Labels:crt screen | monitor | sky | web site | window OCR: Oxford Adyanced Learnel Dictionary OXFORD Phrasal verbs Help Copv Print Advanced Learner! Phrasal verbs APPENI DICTIONARY What are phrasal verhs? Look at the werbs in the sentences below Table of contents Jan turned down theoffer ofa lift home. Buying ta tnew has eaten into my savings Phrasal Collocation verbs don thrink I can put up with his behaviour much longer Idioms Phrasal verbs sometimes called mul ti- -word verbs) are werbs which Nouns consist : of two, or some times three, words. The first word is verb Adjectives and it is followed by an adverb (turn down or preposition (eat Verbs into or both i(putup with) These adverbs or prepositions are Verbs used with clauses sometimes called PA RTICLES APPENDICES Numbers In this dictionary phrasal verbs are listed at the end of the entry Pol ...