set diag [CAD new Overview "Business" "Analysis" "Analysis" "Prototype" "1" "" 1]
set node44 [$diag addNode cad_class 816.0 992.0 120.0 32.0]
$node44 setLabel "name" "Employee"
$node44 setProp "is_folded" "1"
$node44 setScope "name" "cl" "scopePhase"
set node45 [$diag addNode cad_class 928.0 1152.0 120.0 28.0]
$node45 setLabel "name" "Return"
$node45 setProp "is_folded" "1"
$node45 setScope "name" "cl" "scopePhase"
set node46 [$diag addNode cad_class 1008.0 848.0 133.0 28.0]
$node46 setLabel "name" "LoanCoordinator"
$node46 setProp "is_folded" "1"
$node46 setScope "name" "cl" "scopePhase"
$node46 setProp "freeText" "The loan coordinator is responsible\nfor all Training materials.\nHe loans the materials to employees\n(trainers), replaces old materials and\nkeeps a stock of materials not\nloaned." "name" "cl"
set node47 [$diag addNode cad_class 1008.0 944.0 120.0 28.0]
$node47 setLabel "name" "Loan"
$node47 setProp "is_folded" "1"
$node47 setScope "name" "cl" "scopePhase"
set node48 [$diag addNode cad_class 976.0 1056.0 120.0 28.0]
$node48 setLabel "name" "Sale"
$node48 setProp "is_folded" "1"
$node48 setScope "name" "cl" "scopePhase"
set node49 [$diag addNode cad_class 1280.0 848.0 120.0 28.0]
$node49 setLabel "name" "WaitingList"
$node49 setProp "is_folded" "1"
$node49 setScope "name" "cl" "scopePhase"
set node50 [$diag addNode cad_class 1328.0 1104.0 120.0 28.0]
$node50 setLabel "name" "Workbook"
$node50 setProp "is_folded" "1"
$node50 setScope "name" "cl" "scopePhase"
set node51 [$diag addNode cad_class 1360.0 992.0 145.0 32.0]
set diag [ETD new WaitListing:request "Business" "Analysis" "Analysis" "Prototype" "1" "" 1]
set node177 [$diag addNode etd_initiator 622.5 704.0 3.0 200.0]
$node177 setLabel "name_type" ":LoanCoordinator"
$node177 setScope "name_type" "cl" "scopePhase"
$node177 setProp "freeText" "The loan coordinator is responsible\nfor all Training materials.\nHe loans the materials to employees\n(trainers), replaces old materials and\nkeeps a stock of materials not\nloaned." "name_type" "cl"
set node178 [$diag addNode etd_object 798.5 688.0 3.0 200.0]
$node178 setLabel "name_type" ":requests"
$node178 setScope "name_type" "cl" "scopePhase"
set node179 [$diag addNode etd_object 974.5 688.0 3.0 200.0]
$node179 setLabel "name_type" ":stock"
$node179 setScope "name_type" "cl" "scopePhase"
set node180 [$diag addNode etd_timing_constr 496.0 752.0 4.0 4.0]
$node180 setLabel "timing_constraint" "If it is there\nlet me know"
set node181 [$diag addNode etd_timing_constr 496.0 832.0 4.0 4.0]
set diag [ETD new common:BorrowerRequestsExtension "Business" "Analysis" "Analysis" "Prototype" "1" "" 0]
set node192 [$diag addNode etd_object 1246.5 1072.0 3.0 84.0]
$node192 setLabel "name_type" ":Extension"
$node192 setScope "name_type" "cl" "scopePhase"
set node193 [$diag addNode etd_object 1390.5 928.0 3.0 73.3333]
$node193 setLabel "name_type" ":WaitingList"
$node193 setScope "name_type" "cl" "scopePhase"
set node194 [$diag addNode etd_object 1086.5 816.0 3.0 385.0]
$node194 setLabel "name_type" ":LoanCoordinator"
$node194 setScope "name_type" "cl" "scopePhase"
$node194 setProp "freeText" "The loan coordinator is responsible\nfor all Training materials.\nHe loans the materials to employees\n(trainers), replaces old materials and\nkeeps a stock of materials not\nloaned." "name_type" "cl"
