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Text File  |  1998-11-09  |  59KB  |  1,826 lines

  1. ; wspopup.MNU file.
  2. ;
  3. ;
  4. ;
  6. ;
  7. ;    If you modify this file keep backups of your modificationa,
  8. ;    since, if you install *any* version of WinBatch again, this
  9. ;    file WILL BE OVERWRITTEN during the install with nary a peep
  10. ;    or warning of any kind.  
  11. ;
  12. ;
  13. ; This files defines the WinBatch Studio context menu.
  14. ;
  15. ;
  16. ; This section is only active when selecting a "Insert Wil Function" menuitem.
  17. ; This code is pretending to be a real WBT file of sorts.  It is CALL'ed by many
  18. ; Insert WIL Function menutiems (see way way below)
  19.             if param0==2
  20.                 popfile=strcat(dirhome(),"wspopup.mnu")
  21.                 popsize=FileSize(popfile)
  22.                 popbb=BinaryAlloc(popsize)
  23.                 BinaryRead(popbb,popfile)
  24.                 popx=BinaryIndexNC(popbb,0,";WILCMDINFOMARK",@FWDSCAN)
  25.                 popx=BinaryIndexNC(popbb,popx,strcat(param2,"("),@fwdscan)
  26.                 popx=BinaryIndex(popbb,popx," ",@backscan)+1
  27.                 popy=BinaryIndex(popbb,popx,@cr,@fwdscan)-1
  28.                 popline=BinaryPeekStr(popbb,popx,popy-popx+1)
  29.                 wedInsString(popline)
  30.                 wedNewLine()
  31.                 BinaryFree(popbb)
  32.                 return
  33.              endif
  34. ; AutoExec Section is on top here. Note BIG INDENT for real code.
  35. ; Columns 1, 2, 3, and 4 are reserved for menu titles.  This autoexec
  36. ; section goes before the first menu title.  Used for assorted initializations.
  39.         TAB=@TAB
  40.         CR=@CRLF
  41.         EOL=@CR
  42.         Home=DirHome()
  43.         HomeUpOne=FilePath(strsub(home,1,strlen(home)-1))
  44.         IntControl(29,@tab,0,0,0)  ;Standardize on tabs as delimiters for FileItemize, etc
  45.         zxc=strcat(home,"wspopup.mnu")
  46.         zxct="Help file error"
  47.         zxcm="Help file not found.  Perhaps Extender Add-on help file has not been installed.  See EXTENDERS directory on CD-ROM or our website at http://www.winbatch.com to obtain desired extenders."
  50. Cut              ; Cut the selection and put it on the clipboard
  51.     wEdCut()
  53. Copy              ; Copy the selection and put it on the clipboard
  54.     wEdCopy()
  56. Paste             ; Insert the clipboard contents
  57.     wEdPaste()
  59. _Undo              ; Undoes the last editing action
  60.     wEdUndo() 
  62. ;Redo              ; Redoes the last editing action
  63. ;    wEdRedo()
  64. _Keyword Lookup      \ +{F1}         ; Load help topic for word at cursor
  65.         call(strcat(DirHome(),"wshelp.dll"),"KEYWORDHELP")
  67. Help Files
  68.  WinBatch
  69.     helpfile="winbatch.hlp"
  70.     helpfile=strcat(HomeUpOne,helpfile)
  71.     Terminate(!FileExist(helpfile),zxct,zxcm)
  72.     WinHelp(helpfile,"Contents","")
  73.  Windows Interface Language
  74.     helpfile="Windows Interface language.hlp"
  75.     helpfile=strcat(HomeUpOne,helpfile)
  76.     Terminate(!FileExist(helpfile),zxct,zxcm)
  77.     WinHelp(helpfile,"Contents","")
  78.  Microsoft Networking
  79.     helpfile="Win32 Network Extender.hlp"
  80.     helpfile=strcat(HomeUpOne,helpfile)
  81.     Terminate(!FileExist(helpfile),zxct,zxcm)
  82.     WinHelp(helpfile,"Contents","")
  83.  Novell Netware Networking
  84.     helpfile="NetWare Extender.hlp"
  85.     helpfile=strcat(HomeUpOne,helpfile)
  86.     Terminate(!FileExist(helpfile),zxct,zxcm)
  87.     WinHelp(helpfile,"Contents","")
  88.  WILX Extender
  89.     helpfile="WILX Extender.hlp"
  90.     helpfile=strcat(HomeUpOne,helpfile)
  91.     Terminate(!FileExist(helpfile),zxct,zxcm)
  92.     WinHelp(helpfile,"Contents","")
  93.  File Searcher Extender
  94.     helpfile="Witzsrch.hlp"
  95.     helpfile=strcat(HomeUpOne,helpfile)
  96.     Terminate(!FileExist(helpfile),zxct,zxcm)
  97.     WinHelp(helpfile,"Contents","")
  98.  WinSock Internet Extender
  99.     helpfile="winsock.hlp"
  100.     helpfile=strcat(HomeUpOne,helpfile)
  101.     Terminate(!FileExist(helpfile),zxct,zxcm)
  102.     WinHelp(helpfile,"Contents","")
  103.  WinInet Internet Extender
  104.     helpfile="wininet.hlp"
  105.     helpfile=strcat(HomeUpOne,helpfile)
  106.     Terminate(!FileExist(helpfile),zxct,zxcm)
  107.     WinHelp(helpfile,"Contents","")
  108.  Serial Port Extender
  109.     helpfile="serial.hlp"
  110.     helpfile=strcat(HomeUpOne,helpfile)
  111.     Terminate(!FileExist(helpfile),zxct,zxcm)
  112.     WinHelp(helpfile,"Contents","")
  113.  Control Manager Extender
  114.     helpfile="ctlmgr.hlp"
  115.     helpfile=strcat(HomeUpOne,helpfile)
  116.     Terminate(!FileExist(helpfile),zxct,zxcm)
  117.     WinHelp(helpfile,"Contents","")
  118.  Html Dialog Extender
  119.     helpfile="HtmlDialog.hlp"
  120.     helpfile=strcat(HomeUpOne,helpfile)
  121.     Terminate(!FileExist(helpfile),zxct,zxcm)
  122.     WinHelp(helpfile,"Contents","")
  123.  ODBC Extender
  124.     helpfile="odbc.hlp"
  125.     helpfile=strcat(HomeUpOne,helpfile)
  126.     Terminate(!FileExist(helpfile),zxct,zxcm)
  127.     WinHelp(helpfile,"Contents","")
  134. _Insert WIL Function 
  135.  Arithmetic
  136.   Abs( integer )
  137.     call(zxc,"WIL Abs")
  138.   Acos( fp_num )
  139.     call(zxc,"WIL Acos")
  140.   Asin( fp_num )
  141.     call(zxc,"WIL Asin")
  142.   Atan( fp_num )
  143.     call(zxc,"WIL Atan")
  144.   Average( number [ ,number... ] )  
  145.     call(zxc,"WIL Average")
  146.   Ceiling( fp_num )
  147.     call(zxc,"WIL Ceiling")
  148.   Char2Num( string )
  149.     call(zxc,"WIL Char2Num")
  150.   Cos( fp_num )
  151.     call(zxc,"WIL Cos")
  152.   Cosh( fp_num )
  153.     call(zxc,"WIL Cosh")
  154.   Decimals( #digits )
  155.     call(zxc,"WIL Decimals")
  156.   Exp( fp_num )
  157.     call(zxc,"WIL Exp")
  158.   Fabs( fp_num )
  159.     call(zxc,"WIL Fabs")
  160.   Floor( fp_num )
  161.     call(zxc,"WIL Floor")
  162.   Int( string/fp_num )
  163.     call(zxc,"WIL Int")
  164.   IsFloat( string )
  165.     call(zxc,"WIL IsFloat")
  166.   IsInt( string )
  167.     call(zxc,"WIL IsInt")
  168.   IsNumber( value )
  169.     call(zxc,"WIL IsNumber")
  170.   Log10( fp_num )
  171.     call(zxc,"WIL Log10")
  172.   Loge( fp_num )
  173.     call(zxc,"WIL Loge")
  174.   Max( number [ ,number... ] ) 
  175.     call(zxc,"WIL Max")
  176.   Min( number [ ,number... ] )
  177.     call(zxc,"WIL Min")
  178.   Num2Char( integer )
  179.     call(zxc,"WIL Num2Char")
  180.   Random( integer )
  181.     call(zxc,"WIL Random")
  182.   Sin( fp_num )
  183.     call(zxc,"WIL Sin")
  184.   Sqrt( fp_num )
  185.     call(zxc,"WIL Sqrt")
  186.   Tan( fp_num )
  187.     call(zxc,"WIL Tan")
  188.   Tanh( fp_num )
  189.     call(zxc,"WIL Tanh")
  190.   TimeAdd( YmdHms, YmdHms )
  191.     call(zxc,"WIL TimeAdd")
  192.   TimeDiff( YmdHms, YmdHms )
  193.     call(zxc,"WIL TimeDiff")
  194.   TimeDiffDays( Ymd[Hms], Ymd[Hms] )
  195.     call(zxc,"WIL TimeDiffDays")
  196.   TimeDiffSecs( YmdHms, YmdHms )
  197.     call(zxc,"WIL TimeDiffSecs")
  198.   TimeJulToYmd(julian-date)
  199.     call(zxc,"WIL TimeJulToYmd")
  200.   TimeJulianDay( Ymd[Hms] )
  201.     call(zxc,"WIL TimeJulianDay")
  202.   TimeSubtract(datetime, datetime difference)
  203.     call(zxc,"WIL TimeSubtract")
  204.   TimeYmdHms(  )
  205.     call(zxc,"WIL TimeYmdHms")
  206.  Binary
  207.   BinaryAlloc( buffsize )
  208.     call(zxc,"WIL BinaryAlloc")
  209.   BinaryAnd(target-handle,target-offset,source-handle,source-offset,count)
  210.     call(zxc,"WIL BinaryAnd")
  211.   BinaryClipGet(handle, format)
  212.     call(zxc,"WIL BinaryClipGet")
  213.   BinaryClipPut(handle, format)
  214.     call(zxc,"WIL BinaryClipPut")
  215.   BinaryCompare(handle1, offset1, handle2, offset2, count)
  216.     call(zxc,"WIL BinaryCompare")
  217.   BinaryConvert(handle, source-type, target-type, code-page, flags)
  218.     call(zxc,"WIL BinaryConvert")
  219.   BinaryCopy(handle targ, offset targ, handle src, offset src, bytecount )
  220.     call(zxc,"WIL BinaryCopy")
  221.   BinaryEodGet( handle )
  222.     call(zxc,"WIL BinaryEodGet")
  223.   BinaryEodSet( handle, offset )
  224.     call(zxc,"WIL BinaryEodSet")
  225.   BinaryFree( handle )
  226.     call(zxc,"WIL BinaryFree")
  227.   BinaryHashRec(handle, recsize, key offset, key size, key value )
  228.     call(zxc,"WIL BinaryHashRec")
  229.   BinaryIncr( handle, offset )
  230.     call(zxc,"WIL BinaryIncr")
  231.   BinaryIndex( handle, offset, search string, direction )
  232.     call(zxc,"WIL BinaryIndex")
  233.   BinaryIndexNC(handle, offset, string, direction)
  234.     call(zxc,"WIL BinaryIndexNC")
  235.   BinaryOleType( handle, type,reserved- 1, reserved-2, reserved-3)
  236.     call(zxc,"WIL BinaryOleType")
  237.   BinaryOr(target-handle,target-offset,source-handle,source-offset,count)
