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- ** **
- ** Special Information about Unique Computer Viruses TECHNOTE.TXT **
- ** **
- ** Symantec AntiVirus Research Center (SARC) **
- ** **
- **********************************************************************
- * Norton AntiVirus Program Upgrades
- * Disappearing Hard Drives
- * Additional Information
- **********************************************************************
- ** Norton AntiVirus Program Upgrades **
- **********************************************************************
- If your version of Norton AntiVirus (NAV.EXE, NAVW.EXE or NAVW32.EXE)
- is dated before June 1, 1996, you should update it with the latest
- program updates available. As viruses continue to be discovered with
- alarming regularity, the NAV virus definitions files have grown in
- size to counter the latest threats. Applying the patches will ensure
- that your installation will continue to accept the latest (and
- largest) virus definitions files. Using older versions of Norton
- AntiVirus can cause false detections when the new virus definitions
- are installed.
- Norton AntiVirus 3.10 Engine Update (UPDATEME.EXE)
- --------------------------------------------------
- To upgrade your Norton AntiVirus 3.0 program:
- * Download the file called UPDATEME.EXE
- * Place the file in an empty directory and execute the file
- to extract its components.
- * Enter: PATH; at the DOS prompt.
- DonÆt forget the semicolon. This command temporarily disables
- your path statement and will prevent corruption of NAV Network
- Manager installations.
- * Run UPDATE.EXE to create a set of install files.
- To place these files on floppies and create a new installation
- disk set, enter A:\ when it prompts for a location to EXTRACT the
- files to.
- * From DOS, run INSTALL.EXE.
- * After applying this patch, you must also update your virus
- definition set.
- NAV for Windows 95 v1.0, 95.0b Large Volume Update (NAV95OB.EXE)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
- This latest patch also adds support for Microsoft Service Pack 2 (FAT
- 32/large volumes) and will be required to apply the December 1997
- virus definitions set.
- To upgrade your Norton AntiVirus for Windows 95 program:
- * Download the file called NAV95OB.EXE
- * Place the file in an empty folder and execute the file
- to begin the installation process.
- * After applying this patch, you must also update your virus
- definition set.
- If you need additional instructions, a FaxBack service is available
- at one of the numbers noted at the end of this document. Request
- documents 4200 and 4221.
- UPDATEME.EXE and NAV95OB.EXE are located where the monthly virus
- definitions files update are normally found. They are available for
- download from the Symantec BBS, the Symantec FTP or Web site,
- CompuServe, America Online, or Microsoft Network. You can also call
- Customer Service at one of the numbers noted at the end of this
- document to order a disk set.
- **********************************************************************
- ** Disappearing Hard Drives **
- **********************************************************************
- Several viruses, such as Frankenstein and Stoned.Empire.Monkey, cause
- your hard disk to "disappear" when booting from a clean floppy disk.
- This occurs because the virus either encrypts or relocates the hard
- disk partition table (a vital part of the disk's system area).
- All "appears" well when you boot from your hard disk because the
- virus actives in memory and tells DOS where the partition table is
- relocated, or acts as the partition table itself. If you boot clean,
- DOS can't find the partition table and the virus isn't around to give
- directions. You may receive an "Invalid drive specification" or
- similar error when trying to access the hard disk.
- When you boot clean so NAV can repair such an infection, the hard
- disk will not appear in the drive list. Don't worry! NAV, with the
- default options enabled, will bypass DOS and look directly at the
- hard disk to check the system area for infection, no matter what you
- scan. For example, scanning a floppy disk will scan memory, the
- floppy disk, and the system area of the hard disk. If such an
- infection is discovered, you are alerted appropriately.
- NOTE: IDE hard drives larger than 1024 cylinders often require the
- use of additional driver or overlay files. If you have such a drive,
- you may need to include these additional files on your Norton
- AntiVirus Rescue Disk to ensure recovery from virus emergencies. Make
- sure that any special driver or overlay files for your hard drive,
- which are part of your normal system configuration, are included on
- your rescue disk.
- **********************************************************************
- ** Additional Information **
- **********************************************************************
- Additional information regarding this virus definitions update can be
- ==============================================================
- = Customer Service Phone Numbers outside of the USA =
- ==============================================================
- Australia +(61) 02-9850-1005
- Austria +(43) 01-50-137-5020
- Belgium +(32) 0271-31-700
- Denmark +(45) 035-44-57-00
- Netherlands +(31) 020-5040-565
- UK +(44) 0171-616-5600
- Finland +(358) 09-2293-0410
- France +(33) 01-6453-8050
- Germany +(49) 069-664-10300
- Italy +(39) 02-48-270-000
- Luxembourg +(352) 029-8479-5020
- Malaysia +(60) 02-03-324-7955
- New Zealand 0800-44-2795 (Within the country only)
- Norway +(47) 023-05-3300
- Portugal +(351) 05-055-3055
- Singapore +(65) 324-7955
- South Africa +(27) 11-784-9855
- Spain +(34) 091-662-4413
- Sweden +(46) 08-703-9615
- Switzerland +(41) 01-212-6262
- All other countries within the European and Middle East regions
- phone:
- Ireland +(353) 01-8118032
- In the US phone: (800) 441-7234
- ==============================================================
- = Customer Service FAX Back Numbers outside of the USA =
- ==============================================================
- Austria +(43) 01-50-137-5022
- Belgium +(32) 0271-31-710
- Denmark +(45) 035-44-57-25
- Netherlands +(31) 020-5040-566
- UK +(44) 0171-616-5710
- Finland +(358) 09-2293-0411
- France +(33) 01-6453-8052
- Germany +(49) 069-6641-0310
- Italy +(39) 02-48-270-010
- Luxembourg +(352) 029-8479-5022
- Norway +(47) 023-05-3310
- Spanish +(34) 091-662-4021
- Swedish +(46) 08-751-5681
- Switzerland +(41) 01-212-6267
- All other countries within the European and Middle East regions
- fax:
- Ireland +(353) 01-8118034
- All other countries within the Asia-Pacific regions
- fax:
- Australia +(61) 02-9817-4550
- In the US phone: (541) 984-2490