monikers, the pmkToLeft
- parameter must be NULL. Because the OBJREF moniker
- represents a running object, no activation takes place. If the
- represented object is no longer running, BindToObject fails with
- IMoniker::BindToStorage. This method obtains a marshaled
- pointer to the requested interface on the storage that contains the
- running object. Because the OBJREF moniker represents a running
- object, no activation takes place. If the represented object is no
- longer running, BindToStorage fails with E_UNEXPECTED.
- IMoniker::Reduce. This method returns
- MK_S_REDUCED_TO_SELF and passes back the same moniker.
- IMoniker::ComposeWith. If pmkRight is an anti-moniker, the
- returned moniker is NULL. If pmkRight is a composite whose
- leftmost component is an anti-moniker, the returned moniker is the
- composite with the leftmost anti-moniker removed. If pmkRight is
- neither an anti-moniker nor a composite moniker whose leftmost
- component is an anti-moniker, then the method checks the
- fOnlyIfNotGeneric parameter. If it is FALSE, the method combines
- the two monikers into a generic composite; if it is TRUE, the method
- sets *ppmkComposite to NULL and returns
- IMoniker::Enum. This method returns S_OK and sets
- ppenumMoniker to NULL.
- IMoniker::IsEqual. This method returns S_OK if *pmkOther is an
- OBJREF moniker and the paths for both monikers are identical
- (using a case-insensitive comparison). Otherwise, the method
- returns S_FALSE.
- IMoniker::Hash. This method calculates a hash value for the
- moniker.
- IMoniker::IsRunning. Because OBJREF monikers represent a
- running object instance, this method returns TRUE unless the
- object is known to be no longer running because a recent call failed.
- The method ignores pmkToLeft.
- IMoniker::GetTimeOfLastChange. This method returns
- IMoniker::Inverse. This method returns an anti-moniker (i.e., the
- results of calling CreateAntiMoniker).
- IMoniker::CommonPrefixWith. If the two monikers are equal, this
- method returns MK_S_US and sets *ppmkPrefix to NULL. If the
- other moniker is not an OBJREF moniker, this method passes both
- monikers to the MonikerCommonPrefixWith function. This
- function correctly handles the case where the other moniker is a
- generic composite.
- If there is no common prefix, this method returns MK_E_.
- IMoniker::RelativePathTo. This method returns E_NOTIMPL.
- IMoniker::GetDisplayName. This method obtains the display
- name for the OBJREF moniker. The display name is a 64-bit
- encoding that encapsulates the machine location, process endpoint,
- and interface pointer ID (IPID) of the running object. For future
- compatibility, the display name is restricted to characters that can
- be specified as part of a URL.
- IMoniker::ParseDisplayName. If pmkToLeft is not NULL, this
- method returns MK_E_SYNTAX.
- IMoniker::IsSystemMoniker. This method returns S_OK and
- Support for VB6.0 Data Types
- Visual Basic« 6.0 allows Visual Basic variants to contain user-
- defined data structures. DCOM95 now supports remoting of these
- variants.
- II. Bug Fixes
- -------------
- Race Condition When Unloading Multiple Modules
- When multiple modules were unloaded simultaneously, a race
- condition would occur in previous versions of DCOM95. Depending
- upon the order in which the modules were unloaded, an access
- violation could result. This has been corrected in this release of
- DCOM95.
- Desktop Unresponsive During RPC Protocol Negotiations
- Earlier versions of DCOM95 did not dispatch messages while they were
- negotiating RPC protocols. In certain cases, if the user launched
- another application during the time that RPC protocols were being
- negotiated, the machine would appear to be unresponsive. After 30
- seconds, processing of messages would resume. This behavior has been
- changed in the latest release of DCOM95, and applications can be
- launched while RPC protocols are being negotiated.
- Desktop Unresponsive When New Application Launched
- RPC creates a hidden window in the Multiple-Threaded Apartment (MTA),
- which is not required to dispatch messages per DCOM spec.