  238.     call(zxc,"WIL BinaryOr")
  239.   BinaryPeek( handle, offset )
  240.     call(zxc,"WIL BinaryPeek")
  241.   BinaryPoke( handle, offset, value )
  242.     call(zxc,"WIL BinaryPoke")
  243.   BinaryRead( handle, filename )
  244.     call(zxc,"WIL BinaryRead")
  245.   BinaryReadEx(handle, binary-offset, filename, file-offset, count)
  246.     call(zxc,"WIL BinaryReadEx")
  247.   BinarySort( handle, recsize, key offset, key size, flags )
  248.     call(zxc,"WIL BinarySort")
  249.   BinaryStrCnt( handle, start-offset, end-offset, string )
  250.     call(zxc,"WIL BinaryStrCnt")
  251.   BinaryWrite( handle, filename )
  252.     call(zxc,"WIL BinaryWrite")
  253.   BinaryWriteEx(handle, binary-offset, filename, file-offset, count)
  254.     call(zxc,"WIL BinaryWriteEx")
  255.   BinaryXor(target-handle,target-offset,source-handle,source-offset,count)
  256.     call(zxc,"WIL BinaryXor")
  257.  Control Manager
  258.   cCheckBox( hwnd, flag)
  259.     call(zxc,"WIL cCheckBox")
  260.   cClickButton( hwnd )
  261.     call(zxc,"WIL cClickButton")
  262.   cEnableState( hwnd, flag)
  263.     call(zxc,"WIL cEnableState")
  264.   cGetCBText( hwnd )
  265.     call(zxc,"WIL cGetCBText")
  266.   cGetEditText( hwnd )
  267.     call(zxc,"WIL cGetEditText")
  268.   cGetInfo(request)
  269.     call(zxc,"WIL cGetInfo")
  270.   cGetLBText( hwnd )
  271.     call(zxc,"WIL cGetLBText")
  272.   cPostMessage(hWnd, msg, wparam, lparam)
  273.     call(zxc,"WIL cPostMessage")
  274.   cRadioButton( hwnd, flag )
  275.     call(zxc,"WIL cRadioButton")
  276.   cSendMessage( hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam )
  277.     call(zxc,"WIL cSendMessage")
  278.   cSetCBItem( hwnd, item )
  279.     call(zxc,"WIL cSetCBItem")
  280.   cSetEditText( hwnd, newtext )
  281.     call(zxc,"WIL cSetEditText")
  282.   cSetLBItem( hwnd, item)
  283.     call(zxc,"WIL cSetLBItem")
  284.   cSetTABItem( hwnd, item)
  285.     call(zxc,"WIL cSetTABItem")
  286.   cWndByClass(  hWnd, "ControlClass" )
  287.     call(zxc,"WIL cWndByClass")
  288.   cWndByID( hwnd, ID-number )
  289.     call(zxc,"WIL cWndByID")
  290.   cWndByName( hwnd, "ControlTitle" )
  291.     call(zxc,"WIL cWndByName")
  292.   cWndBySeq( hwnd, seq-number )
  293.     call(zxc,"WIL cWndBySeq")
  294.   cWndInfo( hwnd, request )
  295.     call(zxc,"WIL cWndInfo")
  296.  Debug( mode )
  297.     call(zxc,"WIL Debug")
  298.  Directory Management
  299.   DirAttrGet( [d:]path )
  300.     call(zxc,"WIL DirAttrGet")
  301.   DirAttrSet(dir-list, settings)
  302.     call(zxc,"WIL DirAttrSet")
  303.   DirChange( [d:]path )
  304.     call(zxc,"WIL DirChange") 
  305.   DirExist( pathname )
  306.     call(zxc,"WIL DirExist")
  307.   DirGet(  )
  308.     call(zxc,"WIL DirGet")
  309.   DirHome(  )
  310.     call(zxc,"WIL DirHome")
  311.   DirItemize( dir-list )
  312.     call(zxc,"WIL DirItemize")
  313.   DirMake( [d:]path )
  314.     call(zxc,"WIL DirMake")
  315.   DirRename( [d:]oldpath, [d:]newpath )
  316.     call(zxc,"WIL DirRename")
  317.   DirRemove( dir-list )
  318.     call(zxc,"WIL DirRemove")
  319.   DirWindows( request# )
  320.     call(zxc,"WIL DirWindows")
  321.  File Management
  322.   FileAppend( source-list, destination )
  323.     call(zxc,"WIL FileAppend")
  324.   FileAttrGet( filename )
  325.     call(zxc,"WIL FileAttrGet")
  326.   FileAttrSet( file-list, settings )
  327.     call(zxc,"WIL FileAttrSet")
  328.   FileClose( filehandle )
  329.     call(zxc,"WIL FileClose")
  330.   FileCompare( filename1, filename2 )
  331.     call(zxc,"WIL FileCompare")
  332.   FileCopy( source-list, filename/mask, mode )
  333.     call(zxc,"WIL FileCopy")
  334.   FileDelete( file-list )
  335.     call(zxc,"WIL FileDelete")
  336.   FileExist( filename )
  337.     call(zxc,"WIL FileExist")
  338.   FileExtension( filename )
  339.     call(zxc,"WIL FileExtension")
  340.   FileFullName( partial filename )
  341.     call(zxc,"WIL FileFullName")
  342.   FileItemize( file-list )
  343.     call(zxc,"WIL FileItemize")
  344.   FileLocate( filename )
  345.     call(zxc,"WIL FileLocate")
  346.   FileMapName( filename, mapping-data )
  347.     call(zxc,"WIL FileMapName")
  348.   FileMove( source-list, destination, warning )
  349.     call(zxc,"WIL FileMove")
  350.   FileNameLong {*32}(filename)
  351.     call(zxc,"WIL FileNameLong")
  352.   FileNameShort {*32}(filename)
  353.     call(zxc,"WIL FileNameShort")
  354.   FileOpen( filename, mode )
  355.     call(zxc,"WIL FileOpen")
  356.   FilePath( filename )
  357.     call(zxc,"WIL FilePath")
  358.   FileRead( filehandle )
  359.     call(zxc,"WIL FileRead")
  360.   FileRename( source-list, destination )
  361.     call(zxc,"WIL FileRename")
  362.   FileRoot( filename )
  363.     call(zxc,"WIL FileRoot")
  364.   FileSize( file-list )
  365.     call(zxc,"WIL FileSize")
  366.   FileTimeCode( filename )
  367.     call(zxc,"WIL FileTimeCode")
  368.   FileTimeGet( filename )
  369.     call(zxc,"WIL FileTimeGet")
  370.   FileTimeGetEx(filename, time-field)
  371.     call(zxc,"WIL FileTimeGetEx")
  372.   FileTimeSet( list, ymdhms )
  373.     call(zxc,"WIL FileTimeSet")
  374.   FileTimeSetEx(file-list, YmdHms, time-field)
  375.     call(zxc,"WIL FileTimeSetEx")
  376.   FileTimeTouch( file-list )
  377.     call(zxc,"WIL FileTimeTouch")
  378.   FileVerInfo(filename, language-key, resource-string)
  379.     call(zxc,"WIL FileVerInfo")
  380.   FileWrite( filehandle, output-data )
  381.     call(zxc,"WIL FileWrite")
  382.   FileYmdHms( filename )
  383.     call(zxc,"WIL FileYmdHms")
  384.   Other file functions
  385.    AskFileText( title, filename, sort mode, select mode )
  386.      call(zxc,"WIL AskFileText")
  387.    AskFileName( title, directory, filetypes, default filename, flag )
  388.      call(zxc,"WIL AskFileName")
  389.    BinaryRead( handle, filename )
  390.      call(zxc,"WIL BinaryRead")
  391.    BinaryReadEx(handle, binary-offset, filename, file-offset, count)
  392.      call(zxc,"WIL BinaryReadEx")
  393.    BinaryWrite( handle, filename )
  394.      call(zxc,"WIL BinaryWrite")
  395.    BinaryWriteEx(handle, binary-offset, filename, file-offset, count)
  396.      call(zxc,"WIL BinaryWriteEx")
  397.  INI Functions
  398.   IniDelete( section, keyname )
  399.     call(zxc,"WIL IniDelete")
  400.   IniDeletePvt( section, keyname, filename )
  401.     call(zxc,"WIL IniDeletePvt")
  402.   IniItemize( section )
  403.     call(zxc,"WIL IniItemize")
  404.   IniItemizePvt( section, filename )
  405.     call(zxc,"WIL IniItemizePvt") 
  406.   IniRead( section, keyname, default )
  407.     call(zxc,"WIL IniRead")
  408.   IniReadPvt(  section, keyname, default, filename )
  409.     call(zxc,"WIL IniReadPvt")
  410.   IniWrite( section, keyname, data )
  411.     call(zxc,"WIL IniWrite")
  412.   IniWritePvt( section, keyname, data, filename )
  413.     call(zxc,"WIL IniWritePvt")
  414.  Inter-program
  415.   AddExtender( dllfilename )
  416.     call(zxc,"WIL AddExtender")
  417.   Clipboard
  418.    ClipAppend( string )
  419.     call(zxc,"WIL ClipAppend")
  420.    ClipGet(  )
  421.      call(zxc,"WIL ClipGet")
  422.    ClipGetEx( format )
  423.      call(zxc,"WIL ClipGetEx")
  424.    ClipPut( string )
  425.      call(zxc,"WIL ClipPut")
  426.    Snapshot( request# )
  427.      call(zxc,"WIL Snapshot")
  428.   DDE
  429.    DDEExecute( channel, [commandstring] )
  430.      call(zxc,"WIL DDEExecute")
  431.    DDEInitiate( app name, topic name )
  432.      call(zxc,"WIL DDEInitiate")
  433.    DDEPoke( channel, item name, item value )
  434.      call(zxc,"WIL DDEPoke")
  435.    DDERequest( channel, item name )
  436.      call(zxc,"WIL DDERequest")
  437.    DDETerminate( channel )
  438.      call(zxc,"WIL DDETerminate")
  439.    DDETimeout( value in seconds )
  440.      call(zxc,"WIL DDETimeout")
  441.   DLLCall
  442.    DllCall( dllfilename/dllhandle, returntype:entrypoint [ ,paramtype:param... ])
  443.      call(zxc,"WIL DllCall")
  444.    DllFree( dllhandle )
  445.      call(zxc,"WIL DllFree")
  446.    DllHinst( partial-winname )
  447.      call(zxc,"WIL DllHinst")
  448.    DllHwnd( partial-winname )
  449.      call(zxc,"WIL DllHwnd")
  450.    DllLoad( dllname )
  451.      call(zxc,"WIL DllLoad")
  452.   Environment
  453.    Environment( env-variable )
  454.      call(zxc,"WIL Environment")
  455.    EnvironSet( env-varname, newvalue )
  456.      call(zxc,"WIL EnvironSet")
  457.    EnvItemize(  )
  458.      call(zxc,"WIL EnvItemize")
  459.    ExeTypeInfo( exefilename )
  460.      call(zxc,"WIL ExeTypeInfo")
  461.    RegApp(program-name, path) {*32}
  462.      call(zxc,"WIL RegApp")
  463.    RunEnviron( program name, parameters, displaymode, waitflag )
  464.      call(zxc,"WIL RunEnviron")
  465.   Sending keys
  466.    SendKey( sendkey string )
  467.      call(zxc,"WIL SendKey")
  468.    SendKeysChild( partial-parent-windowname, partial-child-windowname, sendkey string )
