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- DoublePage macro for Microsoft Word for Windows
- Copyright ⌐ 1998 Mr. Jean P. Donato. All rights reserved.
- ***************************************************************************
- ***************************************************************************
- **********************************************************************
- * I do not charge any fee for the use of the DoublePage macro. *
- * This archive may be included on Bulletin Board Systems, Internet *
- * archive sites and on CD-ROM collections distributed by such *
- * sites, provided any charge is solely to recover the cost of *
- * distribution. Any such distribution must contain the complete *
- * unmodified archive, including this file. *
- **********************************************************************
- ===========
- DoublePage is a Microsoft Word for Windows macro that prints a document in
- a 2-column landscape format on the default printer. (In some printer drivers
- that capability is built-in but for most of them it is not.) It will typically
- print about one page per column; hence it is a great way to cut down on paper
- costs and waste.
- Now it can even optionally print on both sides of the sheet for even greater
- paper savings!
- On every page of the printout, it will also optionally add its own special
- footer giving the name of the document, the date and time it was printed, and
- the page number.
- DoublePage will not modify the actual document. Rather, it will create a
- temporary document in memory which will be deleted after printing. However, as
- with any such utility, you should always make regular backups of your files
- just to be sure.
- ============
- DoublePage requires you to have Microsoft Word for Windows properly installed.
- Two versions are included in this archive: one for Word 6.0 & 7.0 (contained
- in DPAGE.DOT) and another for Word 97 (contained in DPAGEW97.DOT).
- It has been developed on the English US version of Microsoft Word, on Windows
- 95. It also includes automatic built-in support for these other platforms:
- French, French Canadian, and German.
- If your are using a different Word version, DoublePage will still attempt to
- run, but the results may or may not be satisfactory. Also, DoublePage should
- work but has never been tested under Windows 98 or NT. At present these
- configurations are not supported.
- ========================
- DoublePage works best with plain text documents. It will work with other
- document types however (provided Word can load them, of course) with the
- following considerations.
- Some special objects or options often cannot be readily reformatted in a
- 2-column layout, and they include: pictures, frame data, styles
- other than the default Normal, etc. But DoublePage will try to work around
- these obstacles to produce the best possible printout! DoublePage will
- remove the frames (but not the data inside them) which prevent 2-column
- formatting. It may or may not change your document's styles on the
- printout, depending on the limitations it encounters while processing it.
- Also, it will remove all headers and footers and optionally replace them
- with its own special footer on every page of the printout as mentioned
- earlier. However, DoublePage cannot reformat Word 97 text boxes. Remember,
- none of these changes affect your original document - just the printout!
- DoublePage works with any paper size; it will use the one that is
- selected in Word (in File/Page Setup/Paper Size) for your active document.
- Please do read the "USAGE" section which has been rewritten and contains
- interesting tips.
- ================
- The DoublePage archive DP205.EXE contains the following files:
- DPAGE.DOT : The Word template containing DoublePage V2.01 for Word
- 6.0 and 7.0 only.
- DPAGEW97.DOT : The Word template containing DoublePage V2.05 for Word
- 97 only.
- README.TXT : This file.
- FILE_ID.DIZ : A short description.
- ===========================================
- Since you're reading this file, you have probably already uncompressed the
- archive; it should have created the files listed in the previous section.
- This can be done in any directory.
- But if you are using Word 6.0 or 7.0, then read on.
- DoublePage is distributed inside a template named DPAGE.DOT. If you want to
- use it only from this template, first open DPAGE.DOT and then go to step B
- below. Otherwise, you will likely want to use DoublePage from within the
- template you commonly use (for example, the default NORMAL.DOT template).
- A) To install in that manner in Word 6.0 or 7.0, follow these steps:
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
- 1. Start Word.
- 2. From its menu bar, choose File/Open and open the DPAGE.DOT you got from
- this archive.
- 3. From its menu bar, choose Tools/Macro.
- 4. Click the Organizer button.
