PC World 1998 October
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572 lines
, setting titles for String property ljpch_String_p.html
2-dimensional charts Perspective property ljpch_Perspective_p.html
2-dimensional charts Rendering PARAM tag ljpch_Rendering_t.html
3-dimensional charts Perspective property ljpch_Perspective_p.html
3-dimensionsal charts Rendering PARAM tag ljpch_Rendering_t.html
addEditableCell method addEditableCell method ljpss_addEditableCell_m.html
addValue method addValue method ljpbb_addValue_m.html
allowUI PARAM tag allowUI PARAM tag ljpjd_allowui_param_t.html
appendColumnValue method appendColumnValue method ljpbb_appendColumnValue_m.html
appendRow method appendRow method ljpbb_appendRow_m.html
autoconnect PARAM tag autoconnect PARAM tag ljpjd_autoconnect_param_t.html
AxisApi class, creating instances of getXAxis method ljpch_getXAxis_m.html
AxisApi class, creating instances of getYAxis method ljpch_getYAxis_m.html
AxisLabelPosition property AxisLabelPosition property ljpch_AxisLabelPosition_p.html
bolding text TextBold property ljpch_TextBold_p.html
border width, setting LabelPosition property ljpch_LabelPosition_p.html
borders, setting colors for EdgeColor property ljpch_EdgeColor_p.html
borders, setting line styles for EdgeLineStyle property ljpch_EdgeLineStyle_p.html
borders, setting width of lines EdgeLineWidth property ljpch_EdgeLineWidth_p.html
Chart applet Chart Object Model ljpch_ObjectModel.html
chart elements, displaying and hiding ShowFootnote PARAM tag ljpch_ShowFootnote_t.html
chart elements, displaying and hiding ShowLegend PARAM tag ljpch_ShowLegend_t.html
chart elements, displaying and hiding ShowX-AxisTitlePARAM tag ljpch_ShowX-AxisTitle_t.html
chart elements, displaying and hiding ShowY-AxisMajorTicks PARAM tag ljpch_ShowY-AxisMajorTicks_t.html
chart elements, displaying and hiding ShowY-AxisMinorTicksPARAM tag ljpch_ShowY-AxisMinorTicks_t.html
chart elements, displaying and hiding ShowY-AxisTitlePARAM tag ljpch_ShowY-AxisTitle_t.html
chart elements, displaying and hiding Visible property ljpch_Visible_p.html
chart elements, hiding and displaying SeriesShow PARAM tag ljpch_SeriesShow_t.html
chart objects DataSource property ljpch_DataSource_p.html
chart objects DataSourceSource property ljpch_DataSourceSource_p.html
chart objects String property ljpch_String_p.html
chart objects, creating getChart method ljpch_getChart_m.html
chart objects, setting dimensions for Perspective property ljpch_Perspective_p.html
chart objects, setting plot layout PlotLayout property ljpch_PlotLayout_p.html
chart objects, setting series layout SeriesLayout property ljpch_SeriesLayout_p.html
ChartApi class, creating instances of getChart method ljpch_getChart_m.html
ChartElementApi class, creating instances of getPlot method ljpch_getPlot_m.html
charts, parsing data sets for ParseDirection PARAM tag ljpch_ParseDirection_t.html
charts, parsing data sets for ParseDirection property ljpch_ParseDirection_p.html
charts, pie PieExplodeSlicePercent property ljpch_PieExplodeSlicePercent_p.html
charts, pie PieLabelsPosition property ljpch_PieLabelsPosition_p.html
charts, pie PieSliceDirection property ljpch_PieSliceDirection_p.html
charts, pie PieSortSliceBySize property ljpch_PieSortSliceBySize_p.html
charts, radar RadarDirection property ljpch_RadarDirection_p.html
charts, redrawing refresh method ljpch_refresh_m.html
charts, redrawing refreshData method ljpch_refreshdata_m.html
charts, setting dimensions for Rendering PARAM tag ljpch_Rendering_t.html
color, setting FootnoteBorderLineColor PARAM tag ljpch_FootnoteBorderLineColor_t.html
color, setting lColors ljpco_LotusColors.html
color, setting lColors ljpco_LotusColors_tx.html
color, setting SeriesBackgroundColor PARAM tag ljpch_SeriesBackgroundColors_t.html
color, setting TitleBorderLineColor PARAM tag ljpch_TitleBorderLineColor_t.html
color, setting for borders EdgeColor property ljpch_EdgeColor_p.html
color, setting for patterns MarkerColor property ljpch_MarkerColor_p.html
color, setting for patterns PatternColor property ljpch_PatternColor_p.html
color, setting for text TextColor property ljpch_TextColor_p.html
color, setting for the fill area FillColor property ljpch_FillColor_p.html
connecting to an external database autoconnect PARAM tag ljpjd_autoconnect_param_t.html
connecting to an external database database PARAM tag ljpjd_database_param_t.html
ConnectPoints property ConnectPoints property ljpch_ConnectPoints_p.html
counting the series in a chart NumDataSeries property ljpch_NumDataSeries_p.html
createInfoBusBridgeVector method createInfoBusBridgeVector method ljpbb_createIBBridgeVector_m.html
creating the basic HTML page creating the application HTML page ljpjd_create_page.html
creating a table Creating a table to contain the applets ljpjd_create_2rowtable.html
Creating an instance of the JdbcSource applet Creating an instance of the JdbcSource applet ljpjd_creating_JdbcSource.html
creating chart objects getChart method ljpch_getChart_m.html