  469.      call(zxc,"WIL SendKeysChild") 
  470.    SendKeysTo( parent-windowname, sendkey string )
  471.      call(zxc,"WIL SendKeysTo")
  472.    SendMenusTo( partial-parent-windowname, menuname )
  473.      call(zxc,"WIL SendMenusTo")
  474.  Multimedia
  475.   Beep
  476.     wedInsString("Beep")
  477.     wedNewLine()
  478.   DllCall( dllfilename/dllhandle, returntype:entrypoint [ ,paramtype:param... ])
  479.     call(zxc,"WIL DllCall")
  480.   DllFree( dllhandle )
  481.     call(zxc,"WIL DllFree")
  482.   DllHinst( partial-winname )
  483.     call(zxc,"WIL DllHinst")
  484.   DllHwnd( partial-winname )
  485.     call(zxc,"WIL DllHwnd")
  486.   DllLoad( dllname )
  487.     call(zxc,"WIL DllLoad")
  488.   PlayMedia( command-string )
  489.     call(zxc,"WIL PlayMedia")
  490.   PlayMidi( filename, mode )
  491.     call(zxc,"WIL PlayMidi")
  492.   PlayWaveForm( filename, mode )
  493.     call(zxc,"WIL PlayWaveForm")
  494.   Sounds( request# )
  495.     call(zxc,"WIL Sounds")
  496.  Netware 3 Extenders
  497.   n3Attach("server-name" , "user-name", "password")
  498.     call(zxc,"WIL n3Attach")
  499.   n3CaptureEnd(port-number)
  500.     call(zxc,"WIL n3CaptureEnd")
  501.   n3CaptureGet(port-number)
  502.     call(zxc,"WIL n3CaptureGet")
  503.   n3CapturePrt("server-name", "queue-name", port-number, flags)
  504.     call(zxc,"WIL n3CapturePrt")
  505.   n3ChgPassword("server-name", "user-name","old password","new password")
  506.     call(zxc,"WIL n3ChgPassword")
  507.   n3Detach("server-name")
  508.     call(zxc,"WIL n3Detach")
  509.   n3DirAttrGet("dirname")
  510.     call(zxc,"WIL n3DirAttrGet")
  511.   n3DirAttrSet("dirname", attribs, @ON|@OFF)
  512.     call(zxc,"WIL n3DirAttrSet")
  513.   n3DirTimeGet("dirname", time-field)
  514.     call(zxc,"WIL n3DirTimeGet")
  515.   n3DrivePath("local-name")
  516.     call(zxc,"WIL n3DrivePath")
  517.   n3DriveStatus("local-name")
  518.     call(zxc,"WIL n3DriveStatus")
  519.   n3FileAttrGet("filename")
  520.     call(zxc,"WIL n3FileAttrGet")
  521.   n3FileAttrSet("filename", "attribs",  @ON|@OFF)
  522.     call(zxc,"WIL n3FileAttrSet")
  523.   n3FileTimeGet("filename", time-field)
  524.     call(zxc,"WIL n3FileTimeGet")
  525.   n3GetMapped("server-name")
  526.     call(zxc,"WIL n3GetMapped")
  527.   n3GetNetAddr("server-name", flags)
  528.     call(zxc,"WIL n3GetNetAddr")
  529.   n3GetUser("server-name")
  530.     call(zxc,"WIL n3GetUser")
  531.   n3GetUserId("server-name", "user-name", format)
  532.     call(zxc,"WIL n3GetUserId")
  533.   n3Logout("server-name")
  534.     call(zxc,"WIL n3Logout")
  535.   n3Map("net-path", "local-name")
  536.     call(zxc,"WIL n3Map")
  537.   n3MapDelete("local-name")
  538.     call(zxc,"WIL n3MapDelete")
  539.   n3MapDir(net-path, local-name)
  540.     call(zxc,"WIL n3MapDir")
  541.   n3MapRoot("net-path", "local-name")
  542.     call(zxc,"WIL n3MapRoot")
  543.   n3MemberDel("server-name", group-name ,"user-name")
  544.     call(zxc,"WIL n3MemberDel")
  545.   n3MemberGet("server-name", group-name ,"user-name")
  546.     call(zxc,"WIL n3MemberGet")
  547.   n3MemberSet("server-name", group-name , "user-name")
  548.     call(zxc,"WIL n3MemberSet")
  549.   n3MsgSend("server-name", "message" , "user-name")
  550.     call(zxc,"WIL n3MsgSend")
  551.   n3MsgSendAll("server-name", "message")
  552.     call(zxc,"WIL n3MsgSendAll")
  553.   n3ServerInfo("server-name", request #)
  554.     call(zxc,"WIL n3ServerInfo")
  555.   n3ServerList(request#)
  556.     call(zxc,"WIL n3ServerList")
  557.   n3UserGroups("server-name", "user-name")
  558.     call(zxc,"WIL n3UserGroups")
  559.   n3Version( )
  560.     call(zxc,"WIL n3Version")
  561.  Netware 4 Extenders
  562.   n4Attach("server-name" , "user-name", "password")
  563.     call(zxc,"WIL n4Attach")
  564.   n4CaptureEnd(port-number)
  565.     call(zxc,"WIL n4CaptureEnd")
  566.   n4CaptureGet(port-number)
  567.     call(zxc,"WIL n4CaptureGet")
  568.   n4CapturePrt("server-name", "queue-name", port-number, flags)
  569.     call(zxc,"WIL n4CapturePrt")
  570.   n4ChgPassword("server-name", "user-name","old password","new password")
  571.     call(zxc,"WIL n4ChgPassword")
  572.   n4Detach("server-name")
  573.     call(zxc,"WIL n4Detach")
  574.   n4DirAttrGet("dirname")
  575.     call(zxc,"WIL n4DirAttrGet")
  576.   n4DirAttrSet("dirname", attribs, @ON|@OFF)
  577.     call(zxc,"WIL n4DirAttrSet")
  578.   n4DirTimeGet("dirname", time-field)
  579.     call(zxc,"WIL n4DirTimeGet")
  580.   n4DrivePath("local-name")
  581.     call(zxc,"WIL n4DrivePath")
  582.   n4DriveStatus("local-name")
  583.     call(zxc,"WIL n4DriveStatus")
  584.   n4FileAttrGet("filename")
  585.     call(zxc,"WIL n4FileAttrGet")
  586.   n4FileAttrSet("filename", "attribs",  @ON|@OFF)
  587.     call(zxc,"WIL n4FileAttrSet")
  588.   n4GetContext(request)
  589.     call(zxc,"WIL n4GetContext")
  590.   n4GetMapped("server-name")
  591.     call(zxc,"WIL n4GetMapped")
  592.   n4GetNetAddr("server-name", flags)
  593.     call(zxc,"WIL n4GetNetAddr")
  594.   n4GetUser("server-name")
  595.     call(zxc,"WIL n4GetUser")
  596.   n4GetUserId("server-name", "user-name", format)
  597.     call(zxc,"WIL n4GetUserId")
  598.   n4Login("username", "password", "context", "tree")
  599.     call(zxc,"WIL n4Login")
  600.   n4Logout()
  601.     call(zxc,"WIL n4Logout")
  602.   n4LogoutTree("context", "tree")
  603.     call(zxc,"WIL n4LogoutTree")
  604.   n4Map("net-path", "local-name")
  605.     call(zxc,"WIL n4Map")
  606.   n4MapDelete("local-name")
  607.     call(zxc,"WIL n4MapDelete")
  608.   n4MapDir(net-path, local-name)
  609.     call(zxc,"WIL n4MapDir")
  610.   n4MapRoot("net-path", "local-name")
  611.     call(zxc,"WIL n4MapRoot")
  612.   n4MemberDel("server-name", group-name ,"user-name")
  613.     call(zxc,"WIL n4MemberDel")
  614.   n4MemberGet("server-name", group-name ,"user-name")
  615.     call(zxc,"WIL n4MemberGet")
  616.   n4MemberSet("server-name", group-name , "user-name")
  617.     call(zxc,"WIL n4MemberSet")
  618.   n4MsgSend("server-name", "message" , "user-name")
  619.     call(zxc,"WIL n4MsgSend")
  620.   n4MsgSendAll("server-name", "message")
  621.     call(zxc,"WIL n4MsgSendAll")
  622.   n4NameConvert("context", "object", format)
  623.     call(zxc,"WIL n4NameConvert")
  624.   n4ObjectList("context", "parent", "class", "mask")
  625.     call(zxc,"WIL n4ObjectList")
  626.   n4ObjectInfo("context", "object", request#)
  627.     call(zxc,"WIL n4ObjectInfo")
  628.   n4ObjectProps("context", "object", 0|1)
  629.     call(zxc,"WIL n4ObjectProps")
  630.   n4ServerInfo("server-name", request #)
  631.     call(zxc,"WIL n4ServerInfo")
  632.   n4ServerList(request#)
  633.     call(zxc,"WIL n4ServerList")
  634.   n4SetContext(context, tree)
  635.     call(zxc,"WIL n4SetContext")
  636.   n4UserGroups("server-name", "user-name")
  637.     call(zxc,"WIL n4UserGroups")
  638.   n4UserGroupEx("server-name", "user-name","context")
  639.     call(zxc,"WIL n4UserGroupEx")
  640.   n4Version( )
  641.     call(zxc,"WIL n4Version")
  642.  ODBC
  643.   qAllocConnect(henv)
  644.     call(zxc,"WIL qAllocConnect")
  645.   qAllocEnv()
  646.     call(zxc,"WIL qAllocEnv")
  647.   qAllocStmt(hdbc)
  648.     call(zxc,"WIL qAllocStmt")
  649.   qBindCol(hstmt, col, varname, max-size)
  650.     call(zxc,"WIL qBindCol")
  651.   qColumns(hstmt, table-qualifier, table-owner, s:table-name, column-name)
  652.     call(zxc,"WIL qColumns")
  653.   qConnect(hdbc, data-source, user-ID, auth-string)
  654.     call(zxc,"WIL qConnect")
  655.   qDataSources(henv, direction)
  656.     call(zxc,"WIL qDataSources")
  657.   qDisconnect(hdbc)
  658.     call(zxc,"WIL qDisconnect")
  659.   qExecDirect(hstmt, statement)
  660.     call(zxc,"WIL qExecDirect")
  661.   qError(handle, type)
  662.     call(zxc,"WIL qError")
  663.   qFetch(hstmt)
  664.     call(zxc,"WIL qFetch")
  665.   qFreeConnect(hdbc)
  666.     call(zxc,"WIL qFreeConnect")
  667.   qFreeEnv(henv) 
  668.     call(zxc,"WIL qFreeEnv")
  669.   qFreeStmt(hstmt, option) 
  670.     call(zxc,"WIL qFreeStmt")
  671.   qGetData(hstmt, col, varname, max-size)
  672.     call(zxc,"WIL qGetData")
  673.   qLastCode()
  674.     call(zxc,"WIL qLastCode")
  675.   qSetConnOpt(hdbc, option, value, string-flag)
  676.     call(zxc,"WIL qSetConnOpt")
  677.   qTables(hstmt, table-qualifier, table-owner, table-name, table-type)
  678.     call(zxc,"WIL qTables")
  679.   qVersionInfo(request)
  680.     call(zxc,"WIL qVersionInfo")
  681.  OLE 
  682.   ObjectClose( objecthandle )
  683.     call(zxc,"WIL ObjectClose")
  684.   ObjectOpen( objectname )
  685.     call(zxc,"WIL ObjectOpen")
  686.  Process Control
  687.   Break 
  688.      wedInsString("Break")
  689.      wedNewLine()
  690.   Continue 
  691.      wedInsString("Continue")
  692.      wedNewLine()
  693.   EndSession(  )
  694.     call(zxc,"WIL EndSession")
  695.   ErrorMode( mode )