- 5. Make sure the left pane of the Organizer window shows DPAGE.DOT macros
- (you should only see DoublePage in the list) and the right pane of the
- Organizer window shows the template you normally use such as NORMAL.DOT.
- 6. Click on the DoublePage macro name.
- 7. Click on the copy button.
- 8. Click on the Close button.
- 9. From the Word menu bar, choose File/Close.
- Note: Word 7.0a (and other versions) might warn you when a file
- containing a macro is opened. This is for security reasons. If prompted,
- you should choose NOT to disable macros in DPAGE.DOT since this file
- should only contain the well-behaved DoublePage macro. Otherwise you
- will not be able to see it in the Macro window (step 3 above).
- B) To execute the macro from the Word 6.0 or 7.0 menu bar, follow these steps:
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1. Make sure the document you want printed is open and the currently active
- one.
- 2. Choose Tools/Macro.
- 3. Click on DoublePage.
- 4. Click on Run.
- C) To execute the macro from a custom Word 6.0 or 7.0 toolbar button:
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- If you wish, you can create a handy custom toolbar button to execute the macro
- whenever you want with a single mouse click. To do so, you must first install
- the macro as described earlier. Then, follow these steps:
- 1. From the Word menu bar, choose Tools/Customize.
- 2. Click on the Toolbar tab.
- 3. Click on Macros from the Categories list.
- 4. Left click on DoublePage from the Macros list (keep the mouse button
- pressed) and drag the DoublePage name to your toolbar (release the mouse
- button).
- 5. A window named Custom Button automatically pops up. Select a button image
- and press assign. The Custom Button window disappears and your new button
- now has an image on it.
- 6. Back in the Customize window, select the name of the template you want to
- use in the "Save in" box (for example, normal.dot).
- 7. Click on the Close button.
- D) To uninstall DoublePage from Word 6.0 or 7.0, follow these steps:
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
- 1. Start Word and keep its blank document open.
- 2. Choose Tools/Macro.
- 3. Click on DoublePage.
- 4. Click on Delete.
- This procedure assumes you installed the macro as described in step A.
- E) To install in Word 97, follow either method:
- -------------------------------------------
- Copy the file DPAGEW97.DOT into the Microsoft Office 97 Startup
- That's it!
- - OR -
- 1. Start Word.
- 2. Click on the "Add..." button in "Tools/Templates and Add-Ins...".
- 3. Navigate to the directory where DPAGEW97.DOT resides and double click
- this file.
- 4. Click on OK.
- F) To execute DoublePage from Word 97:
- ----------------------------------
- First make sure the document you want printed is opened and the active one.
- DoublePage automatically creates a DoublePage button at the right of the
- printer icon in your Word toolbar. Simply press the button to execute
- DoublePage.
- - OR -
- Choose Tools/Macro/Macros, click on DoublePageForWord97.MAIN, click on Run.
- G) To uninstall DoublePage from Word 97, follow these steps:
- --------------------------------------------------------
- Depending on the method you chose to install it:
- Remove the file DPAGEW97.DOT from your Office Startup directory (usually
- - OR -
- Deselect it in the "Tools/Templates and Add-Ins..." dialog.
- =====
- Simply follow these quick and easy steps:
- 1. In Word, open the document you wish to print. Do not click or
- otherwise select items in your document prior to running DoublePage.
- This document can not be protected. (If you have an available option
- Tools/Unprotect Document in your Word menu bar, then it is protected.)
- You must remove that protection for DoublePage to work with your
- document, even though DoublePage will not actually modify it.
- 2. Execute the DoublePage macro (see the above section, step B, C, or F).
- 3. You will see the welcome window; press OK to continue (or Cancel to
- return to your original document).
- 4. You will then see the options window. You can press OK to continue
- using these defaults, Cancel to return to your original
- document, or Help to view the online help. Before pressing OK, you
- can change the options to suit your own preferences and needs; these
- options are detailed below.
- Processing Options
- ------------------
- - Convert tables: Checking this box will convert all tables
- to text. This is often required because large tables
- will overlap the columns and overwrite text (it's
- a Word limitation). If your document only contains small
- tables, then you can clear this box to have them printed
- as is. Default: checked.