- When a user launches a new application from the desktop,
- Windows sends a message to all other window handles, notifying
- them of this event, and expecting a reply. Under earlier versions of
- DCOM95, the hidden RPC window might not reply, and Windows would
- hang. This version of DCOM95 fixes this problem, and the RPC window
- no longer makes the desktop unresponsive when new applications are
- launched.
- Multiple IP Addresses Heap Corruption
- In certain situations, if you were running a previous version of
- DCOM95 on a machine with more than one IP address, the IP address
- buffer would be overrun and the heap would be corrupted. This has
- been fixed in the latest release of DCOM95.
- Only First IP Address Used
- If you were running a previous version of DCOM95 on a machine that
- had two network adapter cards (and therefore two IP addresses, each
- assigned to a different address card), DCOM95 would use only one
- network adapter. In this release of DCOM95, if the first one tried
- does not work, the second one will be used.
- RPC Now Tries Multiple IP Addresses
- When doing a remote procedure call to a machine with multiple IP
- addresses, subsequent IP addresses will now be tried if connecting
- to the first one fails.
- File Monikers Support Additional Path Syntax
- File monikers can now be created out of arguments of the form
- <startdir><relativepath>, such as "C:\bug\bug\..\..\foo.jpg." In
- DCOM95 1.1, only relative paths (e.g., "..\..\foo.jpg") or absolute
- paths (e.g., "C:\foo.jpg") were permitted.
- General Protection Fault When Oleaut32.dll Unloaded
- In previous versions of DCOM95, a general protection fault occurred
- when Oleaut32.dll was unloaded before a call to CoUninitialize. This
- would most often occur when a VB application created a control
- statically linked to Oleaut32.dll, and then freed the control prior
- to calling CoUninitialize. This no longer causes a general
- protection fault in the latest release of DCOM95.
- Visual Basic Type Marshaling and Unmarshaling
- The marshalling and unmarshaling of certain Visual Basic data
- types has been fixed. Array parameters with a size greater than 64K
- are now allowed. Structures defined using aliases to the type are
- now marshaled and unmarshaled correctly.
- Atoms Being Deleted Too Many Times in OleUninitialize
- This bug appeared in applications that call OleInitialize and
- OleUninitialize multiple times. During initialization, OLE adds many
- atoms for DDE RPC. If the atoms have already been added by
- another thread, they are not added again. However, during
- uninitialization, atoms were always deleted, and the handles were
- not nullified. Therefore, the next time OleInitialize was called, the
- old handles would still exist, even though the atoms were already
- deleted, and OLE would not add them again. This led to all OLE
- atoms being invalid after multiple calls to OleInitialize and
- OleUninitialize. This problem has been fixed in this release of
- DCOM95.
- ADO Servers Shut Down Properly
- Active Data Objects (ADOs) use pointer monikers to start a server
- process. Previous versions of DCOM95 contained a bug involving
- pointer moniker reference counting, whereby pointer monikers were
- created with an initial reference count of 1, rather than 0.
- Therefore, the reference count of the pointer moniker would never
- get to zero, and the pointer moniker would never be freed. As a
- result, ADO servers were never shut down, even after the last
- pointer to them had been released. This has been fixed in this
- release of DCOM95.
- CoCreateInstance Works with Own DNS Name
- In previous versions of DCOM95, calling CoCreateInstance with the
- fully qualified name of the local machine did not work. This has been fixed in
- the current version of DCOM95, and CoCreateInstance now correctly
- creates and instance on the local machine.
- Slow Commit On Root Storage With Very Large Compound File
- In previous versions of DCOM95, the commit time on a root storage
- opened in STGM_TRANSACTED mode became very slow as the compound
- file became very large (e.g. 400M). The internal page table
- limits have been increased, and this is no longer a problem.