  696.     call(zxc,"WIL ErrorMode")
  697.   Execute statement
  698.      wedInsString("Execute statement")
  699.      wedNewLine()
  700.   Exit
  701.     wedInsString("Exit")
  702.     wedNewLine()
  703.   For   varname = initial value to final value [ by increment ]
  704.     a=wGetColNo()
  705.     wedInsString("For   varname = initial value to final value [ by increment ]")
  706.     wedNewLine()
  707.     wEdGoToCol(a)
  708.     wedInsString("   ;statements")
  709.     wedNewLine()
  710.     wEdGoToCol(a)
  711.     wedInsString("Next")
  712.     wedNewLine()
  713.   GoSub  
  714.     wedInsString("GoSub")
  715.     wedNewLine()
  716.   Goto  label
  717.     wedInsString("Goto label")
  718.     wedNewLine()
  719.   IfàElseàEndif expression
  720.     a=wGetColNo()
  721.     wedInsString("If expression")
  722.     wedNewLine()
  723.     wedInsString("   ;true code")
  724.     wedNewLine()
  725.     wEdGoToCol(a)
  726.     wedInsString("else")
  727.     wedNewLine()
  728.     wedInsString("   ;false code")
  729.     wedNewLine()
  730.     wEdGoToCol(a)
  731.     wedInsString("endif")
  732.     wedNewLine()
  733.   LastError(  )
  734.     call(zxc,"WILSpecial LastError")
  735.   Select varname
  736.     a=wGetColNo()
  737.     wedInsString("Select varname")
  738.     wedNewLine()
  739.     wEdGoToCol(a)
  740.     wedInsString("   case varname")
  741.     wedNewLine()
  742.     wEdGoToCol(a)
  743.     wedInsString("     ;statements")
  744.     wedNewLine()
  745.     wEdGoToCol(a)
  746.     wedInsString("     break")
  747.     wedNewLine()
  748.     wEdGoToCol(a)
  749.     wedInsString("   case varname")
  750.     wedNewLine()
  751.     wEdGoToCol(a)
  752.     wedInsString("     ;statements")
  753.     wedNewLine()
  754.     wEdGoToCol(a)
  755.     wedInsString("     break")
  756.     wedNewLine()
  757.     wEdGoToCol(a)
  758.     wedInsString("EndSelect")
  759.     wedNewLine()
  760.   Switch varname
  761.     a=wGetColNo()
  762.     wedInsString("Switch varname")
  763.     wedNewLine()
  764.     wEdGoToCol(a)
  765.     wedInsString("   case varname")
  766.     wedNewLine()
  767.     wEdGoToCol(a)
  768.     wedInsString("     ;statements")
  769.     wedNewLine()
  770.     wEdGoToCol(a)
  771.     wedInsString("     break")
  772.     wedNewLine()
  773.     wEdGoToCol(a)
  774.     wedInsString("   case varname")
  775.     wedNewLine()
  776.     wEdGoToCol(a)
  777.     wedInsString("     ;statements")
  778.     wedNewLine()
  779.     wEdGoToCol(a)
  780.     wedInsString("     break")
  781.     wedNewLine()
  782.     wEdGoToCol(a)
  783.     wedInsString("EndSwitch")
  784.     wedNewLine()
  785.   Version(  )
  786.     call(zxc,"WIL Version")
  787.   VersionDLL(  )
  788.     call(zxc,"WIL VersionDLL")
  789.   While expression
  790.     wedInsString("While expression")
  791.     wedNewLine()
  792.     wedNewLine()
  793.     wedInsString("EndWhile")
  794.  Program management
  795.   AppExist(program-name )
  796.     call(zxc,"WIL AppExist")
  797.   AppWaitClose(program-name )
  798.     call(zxc,"WIL AppWaitClose")
  799.   Execute  statement
  800.     wedInsString("Execute statement")
  801.     wedNewLine()
  802.   Print( data file, directory, display mode, waitflag )
  803.     call(zxc,"WIL Print")
  804.   RegApp(program-name, path) {*32}
  805.     call(zxc,"WIL RegApp")
  806.   Run( program-name, parameters )
  807.     call(zxc,"WIL Run")
  808.   RunEnviron( program name, parameters, displaymode, waitflag )
  809.     call(zxc,"WIL RunEnviron")
  810.   RunExit( program-name, parameters )
  811.     call(zxc,"WIL RunExit")
  812.   RunHide( program-name, parameters )
  813.     call(zxc,"WIL RunHide")
  814.   RunHideWait( program-name, parameters )
  815.     call(zxc,"WIL RunHideWait")
  816.   RunIcon( program-name, parameters )
  817.     call(zxc,"WIL RunIcon")
  818.   RunIconWait( program-name, parameters )
  819.     call(zxc,"WIL RunIconWait")
  820.   RunShell( program-name, params, directory, displaymode, waitflag )
  821.     call(zxc,"WIL RunShell")
  822.   RunWait( program-name, parameters )
  823.     call(zxc,"WIL RunWait")
  824.   RunZoom( program-name, parameters )
  825.     call(zxc,"WIL RunZoom")
  826.   RunZoomWait( program-name, parameters)
  827.     call(zxc,"WIL RunZoomWait")
  828.   ShellExecute(program-name, params, directory, display mode, operation)
  829.     call(zxc,"WIL ShellExecute")
  830.  Registry
  831.   RegApp(program-name, path) {*32}
  832.     call(zxc,"WIL RegApp") 
  833.   RegCloseKey( keyhandle )
  834.     call(zxc,"WIL RegCloseKey")
  835.   RegConnect(computer-name, handle)
  836.     call(zxc,"WIL RegConnect")
  837.   RegCreateKey( keyhandle, sub-key string )
  838.     call(zxc,"WIL RegCreateKey")
  839.   RegDeleteKey( keyhandle, sub-key string )
  840.     call(zxc,"WIL RegDeleteKey")
  841.   RegDelValue(handle, subkey-string){*32}
  842.     call(zxc,"WIL RegDelValue")
  843.   RegEntryType(handle, subkey-string)
  844.     call(zxc,"WIL RegEntryType")
  845.   RegExistKey(handle, subkey-string)
  846.     call(zxc,"WIL RegExistKey")
  847.   RegExistValue(handle, subkey-string) {*32}
  848.     call(zxc,"WIL RegExistValue")
  849.   RegOpenKey( keyhandle, sub-key string )
  850.     call(zxc,"WIL RegOpenKey")
  851.   RegQueryBin(handle, subkey-string){*32}
  852.     call(zxc,"WIL RegQueryBin")
  853.   RegQueryDword(handle, subkey-string) {*32}
  854.     call(zxc,"WIL RegQueryDword")
  855.   RegQueryEx(handle, subkey-string, delimiter, type)
  856.     call(zxc,"WIL RegQueryEx")
  857.   RegQueryExpSz(handle, subkey-string) {*32}
  858.     call(zxc,"WIL RegQueryExpSz")
  859.   RegQueryItem(handle, subkey-string) {*32}
  860.     call(zxc,"WIL RegQueryItem")
  861.   RegQueryKey( keyhandle, index )
  862.     call(zxc,"WIL RegQueryKey")
  863.   RegQueryKeys( handle )
  864.     call(zxc,"WIL RegQueryKeys")
  865.   RegQueryMulSz(handle, subkey-string, delimiter) {*32}
  866.     call(zxc,"WIL RegQueryMulSz")
  867.   RegQueryValue( keyhandle, keyname )
  868.     call(zxc,"WIL RegQueryValue")
  869.   RegSetBin(handle, subkey-string, value) {*32}
  870.     call(zxc,"WIL RegSetBin")
  871.   RegSetDword(handle, subkey-string, value) {*32}
  872.     call(zxc,"WIL RegSetDword")
  873.   RegSetEx(handle, subkey-string, value, delimiter, type)
  874.     call(zxc,"WIL RegSetEx")
  875.   RegSetExpSz(handle, subkey-string, value) {*32}
  876.     call(zxc,"WIL RegSetExpSz")
  877.   RegSetMulSz(handle, subkey-string, value, delimiter) {*32}
  878.     call(zxc,"WIL RegSetMulSz")
  879.   RegSetValue( keyhandle, sub-key string, value )
  880.     call(zxc,"WIL RegSetValue")
  881.  Serial Communications
  882.   pCaptureLog("text")
  883.     call(zxc,"WIL pCaptureLog")
  884.   pCaptureOff() 
  885.     call(zxc,"WIL pCaptureOff")
  886.   pCaptureOn("filename",type)
  887.     call(zxc,"WIL pCaptureOn")
  888.   pCheckBinary(lpaddr,count,type)
  889.     call(zxc,"WIL pCheckBinary")
  890.   pCheckSum("string",type 16|32)
  891.     call(zxc,"WIL pCheckSum")
  892.   pComClose(port,timeout)
  893.     call(zxc,"WIL pComClose")
  894.   pComControl(port,request,val3,val4,val5)
  895.     call(zxc,"WIL pComControl")
  896.   pComInfo(port,request)
  897.     call(zxc,"WIL pComInfo")
  898.   pComOpen(port,rsvd,baud,format,handshake)
  899.     call(zxc,"WIL pComOpen")
  900.   pGetBinary(port,lpaddr,count)
  901.     call(zxc,"WIL pGetBinary")
  902.   pGetByte(port)
  903.     call(zxc,"WIL pGetByte")
  904.   pGetChar(port)
  905.     call(zxc,"WIL pGetChar")
  906.   pGetLastError(type)
  907.     call(zxc,"WIL pGetLastError")
  908.   pGetLine(port,max)
  909.     call(zxc,"WIL pGetLine")
  910.   pGetString(port,count)
  911.     call(zxc,"WIL pGetString")
  912.   pModemAnsCall(port,ringcount,mode)
  913.     call(zxc,"WIL pModemAnsCall")
  914.   pModemAnsRing(port,ringcount,timeout)
  915.     call(zxc,"WIL pModemAnsRing")
  916.   pModemCommand(port,command)
  917.     call(zxc,"WIL pModemCommand")
  918.   pModemConnect(port)
  919.     call(zxc,"WIL pModemConnect")
  920.   pModemControl(port,request,parameter)
  921.     call(zxc,"WIL pModemControl")
  922.   pModemDial(port,mode,number)
  923.     call(zxc,"WIL pModemDial")
  924.   pModemHangup(port)
  925.     call(zxc,"WIL pModemHangup")
  926.   pModemInit(port)
  927.     call(zxc,"WIL pModemInit")
  928.   pModemParams(port,getset,request,value)
  929.     call(zxc,"WIL pModemParams")
  930.   pModemSReg(port,getset,request,value)
  931.     call(zxc,"WIL pModemSReg")
  932.   pPeekByte(port)
  933.     call(zxc,"WIL pPeekByte")
  934.   pPeekChar(port)
  935.     call(zxc,"WIL pPeekChar") 
  936.   pPutBinary(port,lpaddr,count)
  937.     call(zxc,"WIL pPutBinary")
  938.   pPutByte(port,byte)
  939.     call(zxc,"WIL pPutByte")
  940.   pPutChar(port,"char")
  941.     call(zxc,"WIL pPutChar")
  942.   pPutLine(port,"string")
  943.     call(zxc,"WIL pPutLine")
  944.   pPutString(port,"string")