creating Footnote objects getFootnote method ljpch_getFootnote_m.html
creating legend objects getLegend method ljpch_getLegend_m.html
creating plot objects getPlot method ljpch_getPlot_m.html
creating series objects getSeries method ljpch_getSeries_m.html
creating title objects getTitle method ljpch_getTitle_m.html
creating x-axis objects getXAxis method ljpch_getXAxis_m.html
creating x-axis objects getYAxis method ljpch_getYAxis_m.html
CursorColumn property CursorColumn property ljpss_CursorColumn_p.html
CursorRow property CursorRow property ljpss_CursorRow_p.html
Customer The Customer Service Sample Application ljscs_customer_service_app.html
data for DataSource property ljpch_DataSource_p.html
data for DataSourceSource property ljpch_DataSourceSource_p.html
data item InfoBus data items ljpib_dataitem.html
data item InfoBus overview ljpib_infobus.html
Data property Data property ljpch_Data_p.html
data set InfoBus data items ljpib_dataitem.html
data, connecting points in a line chart ConnectPoints property ljpch_ConnectPoints_p.html
data, for chart or chart elements DataSource property ljpch_DataSource_p.html
data, for charts DataSourceSource property ljpch_DataSourceSource_p.html
data, marking points on a line chart MarkerKind property ljpch_MarkerKind_p.html
data, parsing for charts ParseDirection PARAM tag ljpch_ParseDirection_t.html
data, parsing for charts ParseDirection property ljpch_ParseDirection_p.html
data, setting the plot type for SeriesType property ljpch_SeriesType_p.html
database The Customer Service Sample Application ljscs_customer_service_app.html
database Param tag database PARAM tag ljpjd_database_param_t.html
database queries, specifying retrievals PARAM tag ljpjd_retrievals_param_t.html
DataItem FileReader applet ljpfr_fileReader.html
DataItem InfoBusBridge applet ljpbb_InfoBusBridge.html
DataItem InfoBusBridgeVector applet ljpbb_InfoBusBridgeVector.html
DataSource property DataSource property ljpch_DataSource_p.html
DataSourceSource property DataSourceSource property ljpch_DataSourceSource_p.html
Debug PARAM tag Debug PARAM tag ljpcgi_debug_parm.html
deleteColumns method deleteColumns method ljpss_deleteColumns_m.html
deleteRows method deleteRows method ljpss_deleteRows_m.html
Design Partner Program overview Design Partner Program Overview ljpco_about_the_dpp.html
dimensions, of chart objects Perspective property ljpch_Perspective_p.html
displaying chart elements SeriesShow PARAM tag ljpch_SeriesShow_t.html
displaying chart elements ShowFootnote PARAM tag ljpch_ShowFootnote_t.html
displaying chart elements ShowLegend PARAM tag ljpch_ShowLegend_t.html
displaying chart elements ShowX-AxisTitlePARAM tag ljpch_ShowX-AxisTitle_t.html
displaying chart elements ShowY-AxisMajorTicks PARAM tag ljpch_ShowY-AxisMajorTicks_t.html
displaying chart elements ShowY-AxisMinorTicksPARAM tag ljpch_ShowY-AxisMinorTicks_t.html
displaying chart elements ShowY-AxisTitlePARAM tag ljpch_ShowY-AxisTitle_t.html
displaying chart elements Visible property ljpch_Visible_p.html
displaying data markers MarkerIsVisible property ljpch_MarkerIsVisible_p.html
displaying grid lines VisibleMajorGrid property ljpch_VisibleMajorGrid_p.html
displaying Infocenter Hideic PARAM tag ljpch_Hideic_t.html
displaying sheet elements ADORNMENTS PARAM tag ljpss_ADORNMENTS_t.html
displaying sheet elements EDITLINE PARAM tag ljpss_EDITLINE_t.html
displaying sheet elements GRIDLINES PARAM tag ljpss_GRIDLINES_t.html
displaying sheet elements HSCROLL PARAM tag ljpss_HSCROLL_t.html
displaying sheet elements INVERTEDL PARAM tag ljpss_INVERTEDL_t.html
displaying sheet elements STATUSLINE PARAM tag ljpss_STATUSLINE_t.html
displaying sheet elements VSCROLL PARAM tag ljpss_VSCROLL_t.html
displaying text frames FrameVisible property ljpch_FrameVisible_p.html
Domino The Customer Service Sample Application ljscs_customer_service_app.html
EdgeColor property EdgeColor property ljpch_EdgeColor_p.html
EdgeLineStyle property EdgeLineStyle property ljpch_EdgeLineStyle_p.html
EdgeLineWidth property EdgeLineWidth property ljpch_EdgeLineWidth_p.html
edit line, displaying and hiding ADORNMENTS PARAM tag ljpss_ADORNMENTS_t.html
edit line, displaying and hiding EDITLINE PARAM tag ljpss_EDITLINE_t.html
edit line, displaying and hiding GRIDLINES PARAM tag ljpss_GRIDLINES_t.html
edit line, displaying and hiding STATUSLINE PARAM tag ljpss_STATUSLINE_t.html
exploded pie charts PieExplodeSlicePercent property ljpch_PieExplodeSlicePercent_p.html
exploding pie slices Data property ljpch_Data_p.html
exploding pie slices Legend property ljpch_Legend_p.html
exploding pie slices LegendSource property ljpch_LegendSource_p.html
exploding pie slices LineColor property ljpch_LineColor_p.html
exploding pie slices MajorGridColor property ljpch_MajorGridColor_p.html
exploding pie slices MajorTickColor property ljpch_MajorTickColor_p.html
exploding pie slices MinorGridColor property ljpch_MinorGridColor_p.html
exploding pie slices MinorStep property ljpch_MinorStep_p.html
exploding pie slices MinorTickColor property ljpch_MinorTickColor_p.html
