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/ PC World 1998 October / PCWorld_1998-10_cd.bin / software / prehled / komix / DATA.Z / setup.inf < prev    next >
INI File  |  1997-05-27  |  74KB  |  1,546 lines

  1. [Application]
  2. AppName=Sybase SQL Anywhere Server for Windows NT 
  3. DoLicense=1
  4. LicenseExe=%DstDir%\win32\dbsrv50.exe
  5. LicenseFile=wsqlnts.lic
  6. LicPlat=WinNT
  7. DoODBCInstall=1
  8. DoODBCConvert=1
  9. SybTools=c:\sybtools
  10. HasSQLCent=1
  11. HasDev=1
  12. HasOld=1
  13. HasOpSrv=1
  14. SQL10=c:\sybase
  15. DoCopyInf=%DstDir%\win32
  16. DstDir=c:\sqlany50
  17. DefPMGroup=sqlany50.grp, Sybase SQL Anywhere 5.0, %DstDir%\os2\watcom.ico
  18. DoCreateIcons=1
  19. DoModifyAuto=1
  20. DoProfile=1
  21. DoCopyFiles=1
  22. DoLicenseIntro=1
  23. ApplyLicense=1
  24. $IsLicConCur=0
  25. $IsLicPerSeat=0
  26. AutoOptionsDialog=0
  27. LicTxtLocation=which is installed in the installation directory
  28. sademoen=sademo
  29. sademojp=sademojp
  30. sademodb=%IsJapanese?sademojp:sademoen%
  31. hlpfilen=dbeng50w
  32. hlpfiljp=dbe50wjp
  33. hlpfil=%IsJapanese?hlpfiljp:hlpfilen%
  34. schlpen=scsa
  35. schlpjp=scsajp
  36. schlp=%IsJapanese?schlpjp:schlpen%
  37. wshlpen=servwin
  38. wshlpjp=srvwinjp
  39. wshlp=%IsJapanese?wshlpjp:wshlpen%
  40. nihlpen=nidyna
  41. nihlpjp=nidynajp
  42. nihlp=%IsJapanese?nihlpjp:nihlpen%
  43. InstODBC=1
  44. dialogorder=Evaluation,HiThere,PackageInfo,DstDir,UnInstallDir,GetDiskSizesHere,AllOptions,Final,MaintainFinal,UnInstallFinal,UnInstallError,MakeDisks,PackageLicense
  45. DisketteSize=1453568
  47. [Targets]
  48. DstDir
  49. sybtools
  50. sql10,supplimental
  51. WinSystemDir,supplimental
  52. WinDir,supplimental
  53. WinSystem16Dir,supplimental
  55. [Dirs]
  56. .,1,-1
  57. nlm,1,1
  58. nlm\lib,1,2
  59. win32,1,1
  60. support,1,1
  61. dos,1,1
  62. win,1,1
  63. win32\lib,1,4
  64. h,1,1
  65. src,1,1
  66. cxmp,1,1
  67. accxmp,1,1
  68. accxmp\vb,1,12
  69. accxmp\excel,1,12
  70. .,2,-1
  71. win32,2,15
  72. .,3,-1
  73. charsets,3,17
  74. charsets\ascii_8,3,18
  75. charsets\cp437,3,18
  76. charsets\cp850,3,18
  77. charsets\deckanji,3,18
  78. charsets\eucjis,3,18
  79. charsets\iso_1,3,18
  80. charsets\mac,3,18
  81. charsets\roman8,3,18
  82. charsets\sjis,3,18
  83. locales,3,17
  84. locales\english,3,28
  85. locales\english\cp437,3,29
  86. locales\english\cp850,3,29
  87. locales\english\iso_1,3,29
  88. locales\english\mac,3,29
  89. locales\english\roman8,3,29
  90. locales\japanese,3,28
  91. locales\japanese\deckanji,3,35
  92. locales\japanese\eucjis,3,35
  93. locales\japanese\sjis,3,35
  94. dll,3,17
  95. bin,3,17
  96. ini,3,17
  97. .,4,-1
  98. .,5,-1
  99. .,6,-1
  101. [Files]
  102. dblibwsn,1,dblibwsn.lib!dc!!,3,-1,1,.,InstDev
  103. setupt,1,setup.exe!n7!!,4,-1,1,.,IsInstallShield !
  104. aabbcc,1,readme.1st!2d!!,1,-1,1,.,.
  105. aabbccjp,1,readmejp.1st!c!!,1,-1,1,.,IsJapanese
  106. insttxt,1,install.txt!1a!!,1,-1,1,.,.
  107. lictxt,1,license.txt!d!!,1,-1,1,.,IsEval
  108. sademo,1,sademo.db!10w!!,1,-1,1,.,.
  109. sademoj,1,sademojp.db!10w!!,1,-1,1,.,IsJapanese
  110. salespub,1,salespub.sql!4!!,1,-1,1,.,.
  111. sybweb,1,sybweb.htm!4!!,5,-1,1,.,.
  112. bkgsmsgf,1,bkgd_sm.gif!1!!,5,-1,1,.,.
  113. blinegif,1,bline.gif!1!!,5,-1,1,.,.
  114. sboltgif,1,bolt.gif!c!!,5,-1,1,.,.
  115. ssyblogo,1,syblogo.gif!6!!,5,-1,1,.,.
  116. workgif,1,work.gif!7!!,5,-1,1,.,.
  117. techinfd,1,techinfo.exe!2t!!,6,-1,1,.,.
  118. techinfw,1,techinfo.exe!2t!!,7,-1,1,.,.
  119. techinft,1,techinfo.exe!2t!!,4,-1,1,.,.
  120. wsqlenrd,1,wl50en.res!5t!!,6,-1,1,.,.
  121. wsqljpr.1,0,6,-1,1,1,IsJapanese
  123. wsqljpr.2,1,wl50jp.res!6n!!,6,-1,2,$,IsJapanese
  124. dbclient,1,dbclient.exe!82!!,6,-1,2,.,.
  125. dbstop,1,dbstop.exe!4e!!,6,-1,2,.,.
  126. dbclienw,1,dbclienw.exe!c2!!dbclienw!dbclienw,7,-1,2,.,.
  127. dbwineng,1,dbwe50.dll!4!!,7,-1,2,.,.
  128. dblibwdl,1,dbl50w.dll!40!!,7,-1,2,.,.
  129. wsqlen,1,wl50en.dll!70!!,7,-1,2,.,.
  130. wsqljp,1,wl50jp.dll!7x!!,7,-1,2,.,IsJapanese
  131. dbstopw,1,dbstopw.exe!28!!,7,-1,2,.,.
  132. wsqlcall,1,wsqlcall.dll!29!!,7,-1,2,.,.
  133. wsqldde,1,wsqldde.exe!1m!!,7,-1,2,.,.
  134. wodbcdll,1,wod50w.dll!79!!wodbcdll!wodbcdll,7,-1,2,.,.
  135. wtrdllw,1,wtr50w.dll!6!!wtrdllw!wtrdllw,7,-1,2,.,.
  136. wodbcwh,1,wodbc.hlp!u!!,7,-1,2,.,InstHelp
  137. wodbcwhj,1,wodbcjp.hlp!p!!,7,-1,2,.,InstHelp IsJapanese &
  138. dbl32wdl,1,dblibw.dll!27!!,7,-1,2,.,InstOld
  139. wl32en,1,wsqlen.dll!o!!,7,-1,2,.,InstOld
  140. wod32w,1,wsqlodbc.dll!3n!!,7,-1,2,.,InstOld
  141. dbl40w,1,dbl40w.dll!33!!,7,-1,2,.,InstOld
  142. wl40en,1,wl40en.dll!58!!,7,-1,2,.,InstOld
  143. wod40w,1,wod40w.dll!4r!!,7,-1,2,.,InstOld
  144. wodbcnt,1,wod50t.dll!77!!wodbcnt!wodbcnt,4,-1,2,.,.
  145. wtrdllt,1,wtr50t.dll!13!!wtrdllt!wtrdllt,4,-1,2,.,.
  146. wodbcth,1,wodbc.hlp!u!!,4,-1,2,.,.
  147. wodbcthj,1,wodbcjp.hlp!p!!,4,-1,2,.,InstHelp IsJapanese &
  148. dblibt,1,dbl50t.dll!55!!,4,-1,2,.,.
  149. dbextft,1,dbextf50.dll!1s!!,4,-1,2,.,.
  150. wsqlent,1,wl50ent.dll!ec!!,4,-1,2,.,.
  151. wsqljpt,1,wl50jpt.dll!b8!!,4,-1,2,.,IsJapanese
  152. dbtoolst,1,dbtl50t.dll!vt!!,4,-1,2,.,.
  153. wsqlcalt,1,wsqlcalt.dll!2l!!,4,-1,2,.,.
  154. dbservet,1,dbserver.exe!1o!!,4,-1,2,.,.
  155. dbsrvt.1,0,4,-1,2,1,.
  157. dbsrvt.2,1,dbsrv50.exe!1j1!!dbsrvt!dbsrvt,4,-1,3,$,.
  158. servman,1,dbsvmn50.exe!5t!!,4,-1,3,.,.
  159. servthlp,1,servnt.hlp!9n!!,4,-1,3,.,InstHelp
  160. servtcn,1,servnt.cnt!f!!,4,-1,3,.,InstHelp
  161. servtft,1,servnt.fts!0!!,4,-1,3,.,InstHelp
  162. servtgd,1,servnt.gid!0!!,4,-1,3,.,InstHelp
  163. servthlj,1,srvntjp.hlp!k2!!,4,-1,3,.,InstHelp IsJapanese &
  164. dbcliet,1,dbclient.exe!d8!!dbcliet!dbcliet,4,-1,3,.,.
  165. dbwatcht,1,dbwatch.exe!br!!,4,-1,3,.,.
  166. dbstartt,1,dbstart.exe!1p!!,4,-1,3,.,.
  167. dbengt.1,0,4,-1,3,1,.
  169. dbengt.2,1,dbeng50.exe!1b2!!,4,-1,4,$,.