  945.     call(zxc,"WIL pPutString")
  946.   pRecvFile(port,proto,path,overwrite,progress)
  947.     call(zxc,"WIL pRecvFile")
  948.   pSendFile(port,proto,path,reserved,progressdialog)
  949.     call(zxc,"WIL pSendFile")
  950.   pTimeout(port,time)
  951.     call(zxc,"WIL pTimeout")
  952.   pWaitFor(port,waitstringlist,delimiter,keepdiscard,timeout)
  953.     call(zxc,"WIL pWaitFor")
  954.  Shortcut functions
  955.   ShortcutDir(name) {*Explorer}
  956.     call(zxc,"WIL ShortcutDir")
  957.   ShortcutEdit(link-name, target, params, start-dir, show-mode) {*Explorer}
  958.     call(zxc,"WIL ShortcutEdit")
  959.   ShortcutExtra(link-name, description, hotkey, icon-file, icon-index) {*Explorer}
  960.     call(zxc,"WIL ShortcutExtra")
  961.   ShortcutInfo(link-name) {*Explorer}
  962.     call(zxc,"WIL ShortcutInfo")
  963.   ShortcutMake(link-name, target, params, start-dir, show-mode) {*Explorer}
  964.     call(zxc,"WIL ShortcutMake") 
  965.  String Handling
  966.   IsFloat( string )
  967.     call(zxc,"WIL IsFloat")
  968.   IsInt( string )
  969.     call(zxc,"WIL IsInt")
  970.   IsNumber( value )
  971.     call(zxc,"WIL IsNumber")
  972.   List items
  973.    ItemCount( list, delimiter )
  974.     call(zxc,"WIL ItemCount") 
  975.    ItemExtract( index, list, delimiter )
  976.     call(zxc,"WIL ItemExtract")
  977.    ItemInsert( item, index, list, delimiter )
  978.     call(zxc,"WIL ItemInsert")
  979.    ItemLocate( item, list, delimiter )
  980.     call(zxc,"WIL ItemLocate")
  981.    ItemRemove( index, list, delimiter )
  982.     call(zxc,"WIL ItemRemove")
  983.    ItemSort( list, delimiter )
  984.     call(zxc,"WIL ItemSort")
  985.   Num2Char( integer )
  986.     call(zxc,"WIL Num2Char")
  987.   ParseData( string )
  988.     call(zxc,"WIL ParseData")
  989.   StrCat( string [ ,string ] ) 
  990.     call(zxc,"WIL StrCat")
  991.   StrCharCount( string )
  992.     call(zxc,"WIL StrCharCount")
  993.   StrCmp( string1, string2 )
  994.     call(zxc,"WIL StrCmp")
  995.   StrFill( filler, length )
  996.     call(zxc,"WIL StrFill")
  997.   StrFix( base-string, pad-string, length )
  998.     call(zxc,"WIL StrFix")
  999.   StrFixChars( base-string, pad-string, length )
  1000.     call(zxc,"WIL StrFixChars")
  1001.   StrFixCharsL( base-string, pad-string, length )
  1002.     call(zxc,"WIL StrFixCharsL")
  1003.   StrFixLeft( base-string, pad-string, length )
  1004.     call(zxc,"WIL StrFixLeft")
  1005.   StrIndex( base-string, sub-string, start, direction )
  1006.     call(zxc,"WIL StrIndex")
  1007.   StrIndexNc( base-string, sub-string, start, direction )
  1008.     call(zxc,"WIL StrIndexNc")
  1009.   StrIndexWild(string, pattern, start)
  1010.     call(zxc,"WIL StrIndexWild")
  1011.   StrLen( string )
  1012.     call(zxc,"WIL StrLen")
  1013.   StrLenWild(string, pattern, start)
  1014.     call(zxc,"WIL StrLenWild")
  1015.   StrLower( string )
  1016.     call(zxc,"WIL StrLower")
  1017.   StrReplace( string, old, new )
  1018.     call(zxc,"WIL StrReplace")
  1019.   StrScan( string, delimiters, startpos, direction )
  1020.     call(zxc,"WIL StrScan")
  1021.   StrSub( string, startpos, length )
  1022.     call(zxc,"WIL StrSub")
  1023.   StrSubWild(string, pattern, start)
  1024.     call(zxc,"WIL StrSubWild")
  1025.   StrTrim( string )
  1026.     call(zxc,"WIL StrTrim")
  1027.   StrUpper( string )
  1028.     call(zxc,"WIL StrUppere, path) {*32} 
  1029.  System Management
  1030.   Disk Drive Management
  1031.    DiskExist( drive letter )
  1032.      call(zxc,"WIL DiskExist")
  1033.    DiskFree( drive-list )
  1034.      call(zxc,"WIL DiskFree")
  1035.    DiskInfo( request# )
  1036.      call(zxc,"WIL DiskInfo")
  1037.    DiskScan( request# )
  1038.      call(zxc,"WIL DiskScan")
  1039.    DiskSize( request# )
  1040.      call(zxc,"WIL DiskSize")
  1041.    LogDisk( drive letter )
  1042.      call(zxc,"WIL LogDisk")
  1043.    NetInfo( request code )
  1044.      call(zxc,"WIL NetInfo")
  1045.   Environment
  1046.    Environment( env-variable )
  1047.      call(zxc,"WIL Environment")
  1048.    EnvironSet( env-varname, newvalue )
  1049.      call(zxc,"WIL EnvironSet")
  1050.    EnvItemize(  )
  1051.      call(zxc,"WIL EnvItemize")
  1052.    ExeTypeInfo( exefilename )
  1053.      call(zxc,"WIL ExeTypeInfo")
  1054.    RegApp(program-name, path) {*32}
  1055.      call(zxc,"WIL RegApp")
  1056.    RunEnviron( program name, parameters, displaymode, waitflag )
  1057.      call(zxc,"WIL RunEnviron") 
  1058.   IntControl( request#, p1, p2, p3, p4 )
  1059.     call(zxc,"WIL IntControl")
  1060.   Other System functions
  1061.    About(  )
  1062.      call(zxc,"WIL About")
  1063.    AddExtender( dllfilename )
  1064.      call(zxc,"WIL AddExtender")
  1065.    AppExist(program-name )
  1066.      call(zxc,"WIL AppExist")
  1067.    AppWaitClose(program-name )
  1068.      call(zxc,"WIL AppWaitClose")
  1069.    Beep
  1070.      wedInsString("Beep")
  1071.      wedNewLine()
  1072.    Debug( mode )
  1073.      call(zxc,"WIL Debug")
  1074.    DebugData( string, string )
  1075.      call(zxc,"WIL DebugData")
  1076.    DOSVersion( level )
  1077.      call(zxc,"WIL DOSVersion")
  1078.    Drop( varname [,varname...] )
  1079.      call(zxc,"WIL Drop")
  1080.    EndSession(  )
  1081.      call(zxc,"WIL EndSession")
  1082.    ErrorMode( mode )
  1083.      call(zxc,"WIL ErrorMode")
  1084.    ExeTypeInfo( exefilename )
  1085.      call(zxc,"WIL ExeTypeInfo")
  1086.    IgnoreInput( mode )
  1087.      call(zxc,"WIL IgnoreInput")
  1088.    IntControl( request#, p1, p2, p3, p4 )
  1089.      call(zxc,"WIL IntControl")
  1090.    Version(  )
  1091.      call(zxc,"WIL Version")
  1092.    VersionDLL(  )
  1093.      call(zxc,"WIL VersionDLL") 
  1094.    WaitForKey( key,  key,  key, key, key )
  1095.      call(zxc,"WIL WaitForKey")
  1096.    WinMetrics( request# )
  1097.      call(zxc,"WIL WinMetrics")
  1098.    WinParmGet( request# )
  1099.      call(zxc,"WIL WinParmGet")
  1100.    WinParmSet( request#, new-value, ini-control )
  1101.      call(zxc,"WIL WinParmSet")
  1102.    WinResources( request#)
  1103.      call(zxc,"WIL WinResources")
  1104.    WinSysInfo( ) {*32}
  1105.      call(zxc,"WIL WinSysInfo")
  1106.    WinVersion( level )
  1107.      call(zxc,"WIL WinVersion")
  1108.   Registry
  1109.    RegApp(program-name, path) {*32}
  1110.      call(zxc,"WIL RegApp")
  1111.    RegCloseKey( keyhandle )
  1112.      call(zxc,"WIL RegCloseKey")
  1113.    RegConnect(computer-name, handle)
  1114.      call(zxc,"WIL RegConnect")
  1115.    RegCreateKey( keyhandle, sub-key string )
  1116.      call(zxc,"WIL RegCreateKey")
  1117.    RegDeleteKey( keyhandle, sub-key string )
  1118.      call(zxc,"WIL RegDeleteKey")
  1119.    RegDelValue(handle, subkey-string){*32}
  1120.      call(zxc,"WIL RegDelValue")
  1121.    RegEntryType(handle, subkey-string)
  1122.      call(zxc,"WIL RegEntryType")
  1123.    RegExistKey(handle, subkey-string)
  1124.      call(zxc,"WIL RegExistKey")
  1125.    RegExistValue(handle, subkey-string) {*32}
  1126.      call(zxc,"WIL RegExistValue")
  1127.    RegOpenKey( keyhandle, sub-key string )
  1128.      call(zxc,"WIL RegOpenKey")
  1129.    RegQueryBin(handle, subkey-string){*32}
  1130.      call(zxc,"WIL RegQueryBin")
  1131.    RegQueryDword(handle, subkey-string) {*32}
  1132.      call(zxc,"WIL RegQueryDword")
  1133.    RegQueryEx(handle, subkey-string, delimiter, type)
  1134.      call(zxc,"WIL RegQueryEx")       
  1135.    RegQueryExpSz(handle, subkey-string){*32}
  1136.      call(zxc,"WIL RegQueryExpSz")
  1137.    RegQueryItem(handle, subkey-string) {*32}
  1138.      call(zxc,"WIL RegQueryItem") 
  1139.    RegQueryKey( keyhandle, index )
  1140.      call(zxc,"WIL RegQueryKey")
  1141.    RegQueryKeys( handle )
  1142.      call(zxc,"WIL RegQueryKeys")
  1143.    RegQueryMulSz(handle, subkey-string, delimiter) {*32}
  1144.      call(zxc,"WIL RegQueryMulSz")                                  
  1145.    RegQueryValue( keyhandle, keyname )
  1146.      call(zxc,"WIL RegQueryValue")
  1147.    RegSetBin(handle, subkey-string, value) {*32}
  1148.      call(zxc,"WIL RegSetBin")
  1149.    RegSetDword(handle, subkey-string, value) {*32}
  1150.      call(zxc,"WIL RegSetDword")  
  1151.    RegSetEx(handle, subkey-string, value, delimiter, type)
  1152.      call(zxc,"WIL RegSetEx")
  1153.    RegSetExpSz(handle, subkey-string, value) {*32}
  1154.      call(zxc,"WIL RegSetExpSz")
  1155.    RegSetMulSz(handle, subkey-string, value, delimiter) {*32}
  1156.      call(zxc,"WIL RegSetMulSz")                                        
  1157.    RegSetValue( keyhandle, sub-key string, value )
  1158.      call(zxc,"WIL RegSetValue")
  1159.  Time - Scheduling
  1160.   FileTimeCode( filename )
  1161.     call(zxc,"WIL FileTimeCode")
  1162.   FileTimeGet( filename )
  1163.     call(zxc,"WIL FileTimeGet")
  1164.   FileTimeGetEx(filename, time-field)
  1165.     call(zxc,"WIL FileTimeGetEx") 