exploding pie slices Rotation property ljpch_Rotation_p.html
exploding pie slices TransparentFill property ljpch_TransparentFill_p.html
exploding pie slices VisibleAxisLine property ljpch_VisibleAxisLine_p.html
exploding pie slices VisibleMajorTicks property ljpch_VisibleMajorTicks_p.html
exploding pie slices VisibleMinorGrid property ljpch_VisibleMinorGrid_p.html
exploding pie slices VisibleMinorTicks property ljpch_VisibleMinorTicks_p.html
exploding pie slices VisibleTickLabels property ljpch_VisibleTickLabels_p.html
exploding pie slices XAxisLabels property ljpch_XAxisLabels_p.html
external database, specifying the password password PARAM tag ljpjd_password_param_t.html
external database, specifying the user ID ID PARAM tag ljpjd_id_param_t.html
ExternalCreateCell method ExternalCreateCell method ljpss_ExternalCreateCell_m.html
ExternalCreateNamedRange method ExternalCreateNamedRange method ljpss_ExternalCreateNamedR_m.html
ExternalCreateNamedRangeFromSelection method ExternalCreateNamedRangeFromSelection method ljpss_ExternalCreateNamedRS_m.html
ExternalDeleteColumn method ExternalDeleteColumn method ljpss_ExternalDeleteColumn_m.html
ExternalDeleteNamedRange method ExternalDeleteNamedRange method ljpss_ExternalDeleteNamedR_m.html
ExternalDeleteRow method ExternalDeleteRow method ljpss_ExternalDeleteRow_m.html
ExternalGetRecalcMode method ExternalGetRecalcMode method ljpss_ExternalGetRecalcMode_m.html
ExternalInsertColumn method ExternalInsertColumn method ljpss_ExternalInsertColumn_m.html
ExternalInsertRow method ExternalInsertRow method ljpss_ExternalInsertRow_m.html
ExternalRangeCopy method ExternalRangeCopy method ljpss_ExternalRangeCopy_m.html
ExternalRangeMove method ExternalRangeMove method ljpss_ExternalRangeMove_m.html
ExternalSetRecalcMode method ExternalSetRecalcMode method ljpss_ExternalSetRecalcMode_m.html
File name, setting FILENAME PARAM tag ljpss_FILENAME_t.html
fileDataItemName Param tag fileDataItemName PARAM tag ljpfr_fileDataItemName_t.html
fileName Param tag fileName PARAM tag ljpfr_fileName_t.html
FileName, setting FILENAME PARAM tag ljpss_FILENAME_t.html
FileReader FileReader applet ljpfr_fileReader.html
FileReader InfoBus data items ljpib_dataitem.html
FillColor property FillColor property ljpch_FillColor_p.html
FillPattern property FillPattern property ljpch_FillPattern_p.html
Fonts, dataItemName outputName PARAM tag ljpfr_outputName_t.html
Fonts, setting LegendFont PARAM tag ljpcgi_serverurl_parm.html
Fonts, setting LegendFont PARAM tag ljpch_FootnoteFont_t.html
Fonts, setting LegendFont PARAM tag ljpch_LegendFont_t.html
fonts, setting TextFont property ljpch_TextFont_p.html
fonts, setting TextFontName property ljpch_TextFontName_p.html
Fonts, setting TitleFont PARAM tag ljpch_TitleFont_t.html
Fonts, setting X-AxisLabelFont PARAM tag ljpch_X-AxisLabelFont_t.html
Fonts, setting X-AxisTitleFont PARAM tag ljpch_X-AxisTitleFont_t.html
Fonts, setting Y-AxisLabelFont PARAM tag ljpch_Y-AxisLabelFont_t.html
Fonts, setting Y-AxisScaleMajor PARAM tag ljpch_Y-AxisScaleMajor_t.html
Fonts, setting Y-AxisScaleMax PARAM tag ljpch_Y-AxisScaleMax_t.html
Fonts, setting Y-AxisScaleMin PARAM tag ljpch_Y-AxisScaleMin_t.html
Fonts, setting Y-AxisTitleFont PARAM tag ljpch_Y-AxisTitleFont_t.html
fonts, setting size of TextSize property ljpch_TextSize_p.html
Footnote border line, setting colors for FootnoteBorderLineColor PARAM tag ljpch_FootnoteBorderLineColor_t.html
Footnote objects, creating getFootnote method ljpch_getFootnote_m.html
Footnote Param tag Footnote PARAM tag ljpch_Footnote_t.html
footnote, displaying and hiding ShowFootnote PARAM tag ljpch_ShowFootnote_t.html
Footnote, setting fonts LegendFont PARAM tag ljpch_FootnoteFont_t.html
FootnoteBorderLineColor PARAM tag FootnoteBorderLineColor PARAM tag ljpch_FootnoteBorderLineColor_t.html
FootnoteFont Param tag LegendFont PARAM tag ljpch_FootnoteFont_t.html
footnotes, setting String property ljpch_String_p.html
formatting database query results _resultStyle PARAM tag ljpjd_resultStyle_param_t.html
frames, displaying and hiding FrameVisible property ljpch_FrameVisible_p.html
FrameVisible property FrameVisible property ljpch_FrameVisible_p.html
getCellFormula method getCellFormula method ljpss_getCellFormula_m.html
getCellValue method getCellValue method ljpss_getCellValue_m.html
getChart method getChart method ljpch_getChart_m.html
GetCommandObject method GetCommandObject method ljpwp_getcommandobject_m.html
getFootnote method getFootnote method ljpch_getFootnote_m.html
getHTMLText method getHTMLText method ljpwp_gethtmltext_m.html
getId method getId method ljpch_getId_m.html
getLegend method getLegend method ljpch_getLegend_m.html
getPlot method getPlot method ljpch_getPlot_m.html
getSeries method getSeries method ljpch_getSeries_m.html
getText method getText method ljpwp_gettext_m.html
getting for series objects getId method ljpch_getId_m.html
getTitle method getTitle method ljpch_getTitle_m.html
getWaffle method getWaffle method ljpss_getWaffle_m.html
