5051 DYNATEXT.INI file not found. This file must exist in either the Windows directory, or in the same directory as the DynaText program.
5052 Error in file %s:\n\nThe DATA_DIR entry is not specified.
5053 Error in file %s:\n\nThe DTEXT_AUTH entry is not specified.
5054 The COLLECTION entry is not specified in the DYNATEXT.INI file.
5055 Error in file %s:\n\nThe DATA directory, %s, cannot be located. Please verify the DATA_DIR setting.
5056 Error in file %s:\n\nThe DynaText authorization file, %s, cannot be located. Please verify the DTEXT_AUTH setting.
5057 Unable to find the configuration file: '%s'.\nPlease verify the path specified with the -INI command line option.
5060 Error in file %s:\n\nThe DATA directory, %s, is missing its VERSION.TXT file. Please verify the DATA_DIR setting.
5061 Error in file %s:\n\nThe VERSION.TXT file in the DATA directory, %s, is invalid. Please verify the DATA_DIR setting.
5062 Error in file %s:\n\nThis version of DynaText is incompatible with the DATA directory, %s.\n\n%s found; %s required.
5063 Unable to initialize the DynaText Toolkit Library. Most often this represents a problem with the authorization file.\n\nPlease verify %s by running EBTCERT -i.\n\nUsing configuration file: %s.
5064 Unable to act as a DDE Server.
5065 A version of the DynaText Browser is already running.
5066 The DynaText Library you are using is incompatible with the version required to run this DynaText application.\n\nDynaText Library: %s\nVersion: %d.%0.2d\n\nApplication: %s\nRequires version: %d.%0.2d - %d.%d.\n\nCheck your search path or installation procedures.
5068 Cannot run DynaText because another program is using the DTEXT.DLL
5080 DynaText Command Line Options:
5081 -BOOK_KEY=[book=key]: To add a book/key security pair.\n
5082 -COLLECTION=[collection]: To add a collection to the list of collections.\n
5083 -COLLECTION_KEY=[collection=key]: To add a collection/key security pair.\n
5084 -DATA_DIR=[data_dir]: To override the DATA_DIR setting in the INI.\n
5085 -DTEXT_AUTH=[dtext_auth]: To override the DTEXT_AUTH setting in the INI.\n
5086 -DTEXT_PLUGINS=[plugin_names]: To add additional plugins to be loaded.\n
5087 -INI=[name]: To override the standard DYNATEXT.INI (full path or file name).\n
5088 -NOSPLASH: To not display the splash box when DynaText starts.\n
5089 -NOCOLWIN: To not display the initial Collection Window when DynaText starts.\n
5090 -PLUGIN_DIRS=[dir_list]: To add additional directories in which to look for plugins.\n
5091 -PRIVATE_DIR=[private_annots_dir]: To override the PRIVATE_DIR setting in the INI.\n
5092 -PUBLIC_DIR=[public_annots_dir]: To override the PUBLIC_DIR setting in the INI.\n
5093 -SORT_COLLS=[0/1]: To control whether or not the list of collections is sorted.\n
5094 -USER_CATALOGS=[catalog_list]: To add additional SGML Open catalogs.\n
5095 -BOOK=[name]: To open a book when DynaText starts (often used with -collection).\n
5096 -ROOT=[expression]: To root the book at a given location (requires -book).\n
5097 -TARGET=[expression]: To scroll the book to a given location (requires -book).\n
5098 -STYLESHEET=[name]: To open the book with a particular Fulltext stylesheet (requires -book).\n
5099 -INLINE_CACHE=[number]: To specify the number of items in the Inline Manager cache.\n
5100 -COLL_CACHE=[number]: To specify the number of items in the Collection cache.\n
5101 -BACKGROUND_ANNOTS=[0/1]: To determine whether annotations are loaded in the background.\n
5102 -EXPORT_XML=[0/1]: To determine whether XML is exported instead of SGML.\n