  1166.   FileTimeSet( list, ymdhms )
  1167.     call(zxc,"WIL FileTimeSet")
  1168.   FileTimeSetEx(file-list, YmdHms, time-field)
  1169.     call(zxc,"WIL FileTimeSetEx")
  1170.   GetExactTime(  )
  1171.     call(zxc,"WIL GetExactTime")
  1172.   GetTickCount(  )
  1173.     call(zxc,"WIL GetTickCount")
  1174.   TimeAdd( YmdHms, YmdHms )
  1175.     call(zxc,"WIL TimeAdd")
  1176.   TimeDate(  )
  1177.     call(zxc,"WIL TimeDate")
  1178.   TimeDelay( seconds )
  1179.     call(zxc,"WIL TimeDelay")
  1180.   TimeDiffDays( Ymd[Hms], Ymd[Hms] )
  1181.     call(zxc,"WIL TimeDiffDays")
  1182.   TimeDiffSecs( YmdHms, YmdHms )
  1183.     call(zxc,"WIL TimeDiffSecs")
  1184.   TimeJulianDay( Ymd[Hms] )
  1185.     call(zxc,"WIL TimeJulianDay")
  1186.   TimeJulToYmd(julian-date)
  1187.     call(zxc,"WIL TimeJulToYmd")
  1188.   TimeSubtract(datetime, datetime difference)
  1189.     call(zxc,"WIL TimeSubtract")
  1190.   TimeYmdHms(  )
  1191.     call(zxc,"WIL TimeYmdHms")
  1192.   TimeWait( YmdHms )
  1193.     call(zxc,"WIL TimeWait") 
  1194.   Yield
  1195.     call(zxc,"WIL Yield")
  1196.  User Interface(Display)
  1197.   About(  )
  1198.     call(zxc,"WIL About")
  1199.   AskFileName( title, directory, filetypes, default filename, flag )
  1200.     call(zxc,"WIL AskFileName")
  1201.   AskFileText( title, filename, sort mode, select mode )
  1202.     call(zxc,"WIL AskFileText")
  1203.   AskItemList( title, list, delimiter, sort mode, select mode )
  1204.     call(zxc,"WIL AskItemlist") 
  1205.   AskLine( title, prompt, default answer )
  1206.     call(zxc,"WIL AskLine")
  1207.   AskPassword( title, prompt )
  1208.     call(zxc,"WIL AskPassword")
  1209.   AskYesNo( title, question )
  1210.     call(zxc,"WIL AskYesNo")
  1211.   Dialog( dialog-name )
  1212.     call(zxc,"WIL Dialog")
  1213.   Display( seconds, title, text )
  1214.     call(zxc,"WIL Display")
  1215.   KeyToggleSet( @key, value )
  1216.     call(zxc,"WIL KeyToggleSet")
  1217.   KeyToggleGet( @key )
  1218.     call(zxc,"WIL KeyToggleGet") 
  1219.   Menu handling
  1220.    IsMenuChecked( menuname )
  1221.     call(zxc,"WIL IsMenuChecked")
  1222.    IsMenuEnabled( menuname )
  1223.     call(zxc,"WIL IsMenuEnabled")
  1224.    MenuChange( menuname, flags )
  1225.     call(zxc,"WIL MenuChange")
  1226.   Message( title, text )
  1227.     call(zxc,"WIL Message")
  1228.   Mouse
  1229.    MouseClick(click-type, modifiers)
  1230.     call(zxc,"WIL MouseClick")
  1231.    MouseClickBtn(parent-windowname, child-windowname, button-text)
  1232.     call(zxc,"WIL MouseClickBtn")
  1233.    MouseInfo( request# )
  1234.     call(zxc,"WIL MouseInfo")
  1235.    MouseMove(X, Y, parent-windowname, child-windowname)
  1236.     call(zxc,"WIL MouseMove")
  1237.   Pause( title, prompt )
  1238.     call(zxc,"WIL Pause")
  1239.  WILX
  1240.   xBaseConvert(value, from-base, to-base)
  1241.     call(zxc,"WIL xBaseConvert")
  1242.   xCursorSet(setting)
  1243.     call(zxc,"WIL xCursorSet")
  1244.   xDiskLabelGet(drive)
  1245.     call(zxc,"WIL xDiskLabelGet")
  1246.   xDriveReady(drive)
  1247.     call(zxc,"WIL xDriveReady")
  1248.   xEjectMedia(Drive)
  1249.     call(zxc,"WIL xEjectMedia")
  1250.   xExtenderInfo(request #)
  1251.     call(zxc,"WIL xExtenderInfo")
  1252.   xGetChildHwnd(parent-hwnd, child-text, child-seq)
  1253.     call(zxc,"WIL xGetChildHwnd")
  1254.   xGetElapsed(time1, time2)
  1255.     call(zxc,"WIL xGetElapsed")
  1256.   xHex(hex-val)
  1257.     call(zxc,"WIL xHex")
  1258.   xMemCompact(type)
  1259.     call(zxc,"WIL xMemCompact")
  1260.   xMessageBox(title, text, style)
  1261.     call(zxc,"WIL xMessageBox")
  1262.   xSendMessage(hWnd, msg, wparam, lparam)
  1263.     call(zxc,"WIL xSendMessage")
  1264.   xVerifyCCard(cardnum)
  1265.     call(zxc,"WIL xVerifyCCard")
  1266.  WinBatch Functions 
  1267.   BoxButtonDraw(box ID, button ID, text, coordinates)
  1268.     call(zxc,"WIL BoxButtonDraw")
  1269.   BoxButtonKill(box ID, button ID)
  1270.     call(zxc,"WIL BoxButtonKill")
  1271.   BoxButtonStat(box ID, button ID)
  1272.     call(zxc,"WIL BoxButtonStat")
  1273.   BoxButtonWait()
  1274.     call(zxc,"WIL BoxButtonWait")
  1275.   BoxCaption(box ID, caption)
  1276.     call(zxc,"WIL BoxCaption")
  1277.   BoxColor(box ID, color, wash color)
  1278.     call(zxc,"WIL BoxColor")
  1279.   BoxDataClear(box ID, update flag)
  1280.     call(zxc,"WIL BoxDataClear")
  1281.   BoxDestroy(box ID)
  1282.     call(zxc,"WIL BoxDestroy")
  1283.   BoxDrawCircle(box ID, coordinates, style)
  1284.     call(zxc,"WIL BoxDrawCircle")
  1285.   BoxDrawLine(box ID, coordinates)
  1286.     call(zxc,"WIL BoxDrawLine")
  1287.   BoxDrawRect(box ID, coordinates, style)
  1288.     call(zxc,"WIL BoxDrawRect")
  1289.   BoxDrawText(box ID, coordinates, text, erase flag, alignment)
  1290.     call(zxc,"WIL BoxDrawText")
  1291.   BoxesUp(coordinates, show mode)
  1292.     call(zxc,"WIL BoxesUp")
  1293.   BoxMapMode(box ID, map mode)
  1294.     call(zxc,"WIL BoxMapMode")
  1295.   BoxNew(box ID, coordinates, style)
  1296.     call(zxc,"WIL BoxNew")
  1297.   BoxOpen(title, text)
  1298.     call(zxc,"WIL BoxOpen")
  1299.   BoxPen(box ID, color, width)
  1300.     call(zxc,"WIL BoxPen")
  1301.   BoxShut( )
  1302.     call(zxc,"WIL BoxShut")
  1303.   BoxText("text")
  1304.     call(zxc,"WIL BoxText")
  1305.   BoxTextColor(box ID, color)
  1306.     call(zxc,"WIL BoxTextColor")
  1307.   BoxTextFont(box ID, name, size, style, pitch & family)
  1308.     call(zxc,"WIL BoxTextFont")
  1309.   BoxTitle("title")
  1310.     call(zxc,"WIL BoxTitle")
  1311.   BoxUpdates(box ID, update flag)
  1312.     call(zxc,"WIL BoxUpdates")
  1313.   CallExt("filename", "parameters")
  1314.     call(zxc,"WIL CallExt")
  1315.  Window Management 
  1316.   DllHwnd( partial-winname )
  1317.     call(zxc,"WIL DllHwnd")
  1318.   FindWindow(window class name)
  1319.     call(zxc,"WIL FindWindow")
  1320.   WallPaper( bmp-filename, tilemode )
  1321.     call(zxc,"WIL WallPaper")
  1322.   WinActivate( partial-winname )
  1323.     call(zxc,"WIL WinActivate")
  1324.   WinActivChild( partial-parent-windowname, partial-child-windowname )
  1325.     call(zxc,"WIL WinActivChild")
  1326.   WinClose( partial-winname )
  1327.     call(zxc,"WIL WinClose")
  1328.   WinCloseNot( partial-winname [ ,partial-winname ] )  
  1329.     call(zxc,"WIL WinCloseNot")
  1330.   WinExeName( partial-winname )
  1331.     call(zxc,"WIL WinExeName")
  1332.   WinExist( partial-winname )
  1333.     call(zxc,"WIL WinExist")
  1334.   WinExistChild( partial-parent-windowname, partial-child-windowname )
  1335.     call(zxc,"WIL WinExistChild")
  1336.   WinGetActive(  )
  1337.     call(zxc,"WIL WinGetActive")
  1338.   WinHelp( helpfile, function, keyword )
  1339.     call(zxc,"WIL WinHelp")
  1340.   WinHide( partial-winname )
  1341.     call(zxc,"WIL WinHide")
  1342.   WinIdGet(partial-winname)
  1343.     call(zxc,"WIL WinIdGet")
  1344.   WinIsDOS( partial-winname )
  1345.     call(zxc,"WIL WinIsDos")
  1346.   WinMetrics( request# )
  1347.     call(zxc,"WIL WinMetrics")
  1348.   WinName(  )
  1349.     call(zxc,"WIL WinName")
  1350.   WinParmGet( request# )
  1351.     call(zxc,"WIL WinParmGet")
  1352.   WinParmSet( request#, new-value, ini-control )
  1353.     call(zxc,"WIL WinParmSet")
  1354.   WinResources( request#)
  1355.     call(zxc,"WIL WinResources")
  1356.   WinShow( partial-winname )
  1357.     call(zxc,"WIL WinShow")
  1358.   WinState( partial-winname )
  1359.     call(zxc,"WIL WinState")
  1360.   WinSysInfo( ) {*32}
  1361.     call(zxc,"WIL WinSysInfo")
  1362.   WinTitle( old-partial-winname, new-winname )
  1363.     call(zxc,"WIL WinTitle")
  1364.   WinVersion( level )
  1365.     call(zxc,"WIL WinVersion")
  1366.   WinWaitChild(partial parent winname, partial child winname, timeout)
  1367.     call(zxc,"WIL WinWaitChild")
  1368.   WinWaitClose( partial-winname )
  1369.     call(zxc,"WIL WinWaitClose")
  1370.   WinWaitExist(partial-winname, timeout)
  1371.     call(zxc,"WIL WinWaitExist")
  1372.   Window Placement
  1373.    WinArrange( style )
  1374.      call(zxc,"WIL WinArrange")
  1375.    WinIconize( partial-winname )
  1376.      call(zxc,"WIL WinIconize") 
  1377.    WinPlace( x-ulc, y-ulc, x-brc, y-brc,  partial-winname )
  1378.      call(zxc,"WIL WinPlace")
  1379.    WinPlaceGet( win-type partial-winname )
  1380.      call(zxc,"WIL WinPlaceGet")
  1381.    WinPlaceSet( win-type, partial-winname, position -string )
  1382.      call(zxc,"WIL WinPlaceSet")
  1383.    WinPosition( partial-winname )
  1384.      call(zxc,"WIL WinPosition")
  1385.    WinZoom( partial-winname )
  1386.      call(zxc,"WIL WinZoom")
  1387.   Itemize Windows
  1388.    WinItemChild( partial-parent-windowname )
  1389.      call(zxc,"WIL WinItemChild")
  1390.    WinItemize(  )
  1391.      call(zxc,"WIL WinItemize")
  1392.    WinItemizeEx(partial-winname, multiple, hidden)
  1393.      call(zxc,"WIL WinItemizeEx")