- Exporting Objects From a Recreated MTA
- In previous versions of DCOM95, a server could not export an
- object from a Multi-Threaded Apartment (MTA) if this was not the
- first time the MTA had been created in the process. This has been
- fixed. Now, if a server creates an MTA, destroys it, and
- subsequently recreates the MTA, objects will be able to be
- exported from the MTA.
- Multiple Instances Of Visual Basic 4 EXEs
- In DCOM95 v1.1, if you started multiple instances of the same
- Visual Basic 4 executable, then shut them down in any order but
- LIFO (Last-In First-Out), the last exe would hang. This was also
- true of E-Forms in Microsoft Exchange. This has been fixed in
- the latest release of DCOM95. You may now shut down Visual
- Basic 4 exes in any order.
- Extended Characters in Visual Basic File Names
- If you named a Visual Basic module or class using extended
- characters for a given language, that file might not open on
- machines configured for a different locale. This has been fixed.
- III. Known Issues
- -----------------
- Corel WordPerfect Suite 7: Installation Causes Invalid Page Fault
- If you install Corel WordPerfect Suite 7 on a Windows 95 system
- running DCOM95, you may get an invalid page fault in PfOd70.pfc
- during installation. If this error appears, just close the error
- message dialog box. Setup should continue successfully.
- Microsoft Access95: Database Replication Does Not Work
- If you try to replicate an Access database using Microsoft Access
- 95 on machines with DCOM95 installed, you may get the following
- error message:
- Microsoft Access cannot complete this operation because it
- can't find or initialize the dynamic-link library Msjtrclr.
- This is a problem in Microsoft Access 95. You may work around this
- issue by writing a program which uses the Access object model
- rather than the replica tool, or by using the briefcase for replication.
- Microsoft Access 97 is not affected by this issue.
- WordPerfect
- If you have a WordPerfect document containing an embedded
- Corel spreadsheet and the spreadsheet contains another
- embedded object (for example, a bitmap), you may get a warning
- dialog saying youÆve lost the network connection when you close the
- innermost object. There may be four or five such warnings. All
- these warnings are benign. Just close them and continue.
- Multiple-threaded apartment (MTA) clients that use BSTR
- conversion routines may block DDE messages
- Automation BSTR conversion routines (for example, BstrFromR4)
- create hidden windows to facilitate the type conversion. These
- windows do not service the Windows message queue. If such a
- window is created from within an MTA client, DDE messages may
- be blocked. The client thread has no obligation to service the
- message queue under the MTA programming model. If it does not,
- this top-level window causes global broadcast messages to block.
- There are two ways to work around this situation. Either call the
- BSTR conversion routines from within a single-threaded apartment
- (STA) client, or make the clientÆs MTA thread behave like an
- STA thread. (An STA thread must service the message queue.) If
- the thread is blocking on a win32 handle, it must call the
- MsgWaitForMultipleObjects function to simultaneously dispatch
- Windows messages.
- DLL path names longer than 127 characters cause error
- If you register a DLL with a path name of 128 characters or longer,
- the registration will succeed, but CoCreateInstance or CoGetClassObject
- will return an error (REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG) when accessing an object
- supported by this DLL.
- IV. Differences from DCOM on Windows NT
- ---------------------------------------
- Security Capabilities of DCOM95
- The core functionality and application programming interface (API)
- for DCOM95 are identical in both Windows 95 and Windows NT
- 4.0/5.0. However, certain capabilities related to security are different
- because of the different security infrastructures of the operating
- systems. Using the default security settings of the system is
- recommended; it is also necessary to enable "user-level" security
- on file-system shares. (See below.)
- The following services, which can be used to override default
- security, are available:
- * CoInitializeSecurity
- * CoQueryAuthenticationService
- * CoQueryProxyBlanket
- * CoSetProxyBlanket
- * CoQueryClientBlanket
- * IClientSecurity Interface
- * IServerSecurity Interface
- However, certain capabilities that are part of DCOM for Windows
- NT will not be available on Windows 95 because of differences
- in the security infrastructure on Windows 95.
