ocr: 12-124/96 03-14 Yes, Iwould like more information. Complete and mail this card. - Fax this information to (401) 455-6800, or Call us at (800) I 743-2273. Name: Dennis Smith Title: Sr. Engineor Company: Dennis Consulting Address: 200 Adeline Str City: Medford Stale: NC Zip: 17324 Tel: 528 726 /234 Ext: 1o8 Fax: s28 272 - 1430 Check all that apply: LPlease send me the white paper, "A Guide to Successful 00 Development. lam currently evaluating: VRumbaugh Shlaer-Mellor Other Please sena me method specific information. If other. please specily: Thave chosen Ihe: Pumbaugh VShlaer-Mellor methodology ...