  170. dbbackt,1,dbbackup.exe!2j!!,4,-1,4,.,.
  171. dbcollt,1,dbcollat.exe!2i!!,4,-1,4,.,.
  172. dberaset,1,dberase.exe!2i!!,4,-1,4,.,.
  173. dbexpant,1,dbexpand.exe!2m!!,4,-1,4,.,.
  174. dbinfot,1,dbinfo.exe!2m!!,4,-1,4,.,.
  175. dbinitt,1,dbinit.exe!2o!!,4,-1,4,.,.
  176. dblogt,1,dblog.exe!2j!!,4,-1,4,.,.
  177. dbopsrvt,1,dbos50.exe!a8!!,4,-1,4,.,InstOpSrv
  178. dbopinft,1,dbosinfo.exe!3c!!,4,-1,4,.,InstOpSrv
  179. dbopstpt,1,dbosstop.exe!3c!!,4,-1,4,.,InstOpSrv
  180. dbremott,1,dbremote.exe!46!!,4,-1,4,.,.
  181. dbmapit,1,dbmapi.dll!2h!!,4,-1,4,.,.
  182. dbfilet,1,dbfile.dll!2x!!,4,-1,4,.,.
  183. dbsmtpt,1,dbsmtp.dll!3a!!,4,-1,4,.,.
  184. dbvimt,1,dbvim.dll!2t!!,4,-1,4,.,.
  185. dbxtract,1,dbxtract.exe!2k!!,4,-1,4,.,.
  186. dbshrint,1,dbshrink.exe!2p!!,4,-1,4,.,.
  187. dbstopt,1,dbstop.exe!2j!!,4,-1,4,.,.
  188. dbtrant,1,dbtran.exe!35!!,4,-1,4,.,.
  189. dbunloat,1,dbunload.exe!2k!!,4,-1,4,.,.
  190. dbupgrdt,1,dbupgrad.exe!2i!!,4,-1,4,.,.
  191. dbvalidt,1,dbvalid.exe!2j!!,4,-1,4,.,.
  192. dbwritet,1,dbwrite.exe!3k!!,4,-1,4,.,.
  193. rebuildt,1,rebuild.bat!2!!,4,-1,4,.,.
  194. isqlt,1,isql.exe!po!!,4,-1,4,.,.
  195. dbhlpt.1,0,4,-1,4,1,InstHelp
  197. dbhlpt.2,0,4,-1,5,M,InstHelp
  199. dbhlpt.3,1,dbeng50w.hlp!399!!,4,-1,6,$,InstHelp
  200. dbhlpct,1,dbeng50w.cnt!4y!!,4,-1,6,.,InstHelp
  201. dbhlpft,1,dbeng50w.fts!0!!,4,-1,6,.,InstHelp
  202. dbhlpfg,1,dbeng50w.ftg!0!!,4,-1,6,.,InstHelp
  203. dbhlpgd,1,dbeng50w.gid!0!!,4,-1,6,.,InstHelp
  204. dbhlptj.1,0,4,-1,6,1,InstHelp IsJapanese &
  206. dbhlptj.2,1,dbe50wjp.hlp!6xo!!,4,-1,7,$,InstHelp IsJapanese &
  207. dbhlpctj,1,dbe50wjp.cnt!4n!!,4,-1,7,.,InstHelp IsJapanese &
  208. dbhlpftj,1,dbe50wjp.fts!0!!,4,-1,7,.,InstHelp IsJapanese &
  209. dbhlpgdj,1,dbe50wjp.gid!0!!,4,-1,7,.,InstHelp IsJapanese &
  210. sqlppt,1,sqlpp.exe!an!!,4,-1,7,.,InstDev
  211. sqlactrs,1,sqlactrs.dll!p!!,4,-1,7,.,.
  212. sqlactri,1,sqlactrs.ini!15!!,4,-1,7,.,.
  213. sqlactrj,1,sqlactrj.ini!12!!,4,-1,7,.,IsJapanese
  214. sqlactnm,1,sqlactnm.h!9!!,4,-1,7,.,.
  215. dbl40t,1,dbl40t.dll!47!!,4,-1,7,.,InstOld
  216. wl40ent,1,wl40ent.dll!at!!,4,-1,7,.,InstOld
  217. wod40t,1,wod40t.dll!5a!!,4,-1,7,.,InstOld
  218. wodbc32l,1,wodbc32.lib!3h!!,8,-1,7,.,InstDev
  219. odbc32l,1,odbc32.lib!1s!!,8,-1,7,.,InstDev
  220. bodbc32l,1,bodbc32.lib!b!!,8,-1,7,.,InstDev
  221. dblibtwl,1,dblibtw.lib!48!!,8,-1,7,.,InstDev
  222. dblibtml,1,dblibtm.lib!8i!!,8,-1,7,.,InstDev
  223. dblibtbl,1,dblibtb.lib!25!!,8,-1,7,.,InstDev
  224. dbtlsltw,1,dbtlstw.lib!57!!,8,-1,7,.,InstDev
  225. dbtlsltm,1,dbtlstm.lib!2k!!,8,-1,7,.,InstDev
  226. dbtlsltb,1,dbtlstb.lib!i!!,8,-1,7,.,InstDev
  227. wsqlcltw,1,wsqlcltw.lib!11!!,8,-1,7,.,InstDev
  228. wsqlcltm,1,wsqlcltm.lib!k!!,8,-1,7,.,InstDev
  229. wsqlcltb,1,wsqlcltb.lib!4!!,8,-1,7,.,InstDev
  230. dbtoolsh,1,dbtools.h!12!!,9,-1,7,.,InstDev
  231. dllapih,1,dllapi.h!4!!,9,-1,7,.,InstDev
  232. dbrmth,1,dbrmt.h!5!!,9,-1,7,.,InstDev
  233. odbch,1,odbc.h!2h!!,9,-1,7,.,InstDev
  234. ntodbch,1,ntodbc.h!1!!,9,-1,7,.,InstDev
  235. sqlca,1,sqlca.h!n!!,9,-1,7,.,InstDev
  236. sqlda,1,sqlda.h!5!!,9,-1,7,.,InstDev
  237. sqldef,1,sqldef.h!d!!,9,-1,7,.,InstDev
  238. sqlerr,1,sqlerr.h!x!!,9,-1,7,.,InstDev
  239. sqlstate,1,sqlstate.h!x!!,9,-1,7,.,InstDev
  240. sqlfuncs,1,sqlfuncs.h!y!!,9,-1,7,.,InstDev
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  242. esqldllc,1,esqldll.c!n!!,a,-1,7,.,InstDev
  243. exampleh,1,example.h!3!!,b,-1,7,.,InstDev
  244. cursex,1,cur.sqc!8!!,b,-1,7,.,InstDev
  245. dcur,1,dcur.sqc!i!!,b,-1,7,.,InstDev
  246. odbcc,1,odbc.c!g!!,b,-1,7,.,InstDev
  247. mainchc,1,mainch.c!7!!,b,-1,7,.,InstDev
  248. mainwinc,1,mainwin.c!j!!,b,-1,7,.,InstDev
  249. mainwnrc,1,mainwin.rc!2!!,b,-1,7,.,InstDev
  250. ntsvcc,1,ntsvc.c!p!!,b,-1,7,.,InstDev
  251. ntsvch,1,ntsvc.h!3!!,b,-1,7,.,InstDev
  252. makeall,1,makeall.bat!p!!,b,-1,7,.,InstDev
  253. curnt,1,curwnt.exe!3w!!,b,-1,7,.,InstDev
  254. dcurnt,1,dcurwnt.exe!43!!,b,-1,7,.,InstDev
  255. odbcnt,1,odbcwnt.exe!3x!!,b,-1,7,.,InstDev
  256. wddeexe,1,wsqlddet.exe!k!!,d,-1,7,.,InstDev
  257. wddefrm,1,wsqlddet.frm!f!!,d,-1,7,.,InstDev
  258. wddeglb,1,wsqlddet.glb!2!!,d,-1,7,.,InstDev
  259. wddeico,1,wsqlddet.ico!2!!,d,-1,7,.,InstDev
  260. wddemak,1,wsqlddet.mak!1!!,d,-1,7,.,InstDev
  261. wdllexe,1,wsqldllt.exe!j!!,d,-1,7,.,InstDev
  262. wdllfrm,1,wsqldllt.frm!i!!,d,-1,7,.,InstDev
  263. wdllglb,1,wsqldllt.glb!2!!,d,-1,7,.,InstDev
  264. wdllico,1,wsqldllt.ico!2!!,d,-1,7,.,InstDev
  265. wdllmak,1,wsqldllt.mak!1!!,d,-1,7,.,InstDev
  266. wdllxl,1,wsqldde.xlw!e!!,e,-1,7,.,InstDev
  267. odbapiht,1,odbcapi.hlp!ff!bu8tw0!!y,4,-1,7,.,InstDev
  268. odbapigt,1,odbcapi.gid!0!!,4,-1,7,.,InstDev
  269. scview,1,scview.exe!eg!!,g,-1,7,.,InstSQLCent InstDynamo |
  270. scwit01,1,scwit01.dll!6p!!,g,-1,7,.,InstSQLCent InstDynamo |
  271. scjit01,1,scjit01.dll!6v!!,g,-1,7,.,InstSQLCent InstDynamo | IsJapanese &
  272. scvwlgen,1,scvwlgen.dll!e1!!,g,-1,7,.,InstSQLCent InstDynamo |
  273. scvwlgjp.1,0,g,-1,7,1,InstSQLCent InstDynamo | IsJapanese &
  275. scvwlgjp.2,1,scvwlgjp.dll!dq!!,g,-1,8,$,InstSQLCent InstDynamo | IsJapanese &
  276. scsqlany,1,scsqlany.dll!1q9!!,4,-1,8,.,InstSQLCent
  277. scsalgen,1,scsalgen.dll!1vk!!,4,-1,8,.,InstSQLCent
  278. scsalgjp.1,0,4,-1,8,1,InstSQLCent IsJapanese &
  280. scsalgjp.2,1,scsalgjp.dll!1rv!!,4,-1,9,$,InstSQLCent IsJapanese &
  281. scsaindt,1,scsaindt.dll!z!!,4,-1,9,.,InstSQLCent
  282. schilite,1,schilite.dll!5l!!,4,-1,9,.,InstSQLCent
  283. scsvmn,1,scsvmn.dll!ab!!,4,-1,9,.,InstSQLCent
  284. schlp,1,scsa.hlp!iq!!,4,-1,9,.,InstSQLCent
  285. sccnt,1,scsa.cnt!p!!,4,-1,9,.,InstSQLCent
  286. scfts,1,scsa.fts!0!!,4,-1,9,.,InstSQLCent
  287. scgid,1,scsa.gid!0!!,4,-1,9,.,InstSQLCent
  288. scfbhlp,1,scfb.hlp!d!!,4,-1,9,.,InstSQLCent
  289. scfbcnt,1,scfb.cnt!0!!,4,-1,9,.,InstSQLCent
  290. scfbfts,1,scfb.fts!0!!,4,-1,9,.,InstSQLCent
  291. scfbgid,1,scfb.gid!0!!,4,-1,9,.,InstSQLCent
  292. schlpj,1,scsajp.hlp!z4!!,4,-1,9,.,InstSQLCent IsJapanese &
  293. sccntj,1,scsajp.cnt!q!!,4,-1,9,.,InstSQLCent IsJapanese &
  294. scftsj,1,scsajp.fts!0!!,4,-1,9,.,InstSQLCent IsJapanese &
  295. scgidj,1,scsajp.gid!0!!,4,-1,9,.,InstSQLCent IsJapanese &
  296. sql1,1,binary.srt!2!d5hpm4!!y,j,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv
  297. sql2,1,charset.loc!a!d5hpm4!!y,j,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv
  298. sql3,1,binary.srt!2!d5hpm4!!y,k,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv
  299. sql4,1,charset.loc!a!d5hpm4!!y,k,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv
  300. sql5,1,dictiona.srt!h!d5hpm4!!y,k,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv
  301. sql6,1,espdict.srt!h!d5hpm4!!y,k,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv
  302. sql7,1,espnoac.srt!h!d5hpm4!!y,k,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv
  303. sql8,1,espnocs.srt!h!d5hpm4!!y,k,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv
  304. sql9,1,noaccent.srt!h!d5hpm4!!y,k,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv
  305. sql10,1,nocase.srt!i!d5hpm6!!y,k,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv
  306. sql11,1,nocasepr.srt!i!d5hpm6!!y,k,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv
  307. sql12,1,altdict.srt!h!d5hpm6!!y,l,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv
  308. sql13,1,altnoacc.srt!h!d5hpm6!!y,l,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv
  309. sql14,1,altnocsp.srt!i!d5hpm6!!y,l,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv
  310. sql15,1,binary.srt!2!d5hpm6!!y,l,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv
  311. sql16,1,charset.loc!a!d5hpm6!!y,l,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv
  312. sql17,1,dictiona.srt!h!d5hpm6!!y,l,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv
  313. sql18,1,espdict.srt!g!d5hpm6!!y,l,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv
  314. sql19,1,espnoac.srt!h!d5hpm6!!y,l,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv
  315. sql20,1,espnocs.srt!g!d5hpm6!!y,l,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv
  316. sql21,1,noaccent.srt!h!d5hpm6!!y,l,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv
  317. sql22,1,nocase.srt!i!d5hpm6!!y,l,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv
  318. sql23,1,nocase34.srt!c!d5hpm6!!y,l,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv
  319. sql24,1,nocasepr.srt!i!d5hpm6!!y,l,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv
  320. sql25,1,scandict.srt!g!d5hpm6!!y,l,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv
  321. sql26,1,scannocp.srt!i!d5hpm6!!y,l,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv
  322. sql27,1,binary.srt!2!d5hpm6!!y,m,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv
  323. sql28,1,charset.loc!11!d5hpm8!!y,m,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv
  324. sql29,1,binary.srt!2!d5hpm8!!y,n,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv
  325. sql30,1,charset.loc!16!d5hpm8!!y,n,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv
  326. sql31,1,zenkaku.loc!o!d5hpm8!!y,n,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv
  327. sql32,1,zenkaku.xlt!m!d5hpm8!!y,n,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv
  328. sql33,1,avt.loc!g!d5hpm8!!y,o,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv
  329. sql34,1,avt.xlt!d!d5hpm8!!y,o,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv
  330. sql35,1,binary.srt!2!d5hpm8!!y,o,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv
  331. sql36,1,charset.loc!a!d5hpm8!!y,o,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv
  332. sql37,1,cit101e.loc!h!d5hpm8!!y,o,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv
  333. sql38,1,cit101e.xlt!d!d5hpma!!y,o,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv
  334. sql39,1,cit101xl.loc!g!d5hpma!!y,o,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv
  335. sql40,1,cit101xl.xlt!d!d5hpma!!y,o,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv
  336. sql41,1,cit50.loc!g!d5hpma!!y,o,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv
  337. sql42,1,cit50.xlt!d!d5hpma!!y,o,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv
  338. sql43,1,cp850.loc!i!d5hpma!!y,o,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv
  339. sql44,1,dictiona.srt!h!d5hpma!!y,o,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv
  340. sql45,1,espdict.srt!h!d5hpma!!y,o,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv
  341. sql46,1,espnoac.srt!h!d5hpma!!y,o,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv
  342. sql47,1,espnocs.srt!h!d5hpma!!y,o,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv
  343. sql48,1,hds200_7.loc!i!d5hpma!!y,o,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv
  344. sql49,1,hds200_7.xlt!d!d5hpma!!y,o,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv
  345. sql50,1,noaccent.srt!h!d5hpma!!y,o,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv
  346. sql51,1,nocase.srt!i!d5hpma!!y,o,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv
  347. sql52,1,nocasepr.srt!i!d5hpma!!y,o,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv
  348. sql53,1,sun.loc!g!d5hpma!!y,o,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv
  349. sql54,1,sun.xlt!d!d5hpma!!y,o,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv
  350. sql55,1,vt100.loc!g!d5hpmc!!y,o,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv
  351. sql56,1,vt100.xlt!d!d5hpmc!!y,o,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv
  352. sql57,1,vt200.loc!b!d5hpmc!!y,o,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv
  353. sql58,1,vt200.xlt!a!d5hpmc!!y,o,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv
  354. sql59,1,vt330.loc!b!d5hpmc!!y,o,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv
  355. sql60,1,vt330.xlt!a!d5hpmc!!y,o,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv
  356. sql61,1,wyse50.loc!g!d5hpmc!!y,o,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv
  357. sql62,1,wyse50.xlt!d!d5hpmc!!y,o,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv
  358. sql63,1,binary.srt!2!d5hpmc!!y,p,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv
  359. sql64,1,charset.loc!a!d5hpmc!!y,p,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv
  360. sql65,1,binary.srt!2!d5hpmc!!y,q,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv
  361. sql66,1,charset.loc!a!d5hpmc!!y,q,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv
  362. sql67,1,dictiona.srt!i!d5hpmc!!y,q,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv
  363. sql68,1,espdict.srt!i!d5hpmc!!y,q,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv
  364. sql69,1,espnoac.srt!i!d5hpmc!!y,q,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv
  365. sql70,1,espnocs.srt!i!d5hpmc!!y,q,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv
  366. sql71,1,noaccent.srt!i!d5hpmc!!y,q,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv
  367. sql72,1,nocase.srt!j!d5hpme!!y,q,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv
  368. sql73,1,nocasepr.srt!j!d5hpme!!y,q,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv
  369. sql74,1,binary.srt!2!d5hpme!!y,r,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv
  370. sql75,1,charset.loc!11!d5hpme!!y,r,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv
  371. sql76,1,zenkaku.loc!a!d5hpme!!y,r,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv
  372. sql77,1,zenkaku.xlt!d!d5hpme!!y,r,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv
  373. sql78,1,bcp.loc!8!d5hpjy!!y,u,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese ! &
  374. sql79,1,blklib.loc!9!d5hpjy!!y,u,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese ! &
  375. sql80,1,cobct.loc!3!d5hpjy!!y,u,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese ! &
  376. sql81,1,common.loc!6!d5hpjy!!y,u,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese ! &
  377. sql82,1,cslib.loc!b!dcoy3u!!y,u,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese ! &
  378. sql83,1,ctdrvlib.loc!8!dcoy3u!!y,u,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese ! &
  379. sql84,1,ctlib.loc!1i!dcoy3u!!y,u,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese ! &
  380. sql85,1,dblib.loc!1d!dcoy3u!!y,u,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese ! &
  381. sql86,1,defncopy.loc!3!dcoy3u!!y,u,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese ! &
  382. sql87,1,esql.loc!l!dcoy3u!!y,u,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese ! &
  383. sql88,1,isql.loc!3!dcoy3u!!y,u,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese ! &
  384. sql89,1,oslib.loc!1k!d5hpk0!!y,u,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese ! &
  385. sql90,1,tcllib.loc!q!d5hpk0!!y,u,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese ! &
  386. sql91,1,nldecnet.loc!4!damom8!!y,u,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese ! &
  387. sql92,1,nlmsnmp.loc!4!d5hsc0!!y,u,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese ! &
  388. sql93,1,nlnwlink.loc!6!d5hsc0!!y,u,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese ! &
  389. sql94,1,nlwnsck.loc!5!d5hsc0!!y,u,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese ! &
  390. sql101,1,bcp.loc!8!d5hpk0!!y,v,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese ! &
  391. sql102,1,blklib.loc!9!d5hpk0!!y,v,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese ! &
  392. sql103,1,common.loc!6!d5hpk0!!y,v,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese ! &
  393. sql104,1,cslib.loc!b!d5hpk0!!y,v,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese ! &
  394. sql105,1,ctlib.loc!1i!d5hpk0!!y,v,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese ! &
  395. sql106,1,dblib.loc!1d!d5hpk0!!y,v,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese ! &
  396. sql107,1,defncopy.loc!3!d5hpk0!!y,v,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese ! &
  397. sql108,1,isql.loc!3!d5hpk2!!y,v,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese ! &
  398. sql109,1,oslib.loc!1k!d5hpk4!!y,v,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese ! &
  399. sql110,1,tcllib.loc!q!d5hpk4!!y,v,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese ! &
  400. sql111,1,nldecnet.loc!4!damomy!!y,v,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese ! &
  401. sql112,1,nlmsnmp.loc!4!d5hsc2!!y,v,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese ! &
  402. sql113,1,nlnwlink.loc!6!d5hsc4!!y,v,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese ! &
  403. sql114,1,nlwnsck.loc!5!d5hsc4!!y,v,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese ! &
  404. sql121,1,bcp.loc!8!d5hpk6!!y,w,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese ! &
  405. sql122,1,blklib.loc!9!d5hpk6!!y,w,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese ! &