- In particular, the lack of security functions in the Win32 API, such
- as the ability to create access control lists (ACLs), and the
- AccessCheck function, as well as the lack of a security context
- associated with thread and process tokens, should be taken into
- account. Windows 95 do not natively support these functions or
- constructs. Because of this, DCOM95 will not support impersonation
- (specifically, the CoImpersonateClient and CoRevertToSelf helper
- functions over the IServerSecurity interface), which is based on
- thread- and process-token security in Windows NT 4.0. Impersonation
- is commonly used to automatically control access to restrictable
- system resources such as the file system, other processes, and the
- network. These resources are not restrictable on Windows 95.
- DCOM95 does, however, offer programmers various helper objects
- to provide ACL and access-check functionality, which can be used
- to explicitly control access by remote clients to both system and
- user-defined resources or data. These helper objects are provided
- by the system object CLSID_DCOMAccessControl, which implements the
- IAccessControl interface.
- IAccessControl should be used to manage security permissions
- programmatically wherever portability between Windows 95/98 and
- Windows NT is a concern. The CLSID_DCOMAccessControl object
- is available in all releases of DCOM95 and in Windows NT 4.0
- SP2 or later. For details about IAccessControl, see the Platform
- SDK documentation.
- Launch and Access Security
- Controlling who can launch server-class code is not supported in
- DCOM95, because launching servers is not supported.
- Servers/classes must already be running in order for remote clients
- to connect to them and make use of their services.
- DCOM95 does support the ability to connect to already running
- classes/servers. Access security is supported via the
- \APPID\{.}\AccessPermissions registry key and adjusted via the
- DCOMCNFG tool or during installation or setup of the server code.
- Unauthenticated users will be able to use servers if you configure
- the class to support unauthenticated connections (through static
- configuration tools or dynamically via the CoInitializeSecurity
- function). You can also build arbitrary ACLs to define which users
- and groups can access specific services.
- Authentication Levels
- DCOM95 clients can make DCOM calls using any authentication
- level. DCOM95 servers or clients receiving callbacks can accept
- only DCOM calls using RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_NONE or
- RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_CONNECT authentication levels.
- Transports
- DCOM95 supports only TCP connectivity. If you do not have the
- TCP/IP protocol installed, DCOM95 will not be able to support
- cross-machine COM.
- Registry Settings
- The following registry keys found under
- HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\OLE are established
- by DCOM95:
- EnableDCOM (default value = "Y"). Enables DCOM on this machine.
- When set to "N", the machine is prevented from connecting to or
- activating objects on remote machines, and remote machines are
- unable to connect to objects on the local machine. Setting this value
- to "Y" enables either connectivity as a client to remote objects
- (when EnableRemoteConnect='N', as explained below), or full
- client/server connectivity (when EnableRemoteConnect='Y', as
- explained below).
- EnableRemoteConnect (default value = "N"). Enables COM servers
- to support remote clients. When this value is set to "Y", references
- to interfaces on local objects can be passed to remote clients, and
- remote clients are allowed to connect to running objects. When this
- value is set to "N", this machine is allowed to connect to remote
- objects but cannot act as a server: the machine is prevented from
- connecting to running objects.
- In addition, the following registry key is found under
- {bdc67890-4fc0-11d0-a805-00aa006d2ea4}\InstalledVersion.
- Contains the version number of DCOM95 in the format "a,b,c,d".
- This value can be used by Internet Component Download to
- determine whether DCOM95 is installed. This value is added to the
- registry during setup and should not be modified.
- Using Windows 95 as a remote server host
- Windows 95 can be a remote server host, with the following
- caveats:
- * There is no launch capability. The server process must be
- already running for a client to connect to it.
- * If secure connections are needed, the server (and in the case
- of callbacks, the client) must have user-level access control
- with the name of a security provider set.
- * The registry value "EnableRemoteConnect" must be set to "Y".
