Labels:encyclical | sky OCR: presents... toctt Exploring Docunient Capture and Management Semnar Fax yor completed repistration form tn- 1{800} 4696 11110 Series ciCies tike this Step 1: Plea select your choiess Trock/Sessiom, FiTCE o Imaging Magazine and Seminar CityDate will attend Blacken Fabrar 20 Boston. MA 13 Dallas Ye: Svime up for UunXx Document this Capture Track Troh Track 8am- gam 12:30pm 12.30pm Seringr February February Locatiar : Seattla Francisco W Fobruar, 10 Anahrim. February 24 26 Washington Philadelphin, PA D.C. Fehruary 7 Chicago 1t Fehruar Als. sipnt 4no Ea the Adobe Rreakout Spssion 2-4pm for Che Fret lmaging Magazine Sinaturc requirey Pats JQ} oN Oue Fr of Imaging Magnine Sinature Step Print neatiy within the bioxes without touc hnr the boxsides Mis! Mirs FiTst NAm PIA RLIK SuT M Nawe Company M ...