getXAxis method getXAxis method ljpch_getXAxis_m.html
getYAxis method getYAxis method ljpch_getYAxis_m.html
grid line step values MajorStep property ljpch_MajorStep_p.html
grid lines, hiding and displaying VisibleMajorGrid property ljpch_VisibleMajorGrid_p.html
heading buttons, displaying and hiding INVERTEDL PARAM tag ljpss_INVERTEDL_t.html
Hideic PARAM tag Hideic PARAM tag ljpch_Hideic_t.html
hiding chart elements SeriesShow PARAM tag ljpch_SeriesShow_t.html
hiding chart elements ShowFootnote PARAM tag ljpch_ShowFootnote_t.html
hiding chart elements ShowLegend PARAM tag ljpch_ShowLegend_t.html
hiding chart elements ShowX-AxisTitlePARAM tag ljpch_ShowX-AxisTitle_t.html
hiding chart elements ShowY-AxisMajorTicks PARAM tag ljpch_ShowY-AxisMajorTicks_t.html
hiding chart elements ShowY-AxisMinorTicksPARAM tag ljpch_ShowY-AxisMinorTicks_t.html
hiding chart elements ShowY-AxisTitlePARAM tag ljpch_ShowY-AxisTitle_t.html
hiding chart elements Visible property ljpch_Visible_p.html
hiding data markers MarkerIsVisible property ljpch_MarkerIsVisible_p.html
hiding grid lines VisibleMajorGrid property ljpch_VisibleMajorGrid_p.html
hiding sheet elements ADORNMENTS PARAM tag ljpss_ADORNMENTS_t.html
hiding sheet elements EDITLINE PARAM tag ljpss_EDITLINE_t.html
hiding sheet elements GRIDLINES PARAM tag ljpss_GRIDLINES_t.html
hiding sheet elements HSCROLL PARAM tag ljpss_HSCROLL_t.html
hiding sheet elements INVERTEDL PARAM tag ljpss_INVERTEDL_t.html
hiding sheet elements STATUSLINE PARAM tag ljpss_STATUSLINE_t.html
hiding sheet elements VSCROLL PARAM tag ljpss_VSCROLL_t.html
hiding text frames FrameVisible property ljpch_FrameVisible_p.html
horizontal scroll, displaying and hiding HSCROLL PARAM tag ljpss_HSCROLL_t.html
ICLocation PARAM tag ICLocation PARAM tag ljpac_iclocation_t.html
ID PARAM tag ID PARAM tag ljpjd_id_param_t.html
index getId method ljpch_getId_m.html
InfoBus FileReader applet ljpfr_fileReader.html
InfoBus InfoBus data items ljpib_dataitem.html
InfoBus InfoBus overview ljpib_infobus.html
InfoBus InfoBusBridge applet ljpbb_InfoBusBridge.html
InfoBus InfoBusBridgeVector applet ljpbb_InfoBusBridgeVector.html
InfoBus The Customer Service Sample Application ljscs_customer_service_app.html
InfoBusBridge InfoBus data items ljpib_dataitem.html
InfoBusBridge InfoBus overview ljpib_infobus.html
InfoBusBridge InfoBusBridge applet ljpbb_InfoBusBridge.html
InfoBusBridge The Customer Service Sample Application ljscs_customer_service_app.html
InfoBusBridgeVector InfoBus data items ljpib_dataitem.html
InfoBusBridgeVector InfoBus overview ljpib_infobus.html
InfoBusBridgeVector InfoBusBridgeVector applet ljpbb_InfoBusBridgeVector.html
InfoBusBridgeVector The Customer Service Sample Application ljscs_customer_service_app.html
InfoCenter InfoCenter ljpco_infocenter_ov.html
InputName PARAM tag InputName PARAM tag ljpcgi_InputName_parm.html
InputParameters PARAM tag InputParameters PARAM tag ljpcgi_InputParameters_parm.html
InputType PARAM tag InputType PARAM tag ljpcgi_InputType_parm.html
InputValue PARAM tag InputValue PARAM tag ljpcgi_InputValue_parm.html
Inserting a Chart applet Inserting a Chart applet ljpjd_insert_chart.html
inserting a Sheet applet Inserting a Sheet applet ljpjd_insert_sheet.html
Inserting the InfoBus Bridge applet Inserting the InfoBus Bridge applet ljpjd_insert_InfoBusBridge.html
italicizing text TextBold property ljpch_TextItalic_p.html
JavaScript InfoBusBridge applet ljpbb_InfoBusBridge.html
JavaScript InfoBusBridgeVector applet ljpbb_InfoBusBridgeVector.html
JavaScript The Customer Service Sample Application ljscs_customer_service_app.html
JdbcSource applet PARAM tags, allowUI allowUI PARAM tag ljpjd_allowui_param_t.html
JdbcSource applet PARAM tags, autoconnect autoconnect PARAM tag ljpjd_autoconnect_param_t.html
JdbcSource applet PARAM tags, database database PARAM tag ljpjd_database_param_t.html
JdbcSource applet PARAM tags, ID ID PARAM tag ljpjd_id_param_t.html
JdbcSource applet PARAM tags, password password PARAM tag ljpjd_password_param_t.html
JdbcSource applet PARAM tags, retrievals retrievals PARAM tag ljpjd_retrievals_param_t.html
JdbcSource applet PARAM tags, _resultStyle _resultStyle PARAM tag ljpjd_resultStyle_param_t.html
Kona product overview Design Partner Program Overview ljpco_about_the_dpp.html
LabelOptions property LabelOptions property ljpch_LabelOptions_p.html
LabelPosition property LabelPosition property ljpch_LabelPosition_p.html
labels for x-axis XAxisLabelsSource property ljpch_XAxisLabelsSource_p.html
labels, ositioning in pie charts PieLabelsPosition property ljpch_PieLabelsPosition_p.html
labels, setting String property ljpch_String_p.html
layout, setting for a series SeriesLayout PARAM tag ljpch_SeriesLayout_t.html
legend objects, creating getLegend method ljpch_getLegend_m.html
Legend property Legend property ljpch_Legend_p.html
legend, displaying and hiding ShowLegend PARAM tag ljpch_ShowLegend_t.html
LegendFont Param tag LegendFont PARAM tag ljpcgi_serverurl_parm.html
