% (see: International Payment Policy),ôPayment must be in US dollars drawn on a US bank or a postal or international money order or a certified (or cashier's) check drawn on a US bank. ╠Personal and/or company checks from non-US banks cannot be processed and will be returned. If a check is drawn on a non-US bank, it will only be accepted if it is drawn on the US branch of a non-US bank.dPlease verify that the below-listed information is correct, then sign and date this form and fax %s or send %s International Payment Policy: ░Any questions about the status of an order, registration options, product details, technical support, volume discounts, dealer pricing, site licenses, etc. must be directed to Thank you for your order!9--- %s --------------------------------------------------IEach of the enclosed Pre-Payment Tokens may only be used once to enable aJsingle copy of the software. Afterwards, the token will be expired on theHBrainTree Registration Server. For safety, please make a backup copy ofthis file to a floppy disk.To redeem a Pre-Payment Token:( 1. Install and Start %s, if necessary;? 3. If the FREE PREVIEWS page is displayed, select one or more