PC World 1998 December
Text File
138 lines
Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere Version 6.0.0
Release Notes
This file contains release notes for Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere
Version 6.0.0.
These release notes contain the following:
1. Known Limitations and Problems
2. Documentation Corrections
1. Known Limitations and Problems
The following is a list of known limitations and problems with the
current software:
1.1 PowerBuilder and InfoMaker initialization file
PowerBuilder and InfoMaker users should add an Adaptive Server
Anywhere section to their pbodb60.ini file. For information on this,
see the section "Upgrade notes for PowerBuilder and InfoMaker users"
1.2 Installing InfoMaker 6.5
System Requirements
- 486 PC or higher
- 16 MB RAM (24 recommended)
- 45 MB hard drive space, depending on configuration
- CD ROM drive
- VGA monitor
- Windows 95 or Windows NT 3.51 or higher for development
- Windows 95, Windows NT, or Window 3.x for deployment
Installing on NT 4.0
You must have Administrator privileges to fully install this
product on NT 4.0.
1.3 Windows 3.x and Java
The Windows 3.x database server supports Java in the database. However,
the Windows 8.3 file name limitation makes .java and .class file names
invalid on this operating system, and so only the asademo.jar file
is installed for Windows 3.x machines.
In order to install the demo examples, you shold run jdemow.sql rather
than jdemo.sql.
1.4 Windows 3.x Win32s version
It is documented that the Windows 3.x personal database server
requires version 1.30 or later of the Win32s subsystem.
If you attempt to run the database server with an earlier
version of Win32s, it does not work.
1.5 Creating ODBC File data sources
Creating an ODBC File data source from the ODBC Administrator does
not work. You must edit File data sources (which has standard INI
file format) by hand.
1.6 SQL Remote and Java objects
To extract a database that contains Jave objects for SQL Remote,
use the dbxtract command line utility instead of Sybase Central.
You should ensure that the database server has a cache of 8 Mb
when carrying out this task. This is a guideline for running any
application against a Java-enabled database.
You should use the internal reload option (the default) when carrying
out this extraction.
1.7 Calling Java methods from Open Client or jConnect connections
If you connect to a database server using Open Client or Sybase
jConnect, you cannot execute the following statements:
call JavaClass.method()
exec JavaClass.method()
where JavaClass and method are any class and method. You can
use the following in the case that the method returns a value:
select JavaClass.method()
2. Documentation corrections
The following corrections are known significant errors in the printed
documentation. Some of these errors may be fixed in the online
documentation. The page numbers refer to the User's Guide (UG) or the
Reference Manual (RM) unless otherwise noted.
2.1 Line numbers in Java debugger tutorial
UG, page 492: the line number in step 2 should be 284.
In step 3, the line number should be 292.
2.2 Windows 3.x and Java
UG, page 424: For Windows 3.x, to install the Java sample classes,
you should run jdemow.sql rather than jdemo.sql.
The Windows 3.x 8.3 file name limitations prohibit installation of
the .java and .class files.
The file jdemow.sql installs asademo.jar only, not
JDBCExamples.class. The external Java examples cannot be run on
Windows 3.x, as the files are not installed.
2.3 Creating custom collations
UG, page 274: The command line in step 4 of the instructions
for creating a custom collation should read as follows:
dbcollat -d mycol.col custmap.sql mycol.sql
The additional file name in this command is required whenever
you execute dbcollat with the -d parameter.
2.4 How Java objects are stored
UG, page 449: The description states that the values of public
fields are stored. In fact, all non-transient and non-static
fields are serialized.