The SMTPMTA Mailbox template is a special template, used to automatically create a database that holds mail in transit to the Internet The filename of the database is always SMTP.BOX.
The SMTPMTA Mailbox is automatically created on a Notes Server the first time the SMTPMTA is run.
To the Server Administrator:
Check this mailbox if you suspect there is a problem with mail delivery. Messages in the default view will be in one of the following states:
Pending Conversion
The message is waiting to be converted by the Outbound Conversion Handler
Pending Transmission
The message has been converted by the Outbound Conversion Handler,
is safe stored in the Outbound Work Queue, and is waiting to be transmitted.
Conversion Error
There was a conversion error, the message is waiting for the DRT task to issue a Non-Delivery Report.
The message has failed conversion or transmission and has been made Dead because:
1. It is already a Non-delivery, Trace, or Delivery Confirmation Report and any further action is likely to create a looping message.
2. A portion of the message is damaged and it cannot be processed at this time.
3. The maximum hop count has been exceeded.
Messages in the 'Outbound by MessageID' view are organized by
the value returned by @DocumentUniqueID; namely, the Notes document UNID. This is the same ID logged per message by the Notes Router and the Outbound Converter will log this ID again, along with the new internal IDs assigned to any resulting SMTP messages in the smtpobwq.nsf.
O=Lotus Notes
O=Lotus Notes
O=Lotus Notes
CN=Lotus Notes Template Development/O=Lotus Notes
O=Lotus Notes
O=Lotus Notes
O=Lotus Notes
CN=Lotus Notes Template Development/O=Lotus Notes
04/10/97 11:26:29 AM Keith Hatfield/CAM/Lotus updated LocalDomainServers
12/11/96 03:01:12 PM Keith Hatfield/CAM/Lotus updated [-Default-]
12/11/96 03:00:57 PM Keith Hatfield/CAM/Lotus added [-Default-]
12/11/96 03:00:44 PM Keith Hatfield/CAM/Lotus updated -Default-
12/11/96 03:00:35 PM Keith Hatfield/CAM/Lotus updated LocalDomainServers
12/11/96 03:00:27 PM Keith Hatfield/CAM/Lotus added LocalDomainServers
12/11/96 03:00:27 PM Keith Hatfield/CAM/Lotus deleted Keith Hatfield/CAM/Lotus
12/11/96 02:58:56 PM Keith Hatfield/CAM/Lotus updated Keith Hatfield/CAM/Lotus
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12/11/96 02:58:56 PM Keith Hatfield/CAM/Lotus updated -Default-