ocr: i211/96 Yes, IV would like more information. Complete and mail this card. Fax this information to (401)455-6800. or Call us at (800) 743-2273. Name: Vonda Rosie Title: Architect System Company: Aic Eypress Address: 240 Hilgard Rd. City: Albany Slate: WA Zip: 75436 Tet: 344 276-1620 Ext: 024 Far: 344 276-1628 Check all that apply: VPlease send me Ihe white paper, "A Guide to Successful 00 Development." lam currently evaluating: KRumbaugh Shlaer-Mellor Other Please send me methoc specitic information. H ocher. please specily: Ihave chosen the: Rumbaugh CShaer-Mellor methodclogy. Please send me p ...