set node195 [$diag addNode etd_object 1454.5 816.0 3.0 381.0]
$node195 setLabel "name_type" ":Loan"
$node195 setScope "name_type" "cl" "scopePhase"
set node196 [$diag addNode etd_initiator 862.5 816.0 3.0 385.0]
set diag [ETD new common:Employee_requests_LCD_Panel "Business" "Analysis" "Analysis" "Prototype" "1" "" 0]
set node216 [$diag addNode etd_object 1310.5 1344.0 3.0 45.0]
$node216 setLabel "name_type" "Loan"
$node216 setScope "name_type" "cl" "scopePhase"
set node217 [$diag addNode etd_object 1310.5 1424.0 3.0 39.0]
$node217 setLabel "name_type" "WaitingList"
$node217 setScope "name_type" "cl" "scopePhase"
set node218 [$diag addNode etd_object 1502.5 884.0 3.0 49.0]
$node218 setLabel "name_type" "Inventory"
$node218 setScope "name_type" "cl" "scopePhase"
set node219 [$diag addNode etd_object 1320.5 1104.0 3.0 198.667]
$node219 setLabel "name_type" "WaitingList"
$node219 setScope "name_type" "cl" "scopePhase"
set node220 [$diag addNode etd_object 1134.5 760.0 3.0 695.0]
$node220 setLabel "name_type" "LoanCoordinator"
$node220 setScope "name_type" "cl" "scopePhase"
$node220 setProp "freeText" "The loan coordinator is responsible\nfor all Training materials.\nHe loans the materials to employees\n(trainers), replaces old materials and\nkeeps a stock of materials not\nloaned." "name_type" "cl"
set node221 [$diag addNode etd_object 1518.5 1344.0 3.0 46.0]
$node221 setLabel "name_type" "Inventory"
$node221 setScope "name_type" "cl" "scopePhase"
set node222 [$diag addNode etd_object 1328.5 884.0 3.0 52.0]
$node222 setLabel "name_type" "Loan"
$node222 setScope "name_type" "cl" "scopePhase"
set node223 [$diag addNode etd_initiator 830.5 758.0 3.0 688.0]
$node223 setLabel "name_type" "Mike:Borrower"
$node223 setScope "name_type" "cl" "scopePhase"
$node223 setScope "name_type" "de" "scopeSystem"
set node224 [$diag addNode etd_object 1598.5 762.0 3.0 176.0]
$node224 setLabel "name_type" "TrainingMaterial"
$node224 setScope "name_type" "cl" "scopePhase"
set node225 [$diag addNode etd_object 1598.5 986.0 3.0 339.0]
set diag [STD new Loan:top "Business" "Analysis" "Analysis" "Prototype" "1" "" 1]
set node268 [$diag addNode state 1344.0 1088.0 172.0 96.0001]
$node268 setLabel "name" "On Loan"
set node269 [$diag addNode state 1344.0 1344.0 270.667 81.3334]
$node269 setLabel "name" "Returned"
set node270 [$diag addNode state 1344.0 880.0 276.0 96.0001]
$node270 setLabel "name" "Reserved"
set node271 [$diag addNode final_state 866.0 1474.0 28.0 28.0]
$node271 setLabel "name" "Damaged"
set node272 [$diag addNode std_class 868.0 924.0 120.0 40.0]
$node272 setLabel "name" "Loan\nCoordinator"
$node272 setScope "name" "cl" "scopePhase"
$node272 setProp "freeText" "The loan coordinator is responsible\nfor all Training materials.\nHe loans the materials to employees\n(trainers), replaces old materials and\nkeeps a stock of materials not\nloaned." "name" "cl"
set node273 [$diag addNode final_state 1106.0 1474.0 28.0 28.0]
$node273 setLabel "name" "Lost"
set node274 [$diag addNode state 816.0 1344.0 170.667 66.6668]
$node274 setLabel "name" "Damaged"
set node275 [$diag addNode state 1008.0 1120.0 165.334 66.6668]