LegendFont Param tag LegendFont PARAM tag ljpch_LegendFont_t.html
Legends Param tag Legends PARAM tag ljpch_Legends_t.html
Legends, setting fonts LegendFont PARAM tag ljpcgi_serverurl_parm.html
Legends, setting fonts LegendFont PARAM tag ljpch_LegendFont_t.html
Legends, setting fonts Y-AxisScaleMajor PARAM tag ljpch_Y-AxisScaleMajor_t.html
Legends, setting fonts Y-AxisScaleMax PARAM tag ljpch_Y-AxisScaleMax_t.html
Legends, setting fonts Y-AxisScaleMin PARAM tag ljpch_Y-AxisScaleMin_t.html
LegendSource property LegendSource property ljpch_LegendSource_p.html
line styles, setting EdgeLineStyle property ljpch_EdgeLineStyle_p.html
line width, setting LabelPosition property ljpch_LabelPosition_p.html
line widths, setting EdgeLineWidth property ljpch_EdgeLineWidth_p.html
LineColor property LineColor property ljpch_LineColor_p.html
Load method Load method ljpwp_load_m.html
lockSheet method lockSheet method ljpss_lockSheet_m.html
major ticks, displaying and hiding ShowY-AxisMajorTicks PARAM tag ljpch_ShowY-AxisMajorTicks_t.html
MajorGridColor property MajorGridColor property ljpch_MajorGridColor_p.html
MajorStep property MajorStep property ljpch_MajorStep_p.html
MajorTickColor property MajorTickColor property ljpch_MajorTickColor_p.html
making the JDBCsource applet invisible allowUI PARAM tag ljpjd_allowui_param_t.html
MarkerColor property MarkerColor property ljpch_MarkerColor_p.html
MarkerIsVisible property MarkerIsVisible property ljpch_MarkerIsVisible_p.html
MarkerKind property MarkerKind property ljpch_MarkerKind_p.html
Max property Max property ljpch_Max_p.html
merge The Customer Service Sample Application ljscs_customer_service_app.html
MergeNext method MergeNext method ljpwp_mergenext_m.html
Min property Min property ljpch_Min_p.html
minor ticks, displaying and hiding ShowY-AxisMinorTicksPARAM tag ljpch_ShowY-AxisMinorTicks_t.html
MinorGridColor property MinorGridColor property ljpch_MinorGridColor_p.html
MinorStep property MinorStep property ljpch_MinorStep_p.html
MinorTickColor property MinorTickColor property ljpch_MinorTickColor_p.html
name_<i>n</i> PARAM tag name_<i>n</i> PARAM tag ljpac_namen_t.html
newDocument method newDocument method ljpss_newDocument_m.html
newDocument method newDocument method ljpwp_newdocument_m.html
NumDataSeries property NumDataSeries property ljpch_NumDataSeries_p.html
object model Chart Object Model ljpch_ObjectModel.html
object model Sheet Object Model ljpss_ObjectModel.html
ordering pie slices PieSortSliceBySize property ljpch_PieSortSliceBySize_p.html
ordering pie slices PieStartAngle property ljpch_PieStartAngle_p.html
OutputDataSet PARAM tag OutputDataSet PARAM tag ljpcgi_OutputDataSet_parm.html
OutputFormat PARAM tag OutputFormat PARAM tag ljpcgi_OutputFormat_parm.html
outputName Param tag outputName PARAM tag ljpfr_outputName_t.html
overview overview ljpco_AppletConfiguration.html
overview overview ljpco_ChartSettingsTemp.html
overview overview ljpco_DataSetFile.html
Parameterized Query Application Source HTML Parameterized Query Application Source HTML ljpjd_pquery_source_html.html
ParseDirection Param tag ParseDirection PARAM tag ljpch_ParseDirection_t.html
ParseDirection property ParseDirection property ljpch_ParseDirection_p.html
pass-through HTML The Customer Service Sample Application ljscs_customer_service_app.html
password Param tagg password PARAM tag ljpjd_password_param_t.html
PatternColor property PatternColor property ljpch_PatternColor_p.html
patterns, setting for the fill area FillPattern property ljpch_FillPattern_p.html
Perspective property Perspective property ljpch_Perspective_p.html
pie chart, exploding slices Data property ljpch_Data_p.html
pie chart, exploding slices Legend property ljpch_Legend_p.html
pie chart, exploding slices LegendSource property ljpch_LegendSource_p.html
pie chart, exploding slices LineColor property ljpch_LineColor_p.html
pie chart, exploding slices MajorGridColor property ljpch_MajorGridColor_p.html
pie chart, exploding slices MajorTickColor property ljpch_MajorTickColor_p.html
pie chart, exploding slices MinorGridColor property ljpch_MinorGridColor_p.html
pie chart, exploding slices MinorStep property ljpch_MinorStep_p.html
pie chart, exploding slices MinorTickColor property ljpch_MinorTickColor_p.html
pie chart, exploding slices Rotation property ljpch_Rotation_p.html
pie chart, exploding slices TransparentFill property ljpch_TransparentFill_p.html
pie chart, exploding slices VisibleAxisLine property ljpch_VisibleAxisLine_p.html
pie chart, exploding slices VisibleMajorTicks property ljpch_VisibleMajorTicks_p.html
pie chart, exploding slices VisibleMinorGrid property ljpch_VisibleMinorGrid_p.html
pie chart, exploding slices VisibleMinorTicks property ljpch_VisibleMinorTicks_p.html
pie chart, exploding slices VisibleTickLabels property ljpch_VisibleTickLabels_p.html
pie chart, exploding slices XAxisLabels property ljpch_XAxisLabels_p.html
pie charts, direction of slices PieSliceDirection property ljpch_PieSliceDirection_p.html
