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/ PC World 1999 February / PCWorld_1999-02_cd.bin / software / Zkuste / Formidea / _setup.2 / Group5 / FAX210.tif (.png) < prev   
Tagged Image File Format  |  1998-01-15  |  54KB  |  1696x2104
Labels: book | bulletin board | crt screen | earth | encyclical | person | poster | sidewalk | sky | windowpane
OCR: 13T Exploring Document Capture and Management 11110 Fax T0A conpleted Iegistrotion form to: (008) -4696 Step I. Pleor select your choices Track/Sessian. Ycar of Imaging Magazine Seminar CitvDe you will attend Blacken siclas tie thi Yas 3i0n TCUD for this Track Seritar Location Fehruary 1 Anahcim, Februuy 20 Boston MA Captur: Treuk Bum-12. .30pm Ciaruqad Seattle 13 Dallas. L Fobruary 24 Phitade Iphia PA Dxument Mtagemont Track m-12:30pm Februan n TAnCIgCO, Fehruary 17 Chicago 1r Fchruary 26 Washington D.C. sign me up the Adobe Areakout. Sersion 2.4p for ato Erex D Inaging Magezine [Signatire required} N for Free Year of Inay sing Magnine Signaturc (X Date Step Print naatly and within the boxes without touching the boxsides Firs Middta NOmE Juitial W SuT TN Compuny Na AT& Itnau Kesor Docunen ...