  406. sql123,1,common.loc!6!d5hpk6!!y,w,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese ! &
  407. sql124,1,cslib.loc!b!d5hpk6!!y,w,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese ! &
  408. sql125,1,ctdrvlib.loc!8!d5hpk6!!y,w,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese ! &
  409. sql126,1,ctlib.loc!1i!d5hpk6!!y,w,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese ! &
  410. sql127,1,dblib.loc!1d!d5hpk6!!y,w,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese ! &
  411. sql128,1,defncopy.loc!3!d5hpk6!!y,w,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese ! &
  412. sql129,1,isql.loc!3!d5hpk8!!y,w,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese ! &
  413. sql130,1,oslib.loc!1k!d5hpk8!!y,w,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese ! &
  414. sql131,1,tcllib.loc!q!d5hpk8!!y,w,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese ! &
  415. sql132,1,nldecnet.loc!4!damoni!!y,w,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese ! &
  416. sql133,1,nlmsnmp.loc!4!d5hsc8!!y,w,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese ! &
  417. sql134,1,nlnwlink.loc!6!d5hsc8!!y,w,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese ! &
  418. sql135,1,nlwnsck.loc!5!d5hsc8!!y,w,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese ! &
  419. sql142,1,bcp.loc!8!d5hpka!!y,x,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese ! &
  420. sql143,1,blklib.loc!9!d5hpka!!y,x,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese ! &
  421. sql144,1,common.loc!6!d5hpkc!!y,x,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese ! &
  422. sql145,1,cslib.loc!b!d5hpkc!!y,x,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese ! &
  423. sql146,1,ctlib.loc!1i!d5hpkc!!y,x,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese ! &
  424. sql147,1,dblib.loc!1d!d5hpkc!!y,x,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese ! &
  425. sql148,1,defncopy.loc!3!d5hpkc!!y,x,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese ! &
  426. sql149,1,isql.loc!3!d5hpkc!!y,x,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese ! &
  427. sql150,1,oslib.loc!1k!d5hpke!!y,x,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese ! &
  428. sql151,1,tcllib.loc!q!d5hpke!!y,x,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese ! &
  429. sql152,1,nldecnet.loc!4!damooe!!y,x,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese ! &
  430. sql153,1,nlmsnmp.loc!4!d5hsce!!y,x,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese ! &
  431. sql154,1,nlnwlink.loc!6!d5hsce!!y,x,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese ! &
  432. sql155,1,nlwnsck.loc!5!d5hsce!!y,x,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese ! &
  433. sql162,1,bcp.loc!8!d5hpkg!!y,y,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese ! &
  434. sql163,1,blklib.loc!9!d5hpkg!!y,y,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese ! &
  435. sql164,1,common.loc!6!d5hpkg!!y,y,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese ! &
  436. sql165,1,cslib.loc!b!d5hpkg!!y,y,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese ! &
  437. sql166,1,ctlib.loc!1i!d5hpki!!y,y,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese ! &
  438. sql167,1,dblib.loc!1d!d5hpki!!y,y,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese ! &
  439. sql168,1,defncopy.loc!3!d5hpki!!y,y,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese ! &
  440. sql169,1,isql.loc!3!d5hpki!!y,y,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese ! &
  441. sql170,1,oslib.loc!1k!d5hpkk!!y,y,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese ! &
  442. sql171,1,tcllib.loc!q!d5hpkk!!y,y,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese ! &
  443. sql172,1,nldecnet.loc!4!damop0!!y,y,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese ! &
  444. sql173,1,nlmsnmp.loc!4!d5hsci!!y,y,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese ! &
  445. sql174,1,nlnwlink.loc!6!d5hsci!!y,y,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese ! &
  446. sql175,1,nlwnsck.loc!5!d5hsci!!y,y,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese ! &
  447. sql182,1,locales.dat!e!e53ko8!!y,s,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese ! &
  448. sql183,1,bcp.loc!8!d5hh9s!!y,10,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese &
  449. sql184,1,blklib.loc!9!d5hh9s!!y,10,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese &
  450. sql185,1,bslib.loc!1y!do5wl6!!y,10,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese &
  451. sql186,1,cobct.loc!3!d5hh9s!!y,10,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese &
  452. sql187,1,common.loc!7!do5wl6!!y,10,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese &
  453. sql188,1,cslib.loc!b!d5hh9s!!y,10,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese &
  454. sql189,1,ctdrvlib.loc!8!d5hh9s!!y,10,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese &
  455. sql190,1,ctlib.loc!1i!d5hh9s!!y,10,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese &
  456. sql191,1,dblib.loc!1g!d5hh9s!!y,10,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese &
  457. sql192,1,defncopy.loc!3!d5hh9s!!y,10,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese &
  458. sql193,1,esql.loc!m!d5hh9s!!y,10,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese &
  459. sql194,1,isql.loc!3!d5hh9s!!y,10,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese &
  460. sql195,1,oslib.loc!1t!d5hh9u!!y,10,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese &
  461. sql196,1,tcllib.loc!t!d5hh9u!!y,10,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese &
  462. sql197,1,wisql.loc!d!d5hh9u!!y,10,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese &
  463. sql198,1,wnlftptc.loc!5!d5hh9u!!y,10,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese &
  464. sql199,1,jnlmsnmp.loc!4!d5hh9s!!y,10,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese &
  465. sql200,1,jnlwnsck.loc!5!d5hh9s!!y,10,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese &
  466. sql201,1,nldecnet.loc!5!do5wl8!!y,10,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese &
  467. sql202,1,nlmsnmp.loc!4!d5hh9u!!y,10,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese &
  468. sql203,1,nlnwlink.loc!6!d5hh9u!!y,10,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese &
  469. sql204,1,nlwnsck.loc!5!d5hh9u!!y,10,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese &
  470. sql211,1,bcp.loc!8!d5hh9w!!y,11,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese &
  471. sql212,1,blklib.loc!9!d5hh9w!!y,11,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese &
  472. sql213,1,bslib.loc!1y!do5wlc!!y,11,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese &
  473. sql214,1,cobct.loc!3!d5hh9w!!y,11,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese &
  474. sql215,1,common.loc!7!do5wlc!!y,11,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese &
  475. sql216,1,cslib.loc!b!d5hh9w!!y,11,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese &
  476. sql217,1,ctdrvlib.loc!8!d5hh9w!!y,11,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese &
  477. sql218,1,ctlib.loc!1i!d5hh9w!!y,11,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese &
  478. sql219,1,dblib.loc!1g!d5hh9w!!y,11,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese &
  479. sql220,1,defncopy.loc!3!d5hh9w!!y,11,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese &
  480. sql221,1,esql.loc!m!d5hh9w!!y,11,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese &
  481. sql222,1,isql.loc!3!d5hh9w!!y,11,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese &
  482. sql223,1,oslib.loc!1t!d5hh9y!!y,11,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese &
  483. sql224,1,tcllib.loc!t!d5hh9y!!y,11,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese &
  484. sql225,1,wisql.loc!d!d5hh9y!!y,11,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese &
  485. sql226,1,wnlftptc.loc!5!d5hh9y!!y,11,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese &
  486. sql227,1,nldecnet.loc!5!do5wle!!y,11,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese &
  487. sql228,1,nlmsnmp.loc!4!d5hh9y!!y,11,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese &
  488. sql229,1,nlnwlink.loc!6!d5hh9y!!y,11,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese &
  489. sql230,1,nlwnsck.loc!5!d5hh9y!!y,11,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese &
  490. sql237,1,bcp.loc!8!d5hha0!!y,12,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese &
  491. sql238,1,blklib.loc!9!d5hha0!!y,12,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese &
  492. sql239,1,bslib.loc!1y!do5wli!!y,12,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese &
  493. sql240,1,cobct.loc!3!d5hha0!!y,12,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese &
  494. sql241,1,common.loc!7!do5wli!!y,12,-1,9,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese &
  495. sql242,1,cslib.loc!b!d5hha0!!y,12,-1,a,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese &
  496. sql243,1,ctdrvlib.loc!8!d5hha0!!y,12,-1,a,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese &
  497. sql244,1,ctlib.loc!1i!d5hha0!!y,12,-1,a,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese &
  498. sql245,1,dblib.loc!1g!d5hha0!!y,12,-1,a,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese &
  499. sql246,1,defncopy.loc!3!d5hha0!!y,12,-1,a,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese &
  500. sql247,1,esql.loc!m!d5hha0!!y,12,-1,a,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese &
  501. sql248,1,isql.loc!3!d5hha2!!y,12,-1,a,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese &
  502. sql249,1,oslib.loc!1t!d5hha2!!y,12,-1,a,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese &
  503. sql250,1,tcllib.loc!t!d5hha2!!y,12,-1,a,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese &
  504. sql251,1,wisql.loc!d!d5hha2!!y,12,-1,a,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese &
  505. sql252,1,wnlftptc.loc!5!d5hha2!!y,12,-1,a,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese &
  506. sql253,1,jnlmsnmp.loc!4!d5hha2!!y,12,-1,a,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese &
  507. sql254,1,jnlwnsck.loc!5!d5hha2!!y,12,-1,a,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese &
  508. sql255,1,nldecnet.loc!5!do5wli!!y,12,-1,a,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese &
  509. sql256,1,nlmsnmp.loc!4!d5hha2!!y,12,-1,a,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese &
  510. sql257,1,nlnwlink.loc!6!d5hha2!!y,12,-1,a,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese &
  511. sql258,1,nlwnsck.loc!5!d5hha2!!y,12,-1,a,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese &
  512. sql265,1,locales.dat!e!e53ksu!!y,s,-1,a,.,InstSQLSrv IsJapanese &
  513. sql266,1,nlmsnmp.dll!g!cy21z4!!y,13,-1,a,.,InstSQLSrv
  514. sql267,1,nlnwlink.dll!h!cy21zm!!y,13,-1,a,.,InstSQLSrv
  515. sql268,1,nlwnsck.dll!e!cy21zc!!y,13,-1,a,.,InstSQLSrv
  516. sql269,1,nldecnet.dll!g!cvpu62!!y,13,-1,a,.,InstSQLSrv
  517. sql270,1,libcomn.dll!fx!dcnnjs!!y,13,-1,a,.,InstSQLSrv
  518. sql271,1,libcs.dll!2s!dcnnmo!!y,13,-1,a,.,InstSQLSrv
  519. sql272,1,libct.dll!gb!dcnqd0!!y,13,-1,a,.,InstSQLSrv
  520. sql273,1,libintl.dll!1y!dcnn6y!!y,13,-1,a,.,InstSQLSrv
  521. sql274,1,libsrv.dll!io!dcnok2!!y,13,-1,a,.,InstSQLSrv
  522. sql275,1,libsybdb.dll!k6!dcnpl8!!y,13,-1,a,.,InstSQLSrv
  523. sql276,1,libtcl.dll!36!dcnnu6!!y,13,-1,a,.,InstSQLSrv
  524. sql277,1,sqledit.exe!34!dmo77y!!y,14,-1,a,.,InstSQLSrv
  525. sql278,1,sybping.exe!z!dmo77y!!y,14,-1,a,.,InstSQLSrv
  526. sql279,1,ping32.exe!18!day5ig!!y,14,-1,a,.,InstSQLSrv
  527. sql280,1,sqledit.hlp!16!cx7ldy!!y,14,-1,a,.,InstSQLSrv
  528. sql281,1,sybenv32.exe!b!divju8!!y,14,-1,a,.,InstSQLSrv
  529. sql307,1,sql.ini!0!dsng92!!y,15,-1,a,.,InstSQLSrv ?%sql10%\ini\sql.ini ! &
  530. sql308,1,libtcl.cfg!1!dtixkg!!y,15,-1,a,.,InstSQLSrv ?%sql10%\ini\libtcl.cfg ! &
  531. odbc32,1,odbc32.dll!3i!d9s6r4!!o,16,-1,a,.,InstODBC IsJapanese ! &
  532. odbccp32,1,odbccp32.dll!4y!d9s6r6!!o,16,-1,a,.,InstODBC IsJapanese ! &
  533. odbc16gt,1,odbc16gt.dll!1c!d9s6q4!!o,16,-1,a,.,InstODBC IsJapanese ! &
  534. odbc32gt,1,odbc32gt.dll!h!d9s6r6!!o,16,-1,a,.,InstODBC IsJapanese ! &
  535. ds16gt,1,ds16gt.dll!a!d90j40!!o,16,-1,a,.,InstODBC IsJapanese ! &
  536. ds32gt,1,ds32gt.dll!c!d9s6r6!!o,16,-1,a,.,InstODBC IsJapanese ! &
  537. odbcint,1,odbcint.dll!1s!d9s6oc!!o,16,-1,a,.,InstODBC IsJapanese ! &
  538. odbccr32,1,odbccr32.dll!94!d9s6r6!!o,16,-1,a,.,InstODBC IsJapanese ! &
  539. msvcrt10,1,msvcrt10.dll!bg!cunxw0!!k,16,-1,a,.,InstODBC IsJapanese ! &
  540. msvcrt20,1,msvcrt20.dll!ds!d4hdls!!k,16,-1,a,.,InstODBC IsJapanese ! IsWinNT & &
  541. ctl3d32,1,ctl3d32.dll!1g!d4uoo0!!k,16,-1,a,.,InstODBC IsJapanese ! IsWinNT & &
  542. odbcad32,1,odbcad32.exe!e!d9s6ou!!o,17,-1,a,.,InstODBC IsJapanese ! &
  543. odbcad3h,1,odbcinst.hlp!10!d9rw1i!!o,17,-1,a,.,InstODBC IsJapanese ! &
  544. odbcad3c,1,odbcinst.cnt!2!d9gb3k!!o,17,-1,a,.,InstODBC IsJapanese ! &
  545. odbccpl,1,odbccp32.cpl!d!d9s6r6!!o,16,-1,a,.,InstODBC IsJapanese ! &
  546. odbcdl,1,odbc.dll!32!d4uoo0!!o,18,-1,a,.,InstODBC IsJapanese ! &
  547. odbcindl,1,odbcinst.dll!51!d4uoo0!!o,18,-1,a,.,InstODBC IsJapanese ! &
  548. odbccurs,1,odbccurs.dll!4u!d4uoo0!!o,18,-1,a,.,InstODBC IsJapanese ! &
  549. odbcadme,1,odbcadm.exe!d!d4uoo0!!o,17,-1,a,.,InstODBC IsJapanese ! &
  550. odbcadmh,1,odbcinst.hlp!z!d4uoo0!!o,17,-1,a,.,InstODBC IsJapanese ! &
  551. jdbc32,1,odbc32.dll!3i!dija00!!o,16,-1,a,.,IsJapanese
  552. jdbccp32,1,odbccp32.dll!53!dija00!!o,16,-1,a,.,IsJapanese
  553. jdbc16gt,1,odbc16gt.dll!1b!dija00!!o,16,-1,a,.,IsJapanese
  554. jdbc32gt,1,odbc32gt.dll!e!dija00!!o,16,-1,a,.,IsJapanese
  555. jds16gt,1,ds16gt.dll!a!dija00!!o,16,-1,a,.,IsJapanese
  556. jds32gt,1,ds32gt.dll!9!dija00!!o,16,-1,a,.,IsJapanese
  557. jdbc2032,1,dbcs2032.dll!v!dija00!!o,16,-1,a,.,IsJapanese
  558. jdbccr32.1,0,16,-1,a,1,IsJapanese
  560. jdbccr32.2,1,odbccr32.dll!98!dija00!!o,16,-1,b,$,IsJapanese
  561. jctl3d32,1,ctl3d32.dll!1g!dija00!!k,16,-1,b,.,IsJapanese IsWinNT &
  562. jdbcad32,1,odbcad32.exe!e!dija00!!o,17,-1,b,.,IsJapanese
  563. jdbcad3h,1,odbcinst.hlp!11!dija00!!o,17,-1,b,.,IsJapanese
  564. jdbcdl,1,odbc.dll!34!dija00!!o,18,-1,b,.,IsJapanese
  565. jdbcindl,1,odbcinst.dll!51!dija00!!o,18,-1,b,.,IsJapanese
  566. jdbccurs,1,odbccurs.dll!4u!dija00!!o,18,-1,b,.,IsJapanese
  567. jdbcadme,1,odbcadm.exe!d!dija00!!o,17,-1,b,.,IsJapanese
  568. jdbcadmh,1,odbcinst.hlp!11!dija00!!o,17,-1,b,.,IsJapanese
  570. [DeleteFiles]
  571. dialog=FoundSC50
  572. file=%DstDir%\win32\scedit.dll
  573. file=%DstDir%\win32\scanywiz.dll
  574. file=%DstDir%\win32\scperf.dll
  575. file=%DstDir%\win32\wedit.dll
  576. file=%DstDir%\win32\wedit01.dll
  577. file=%DstDir%\win32\sclangen.dll
  578. file=%DstDir%\win32\sclangjp.dll
  579. dialog=FoundSQLCentral
  580. file=%DstDir%\win32\scview.exe
  581. file=%DstDir%\win32\scwit01.dll
  582. file=%DstDir%\win32\scvwlgen.dll
  583. file=%DstDir%\win32\scvwlgjp.dll
  584. file=%SybTools%\win32\scsqlany.dll
  585. file=%SybTools%\win32\scsalgen.dll
  586. file=%SybTools%\win32\scsalgjp.dll
  587. file=%SybTools%\win32\scsaindt.dll
  588. file=%SybTools%\win32\schilite.dll
  589. file=%SybTools%\win32\scsa.hlp    
  590. file=%SybTools%\win32\scsa.cnt    
  591. file=%SybTools%\win32\scsa.fts    
  592. file=%SybTools%\win32\scsa.gid    
  593. file=%SybTools%\win32\scfb.hlp    
  594. file=%SybTools%\win32\scfb.cnt    
  595. file=%SybTools%\win32\scfb.fts    
  596. file=%SybTools%\win32\scfb.gid    
  597. file=%SybTools%\win32\scsajp.hlp  
  598. file=%SybTools%\win32\scsajp.cnt  
  599. file=%SybTools%\win32\scsajp.fts  
  600. file=%SybTools%\win32\scsajp.gid  
  602. [Disks]
  603. Disk 1
  604. Disk 2
  605. Disk 3
  606. Disk 4
  607. Disk 5
  608. Disk 6
  609. Disk 7
  610. Disk 8
  611. Disk 9
  612. Disk 10
  613. Disk 11
  615. [PM Info]
  616. %DstDir%\win32\dbeng50.exe, %DstDir%\%sademodb%.db, Standalone Sample Database
  617. %DstDir%\win32\dbsrv50.exe, %DstDir%\%sademodb%.db, Server Sample Database 
  618. %DstDir%\win32\dbsvmn50.exe, , Service Manager
  619. %SybTools%\win32\scview.exe, , Sybase Central, , , InstSQLCent InstDynamo |
  620. %DstDir%\win32\%schlp%.hlp, , Sybase Central for SQL Anywhere, , , InstSQLCent
  621. %DstDir%\win32\isql.exe, , ISQL
  622. %DstDir%\win32\%hlpfil%.hlp, , Sybase SQL Anywhere Manual
  623. %DstDir%\win32\srvntjp.hlp, , Sybase SQL Anywhere Server Manual, , , IsJapanese
  624. odbcad32.exe, , ODBC Administrator
  625. %DstDir%\win32\dbclient.exe, %sademodb%, Client Sample
  626. %DstDir%\support\sybweb.htm, , SybaseWeb
  627. %DstDir%\win32\setup.exe, -u, UnInstall, , , IsInstallShield ! 