pie charts, ordering of slices PieSortSliceBySize property ljpch_PieSortSliceBySize_p.html
pie charts, ordering of slices PieStartAngle property ljpch_PieStartAngle_p.html
pie charts, positioning labels in PieLabelsPosition property ljpch_PieLabelsPosition_p.html
pie charts, spacing slices PieExplodeSlicePercent property ljpch_PieExplodeSlicePercent_p.html
PieExplodeSlicePercent property PieExplodeSlicePercent property ljpch_PieExplodeSlicePercent_p.html
PieLabelsPosition property PieLabelsPosition property ljpch_PieLabelsPosition_p.html
PieSliceDirection property PieSliceDirection property ljpch_PieSliceDirection_p.html
PieSortSliceBySize property PieSortSliceBySize property ljpch_PieSortSliceBySize_p.html
PieStartAngle property PieStartAngle property ljpch_PieStartAngle_p.html
plot objects, creating getPlot method ljpch_getPlot_m.html
PlotLayout PARAM tag PlotLayout PARAM tag ljpch_PlotLayout_t.html
PlotLayout property PlotLayout property ljpch_PlotLayout_p.html
plotting a data series SeriesType property ljpch_SeriesType_p.html
plotting chart data PlotLayout property ljpch_PlotLayout_p.html
publishStringToBus method publishStringToBus method ljpbb_publishStringToBus_m.html
publishVectorToBus method publishVectorToBus method ljpbb_publishVectorToBus_m.html
query results, specifying the format _resultStyle PARAM tag ljpjd_resultStyle_param_t.html
radar charts, direction of series RadarDirection property ljpch_RadarDirection_p.html
RadarDirection property RadarDirection property ljpch_RadarDirection_p.html
readExternal method writeExternal and read External methods ljpss_writeExternal_m.html
refresh method refresh method ljpch_refresh_m.html
refreshData method refreshData method ljpch_refreshdata_m.html
removeAllEditableCells method removeAllEditableCells method ljpss_removeAllEditableCells_m.html
Rendering PARAM tag Rendering PARAM tag ljpch_Rendering_t.html
ReplaceSelection method ReplaceSelection method ljpwp_replaceselection_m.html
retrievals Param tag retrievals PARAM tag ljpjd_retrievals_param_t.html
Rotation property Rotation property ljpch_Rotation_p.html
scale type, setting AxisLabelPosition property ljpch_AxisLabelPosition_p.html
scale type, setting PlotLayout PARAM tag ljpch_PlotLayout_t.html
scale type, setting SeriesMixedType PARAM tag ljpch_SeriesMixedType_t.html
scale type, setting YAxisScaleType PARAM tag ljpch_Y-AxisScaleType_t.html
scale values for chart axes Min property ljpch_Min_p.html
scale values for chart y-axis UserMax property ljpch_UserMax_p.html
scale values for chart y-axis UserMin property ljpch_UserMin_p.html
scale values for y-axis Max property ljpch_Max_p.html
ScaleType property ScaleType property ljpch_ScaleType_p.html
Scaling charts AxisLabelPosition property ljpch_AxisLabelPosition_p.html
scaling charts ScaleType property ljpch_ScaleType_p.html
Scaling charts SeriesMixedType PARAM tag ljpch_SeriesMixedType_t.html
Scaling charts YAxisScaleType PARAM tag ljpch_Y-AxisScaleType_t.html
scroll bars, displaying and hiding ADORNMENTS PARAM tag ljpss_ADORNMENTS_t.html
scroll bars, displaying and hiding HSCROLL PARAM tag ljpss_HSCROLL_t.html
scroll bars, displaying and hiding VSCROLL PARAM tag ljpss_VSCROLL_t.html
scrollTo method scrollTo method ljpss_scrollTo_m.html
SearchBegin method SearchBegin method ljpwp_searchbegin_m.html
SearchNext method SearchNext method ljpwp_searchnext_m.html
selectAll method selectAll method ljpss_selectAll_m.html
Series background, setting colors for SeriesBackgroundColor PARAM tag ljpch_SeriesBackgroundColors_t.html
series objects, creating getSeries method ljpch_getSeries_m.html
series objects, displaying data markers in MarkerIsVisible property ljpch_MarkerIsVisible_p.html
series objects, getting the index value of getId method ljpch_getId_m.html
Series, hiding and displaying SeriesShow PARAM tag ljpch_SeriesShow_t.html
series, labeling LabelOptions property ljpch_LabelOptions_p.html
series, marking data points MarkerKind property ljpch_MarkerKind_p.html
series, number of in a chart NumDataSeries property ljpch_NumDataSeries_p.html
series, setting layout for SeriesLayout PARAM tag ljpch_SeriesLayout_t.html
series, setting the plot type for SeriesType property ljpch_SeriesType_p.html
SeriesApi class, creating instances of getSeries method ljpch_getSeries_m.html
SeriesBackgroundColor PARAM tag SeriesBackgroundColor PARAM tag ljpch_SeriesBackgroundColors_t.html
SeriesLayout PARAM tag SeriesLayout PARAM tag ljpch_SeriesLayout_t.html
SeriesLayout property SeriesLayout property ljpch_SeriesLayout_p.html
SeriesMixedType PARAM tag SeriesMixedType PARAM tag ljpch_SeriesMixedType_t.html
SeriesShow PARAM tag SeriesShow PARAM tag ljpch_SeriesShow_t.html
SeriesType property SeriesType property ljpch_SeriesType_p.html
service The Customer Service Sample Application ljscs_customer_service_app.html
setCursorPosition method setCursorPosition method ljpss_setCursorPosition_m.html
setHTMLText method setHTMLText method ljpwp_sethtmltext_m.html
setSelection method setSelection method ljpss_setSelection_m.html
