PC World 1998 October
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429 lines
Description: ReadWeather
Author: F. Salazar
Created: June, 1997
Copyright (c)1992-1997 Lotus Development Corp. All Rights Reserved.
Change History:
$Log: //reebok/xyzL/JavaComp/webpack/samples/weatherchart/ReadWeather.java
Rev 09 Jan 1998 10:52:12 jdonohue
Change package name to samples.weatherchart
Rev 1.5 13 Oct 1997 11:19:24 fsalazar
Correct precision on floating pt values.
Rev 1.4 05 Aug 1997 10:15:42 fsalazar
Use webpack.samples.weatherchart package name.
Rev 1.3 31 Jul 1997 15:25:48 fsalazar
Missed a deprecated readline().
package samples.weatherchart;
import java.io.*;
import java.net.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.text.*;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ReadWeather is a supporting application for the Lotus Kona Webpack Samples.
Its purpose is to update dataset files which record weather information -- temperature,
pressure and humidity -- for various cities. ReadWeather should be scheduled to run once
an hour; every 24 hours, its data files should be "reset", so that the datasets do not grow
beyond a reasonable size.
Syntax for invoking ReadWeather is as follows:
(jvm) ReadWeather config [proxy:port] [/tzone]
(jvm) Java virtual machine which loads the application; either java or jview.
ReadWeather Name of class.
config Name of configuration file (see below).
[proxy:port] Optional. If specified, ReadWeather will issue HTTP requests through a proxy server.
[/t] Optional. Specifies a timezone code, eg EST. If not specified, default will be used.
Example command-lines:
jview ReadWeather readweather.dat
jview ReadWeather readweather.dat proxysrv.com:8080 /tEST
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
class ReadWeather
private static String m_sConfigFile;
private static boolean m_bUseProxy = false;
private static String m_sProxy;
private static int m_iPort = 0;
private static String m_sTimeZone;
private static boolean parseArgs( String args[] )
String portstr, arg;
int i, idx;
char c;
// get config file
m_sConfigFile = args[0];
catch( IndexOutOfBoundsException e )
System.out.print( "Syntax error: No configuration file specified.\r\n" +
" Usage: ReadWeather (config. file) [proxy:port]\r\n");
return false;
// go through optional args
i = 1;
while ( true )
arg = args[i++];
if ( arg.charAt( 0 ) == '/' )
c = arg.charAt( 1 );
c = Character.toUpperCase(c);
switch( c )
case 'T':
m_sTimeZone = arg.substring( 2, arg.length() );
// get optional proxy/port
idx = arg.lastIndexOf( ':' );
if ( idx < 1 )
System.out.print( "Syntax error: Invalid proxy:port expression.\r\n" +
" Usage: ReadWeather (config. file) [proxy:port]\r\n");
return false;
m_sProxy = arg.substring( 0, idx );
portstr = arg.substring( idx+1, arg.length() );
m_iPort = Integer.parseInt( portstr );
m_bUseProxy = true;
} // try
catch( StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e )
} // while
} // try
catch( IndexOutOfBoundsException e )
// all done going through args array
catch( NumberFormatException e )
System.out.print( "Syntax error: Invalid proxy:port expression.\r\n" +
" Usage: ReadWeather (config. file) [proxy:port]\r\n");
return false;
return true;
} // parseArgs
// Update 3 dataset files. The filenames are constructed using 'setfile' as the base
// name, and then appending the extensions .TEM, .HUM, .PRE.
// Method for each file:
// - delete temp file (if present)
// - create/open temp file
// - open dataset file
// - copy 1st line (caption) from dataset file to temp file.
// - read 2nd line (column labels). append [tab] and current hour. write to temp file.
// - read 3rd line (data values).
// - append new temperature, pressure or humidity value to line, write to temp file
// - close files.
// - rename dataset to .BAK
// - rename temp file to dataset file.
