Labels:book | box | crt screen | dog | fence | monitor | plant | poster | trade name | web site | window OCR: Oxford Adyanced Learnel Dictionary GOx Advanced OXFORD balli Help| ' Print Copv| Learner's ball bal set/start/keep the ball "rolling DICTIONARY to begiry continue conversatiorPor an activity Full text search pel-let/ 'pelit ball 8 rolling And small ball of usually soft : material such as bread or wet paper made eg by rolling it bel tween the fingers ball1 NO skit-tle 'skitl m (esp Brit): skittles Definitions Tvpes [sing Idioms Fiters garme in which players try to Derivatives over as many skittles as possible Compounds Search rolling aball at them Illustrations: ball ,tenpin 'bowling [U](US also ten-pins Rugby ball ir pel-let 1 [pl]): Rugby skit-tle game ir which players trv to knock Basketball tenpin 'bowling down tenpins q rolling a ball and Football hitting them esr in bowling allev Golf ...