- - Remove pictures: Checking this box will remove all graphics
- and pictures. This is often required because large graphics
- and pictures will overlap the columns and overwrite text (it's
- a Word limitation). It is also useful if you don't need these
- items since your printout will be shorter. But if you want them
- and they aren't too large, then you can clear this box to have
- them printed as is. Because of a Word 97 bug (Microsoft
- article ID #Q155802), DoublePage cannot remove pictures which
- have the "Float Over Text" property set (in Word's Format/
- Object/Position tab) in Word 97. Default: checked.
- - Remove manual breaks: Checking this box helps ensure continuous
- output by removing all manual page and section breaks. Default:
- checked.
- - Add special footer: Checking this box adds the cute DoublePage
- footer at the bottom of each page (if possible), telling you the
- document name, the date and time it was printed, as well as the
- page number. Default: checked.
- - Force Normal style: You should leave this box cleared, unless you
- are experiencing unusual formatting problems, such as text
- overlapping another column (again, a Word limitation). This can
- happen, for example, if your document contains special Word styles
- such as "TOC3" (Table of Contents). DoublePage analyzes your
- document and attempts to use the best formatting strategy on the
- printout; but it can be fooled by these styles. If it happens, try
- forcing the Normal style throughout. That could cause the Table of
- Contents page numbers to get misaligned, and some fonts or character
- formatting to be changed, but at least the text shouldn't overlap
- the other column. Default: cleared.
- Layout Options
- --------------
- - Compress lines: Some fonts such as Courier and MS LineDraw, and
- other non-proportional fonts or very long lines, can wrap on the
- printout. If this is so, checking this box will help ensure unbroken
- lines. See the "TIP" near the end of this section. Default: cleared.
- - Use current margins: You should leave this box cleared, unless you
- are not satisfied with DoublePage's default margins or if Word is
- giving you a "margins are outside the printing area" warning. If you
- check this box, DoublePage will use these settings from Word's
- File/Page Setup/Margins window: Top Margin, Bottom Margin, Left
- Margin, Right Margin, Header Distance, and Footer Distance. This is
- a very useful feature for those with different papers or equipment.
- Default: cleared.
- Print Options
- -------------
- - No. of copies: A number from 1 to 9999. Default: 1.
- - Collate: Checking this box will produce an output with pages
- arranged in the following order: 1, 2, 3, ..., 1, 2, 3, ...
- Clearing it produces: 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, ... Default: checked.
- - Manual duplex: Great if you want to print on both sides of the
- paper and your printer does not support automatic duplex printing.
- Checking this box causes DoublePage to print all odd pages, then
- prompts you to put them back in the printer and prints all even
- ones. Make sure you follow your printer manufacturer's instructions
- before reloading it with these sheets (to make sure it is safe to
- do so and to ensure that you are properly positioning them and in
- the right order).
- Keep in mind that DoublePage does much more "behind the scenes" processing
- than these options may suggest, as alluded to in the "COMMENTS" section above.
- For example, when you do not check "Force Normal style", it is possible
- that DoublePage will change the style to Normal anyway if it detects it must
- do so; this is by design and is to ensure the best possible printout.
- TIP: If you loaded a DOS (or "Text") document in Word (such as this file),
- its columns and characters may align and display better if you change its
- font to MS LineDraw or Courier New (you do this by clicking Edit/Select All
- and then choosing the new font from the toolbar); make sure it is properly
- displayed in Word before using DoublePage! And if you're using these fonts you
- will likely want to check the "Compress lines" option to prevent wrapping.
- While DoublePage is working, you should not be concerned about what, if
- anything, is happening to your document window; when DoublePage terminates,
- you will automatically be returned to the beginning of your original document,
- which it will not have been modified.
- When DoublePage completes successfully, the job has been sent to your printer.
- Pressing OK in the last dialog box returns you to your original document.
- DoublePage incorporates a comprehensive error detection mechanism; if you
- see a DoublePage error message you should correct the problem if possible,
- or contact me for support if you suspect it is caused by a bug (see the
- "SUPPORT" section below).