  1394.    WinItemNameId( )
  1395.      call(zxc,"WIL WinItemNameId")
  1396.    WinItemProcId(ProcID, format-type )
  1397.      call(zxc,"WIL WinItemProcId")
  1398.  Windows NT Extenders 
  1399.   wntAccessAdd(server-name, resource/share-name, user-name, share-type, access-string)
  1400.     call(zxc,"WIL wntAccessAdd")
  1401.   wntAccessDel(server-name, resource/share-name, user-name, share-type)
  1402.     call(zxc,"WIL wntAccessDel")
  1403.   wntAccessGet(server-name, resource/share-name, user-name, object-type)
  1404.     call(zxc,"WIL wntAccessGet")
  1405.   wntAccessList(server-name, resource/share-name, object-type, flags)
  1406.     call(zxc,"WIL wntAccessList")
  1407.   wntAddDrive(user-id, pswd, net-resource, local drive, persist)
  1408.     call(zxc,"WIL wntAddDrive")
  1409.   wntAddPrinter(user-id, pswd, net-resource, local device, persist)
  1410.     call(zxc,"WIL wntAddPrinter")
  1411.   wntCancelCon(local drive, persist, forceflag)
  1412.     call(zxc,"WIL wntCancelCon")
  1413.   wntChgPswd(server/domain, user-name, old-password, new-password)
  1414.     call(zxc,"WIL wntChgPswd")
  1415.   wntDirDialog(flag)
  1416.     call(zxc,"WIL wntDirDialog")
  1417.   wntFileClose(server-name, file-pathname)
  1418.     call(zxc,"WIL wntFileClose")
  1419.   wntGetCon(local drive)
  1420.     call(zxc,"WIL wntGetCon")
  1421.   wntGetUser(netname)
  1422.     call(zxc,"WIL wntGetUser")
  1423.   wntGroupInfo(server-name, group, group-type, request)
  1424.     call(zxc,"WIL wntGroupInfo")
  1425.   wntListGroups(server-name, group-type)
  1426.     call(zxc,"WIL wntListGroups")
  1427.   wntMemberDel(server-name, group-name, user-name, group-type)
  1428.     call(zxc,"WIL wntMemberDel")
  1429.   wntMemberGet(server-name, group-name, user-name, group-type)
  1430.     call(zxc,"WIL wntMemberGet")
  1431.   wntMemberGrps(server-name, user-name, group-type, flags)
  1432.     call(zxc,"WIL wntMemberGrps") 
  1433.   wntMemberList(server-name, group-name, group-type)
  1434.     call(zxc,"WIL wntMemberList")
  1435.   wntMemberSet(server-name, group-name, user-name, group-type)
  1436.     call(zxc,"WIL wntMemberSet")
  1437.   wntOwnerGet(server-name, reg-key, resource-name, object-type, flag)
  1438.     call(zxc,"WIL wntOwnerGet")
  1439.   wntOwnerSet(server-name, reg-key, resource-name, object-type, user/group name)
  1440.     call(zxc,"WIL wntOwnerSet")
  1441.   wntResources(net-resource, scope, type, usage)
  1442.     call(zxc,"WIL wntResources")
  1443.   wntResources2(net-resource, scope, type, usage, provider)
  1444.     call(zxc,"WIL wntResources2")
  1445.   wntServerList(server-name, domain-name, server-type)
  1446.     call(zxc,"WIL wntServerList")
  1447.   wntServerType(server-name)
  1448.     call(zxc,"WIL wntServerType")
  1449.   wntServiceAt(server, domain, server-type, service-name, flags)
  1450.     call(zxc,"WIL wntServiceAt")
  1451.   wntServiceInf(server-name)
  1452.     call(zxc,"WIL wntServiceInf")
  1453.   wntShareAdd(server-name, resource, share-name,share-type, max-users)
  1454.     call(zxc,"WIL wntShareAdd")
  1455.   wntShareDel(server-name, resource/share-name, share-type)
  1456.     call(zxc,"WIL wntShareDel")
  1457.   wntShareinfo(server-name, resource/share-name, share-type, request)
  1458.     call(zxc,"WIL wntShareinfo")
  1459.   wntShareSet(server-name, resource/share-name, share-type, comment, description)
  1460.     call(zxc,"WIL wntShareSet")
  1461.   wntSvcControl(server, service-name, flags, control-code)
  1462.     call(zxc,"WIL wntSvcControl")
  1463.   wntSvcStart(server, service-name, flags, params, delimiter)
  1464.     call(zxc,"WIL wntSvcStart")
  1465.   wntSvcStatus(server, service-name, flags, request)
  1466.     call(zxc,"WIL wntSvcStatus") 
  1467.   wntUserAdd(server-name)
  1468.     call(zxc,"WIL wntUserAdd")
  1469.   wntUserAddDat(element, value)
  1470.     call(zxc,"WIL wntUserAddDat")
  1471.   wntUserDel(server-name, user-name)
  1472.     call(zxc,"WIL wntUserDel")
  1473.   wntUserInfo(request)
  1474.     call(zxc,"WIL wntUserInfo")
  1475.   wntUserProps(server-name, user-name, request)
  1476.     call(zxc,"WIL wntUserProps") 
  1477.   wntVersion( )
  1478.     call(zxc,"WIL wntVersion") 
  1479.  Windows 9x Extenders
  1480.   w9xAccessAdd(server-name, resource/share-name, user/group name, object-type, access-string)
  1481.     call(zxc,"WIL w9xAccessAdd")
  1482.   w9xAccessDel(server-name, resource/share-name, user/group name, object-type)
  1483.     call(zxc,"WIL w9xAccessDel")
  1484.   w9xAccessGet(server-name, resource/share-name, user/group name, object-type)
  1485.     call(zxc,"WIL w9xAccessGet")
  1486.   w9xAccessList(server-name, resource/share-name, object-type, flags)
  1487.     call(zxc,"WIL w9xAccessList")
  1488.   w9xListGroups(server-name, group-type)
  1489.     call(zxc,"WIL w9xListGroups")
  1490.   w9xMemberDel(server-name, group-name, user-name, group-type)
  1491.     call(zxc,"WIL w9xMemberDel")
  1492.   w9xMemberGet(server-name, group-name, user-name, group-type)
  1493.     call(zxc,"WIL w9xMemberGet")
  1494.   w9xMemberGrps(server-name, user-name, group-type, flags)
  1495.     call(zxc,"WIL w9xMemberGrps")
  1496.   w9xMemberList(server-name, group-name, group-type)
  1497.     call(zxc,"WIL w9xMemberList")
  1498.   w9xMemberSet(server-name, group-name, user-name, group-type)
  1499.     call(zxc,"WIL w9xMemberSet")
  1500.   w9xServiceAt(server, domain, server-type, service-name, flags)
  1501.     call(zxc,"WIL w9xServiceAt")
  1502.   w9xServerList(server, domain, server-type)
  1503.     call(zxc,"WIL w9xServerList")
  1504.   w9xShareAdd(server-name, resource, share-name, share-type, max-users)
  1505.     call(zxc,"WIL w9xShareAdd")
  1506.   w9xShareDel(server-name, resource/share-name, share-type)
  1507.     call(zxc,"WIL w9xShareDel")
  1508.   w9xShareInfo(server-name, resource/share-name, share-type, request)
  1509.     call(zxc,"WIL w9xShareInfo")
  1510.   w9xShareSet(server-name, resource/share-name, share-type, comment, s:location)
  1511.     call(zxc,"WIL w9xShareSet")
  1512.   w9xUserInfo(request)
  1513.     call(zxc,"WIL w9xUserInfo")
  1514.   w9xUserProps(server-name, user-name, request)
  1515.     call(zxc,"WIL w9xUserProps")
  1516.   w9xVersion()
  1517.     call(zxc,"WIL w9xVersion")
  1518.  Windows 95 Extenders
  1519.   w95AccessAdd(server-name, resource, user-name, access-rights, flags)
  1520.     call(zxc,"WIL w95AccessAdd")
  1521.   w95AccessDel(server-name, resource, user-name)
  1522.     call(zxc,"WIL w95AccessDel")
  1523.   w95AddDrive(user-id, pswd, net-resource, local-drive, persist)
  1524.     call(zxc,"WIL w95AddDrive")
  1525.   w95AddPrinter(user-id, pswd, net-resource, local device, persist)
  1526.     call(zxc,"WIL w95AddPrinter")
  1527.   w95CancelCon(local drive, persist, forceflag)
  1528.     call(zxc,"WIL w95CancelCon")
  1529.   w95DirDialog(flag)
  1530.     call(zxc,"WIL w95DirDialog")
  1531.   w95FileClose(Server-name, path-name)
  1532.     call(zxc,"WIL w95FileClose")
  1533.   w95GetCon(local name)
  1534.     call(zxc,"WIL w95GetCon")
  1535.   w95GetUser(netname)
  1536.     call(zxc,"WIL w95GetUser")
  1537.   w95Resources(net-resource, scope, type, usage)
  1538.     call(zxc,"WIL w95Resources")
  1539.   w95ServerType(server-name)
  1540.     call(zxc,"WIL w95ServerType")
  1541.   w95ServiceAt(server, domain, server-type, service-name, flags)
  1542.     call(zxc,"WIL w95ServiceAt")
  1543.   w95ServiceInf(server-name)
  1544.     call(zxc,"WIL w95ServiceInf")
  1545.   w95ShareAdd(server-name, resource, share-name,share-type, flags)
  1546.     call(zxc,"WIL w95ShareAdd")
  1547.   w95ShareDel(server-name, share-name)
  1548.     call(zxc,"WIL w95ShareDel") 
  1549.   w95ShareInfo(server-name, share-name, request)
  1550.     call(zxc,"WIL w95ShareInfo")
  1551.   w95ShareSet(server-name, share-name, comment, full-password, read-password)
  1552.     call(zxc,"WIL w95ShareSet")
  1553.   w95Version( )
  1554.     call(zxc,"WIL w95Version")
  1556. _More...             ; Additional menu choices
  1557.  Toggle Bookmark  ; Toggles a bookmark at the current line
  1558.     wSetBookmark()
  1560.  _Copy current line  ; Copy the current line or selection to the clipboard
  1561.     wEdHome()
  1562.     wEdStartSel()
  1563.     wEdDownLine()
  1564.     wEdEndSel()
  1565.     wEdCopy()
  1567.  Cut current line   ; Cut the current line or selection to the clipboard
  1568.     wEdHome()
  1569.     wEdStartSel()
  1570.     wEdDownLine()
  1571.     wEdEndSel()
  1572.     wEdCut()
  1574.  Open highlighted file    \ ^F       ; Open selected file
  1575.         name = wEdGetWord()
  1576.         length = strlen(name)
  1577.         if length==0 then goto DONE
  1578.         b = FileLocate(name)
  1579.         if b == "" then Message("Open selected file","Cannot find %name%")
  1580.         if b == "" then goto DONE
  1581.         wFileOpen(b)
  1582.         :DONE
  1583.         drop(name,length,b)