$node275 setLabel "name" "Overdue"
set node276 [$diag addNode final_state 1058.0 1218.0 28.0 28.0]
set node277 [$diag addNode state 1072.0 1344.0 134.667 66.6668]
$node277 setLabel "name" "Lost"
set node278 [$diag addNode final_state 1394.0 1474.0 28.0 28.0]
$node278 setLabel "name" "Done"
set node279 [$diag addNode start_state 1401.0 809.0 14.0 14.0]
set node280 [$diag addNode super_state 925.0 1049.0 710.0 206.0]
set diag [STD new WaitingList:top "Business" "Analysis" "Analysis" "Prototype" "1" "" 1]
set node329 [$diag addNode std_class 836.0 1068.0 120.0 40.0]
$node329 setLabel "name" "Loan\nCoordinator"
$node329 setScope "name" "cl" "scopePhase"
$node329 setProp "freeText" "The loan coordinator is responsible\nfor all Training materials.\nHe loans the materials to employees\n(trainers), replaces old materials and\nkeeps a stock of materials not\nloaned." "name" "cl"
set node330 [$diag addNode state 1104.0 928.0 173.333 73.3333]
$node330 setLabel "name" "Waiting"
set node331 [$diag addNode state 1104.0 1344.0 133.333 58.6667]
$node331 setLabel "name" "Not Waiting"
set node332 [$diag addNode state 1104.0 1136.0 160.0 73.3333]
$node332 setLabel "name" "Reserved"
set node333 [$diag addNode final_state 1554.0 1362.0 28.0 28.0]
$node333 setLabel "name" "Done"
set node334 [$diag addNode start_state 1177.0 809.0 14.0 14.0]
set node335 [$diag addNode state 1504.0 1136.0 154.667 73.3333]
set diag [UCD new Lending "Business" "Analysis" "Analysis" "Prototype" "1" "" 1]
set node360 [$diag addNode use_case 1124.0 1228.0 120.0 40.0]
$node360 setLabel "name" "Item is Lost"
$node360 setScope "name" "cl" "scopePhase"
set node361 [$diag addNode use_case 981.333 1228.0 117.333 40.0]
$node361 setLabel "name" "Item is \nDamaged"
$node361 setScope "name" "cl" "scopePhase"
set node362 [$diag addNode use_case 1044.0 1068.0 120.0 40.0]
$node362 setLabel "name" "Extend Loan"
$node362 setProp "basic_action" "The borrower checks out an item that has been \nreserved. The normal sequence proceeds as \nfollows:\n1) Borrower (B) gives LoanCoordinator (LC) his and \nLoan.loan_date.\n2) LC retrieves B's Loan record.\n3) If the Loan.status = reserved, LC changes the status to \non loan and updates Loan. If status != reserved, see Alternate Action.\n4) LC fetches TrainingMaterial.item from inventory and gives it to B.\n"
$node362 setProp "uc_precondition" "The Loan can be extended only if the item is not on the WaitingList."
set node363 [$diag addNode ucd_actor 801.0 1063.0 30.0 50.0]
$node363 setLabel "name" "Inventory"
$node363 setScope "name" "cl" "scopePhase"
set node364 [$diag addNode ucd_actor 1361.0 967.0 30.0 50.0]
$node364 setLabel "name" "Borrower"
$node364 setScope "name" "cl" "scopePhase"
set node365 [$diag addNode use_case 1046.67 889.333 114.667 45.3334]
$node365 setLabel "name" "Reserve"
$node365 setProp "basic_action" "The borrower checks out an item that has been \nreserved. The normal sequence proceeds as \nfollows:\n1) Borrower (B) gives LoanCoordinator (LC) his and \nLoan.loan_date.\n2) LC retrieves B's Loan record.\n3) If the Loan.status = reserved, LC changes the status to \non loan and updates Loan. If status != reserved, see Alternate Action.\n4) LC fetches TrainingMaterial.item from inventory and gives it to B."
