ocr: Backup 3 Day or 7 Day, RERS X Many ERS98 options: auto or manual. File Delete Options Help ERS 98 Emergency Recovery System ERS Bootdisk. Add 3 Day or 7Day Autoy folder. backup to the Startup 3Day Rotating 4/22/98 12:36:04 PM Day1 Backup Add files to baclkups. 4/20/98 7Day Rotating 10:16:08 PM 2 Autoexec.bat Update ERS98 to run in Backup the Windows andl Add 3Day or 4/19/98 10:52:14 Pr - Dosstart.bat Command.com Win98. WindowlSystem files, 7Day to Tossys You should one good Startup Folder: Msdossys Protocol.in Files window backup # 1. view saved backup and anothed 3Day J System.da0 tou use whe ...