  1585.  _Insert Block                        ; Insert a template into the document
  1586.   If-Else                            ; Insert an 'if-else' template
  1587.      wEdNewLine()
  1588.      wEdUpLine()
  1589.      ; First determine if it is C or WIL
  1590.      ;debug(1)
  1591.      filext = strupper(FileExtension(wGetFileName()))
  1592.      if filext=="WBT" || filext=="WIL" || filext=="MNU" || filext=="WEB"   ; Its WIL
  1593.         wEdInsString("if  xx == yy")
  1594.         wEdNewLine()
  1595.         wEdNewLine()
  1596.         wEdInsString("else")
  1597.         wEdNewLine()
  1598.         wEdNewLine()
  1599.         wEdInsString("endif")
  1600.         wEdNewLine()
  1601.         wEdUpLine()
  1602.         wEdUpLine()
  1603.         wEdUpLine()
  1604.         wEdUpLine()
  1605.      else  ;assume C
  1606.         wEdInsString("if  ( xx == yy )")
  1607.         wEdNewLine()
  1608.         wEdInsString("   {")
  1609.         wEdNewLine()
  1610.         wEdNewLine()
  1611.         wEdInsString("}")
  1612.         wEdNewLine()
  1613.         wEdLeft()
  1614.         wEdLeft()
  1615.         wEdLeft()
  1616.         wEdInsString("else")
  1617.         wEdNewLine()
  1618.         wEdInsString("   {")
  1619.         wEdNewLine()
  1620.         wEdNewLine()
  1621.         wEdInsString("}")
  1622.         wEdNewLine()
  1623.         wEdUpLine()
  1624.         wEdUpLine()
  1625.         wEdUpLine()
  1626.         wEdUpLine()
  1627.         wEdUpLine()
  1628.         wEdUpLine()
  1629.      endif
  1630.      drop(s,filext)
  1631.   Switch                    ; Insert a 'switch' template
  1632.      wEdNewLine()
  1633.      wEdUpLine()
  1634.      filext = strupper(FileExtension(wGetFileName()))
  1635.      if filext=="WBT" || filext=="WIL" || filext=="MNU" || filext=="WEB"   ; Its WIL
  1636.         wEdNewLine()
  1637.         wEdUpLine()
  1638.         wEdInsString("switch switchvar")
  1639.         wEdNewLine()
  1640.         wEdInsString("   case 1")
  1641.         wEdNewLine()
  1642.         wEdInsString("   break")
  1643.         wEdNewLine()
  1644.         wEdNewLine()
  1645.         wEdLeft()
  1646.         wEdLeft()
  1647.         wEdLeft()
  1648.         wEdInsString("case 2")
  1649.         wEdNewLine()
  1650.         wEdInsString("   break")
  1651.         wEdNewLine()
  1652.         wEdNewLine()
  1653.         wEdLeft()
  1654.         wEdLeft()
  1655.         wEdLeft()
  1656.         wEdInsString("case 3")
  1657.         wEdNewLine()
  1658.         wEdInsString("   break")
  1659.         wEdNewLine()
  1660.         wEdNewLine()
  1661.         wEdLeft()
  1662.         wEdLeft()
  1663.         wEdLeft()
  1664.         wEdLeft()
  1665.         wEdLeft()
  1666.         wEdLeft()
  1667.         wEdInsString("endswitch")
  1668.         wEdNewLine()
  1669.         wEdUpLine()
  1670.         wEdUpLine()
  1671.         wEdUpLine()
  1672.         wEdUpLine()
  1673.         wEdUpLine()
  1674.         wEdUpLine()
  1675.         wEdUpLine()
  1676.         wEdUpLine()
  1677.         wEdUpLine()
  1678.      else  ;assume C
  1679.         wEdInsString("switch (swvar)")
  1680.         wEdNewLine()
  1681.         wEdInsString("   {")
  1682.         wEdNewLine()
  1683.         wEdInsString("case 1:")
  1684.         wEdNewLine()
  1685.         wEdInsString("   break;")
  1686.         wEdNewLine()
  1687.         wEdNewLine()
  1688.         wEdLeft()
  1689.         wEdLeft()
  1690.         wEdLeft()
  1691.         wEdInsString("case 2:")
  1692.         wEdNewLine()
  1693.         wEdInsString("   break;")
  1694.         wEdNewLine()
  1695.         wEdNewLine()
  1696.         wEdLeft()
  1697.         wEdLeft()
  1698.         wEdLeft()
  1699.         wEdInsString("case 3:")
  1700.         wEdNewLine()
  1701.         wEdInsString("   break;")
  1702.         wEdNewLine()
  1703.         wEdNewLine()
  1704.         wEdLeft()
  1705.         wEdLeft()
  1706.         wEdLeft()
  1707.         wEdLeft()
  1708.         wEdLeft()
  1709.         wEdLeft()
  1710.         wEdInsString("   }")
  1711.         wEdNewLine()
  1712.         wEdUpLine()
  1713.         wEdUpLine()
  1714.         wEdUpLine()
  1715.         wEdUpLine()
  1716.         wEdUpLine()
  1717.         wEdUpLine()
  1718.         wEdUpLine()
  1719.         wEdUpLine()
  1720.         wEdUpLine()
  1721.      endif
  1722.      drop(s,filext)
  1723.   While                        ; Insert a 'while' template
  1724.      wEdNewLine()
  1725.      wEdUpLine()
  1726.      filext = strupper(FileExtension(wGetFileName()))
  1727.      if filext=="WBT" || filext=="WIL" || filext=="MNU"  || filext=="WEB"  ; Its WIL
  1728.         wEdInsString("while xx == yy")
  1729.         wEdNewLine()
  1730.         wEdNewLine()
  1731.         wEdInsString("endwhile")
  1732.         wEdNewLine()
  1733.         wEdUpLine()
  1734.         wEdUpLine()
  1735.      else  ;assume C
  1736.         wEdInsString("while (xx == yy)")
  1737.         wEdNewLine()
  1738.         wEdInsString("   {")
  1739.         wEdNewLine()
  1740.         wEdNewLine()
  1741.         wEdInsString("}")
  1742.         wEdNewLine()
  1743.         wEdUpLine()
  1744.         wEdUpLine()
  1745.      endif
  1746.      drop(s,filext)
  1747.   Comment block       \ +^B               ; Insert a comment block
  1748.         filext = strupper(FileExtension(wGetFileName()))
  1749.         if filext=="WBT" || filext=="WIL" || filext=="MNU" || filext=="WEB"  then cmt=";" ; Its WIL
  1750.               else cmt="//"
  1751.         s=""
  1752.         ;if wGetSelState() then
  1753.         s=wEdGetWord()
  1754.         clipput ("%cmt%***************************************************************************%CR%")
  1755.         clipappend("%cmt%** %s%%CR%")
  1756.         clipappend("%cmt%** %CR%")
  1757.         clipappend("%cmt%** %CR%")
  1758.         clipappend ("%cmt%***************************************************************************%CR%")
  1759.         wEDgotocol(1) ;insert above current line
  1760.         wedstartsel()
  1761.         wedendsel()
  1762.         wednewline()
  1763.         wEDgotocol(1) ;insert above current line
  1764.         Wedpaste()
  1765.         weddownline()
  1766.         weddownline()
  1767.         wedend()
  1768.         drop(s,filext,cmt)
  1769.   ;
  1770.   ;Builds a DETAILED comment block from the label under the cursor.
  1771.   ;
  1772.   Comment SUPER block       \ ^!B      ; Insert a detailed comment block
  1773.         filext = strupper(FileExtension(wGetFileName()))
  1774.         if filext=="WBT" || filext=="WIL" || filext=="MNU" || filext=="WEB"  then cmt=";" ; Its WIL
  1775.               else cmt="//"
  1776.         s=""
  1777.         ;if wGetSelState() then
  1778.         s=wEdGetWord()
  1779.         clipput ("%cmt%***************************************************************************%CR%")
  1780.         clipappend("%cmt%** %s%%CR%")
  1781.         clipappend("%cmt%** %CR%")
  1782.         clipappend("%cmt%** %CR%")
  1783.         clipappend("%cmt%** Purpose: %CR%")
  1784.         clipappend("%cmt%** Inputs: %CR%")
  1785.         clipappend("%cmt%** Outputs: %CR%")
  1786.         clipappend("%cmt%** Revisions: %CR%")
  1787.         clipappend ("%cmt%***************************************************************************%CR%")
  1788.         wEDgotocol(1) ;insert above current line
  1789.         wedstartsel()
  1790.         wedendsel()
  1791.         wednewline()
  1792.         wEDgotocol(1) ;insert above current line
  1793.         Wedpaste()
  1794.         weddownline()
  1795.         weddownline()
  1796.         wedend()
  1797.         drop(s,filext,cmt)
  1799.  _How do I?...        ; Learn about using scripts
  1800.   Use Menu Scripts           ; Menu file reference
  1801.     helpfile = strcat(HomeUpOne,"windows interface language.hlp")
  1802.     WinHelp(helpFile, "PartialKey", "Menu Files")
  1803.   Write WIL Scripts       ; WIL scripting language reference
  1804.     helpfile = strcat(HomeUpOne,"windows interface language.hlp")
  1805.     WinHelp(helpFile, "PartialKey", "Tutorial")
  1806.   Customize this menu...   ; Manage WinBatch Studio Popup menu 
  1807.         TheFile=strcat(DirHome(),"WSPOPUP.MNU")
  1808.         WFileOpen(TheFile)
  1809.         Drop(TheFile)  
  1811. ; String Functions
  1812.  ;_WIL Strcat(string1,string2,..xxx.)
  1813.    ;   call(strcat(DirHome(),"wildef.wil"),"STRCAT")
  1814.  ;Dir Functions
  1815. ;  DirChange(target directory)
  1816.     ;  call(strcat(dirhome(),"wildef.wil"),"dirchange")
  1817.  ;File Functions
  1818.  ; FileCopy(source,target,confirmflag)
  1819.   ;      call(strcat(DirHome(),"wildef.wil"),"filecopy")
  1820.  ; FileDelete(filename)
  1821.       ;  call(strcat(DirHome(),"wildef.wil"),"filedelete")
  1822.   ;FileMove(source,target,confirmflag)
  1823.       ;  call(strcat(DirHome(),"wildef.wil"),"filemove")