// - delete .BAK file
private static boolean updateDataset( String cityname, String setfile, GetWData reader )
int ctr, idx, itOffset, iHour, iAmPm;
String dataName, tmpName, bakName;
String line, value, ampm;
File tmpFile, dataFile, bakFile;
Date now;
TimeZone tz = null;
GregorianCalendar cal;
SimpleDateFormat fmt;
FileInputStream fis;
FileOutputStream fos;
DataInputStream dis;
DataOutputStream dos;
BufferedReader bdis;
String ext[] = new String[3];
ext[0] = new String( ".TEM" );
ext[1] = new String( ".HUM" );
ext[2] = new String( ".BAR" );
// make local time, in hours
if ( null != m_sTimeZone )
tz = TimeZone.getTimeZone( m_sTimeZone );
if ( null == tz )
tz = TimeZone.getDefault();
cal = new GregorianCalendar( tz );
iHour = cal.get( Calendar.HOUR );
if (0 == iHour )
iHour = 12;
iAmPm = cal.get( Calendar.AM_PM );
if ( 0 == iAmPm )
ampm = new String( "a" );
ampm = new String( "p" );
// make name for temp. file
tmpName = new String( setfile );
idx = tmpName.lastIndexOf( '.' );
if ( idx > 1 )
tmpName = tmpName.substring( 0, idx );
tmpName = tmpName + ".tmp";
// make name for backup file
bakName = new String( setfile );
idx = bakName.lastIndexOf( '.' );
if ( idx > 1 )
bakName = bakName.substring( 0, idx );
bakName = bakName + ".bak";
// loop through set of 3 data files
ctr = 0;
while ( ctr < 3 )
// make name of dataset file
dataName = new String( setfile );
idx = dataName.lastIndexOf( '.' );
if ( idx > 1 )
dataName = dataName.substring( 0, idx );
dataName = dataName + ext[ ctr ];
// create files
tmpFile = new File( tmpName );
dataFile = new File( dataName );
// delete temp. file
if ( tmpFile.exists() )
// create some streams
fis = new FileInputStream( dataFile );
fos = new FileOutputStream( tmpFile );
dis = new DataInputStream( fis );
dos = new DataOutputStream( fos );
bdis = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader( dis ) );
// copy 1st line from input to output
line = bdis.readLine();
if ( line == null )
return false;
line += "\r\n";
dos.writeBytes( line );
// copy hours caption line, add new hour value
// note that we preface the time with 'a' or 'p'
// for am or pm.
line = bdis.readLine();
if ( line == null )
return false;
dos.writeBytes( line );
value = String.valueOf( iHour );
dos.writeBytes( "\t" + ampm + value + "\r\n" );
//copy data line
line = bdis.readLine();
if ( line == null )
return false;
dos.writeBytes( line );
dos.writeBytes( " " );
switch( ctr )
case 0: value = reader.getTemperatureString(); break;
case 1: value = reader.getHumidityString(); break;
case 2: value = reader.getPressureString(); break;
dos.writeBytes( value + "\r\n" );
// close files.
// rename dataset to .BAK
bakFile = new File( bakName );
dataFile.renameTo( bakFile );
// rename temp file to dataset file.
dataFile = new File( dataName );
tmpFile.renameTo( dataFile );
// delete .BAK file
// bump counter
} // while ctr<3
return true;
} // try
catch( Exception e )
System.out.print( "Exception in updateDataset() : " + e.getMessage() + "\r\n");
return false;
} // updateDataset
public static void main(String args[])
GetWData reader;
// parse arguments
if ( !parseArgs( args ) )
// open config file
FileInputStream fin;
DataInputStream din;
BufferedReader bdin;
fin = new FileInputStream( m_sConfigFile );
catch( FileNotFoundException e )
System.out.print( "Syntax error: Config. file [" + m_sConfigFile + "] not found.\r\n" +
" Usage: ReadWeather (config. file) [proxy:port]\r\n");
// the config. file has lines with format:
// (city name)|(dataset filename)|URL
// For each line read, update the specified dataset file based on the URL
int cityidx, fileidx, iSetsUpdated = 0;
String dataline, setfile, seturl, cityname;
din = new DataInputStream( fin );
bdin = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader( din ) );
while ( true )
// dataline = din.readLine();
dataline = bdin.readLine();
if ( null == dataline )
cityidx = dataline.indexOf( '|' );
if ( cityidx < 1 )
System.out.print( "ERROR: Invalid config. file entry [" + dataline + "]\r");
cityname = dataline.substring( 0, cityidx );
fileidx = dataline.indexOf( '|', cityidx+1 );
if ( fileidx < 1 )
System.out.print( "ERROR: Invalid config. file entry [" + dataline + "]\r");
setfile = dataline.substring( cityidx+1, fileidx );
seturl = dataline.substring( fileidx+1, dataline.length() );
setfile = setfile.trim();
seturl = seturl.trim();
if ( m_bUseProxy )
reader = new GetWDataProxy( seturl, m_sProxy, m_iPort );
reader = new GetWDataDirect( seturl );
updateDataset( cityname, setfile, reader );
System.out.print( cityname + "\t\t" +
"Temperature: " + reader.getTemperatureString() +
"\tHumidity: " + reader.getHumidityString() +
"\tPressure: " + reader.getPressureString() + "\r\n" );
catch( MalformedURLException e )
System.out.print( "ERROR: " + e.getMessage() +
"\r\nProcessing line [" + dataline + "]\r\n" );
catch( IOException e )
System.out.print( "ERROR: " + e.getMessage() +
"\r\nProcessing line [" + dataline + "]\r\n" );
} // while
System.out.print( "\r\nComplete.\r\n" );
System.out.print( iSetsUpdated + " date-set file(s) updated.\r\n\r\n" );
} // try
catch( IOException e )
System.out.print( "ERROR: " + e.getMessage() + "]\r\n" );
} // main
} // ReadWeather
// end of ReadWeather.java