setText method setText method ljpwp_settext_m.html
setting footnotes Footnote PARAM tag ljpch_Footnote_t.html
setting legends Legends PARAM tag ljpch_Legends_t.html
setting step values for MajorStep property ljpch_MajorStep_p.html
setting step values for MajorStep property ljpch_MajorStep_p.html
setting title Title PARAM tag ljpch_Title_t.html
setting XAxis title X-AxisTitle PARAM tag ljpch_X-AxisLabels_t.html
setting XAxis title X-AxisTitle PARAM tag ljpch_X-AxisTitle_t.html
setting XAxis title Y-AxisTitle PARAM tag ljpch_Y-AxisLabels_t.html
setting YAxis title YAxisTitle PARAM tag ljpch_Y-AxisTitle_t.html
Sheet applet Sheet Object Model ljpss_ObjectModel.html
sheet elements, displaying and hiding ADORNMENTS PARAM tag ljpss_ADORNMENTS_t.html
sheet elements, displaying and hiding EDITLINE PARAM tag ljpss_EDITLINE_t.html
sheet elements, displaying and hiding GRIDLINES PARAM tag ljpss_GRIDLINES_t.html
sheet elements, displaying and hiding HSCROLL PARAM tag ljpss_HSCROLL_t.html
sheet elements, displaying and hiding INVERTEDL PARAM tag ljpss_INVERTEDL_t.html
sheet elements, displaying and hiding STATUSLINE PARAM tag ljpss_STATUSLINE_t.html
sheet elements, displaying and hiding VSCROLL PARAM tag ljpss_VSCROLL_t.html
ShowEditLine property ShowEditLine property ljpss_ShowEditLine_p.html
ShowFootnote PARAM tag ShowFootnote PARAM tag ljpch_ShowFootnote_t.html
ShowHScroll property ShowHScroll property ljpss_ShowHScroll_p.html
ShowLegend PARAM tag ShowLegend PARAM tag ljpch_ShowLegend_t.html
ShowStatusLine property ShowStatusLine property ljpss_ShowStatusLine_p.html
ShowVScroll property ShowVScroll property ljpss_ShowVScroll_p.html
ShowX-AxisTitle PARAM tag ShowX-AxisTitlePARAM tag ljpch_ShowX-AxisTitle_t.html
ShowY-AxisMajorTicks PARAM tag ShowY-AxisMajorTicks PARAM tag ljpch_ShowY-AxisMajorTicks_t.html
ShowY-AxisMinorTicks PARAM tag ShowY-AxisMinorTicksPARAM tag ljpch_ShowY-AxisMinorTicks_t.html
ShowY-AxisTitle PARAM tag ShowY-AxisTitlePARAM tag ljpch_ShowY-AxisTitle_t.html
sizing the JdbcSource applet allowUI PARAM tag ljpjd_allowui_param_t.html
sortColumns method sortColumns method ljpss_sortColumns_m.html
sorting pie slices PieSortSliceBySize property ljpch_PieSortSliceBySize_p.html
sorting pie slices PieStartAngle property ljpch_PieStartAngle_p.html
specifying an external database database PARAM tag ljpjd_database_param_t.html
StartMerge method StartMerge method ljpwp_startmerge_m.html
status line, displaying and hiding ADORNMENTS PARAM tag ljpss_ADORNMENTS_t.html
step values for chart axes MajorStep property ljpch_MajorStep_p.html
String property String property ljpch_String_p.html
SubmitButton PARAM tag SubmitButton PARAM tag ljpcgi_submitButton_parm.html
template builders Templates ljpco_template_builders.html
templates Templates ljpco_template_builders.html
text, bolding TextBold property ljpch_TextBold_p.html
text, italicizing TextBold property ljpch_TextItalic_p.html
TextBold property TextBold property ljpch_TextBold_p.html
TextColor property TextColor property ljpch_TextColor_p.html
TextElementApi class, creating instances of getFootnote method ljpch_getFootnote_m.html
TextElementApi class, creating instances of getLegend method ljpch_getLegend_m.html
TextElementApi class, creating instances of getTitle method ljpch_getTitle_m.html
TextFont property TextFont property ljpch_TextFont_p.html
TextFontName property TextFontName property ljpch_TextFontName_p.html
TextItalic property TextBold property ljpch_TextItalic_p.html
TextSize property TextSize property ljpch_TextSize_p.html
tick mark step values MajorStep property ljpch_MajorStep_p.html
Title border line, setting color for TitleBorderLineColor PARAM tag ljpch_TitleBorderLineColor_t.html
title objects, creating getTitle method ljpch_getTitle_m.html
Title Param tag Title PARAM tag ljpch_Title_t.html
title, displaying and hiding ShowX-AxisTitlePARAM tag ljpch_ShowX-AxisTitle_t.html
Title, setting fonts TitleFont PARAM tag ljpch_TitleFont_t.html
TitleBorderLineColor PARAM tag TitleBorderLineColor PARAM tag ljpch_TitleBorderLineColor_t.html
TitleFont Param tag TitleFont PARAM tag ljpch_TitleFont_t.html
titles, setting String property ljpch_String_p.html
TransparentFill property TransparentFill property ljpch_TransparentFill_p.html
unlockSheet method unlockSheet method ljpss_unlockSheet_m.html
updating chart displays refresh method ljpch_refresh_m.html
updating chart displays refreshData method ljpch_refreshdata_m.html
URLEncode PARAM tag URLEncode PARAM tag ljpcgi_URLEncode_parm.html
UserInterface PARAM tag UserInterface PARAM tag ljpcgi_UserInterface_parm.html
UserMax property UserMax property ljpch_UserMax_p.html
UserMin property UserMin property ljpch_UserMin_p.html
vertical scroll, displaying and hiding VSCROLL PARAM tag ljpss_VSCROLL_t.html
Visible property Visible property ljpch_Visible_p.html
VisibleAxisLine property VisibleAxisLine property ljpch_VisibleAxisLine_p.html
VisibleMajorGrid property VisibleMajorGrid property ljpch_VisibleMajorGrid_p.html
