Labels:fence | monitor | plant | web site | window OCR: Oxford Adyanced Learnel Dictionary GOx OXFORD brake Help Print Copv| Advanced Learner's brake breik / m - device for slowing or stopping car DICTIONARY bicycle train, etc /apply/release thebrake(s) .The ta xi skidded ta halt Headword search with screech of brakes His brakes brake failed on ... steep hill Putyour footon the brake(ie the brake PEDAL [1] in a car. BPEKE brake,n etc). (fig) The governmen tis determinea Definitions brake DINQ brakeon public spending See Derivatives light also: HANDBRAIE DISC BRAIE bram ble brake to slow down or The make driver sth slow Compounds nlustrations: bran dowm using brake: [V] Bicycle branch. ? braked hard as the child man brake drun in branch roaa in fron tofhim [also Vn]. c ar brand brand at 'brake the light of a (US car. etc Istop-light) m which are ...