home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- ; This is a common WIL script file for the WinBatch Studio
- CancelCmd="exit"
- goto %param1%
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ; we get here via a line like
- ; Call("WSHELP.DLL", "BUTTONMACRO 1") Add a goto label to jump to
- ; a specific section
- ; e.g.
- ; goto butmac%param2%
- ; :butmac1
- ; code here
- ; return
- ; :butmac2
- ; code here
- ; return
- Message("Sample Macro","You called user macro number %param2%")
- exit
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ;First do some initialization and grab the word help is desired for.
- ;debug(1)
- CancelCmd="goto KWHDONE" ; Setup cancel processing - clear variables
- HelpWord = wEdGetWord() ; Get Selected word
- if HelpWord==""
- Message("WinEdit Help Error","Cursor must be on a word to use this function.")
- else
- ; Locate our WSHELP.INI file and determine help file list to process
- WEDir = DirHome()
- inifile = StrCat(WEDir, "HELP\WSHELP.INI")
- if FileExist(inifile)==@FALSE then inifile=FileLocate("WSHELP.INI")
- filext = FileExtension(wGetFileName())
- If filext == "" Then filext = "NONE" ; section for files w/no extension
- helpsec = IniReadPvt("EXTENSIONS", filext, "DEFAULT", inifile)
- HFnum = 0
- ; Get the next help file from the list,
- for HFNUM=1 to 1000
- ffound=0
- wehinfo = StrUpper(IniReadPvt(helpsec, "HF%HFnum%", "NONE", inifile))
- If wehinfo == "NONE"
- Message("WinEdit Help Error - %helpword%", "No applicable help files found.")
- break
- endif
- if wehinfo == "" then continue ; Empty HFx setting, skip
- ; Extract and build information from the HFx setting
- hfr2=strindex(wehinfo," ",0,@backscan)
- HelpFileI=strsub(wehinfo,1,hfr2-1) ; Long File Name Fix
- wehfile = StrCat(WEDir, "HELP\",FileRoot(HelpFileI), ".WEH")
- if FileExist(wehfile)==@FALSE then wehfile=FileLocate(StrCat(FileRoot(HelpFileI),".WEH"))
- wehtype=strsub(wehinfo,hfr2+1,-1)
- ; Make sure we have a WEH file someplace
- If !(FileExist(wehfile))
- Message("WSHELP.INI Error", "%wehfile% not found")
- break
- endif
- ; Read Keyword data from WEH file
- wehdata=IniReadPvt("KEYWORDS",helpword,"",wehfile)
- If wehdata == "" Then continue ; No keyword defined, try next file.
- ;debug(0)
- ffound=1
- ;WEH file located. See if WEH file contains search hints.
- helpfile2=IniReadPvt("LOOKUP","Located","",wehfile)
- if !FileExist(helpfile2)
- HelpFile2=HelpFileI ; then test actual ini setting
- if !FileExist(HelpFile2)
- ffound=0
- while 1
- if WinMetrics(-2)==2 ; 32 bit platform
- HintName=IniReadPvt("LOOKUP","ALTLONG","",wehfile)
- hintreg=IniReadPvt("LOOKUP","REG32","",wehfile)
- if hintname!="" then gosub hlpsrch
- if ffound==1 then break
- HintName=IniReadPvt("LOOKUP","ALTSHORT","",wehfile)
- if hintname!="" then gosub hlpsrch
- if ffound==1 then break
- endif
- HintName=IniReadPvt("LOOKUP","ALTSHORT","",wehfile)
- hintreg=IniReadPvt("LOOKUP","REG16","",wehfile)
- if hintname!="" then gosub hlpsrch
- if ffound==1 then break
- hintname=strcat(FileRoot(HelpFileI),'.',FileExtension(HelpFileI))
- hintreg=""
- gosub hlpsrch
- break
- endwhile ; random searching
- if ffound==0
- ; Give up and ask user....what a concept...
- while 1
- HelpFile2=HelpFile ; ask user
- CancelCmd="goto HELPCAN23"
- HelpFile2=AskFileName("Please locate %HelpFile%","","Help Files (*.HLP)|*.HLP|",HelpFile2,1)
- CancelCmd="exit"
- ; Verify we can access help file user entered
- if FileExist(HelpFile2)
- ffound=1
- break
- endif
- ; If cancelled, remove reference to help file from WSHELP.INI
- a=AskYesNo(HelpFile2,"Do you wish to remove %HelpFile% from the help file search?")
- if a==@YES then IniWritePvt(helpsec,"HF%HFnum%","",inifile)
- break
- endwhile ;asking user
- endif ; asking user
- endif ; raw ini setting
- IniWritePvt("LOOKUP","Located",helpfile2,wehfile) ; save in weh file for next time
- endif ; file not located in weh hint
- if ffound==0 then continue
- break ; done. break out of next file for loop
- next ; next HFx for loop
- if ffound==1
- switch wehtype
- case 1
- wehdata=strreplace(wehdata,"~",strcat(num2char(13),num2char(10)))
- Message(helpword,wehdata)
- break
- case 2
- WinHelp(HelpFile2,"PARTIALKEY",helpword)
- break
- case 3
- ErrorMode(@OFF)
- RunZoom(HelpFile2,helpword)
- ErrorMode(@CANCEL)
- if LastError()==1902 then Message("WinEdit Help Error","Help for >%helpword%< not available.")
- break
- case 100
- ; Put your HelpFileType 100 stuff here
- Message("WinEdit User Help - %HelpFile2%","Help for %helpword% goes here")
- break
- end switch
- endif
- endif ; from initial check for cusror on word
- ; Drop variables to save memory space
- Drop(HelpWord,WEDir,inifile,filext,helpsec,HFnumhintreg,hintdir,hintname,ffound)
- Drop(wehinfo,HelpFileI,wehfile,wehtype,wehdata,HelpFile,HelpFile2)
- Exit
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- hintdir=""
- ErrorMode(@OFF)
- if hintreg!="" then hintdir=RegQueryValue(@RegMachine,hintreg)
- ErrorMode(@CANCEL)
- if hintdir==0 then hintdir=""
- helpfile2= strcat(hintdir,hintname)
- if !FileExist(helpfile2)
- ; First of all, completely ignore path to help file specified and
- ; look in help directory FIRST!
- HelpFile=hintname
- HelpFile2=strcat(DirHome(),"HELP\%HelpFile%") ;look in HELP dir first
- if !FileExist(HelpFile2)
- ; Remove directory, and let Windows search path
- HelpFile2=HelpFile ; try local dir and path
- if !FileExist(HelpFile2)
- ; Check editor home dir just in case path search bypassed it
- HelpFile2="%WEDir%%HelpFile%" ; check editor dir
- if !FileExist(HelpFile2) then return
- endif
- endif
- endif
- ffound=1
- return
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- Exit ; Put an exit here in case anyone ever drops through to cancel
- ; Not that we would ever do anything like that ourselves...
- %CancelCmd%