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/ PC World 1998 December / PCWorld_1998-12_cd.iso / KOMUNIKE / idg_web / pictures / w1196a.gif < prev    next >
Graphics Interchange Format  |  1998-04-10  |  8KB  |  640x243  |  4-bit (16 colors)
Labels: bulletin board | crt screen | dialog box | earth | monitor | plant | road | sidewalk | sky | stairs | window
OCR: System Agent Program Advanced Help Scheduled program Time scheduled to run Last started ended Last result NLow space notification Hourly at 15 minutes 9:15 on 26.2.1996 9:15 on 26.2 1996 Completed successfully ScanDisk for Windows [Sta. Every DO: ut; and. 8:44 on 26. .1996 8:45 on 26.2 1996 No errors found Disk Defragmenter Every po; ut: st; Ct pue 12:00 I on 23.2.1996 12:00 on 23.2. 1996 Completed successfully ScanDisk tor Smopu!, [Th. First of the month at 2 8:52 on 2.2.- 1996 8:52 on 2.2. 1996 No errors found anced cheduled FLOw snace