Labels:crt screen | monitor | sky | trade name | web site | window OCR: Oxford Interactive Wordpower OX FORD Appendices wordpower WordPower Appendices Appendices Copyright notice List of prefixes and Phonetic symbols used IF Prefixes the dictionary Irreqular verbs not atypical Abbreviations Anglo English: Anglo- Germam relations List 01 prefixes ante before: antenatal before birth) and suffixes anti against: anti- Europeam, amtisocial Expressions auto self: autobiography the story of the writer's own life using Numbers Family Relations [-] Common first two bicycle, bilingual using two languages), bimonthly twice month names or every two months' The British Education C [-] The System American cent- one centi- hundredth hundred: ofa metre) centenay = the hundredth anniversary) centimetre (= System Education circum- around circummavi igate = sail aroundy British ...