- ===============
- The latest released version is available from my Web site at:
- http://www.cam.org/~donato/index.html
- Or you can download it from the following anonymous FTP site:
- ftp://ftp.cam.org/users/donato/
- =======
- The source code of DoublePage, comprised of about 800 lines of code,
- is never provided so as to retain control over the posted versions.
- I will be pleased to read any bug reports, suggestions, or comments you
- may have regarding DoublePage. However, be aware that this is a "spare
- time" effort. In your e-mail, you must indicate: 1) the version and
- language of Word, 2) the version of DoublePage, and 3) the exact error
- message with codes if applicable.
- ================================
- A Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) list is available at my Web site
- mentioned above. You should read it first if you have any questions.
- If you like DoublePage, please let me know and tell your friends!
- ===========================
- 96/01/08 - V1.00: Initial release.
- 96/01/24 - V1.10: Fixed a font resize bug.
- Added line compression support.
- 96/03/31 - V1.20: Added support to recognize and
- optionally remove these items:
- manual page breaks, section breaks,
- and graphics. Minor dialog text changes.
- 96/04/08 - V1.21: Fixed footer problems when used
- with French Canadian Word.
- 96/04/17 - V1.30: Fixed a couple of problems which prevented
- the macro from working under Word 6.0.
- Fixed a bug that did not always detect an
- overly large number of copies under Word 6.0.
- Now a number of copies which is not an integer
- is not rounded off any more: the user gets a
- warning message and must input the number again.
- Improved code that detects the Word version
- number. Minor dialog text changes. Changed the
- internal status numbering. Redesigned the print
- dialog window: now the input field is properly
- sized and a Collate option has been added.
- Now screen update is better handled: moving the
- Welcome, Print, and Thank You windows no longer
- messes up the screen background (although this
- had no consequence on the functionality or on the
- document since the screen is restored at the end
- anyway).
- 96/05/01 - V1.31: Picture dialog text clarification. For compatibility
- reasons, DoublePage now uses the paper size currently
- selected in Word (in File/Page Setup/Paper Size) for
- its entire printout (instead of forcing it to 8.5-inch
- by 11-inch paper, which was inconvenient for some
- users); however, please note that DoublePage has been
- optimized and tested on 8.5-inch by 11-inch paper only.
- 96/05/14 - V2.00: Redesigned the user interface: now all the questions
- and options are in a single window complete with online
- help. Added German Word support. Added option to choose
- whether tables should be converted or not. Added option
- to use existing margins and header and footer distances
- instead of the DoublePage defaults. Added manual duplex
- option. Added option to force Normal style throughout.
- Added the option not to print the DoublePage footer.
- Fixed footnotes and endnotes font size and line spacing
- which were not being adjusted.
- 96/10/07 - V2.01: Added support for French Word. This is the last version
- to support Word 6 & 7.
- 97/05/07 - V2.01a: Initial release for Word 97 only, based on V2.01 for
- Word 6 & 7.
- 98/04/03 - V2.02: For Word 97 only. Manual duplex printing was broken
- under Word 97 and has been patched. Minor dialog text
- changes.
- 98/04/04 - V2.03: For Word 97 only. Mainly a minor dialog text change for
- clarity.
- 98/06/17 - V2.04: For Word 97 only. Fixed a bug whereby DoublePage was
- not able to detect German Word 97 and adjust itself
- accordingly (such as when printing the footer).
- 98/06/24 - V2.05: For Word 97 only. Fixed some bugs which were not
- noticeable to the user, in the American Word detection
- code and the column formatting code. Made a tiny
- modification to the Help text. Fixed the user getting
- error code 509-1200 if a picture was selected prior to
- running DoublePage.
- 98/09/01 - V2.06: For Word 97 only. Rewrote the code that does Word
- language detection. This should resolve an error
- message a few users experienced on their printouts.
- ======
- Name : Mr. Jean P. Donato
- E-mail address : donato@cam.org