  629. [Profile]
  630. ODBC Drivers, Sybase SQL Anywhere 5.0, Installed, SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBCINST.INI, local_machine, InstODBC
  631. Sybase SQL Anywhere 5.0, Driver, %DstDir%\win32\wod50t.dll, SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBCINST.INI, local_machine, InstODBC
  632. Sybase SQL Anywhere 5.0, Setup, %DstDir%\win32\wod50t.dll, SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBCINST.INI, local_machine, InstODBC
  633. ODBC Translators, Sybase SQL Anywhere 5.0 Translator, Installed, SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBCINST.INI, local_machine, InstODBC
  634. Sybase SQL Anywhere 5.0 Translator, Translator, %DstDir%\win32\wtr50t.dll, SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBCINST.INI, local_machine, InstODBC
  635. Sybase SQL Anywhere 5.0 Translator, Setup, %DstDir%\win32\wtr50t.dll, SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBCINST.INI, local_machine, InstODBC
  636. ODBC Data Sources, SQL Anywhere 5.0 Sample, Sybase SQL Anywhere 5.0, SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBC.INI, current_user, InstODBC
  637. SQL Anywhere 5.0 Sample, Driver, %DstDir%\win32\wod50t.dll, SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBC.INI, current_user, InstODBC
  638. SQL Anywhere 5.0 Sample, Description, Sybase SQL Anywhere Sample Database, SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBC.INI, current_user, InstODBC
  639. SQL Anywhere 5.0 Sample, UID, dba, SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBC.INI, current_user, InstODBC
  640. SQL Anywhere 5.0 Sample, PWD, sql, SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBC.INI, current_user, InstODBC
  641. SQL Anywhere 5.0 Sample, DatabaseFile, %DstDir%\%sademodb%.db, SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBC.INI, current_user, InstODBC
  642. SQL Anywhere 5.0 Sample, Start, %DstDir%\win32\dbeng50, SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBC.INI, current_user, InstODBC
  643. Performance, Library,   %DstDir%\win32\sqlactrs.dll,    SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\SQL_ANYWHERE, local_machine, IsWinNT
  644. Performance, Open,        OpenSqlAnywherePerformanceData,    SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\SQL_ANYWHERE, local_machine, IsWinNT
  645. Performance, Collect,   CollectSqlAnywherePerformanceData, SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\SQL_ANYWHERE, local_machine, IsWinNT
  646. Performance, Close,        CloseSqlAnywherePerformanceData,    SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\SQL_ANYWHERE, local_machine, IsWinNT
  647. Sybase, , , Software, current_user
  648. SQL Anywhere, , , Software\Sybase, current_user
  649. Sybase SQL Anywhere 5.0, , , Software\Sybase\SQL Anywhere, current_user
  650. Sybase SQL Anywhere 5.0, Language, JP, Software\Sybase\SQL Anywhere, current_user, IsJapanese
  651. Sybase SQL Anywhere 5.0, , , Software\Sybase\SQL Anywhere, current_user
  652. Sybase SQL Anywhere 5.0, Location, %DstDir%, Software\Sybase\SQL Anywhere, current_user
  653. Sybase, , , Software, local_machine
  654. SQL Anywhere, , , Software\Sybase, local_machine
  655. Sybase SQL Anywhere 5.0, , , Software\Sybase\SQL Anywhere, local_machine
  656. Sybase SQL Anywhere 5.0, Language, JP, Software\Sybase\SQL Anywhere, local_machine, IsJapanese
  657. Sybase SQL Anywhere 5.0, , , Software\Sybase\SQL Anywhere, local_machine
  658. Sybase SQL Anywhere 5.0, Location, %DstDir%, Software\Sybase\SQL Anywhere, local_machine
  659. ODBC Drivers, Sybase SQL Anywhere 5.0, Installed, odbcinst.ini
  660. Sybase SQL Anywhere 5.0, Driver, %DstDir%\win\wod50w.dll, odbcinst.ini
  661. Sybase SQL Anywhere 5.0, Setup, %DstDir%\win\wod50w.dll, odbcinst.ini
  662. ODBC Translators, Sybase SQL Anywhere 5.0 Translator, Installed, odbcinst.ini
  663. Sybase SQL Anywhere 5.0 Translator, Translator, %DstDir%\win\wtr50w.dll, odbcinst.ini
  664. Sybase SQL Anywhere 5.0 Translator, Setup, %DstDir%\win\wtr50w.dll, odbcinst.ini
  665. ODBC Data Sources, SQL Anywhere 5.0 Sample Client, Sybase SQL Anywhere 5.0, odbc.ini
  666. SQL Anywhere 5.0 Sample Client, Driver, %DstDir%\win\wod50w.dll, odbc.ini
  667. SQL Anywhere 5.0 Sample Client, Description, Sybase SQL Anywhere Client/Server, odbc.ini
  668. SQL Anywhere 5.0 Sample Client, EngineName,    place_server_name_here, odbc.ini
  669. SQL Anywhere 5.0 Sample Client, Start, %DstDir%\win\dbclienw, odbc.ini
  670. Sybase, , , Software, current_user
  671. Sybase Tools, , , Software\Sybase, current_user
  672. Sybase Tools, Location, %SybTools%, Software\Sybase, current_user
  673. Sybase, , , Software, local_machine
  674. Sybase Tools, , , Software\Sybase, local_machine
  675. Sybase Tools, Location, %SybTools%, Software\Sybase, local_machine
  676. Sybase, , , Software, current_user
  677. Sybase Central, , , Software\Sybase, current_user
  678. Providers, , , Software\Sybase\Sybase Central, current_user
  679. Providers, Sybase SQL Anywhere, %DstDir%\win32\scsqlany.dll, Software\Sybase\Sybase Central, current_user
  680. Sybase, , , Software, local_machine
  681. Sybase Central, , , Software\Sybase, local_machine
  682. Providers, , , Software\Sybase\Sybase Central, local_machine
  683. Providers, Sybase SQL Anywhere, %DstDir%\win32\scsqlany.dll, Software\Sybase\Sybase Central, local_machine
  684. Sybase, , , Software, current_user, InstSQLSrv IsWinNT IsWin95 | &
  685. Sybase, Location, %SQL10%, Software, current_user, InstSQLSrv IsWinNT IsWin95 | &
  686. Sybase, , , Software, local_machine
  687. SQL Anywhere, , , Software\Sybase, local_machine
  688. 5.0, , , Software\Sybase\SQL Anywhere, local_machine
  689. Sybase SQL Anywhere 5.0, DisplayName, Sybase SQL Anywhere 5.0, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall, local_machine, IsInstallShield !
  690. Sybase SQL Anywhere 5.0, UninstallString, %DstDir%\win32\setup.exe -u, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall, local_machine, IsInstallShield !
  691. Sybase SQL Anywhere 5.0, Language, JP, sqlany.ini, , IsJapanese IsWin IsWin95 IsWinNT | | &
  693. [Autoexec]
  694. +PATH=%DstDir%\win32,IsWin95
  695. SQLANY=%DstDir%,IsWin95
  696. +PATH=%SybTools%\win32, InstDynamo InstSQLCent | IsWin95 &
  697. SYBASE=%SQL10%,                InstSQLSrv IsWin95 &
  698. +PATH=%SQL10%\dll;%SQL10%\bin, InstSQLSrv IsWin95 &
  699. SQLANYLANG=JP, IsJapanese IsWin IsWin95 | &
  701. [Config]
  702. FILES=30,IsWin95
  703. BUFFERS=30,IsWin95
  704. SYBASE=%SQL10%,                 InstSQLSrv IsOS2 &
  705. +PATH=%SQL10%\dll;%SQL10%\bin,  InstSQLSrv IsOS2 &
  707. [AutoSet]
  708. InstSQLCent=true
  709. InstDev=false
  710. InstOpSrv=false
  711. InstSQLSrv=false
  712. InstOld=false
  713. InstSQLCent=true
  714. InstHelp=true
  716. [Spawn]
  717. end=-unlodctr SQL_ANYWHERE, IsWinNT
  718. end=-lodctr %DstDir%\win32\sqlactrs.ini, IsWinNT IsJapanese ! &
  719. end=-lodctr %DstDir%\win32\sqlactrj.ini, IsWinNT IsJapanese &
  721. [Environment]
  722. +PATH=%DstDir%\win32,IsWin95 !
  723. SQLANY=%DstDir%,IsWin95 !
  724. +PATH=%DstDir%\win
  725. +PATH=%SybTools%\win32, InstDynamo InstSQLCent | IsWin95 ! &
  726. SYBASE=%SQL10%,                 InstSQLSrv IsWinNT &
  727. +PATH=%SQL10%\dll;%SQL10%\bin,  InstSQLSrv IsWinNT &
  728. SQLANYLANG=JP, IsJapanese IsWinNT &
  730. [Dialog]
  731. name=ODBCConvert
  732. condition=DoODBCConvert
  733. static_text="Sybase SQL Anywhere 5.5 has been successfully installed. You now have the option of converting your Watcom SQL 4.0 ODBC data sources to use the new Sybase SQL Anywhere ODBC driver." 