- DCOM95 has been tested most extensively using the Windows NT
- Domain security provider. You may encounter problems using other
- security providers.
- To establish user-level access control, you must have Filesec.vxd
- installed. This file is generally installed on Windows 95 machines
- when you install file and print sharing.
- To enable user-level access control, open the Network dialog box in
- Control Panel, click the Access Control tab, check the box marked
- User-level Access Control, and enter the name of your security
- domain. This may affect the way you currently share directories on
- the network from your computer; see the online documentation for
- details. If you do not have an Access Control tab in your network
- configuration control panel, you need to install a network client
- service. Click the Network clients, setting up entry in the online
- help index for information on installing a network client.
- V. Redistribution
- -----------------
- For information about redistributing DCOM95, please review the
- redistribution guidelines contained in the end-user license
- agreement (license.txt).
- VI. Support & Resources
- -----------------------
- Paid Support
- DCOM95 application development is supported by Microsoft
- Technical Support. You can ask questions through your Premier
- Level support contract. You can also ask questions through your
- Priority Level contract or purchase individual Priority Support
- incidents (essentially a one-time fee for one question). If you would
- like to understand more about Microsoft's paid support options, you
- can call Microsoft Support Sales at (800) 936-3500 from 6:00 a.m.
- to 6:00 p.m. Pacific time, Monday through Friday, excluding
- holidays. Please note that technical support is not available through
- this number. Microsoft Technical Support Information is also
- available on the World Wide Web at
- http://www.microsoft.com/support/.
- Free Support
- Newsgroups are a great place for free peer support. As time and
- resources allow, Microsoft developers, program managers, support
- engineers, and test engineers visit the site to collect feedback and
- answer questions or correct misperceptions. There is no guarantee
- that you will receive a response from Microsoft to any newsgroup
- posting.
- The following newsgroups can be used to ask questions about
- DCOM95:
- * comp.os.ms-windows.programmer.ole
- * microsoft.public.win32.programmer.ole
- The DCOM mailing list is another good form of free peer support.
- An advantage to being on a mailing list is that this is where
- Microsoft will make early announcements of information on a given
- topic. Again, it is peer support, and Microsoft staff will often lurk
- there, but are not guaranteed to respond to any postings.
- To learn more about the DCOM mailing list, please review our
- Mailing List page,
- http://www.microsoft.com/sitebuilder/resource/mail.asp.
- Providing Feedback
- Please send any comments or bug reports to the DCOM mailing list.
- Resources
- You can find additional information about DCOM on the COM Home
- Page at http://www.microsoft.com/com/.
- VII. File List
- --------------------
- This table lists the version numbers of files distributed with
- DCOM95.
- oleaut32.dll 2.40.4273
- secur32.dll 4.10.1999
- compobj.dll 2.3.2
- ole2.dll 2.3.2
- ole32.dll 4.71.2900
- olecnv32.dll 4.71.2900
- olethk32.dll 4.71.2900
- rpcltc1.dll 4.71.2900
- rpcltc5.dll 4.71.2900
- rpcltccm.dll 4.71.2900
- rpclts5.dll 4.71.2900
- rpcltscm.dll 4.71.2900
- rpcns4.dll 4.71.2900
- rpcrt4.dll 4.71.2900
- rpcss.exe 4.71.2900
- storage.dll 2.3.2
- stdole2.tlb 2.40.4273
- stdole32.tlb 2.1
- imagehlp.dll 4.00
- dllhost.exe 4.71.2900
- comcat.dll 5.0
- iprop.dll 4.00
- rpcmqcl.dll 4.71.2900
- rpcmqsvr.dll 4.71.2900
- olepro32.dll 5.0.4273
- asycfilt.dll 2.40.4273
- dcom2w98.dll
- This table lists the version numbers of files distributed with
- dcomcnfg.exe 5.00.1603.0
- ciscnfg.exe 4.71.2618