$node365 setScope "name" "cl" "scopePhase"
set node366 [$diag addNode use_case 1046.67 793.333 114.667 45.3334]
$node366 setLabel "name" "Wait Listing"
$node366 setScope "name" "cl" "scopePhase"
set node367 [$diag addNode use_case 1050.67 970.667 106.667 42.6666]
$node367 setLabel "name" "Check Out"
$node367 setProp "basic_action" "The borrower checks out an item that has been \nreserved. The normal sequence proceeds as \nfollows:\n1) Borrower (B) gives LoanCoordinator (LC) his and \nLoan.loan_date.\n2) LC retrieves B's Loan record.\n3) If the Loan.status = reserved, LC changes the status to \non loan and updates Loan. If status != reserved, see Alternate Action.\n4) LC fetches TrainingMaterial.item from inventory and gives it to B.\n"
$node367 setScope "name" "cl" "scopePhase"
set node368 [$diag addNode use_case 1049.33 1130.67 109.333 42.6666]
$node368 setLabel "name" "Check In"
$node368 setProp "basic_action" "The borrower checks in a borrowed item. The normal sequence proceeds \nas follows:\n1) Borrower (B) gives LoanCoordinator (LC) his and \nthe borrowed item.\n2) LC retrieves the TM's Loan record.\n3) If the Loan.status = on loan, LC changes the status to \nreturned and updates Loan. If status != overdue, see Alternate Action.\nIf the item is damaged, see Alternate Action.\nIf the item is lost, see Alternate Action."
$node368 setScope "name" "cl" "scopePhase"
set node369 [$diag addNode ucd_actor 801.0 887.0 30.0 50.0]
$node369 setLabel "name" "LoanCoordinator"
$node369 setScope "name" "cl" "scopePhase"
$node369 setProp "freeText" "The loan coordinator is responsible\nfor all Training materials.\nHe loans the materials to employees\n(trainers), replaces old materials and\nkeeps a stock of materials not\nloaned." "name" "cl"
set node370 [$diag addNode note 1280.0 832.0 210.667 62.6668]
$node370 setLabel "note_text" "Open this use case\nto see sequence diagram\n(double click)"
set diag [UCD new Overview-UseCase "Business" "Analysis" "Analysis" "Prototype" "1" "" 1]
set node395 [$diag addNode note 352.0 480.0 156.0 62.6668]
$node395 setLabel "note_text" "Main use cases\nfor the Training-\nmaterials application"
set node396 [$diag addNode note 976.0 512.0 184.0 62.6668]
$node396 setLabel "note_text" "Open this use case\nto see next use case\n(double click)"
set node397 [$diag addNode ucd_actor 465.0 903.0 30.0 50.0]
$node397 setLabel "name" "Loan Coordinator"
$node397 setProp "initiator" "1"
$node397 setScope "name" "cl" "scopePhase"
$node397 setProp "freeText" "The loan coordinator is responsible\nfor all Training materials.\nHe loans the materials to employees\n(trainers), replaces old materials and\nkeeps a stock of materials not\nloaned." "name" "cl"
set node398 [$diag addNode ucd_actor 993.0 663.0 30.0 50.0]
$node398 setLabel "name" "Employee"
$node398 setProp "initiator" "1"
$node398 setScope "name" "cl" "scopePhase"
set node399 [$diag addNode ucd_actor 465.0 663.0 30.0 50.0]
$node399 setLabel "name" "Loan Coordinator"
$node399 setScope "name" "cl" "scopePhase"
$node399 setProp "freeText" "The loan coordinator is responsible\nfor all Training materials.\nHe loans the materials to employees\n(trainers), replaces old materials and\nkeeps a stock of materials not\nloaned." "name" "cl"
set node400 [$diag addNode ucd_actor 993.0 855.0 30.0 50.0]
$node400 setLabel "name" "Training Department"
$node400 setProp "initiator" "1"
$node400 setScope "name" "cl" "scopePhase"
set node401 [$diag addNode use_case 692.0 898.667 152.0 58.6666]
$node401 setLabel "name" "Managing \nMaterials"
$node401 setScope "name" "cl" "scopePhase"
set node402 [$diag addNode use_case 688.0 770.667 160.0 58.6666]