  734. static_text=
  735. radio_button=ODBCAll,true,"&convert all 4.0 data sources to use new driver"
  736. radio_button=ODBCPrompt,false,"&prompt for each 4.0 data source"
  737. radio_button=ODBCNone,false,"&do not convert data sources at this time"
  738. static_text=
  739. push_button=.+"&OK"
  741. [Dialog]
  742. name=ODBCConvertOne
  743. dynamic_text=h_ODBCPrompt,"Do you want to convert the %ODBCType%ODBC data source:"
  744. dynamic_text=h_ODBCDSN,"%ODBCDSN%"
  745. dynamic_text=h_ODBCDesc,"%ODBCDesc%"
  746. dynamic_text=h_ODBCDB,"%ODBCDB%"
  747. dynamic_text=h_ODBCStartLine,"%ODBCStartLine%"
  748. static_text="from the Watcom SQL 4.0 ODBC driver to the new driver?"
  749. static_text=
  750. push_button=+"&Yes"
  751. push_button=^"&No"
  752. push_button=^"&Cancel"
  754. [Dialog]
  755. name=ODBCAppNotRecognized
  756. static_text="ODBC driver start line not recognized:"
  757. dynamic_text=h_ODBCDSN,"%ODBCDSN%"
  758. dynamic_text=h_ODBCDesc,"%ODBCDesc%"
  759. dynamic_text=h_ODBCDB,"%ODBCDB%"
  760. dynamic_text=h_ODBCStartLine,"%ODBCStartLine%"
  761. static_text="Do you still want to convert this ODBC data source?"
  762. static_text=
  763. push_button=+"&Yes"
  764. push_button=^"&No"
  765. push_button=^"&Cancel"
  767. [Dialog]
  768. name=FoundSC50
  769. dynamic_text=foundsc50_1,"DLLs used in earlier versions of Sybase Central were found in %DstDir%"
  770. static_text="These DLLs are no longer required."
  771. static_text=
  772. static_text="Do you want to remove them now?"
  773. static_text=
  774. push_button=+"&Yes"
  775. push_button=^"&No"
  777. [Dialog]
  778. name=FoundSQLCentral
  779. dynamic_text=foundsqlcent_1,"Files belonging to Sybase Central have been found in %DstDir%."
  780. static_text="Sybase Central is now installed in the common Sybase tools directory."
  781. static_text=
  782. static_text="Do you want to remove these files from their previous location? If you choose 'Yes', the files will be removed from the SQL Anywhere directory and installed in the Sybase Tools directory. If you choose 'No', they will be installed into the Sybase Tools directory, and the previous version will be left in the SQL Anywhere directory."
  783. static_text=
  784. push_button=+"&Yes"
  785. push_button=^"&No"
  787. [Dialog]
  788. name=HiThere
  789. condition=ByPassFirst !
  790. radio_button=Install,true,"&Install the software"
  791. radio_button=ReInstall,false,"&Reinstall the software"
  792. radio_button=UnInstall,false,"&Uninstall the software"
  793. radio_button=MakeDisks,false,"Create installation &diskettes", SrcIsCD IsSSS ! &
  794. radio_button=MakePackage,false,"Create a &package for Microsoft Systems Management Server", SrcIsCD IsSSS ! IsNLMInstall ! IsWin IsWinNT | IsWin95 | & & &
  795. static_text=
  796. push_button=.+"&OK"
  797. push_button=?"&Help"
  798. push_button=^"&Cancel"
  800. [Dialog]
  801. name=PackageInfo
  802. condition=MakePackage 
  803. width=60
  804. static_text="Please specify the directory where the SMS package for %AppName% will be installed."
  805. static_text=
  806. edit_control=PackageDir,,"Package directory:"
  807. static_text=
  808. static_text="On the following screens, specify options for which components will be installed and the directories where %AppName% will be installed on the client machine."    
  809. static_text=
  810. push_button=-"&Previous..."
  811. push_button=.+"&OK"
  812. push_button=^"&Cancel"
  814. [Dialog]
  815. name=DstDir
  816. condition=Install ReInstall MakePackage | |
  817. width=70
  818. static_text="Please specify the directory where %AppName% will be installed."
  819. static_text=
  820. static_text="Directory for SQL Anywhere:",IsNLMInstall !
  821. edit_control=DstDir,@sqlany@Software\Sybase\SQL Anywhere\Sybase SQL Anywhere 5.0:Location,"",IsNLMInstall !
  823. static_text="Directory for SQL Anywhere Netware server:",IsNLMInstall
  824. edit_control=NLMDir,s:\system,"",IsNLMInstall
  826. static_text="",HasSQLCent HasDynamo HasDynamoDeploy HasInfoMaker HasInfoMakerRT HasOpSrv WinComp | | | | | |
  827. static_text="Other components will be installed into the following directories:",HasSQLCent HasDynamo HasDynamoDeploy HasInfoMaker HasInfoMakerRT HasOpSrv WinComp | | | | | |
  829. static_text="",HasSQLCent HasDynamo HasDynamoDeploy | |
  830. static_text="Directory for Sybase database tools:",HasSQLCent HasDynamo HasDynamoDeploy | |
  831. edit_control=SybTools,@@Software\Sybase\Sybase Tools:Location,"",HasSQLCent HasDynamo HasDynamoDeploy | |
  833. static_text="",HasInfoMaker HasInfoMakerRT |
  834. static_text="Directory for Powersoft development and design tools:",HasInfoMaker HasInfoMakerRT |
  835. edit_control=IMDir,c:\pwrs,"",HasInfoMaker HasInfoMakerRT |
  837. static_text="",HasOpSrv
  838. static_text="Directory for Sybase Open Server components:",HasOpSrv
  839. edit_control=SQL10,@sybase@Software\Sybase:Location,"",HasOpSrv
  841. static_text="",WinComp
  842. static_text="Windows directory:",WinComp
  843. edit_control=WinDir,,"",WinComp
  845. static_text=
  846. push_button=-"&Previous..."
  847. push_button=.+"&OK"
  848. push_button=?"&Help"
  849. push_button=^"&Cancel"
  851. [Dialog]
  852. name=GetDiskSizesHere
  853. condition=Install ReInstall | MakePackage ! & UnInstall |
  855. [Dialog]
  856. name=AllOptions
  857. condition=Install ReInstall MakePackage | |
  858. width=70
  859. static_text="Please specify which optional components should be installed."
  860. static_text=
  861. other_button="Options...",Options,"SQL Anywhere Options",IsNLMInstall !
  863. static_text="",HasSQLCent HasDynamo HasDynamoDeploy | |
  864. other_button="Options...",SybOptions,"Sybase Tools Options",HasSQLCent HasDynamo HasDynamoDeploy | |
  866. static_text="",HasInfoMaker HasInfoMakerRT |
  867. other_button="Options...",PwrsOptions,"Powersoft Tools Options",HasInfoMaker HasInfoMakerRT |
  869. static_text="",HasOpSrv
  870. other_button="Options...",OpSrvOptions,"Sybase Open Server Options",HasOpSrv
  872. static_text=
  873. dynamic_text=df_1,"%DriveFree1%",MakePackage !
  874. dynamic_text=df_2,"%DriveFree2%",MakePackage !
  875. dynamic_text=df_3,"%DriveFree3%",MakePackage !
  876. static_text=
  877. push_button=-"&Previous..."
  878. push_button=.+"&OK"
  879. push_button=^"&Cancel"
  881. [Dialog]
  882. name=Options
  883. width=60
  884. static_text="Indicate which optional components you would like to install."
  886. static_text=
  887. check_box=InstHelp,true,"Install &help files"
  889. static_text="", HasOpSrv
  890. check_box=InstOpSrv,true,"Install SQL &Anywhere Open Server Gateway", HasOpSrv
  892. static_text="",HasDev
  893. check_box=InstDev,InstDev,"&Install C/C++ development components",HasDev
  895. static_text="",HasOld
  896. check_box=InstOld,false,"Install &DLLs for version 3.2 and 4.0 applications",HasOld
  898. static_text="",HasSysNLM
  899. static_text="Indicate which version of NetWare your server is using.",HasSysNLM
  900. radio_button=Net311,true,"Netware &3.11 or 3.12",HasSysNLM
  901. radio_button=Net40,false,"Netware &4.01 or above",HasSysNLM
  903. static_text=
  904. push_button=.+"&OK"
  906. [Dialog]
  907. name=OpSrvOptions
  908. width=60
  909. static_text="Indicate which optional components you would like to install."
  911. static_text=
  912. check_box=InstSQLSrv,false,"Install Sybase Open &Server components"
  914. static_text=
  915. push_button=.+"&OK"
  917. [Dialog]
  918. name=SybOptions
  919. width=60
  920. static_text="Indicate which optional components you would like to install."
  922. static_text="", HasSQLCent
  923. check_box=InstSQLCent,true,"Install &Sybase Central", HasSQLCent
  925. static_text="", HasDynamo
  926. check_box=InstDynamo,true,"Install &NetImpact Dynamo", HasDynamo
  928. static_text="", HasDynamoDeploy
  929. check_box=InstDynamo,true,"Install &NetImpact Dynamo for Win32S", HasDynamoDeploy
  931. static_text=
  932. push_button=.+"&OK"
  934. [Dialog]
  935. name=PwrsOptions
  936. static_text="Indicate which optional components you would like to install."
  938. static_text="", HasInfoMaker
  939. check_box=InstInfoMaker,true,"Install Powersoft Info&Maker", HasInfoMaker
  941. static_text="", HasInfoMakerRT
  942. check_box=InstInfoMakerRT,false,"Install Powersoft Info&Maker Deployment Kit", HasInfoMakerRT
  944. static_text=
  945. push_button=.+"&OK"
  947. [Dialog]
  948. name=MakeDisks
  949. width=60
  950. condition=MakeDisks
  951. static_text="@ will now make the diskette set."
  952. static_text="You will need pre-formatted diskettes.",IsWin IsDOS |
  953. static_text="The diskettes do not need to be blank or pre-formatted.",IsWin ! IsDOS ! &
  954. dynamic_text=mdff_1,"You will need %NumDisksNeeded% diskettes."
  955. static_text=
  956. edit_control=MakeDiskDrive,a:\,"Use diskette drive:"
  957. static_text="",IsWin ! IsDOS ! &
  958. check_box=FormatDisks,false,"&Format diskettes before copying files",IsWin ! IsDOS ! &
  959. static_text=
  960. push_button=-"&Previous..."