VisibleMajorTicks property VisibleMajorTicks property ljpch_VisibleMajorTicks_p.html
VisibleMinorGrid property VisibleMinorGrid property ljpch_VisibleMinorGrid_p.html
VisibleMinorTicks property VisibleMinorTicks property ljpch_VisibleMinorTicks_p.html
VisibleTickLabels property VisibleTickLabels property ljpch_VisibleTickLabels_p.html
WordProcessor The Customer Service Sample Application ljscs_customer_service_app.html
WP ASCIISource PARAM tag WP ASCIISource PARAM tag ljpwp_asciisource_t.html
WP fileName PARAM tag WP fileName PARAM tag ljpwp_filename_t.html
WP HTMLSource PARAM tag WP HTMLSource PARAM tag ljpwp_htmlsource_t.html
WP methods GetCommandObject method ljpwp_getcommandobject_m.html
WP methods getHTMLText method ljpwp_gethtmltext_m.html
WP methods getText method ljpwp_gettext_m.html
WP methods Load method ljpwp_load_m.html
WP methods MergeNext method ljpwp_mergenext_m.html
WP methods newDocument method ljpwp_newdocument_m.html
WP methods ReplaceSelection method ljpwp_replaceselection_m.html
WP methods SearchBegin method ljpwp_searchbegin_m.html
WP methods SearchNext method ljpwp_searchnext_m.html
WP methods setHTMLText method ljpwp_sethtmltext_m.html
WP methods setText method ljpwp_settext_m.html
WP methods StartMerge method ljpwp_startmerge_m.html
WP methods WP methods ljpwp_wpmethods.html
WP object model WP object model ljpwp_wpobjectmodel.html
WP PARAM tags WP ASCIISource PARAM tag ljpwp_asciisource_t.html
WP PARAM tags WP fileName PARAM tag ljpwp_filename_t.html
WP PARAM tags WP HTMLSource PARAM tag ljpwp_htmlsource_t.html
WP PARAM tags WP PARAM tags ljpwp_wpparamtags.html
WP PARAM tags WP URL PARAM tag ljpwp_url_t.html
WP URL PARAM tag WP URL PARAM tag ljpwp_url_t.html
WriteExternal method writeExternal and read External methods ljpss_writeExternal_m.html
Writing the run_query script Writing the run_query script ljpjd_runquery_script.html
x-axis MajorStep property ljpch_MajorStep_p.html
x-axis objects, creating getXAxis method ljpch_getXAxis_m.html
x-axis objects, creating getYAxis method ljpch_getYAxis_m.html
X-Axis title, displaying and hiding ShowX-AxisTitlePARAM tag ljpch_ShowX-AxisTitle_t.html
x-axis, displaying grid lines for VisibleMajorGrid property ljpch_VisibleMajorGrid_p.html
x-axis, labels for XAxisLabelsSource property ljpch_XAxisLabelsSource_p.html
x-axis, plotting data on SeriesType property ljpch_SeriesType_p.html
x-axis, scaling ScaleType property ljpch_ScaleType_p.html
x-axis, setting labels and titles for String property ljpch_String_p.html
X-AxisLabel, setting fonts X-AxisLabelFont PARAM tag ljpch_X-AxisLabelFont_t.html
X-AxisLabelFont Param tag X-AxisLabelFont PARAM tag ljpch_X-AxisLabelFont_t.html
X-AxisLabels Param tag X-AxisTitle PARAM tag ljpch_X-AxisLabels_t.html
X-AxisTitle Param tag X-AxisTitle PARAM tag ljpch_X-AxisTitle_t.html
X-AxisTitle, setting fonts X-AxisTitleFont PARAM tag ljpch_X-AxisTitleFont_t.html
X-AxisTitleFont Param tag X-AxisTitleFont PARAM tag ljpch_X-AxisTitleFont_t.html
XAxisLabels property XAxisLabels property ljpch_XAxisLabels_p.html
XAxisLabelsSource property XAxisLabelsSource property ljpch_XAxisLabelsSource_p.html
y-axis MajorStep property ljpch_MajorStep_p.html
Y-Axis minor ticks, displaying and hiding ShowY-AxisMinorTicksPARAM tag ljpch_ShowY-AxisMinorTicks_t.html
Y-axis title, displaying and hiding ShowY-AxisTitlePARAM tag ljpch_ShowY-AxisTitle_t.html
y-axis, displaying grid lines for VisibleMajorGrid property ljpch_VisibleMajorGrid_p.html
y-axis, maximum scale value for Max property ljpch_Max_p.html
y-axis, maximum scale value for UserMax property ljpch_UserMax_p.html
y-axis, minimum scale value for Min property ljpch_Min_p.html
y-axis, minimum scale value for UserMin property ljpch_UserMin_p.html
y-axis, plotting data on SeriesType property ljpch_SeriesType_p.html
y-axis, scaling ScaleType property ljpch_ScaleType_p.html
y-axis, setting labels and titles for String property ljpch_String_p.html
y-axis, setting scale type SeriesMixedType PARAM tag ljpch_SeriesMixedType_t.html
y-axis, setting scale type YAxisScaleType PARAM tag ljpch_Y-AxisScaleType_t.html
Y-AxisLabel, setting fonts Y-AxisLabelFont PARAM tag ljpch_Y-AxisLabelFont_t.html
Y-AxisLabelFont Param tag Y-AxisLabelFont PARAM tag ljpch_Y-AxisLabelFont_t.html
Y-AxisLabels Param tag Y-AxisTitle PARAM tag ljpch_Y-AxisLabels_t.html
Y-AxisMajorTicks, displaying and hiding ShowY-AxisMajorTicks PARAM tag ljpch_ShowY-AxisMajorTicks_t.html
Y-AxisScaleMajor Param tag Y-AxisScaleMajor PARAM tag ljpch_Y-AxisScaleMajor_t.html
Y-AxisScaleMax Param tag Y-AxisScaleMax PARAM tag ljpch_Y-AxisScaleMax_t.html
Y-AxisScaleMin Param tag Y-AxisScaleMin PARAM tag ljpch_Y-AxisScaleMin_t.html
Y-AxisTitle, setting fonts Y-AxisTitleFont PARAM tag ljpch_Y-AxisTitleFont_t.html
Y-AxisTitleFont Param tag Y-AxisTitleFont PARAM tag ljpch_Y-AxisTitleFont_t.html
YAxisScaleType PARAM tag YAxisScaleType PARAM tag ljpch_Y-AxisScaleType_t.html
YAxisTitle Param tag YAxisTitle PARAM tag ljpch_Y-AxisTitle_t.html
_resultStyle PARAM tag _resultStyle PARAM tag ljpjd_resultStyle_param_t.html