  961. push_button=.+"&OK"
  962. push_button=?"&Help"
  963. push_button=^"&Cancel"
  965. [Dialog]
  966. name=PackageLicense
  967. condition=MakePackage $IsLicConCur ! $IsLicPerSeat ! & &
  968. width=60
  969. static_text="Select the method of licensing you have purchased:"    
  970. static_text=
  971. radio_button=$IsLicConCur, true,"&Concurrent user license (requires licensing package to be created from license disk)"    
  972. radio_button=$IsLicPerSeat, false,"&Per seat license"
  973. static_text=
  974. push_button=-"&Previous..."
  975. push_button=.+"&OK"
  976. push_button=?"&Help"
  977. push_button=^"&Cancel"
  979. [Dialog]
  980. name=Help_PackageLicense
  981. width=60
  982. static_text="If you choose 'Per seat', the package will apply the license when the package is being executed by SMS clients.
  983. static_text=
  984. static_text="If you choose 'Concurrent user', the package will install software on clients UNLICENSED.  You must then create a licensing package from your license disk.  That package will apply the conurrent user license to the unlicensed clients when executed.    
  985. static_text=
  986. static_text="Clients should have the name and company fields filled in under the options section of Package Command Manager.  This allows licensing to be performed.
  987. static_text=
  988. push_button=.+"&OK"
  990. [Dialog]
  991. name=Final
  992. condition=Install
  993. static_text="@ will now copy any selected files"
  994. static_text=
  995. push_button=-"&Previous..."
  996. push_button=.+"&OK"
  997. push_button=^"&Cancel"
  999. [Dialog]
  1000. name=MaintainFinal
  1001. condition=ReInstall
  1002. width=60
  1003. static_text="@ will now copy all selected components and remove any un-selected components."
  1004. static_text=
  1005. push_button=-"&Previous..."
  1006. push_button=.+"&OK"
  1007. push_button=^"&Cancel"
  1009. [Dialog]
  1010. name=UnInstallDir
  1011. condition=UnInstall
  1012. width=70
  1013. static_text="Please specify the directory where %AppName% was installed."
  1014. static_text=
  1015. static_text="Directory for SQL Anywhere:",IsNLMInstall !
  1016. edit_control=DstDir,@sqlany@Software\Sybase\SQL Anywhere\Sybase SQL Anywhere 5.0:Location,"",IsNLMInstall !
  1018. static_text="Directory for SQL Anywhere Netware server:",IsNLMInstall
  1019. edit_control=NLMDir,s:\system,"",IsNLMInstall
  1021. static_text="",HasSQLCent HasDynamo HasDynamoDeploy HasInfoMaker HasInfoMakerRT HasOpSrv WinComp | | | | | |
  1022. static_text="Other components will be uninstalled from the following directories.",HasSQLCent HasDynamo HasDynamoDeploy HasInfoMaker HasInfoMakerRT HasOpSrv WinComp | | | | | |
  1024. static_text="",HasSQLCent HasDynamo HasDynamoDeploy | |
  1025. static_text="Directory for Sybase database tools:",HasSQLCent HasDynamo HasDynamoDeploy | |
  1026. edit_control=SybTools,@@Software\Sybase\Sybase Tools:Location,"",HasSQLCent HasDynamo HasDynamoDeploy | |
  1028. static_text="",HasInfoMaker HasInfoMakerRT |
  1029. static_text="Directory for Powersoft development and design tools:",HasInfoMaker HasInfoMakerRT |
  1030. edit_control=IMDir,c:\pwrs,"",HasInfoMaker HasInfoMakerRT |
  1032. static_text="",HasOpSrv
  1033. static_text="Directory for Sybase Open Server components:",HasOpSrv
  1034. edit_control=SQL10,@sybase@Software\Sybase:Location,"",HasOpSrv
  1036. static_text=
  1037. push_button=-"&Previous..."
  1038. push_button=.+"&OK"
  1039. push_button=^"&Cancel"
  1041. [Dialog]
  1042. name=UnInstallFinal
  1043. condition=UnInstall PreviousInstall &
  1044. static_text="@ will now remove all components"
  1045. static_text=
  1046. push_button=-"&Previous..."
  1047. push_button=.+"&OK"
  1048. push_button=^"&Cancel"
  1050. [Dialog]
  1051. name=UnInstallError
  1052. condition=UnInstall PreviousInstall ! &
  1053. static_text="%AppName% can not be uninstalled."
  1054. dynamic_text=hun_2,"It was not found in %DstDir%."
  1055. static_text=
  1056. push_button=.+"&OK"
  1058. [Dialog]
  1059. name=Help_Options
  1060. width=60
  1061. static_text="", HasSQLCent
  1062. static_text="This installation includes Sybase Central. Indicate whether it should be installed.", HasSQLCent
  1064. static_text="", HasDynamo HasDynamoDeploy |
  1065. static_text="This installation includes NetImpact Dynamo. Indicate whether it should be installed.", HasDynamo HasDynamoDeploy |
  1067. static_text="", HasInfoMaker
  1068. static_text="This installation includes Powersoft InfoMaker. Indicate whether it should be installed.", HasInfoMaker
  1070. static_text="", HasInfoMakerRT
  1071. static_text="This installation includes the Powersoft InfoMaker Deployment Kit. Indicate whether it should be installed.", HasInfoMakerRT
  1073. static_text="",HasDev
  1074. static_text="This installation includes components for developing database applications. Indicate whether these components should be installed.",HasDev
  1076. static_text="",HasOld
  1077. static_text="This installation includes DLLs for running applications created using version 3.2 or 4.0 of Watcom SQL. Indicate whether these DLLs should be installed.",HasOld
  1079. static_text="",HasSysNLM
  1080. static_text="This installation needs to know which version of NetWare your server is running so that certain files can be installed. Indicate which version you are running." ,HasSysNLM
  1081. static_text=
  1082. push_button=.+"&OK"
  1084. [Dialog]
  1085. name=Help_OpSrvOptions
  1086. width=60
  1087. static_text=""
  1088. static_text="Indicate if you would like to install the SQL Anywhere Open Server Gateway. The Open Server Gateway requires the Sybase Open Server components. These are included with many Sybase software packages. Select the option to install them if you do not currently have them installed." 
  1089. static_text=
  1090. push_button=.+"&OK"
  1092. [Dialog]
  1093. name=LicenseIntro
  1094. condition=ApplyLicense
  1095. width=60
  1096. static_text="@ will now apply or reapply the license to the Sybase SQL Anywhere Server executable."
  1097. static_text="",$IsLicConCur ! $IsLicPerSeat ! &
  1098. static_text="Select the method of licensing you have purchased:",$IsLicConCur ! $IsLicPerSeat ! &
  1099. radio_button=$IsLicConCur, true, "&Concurrent user license (requires disk)",$IsLicConCur ! $IsLicPerSeat ! &
  1100. radio_button=$IsLicPerSeat, false, "&Per seat license",$IsLicConCur ! $IsLicPerSeat ! &
  1101. static_text=
  1102. push_button=.+"&OK"
  1103. push_button=^"&Cancel"
  1105. [Dialog]
  1106. name=Help_MakeDisks
  1107. width=60
  1108. static_text="Enter the drive letter of the drive that you wish to use to make your diskette set." 
  1109. static_text="",IsWin !
  1110. static_text="Choose 'Format diskettes before copying files' if you want to use unformatted diskettes for your diskette set.",IsWin !
  1111. static_text=
  1112. push_button=.+"&OK"
  1114. [Dialog]
  1115. name=Help_HiThere
  1116. width=60
  1117. static_text="Choose whether you want to install, reinstall or uninstall %AppName%. Reinstalling the software will copy all selected components and remove any un-selected components."
  1118. static_text="", SrcIsCD IsSSS ! &
  1119. static_text="You also have the option of creating installation diskettes so that this software can be installed on a machine that does not have access to a CD-ROM drive.", SrcIsCD IsSSS ! &
  1120. static_text="", SrcIsCD IsSSS ! IsNLMInstall ! IsWin IsWinNT | IsWin95 | & & &
  1121. static_text="If you are a System Administrator using Microsoft Systems Management Server, you can also create a package for unattended installation.", SrcIsCD IsSSS ! IsNLMInstall ! IsWin IsWinNT | IsWin95 | & & &
  1122. static_text=
  1123. push_button=.+"&OK"
  1125. [Dialog]
  1126. name=Help_DstDir
  1127. width=60
  1128. static_text="Choose the directory in which you want to install this application. If you have previously installed it, @ will use the SQLANY environment variable to decide where to install the software.  If you do not want to upgrade a previous installation, choose a different directory."
  1130. static_text="",HasSQLCent HasDynamoDeploy HasDynamo | |
  1131. static_text="This installation includes files that are installed in the Sybase database tools directory. Enter the name of the directory where you want these common Sybase files to be installed.",HasSQLCent HasDynamo HasDynamoDeploy | |
  1133. static_text="",HasInfoMaker HasInfoMakerRT |
  1134. static_text="This installation includes Powersoft development components. Enter the name of the directory where you want these tools to be installed.",HasInfoMaker HasInfoMakerRT |
  1136. static_text="",HasOpSrv
  1137. static_text="This installation includes the Sybase Open Server components. These are included with many Sybase software packages. If you do not currently have them installed, enter the name of the directory where they should be installed.",HasOpSrv
  1139. static_text="",WinComp
  1140. static_text="This installation includes files that will be installed in the Windows directory. Enter the name of the directory where Windows is installed.",WinComp
  1141. static_text=
  1142. push_button=.+"&OK"
  1144. [Dialog]
  1145. name=Finished
  1146. condition=Install ReInstall | IsLTM ! IsNLMInstall ! IsSSS ! & & &
  1147. width=60
  1148. static_text="Sybase SQL Anywhere 5.5 has been successfully installed."
  1149. static_text=
  1150. static_text="You should now refer to:"
  1151. dynamic_text=h_read,"%DstDir%\readme.1st"
  1152. static_text="for information on the latest changes to the software. It contains important information for users of previous versions of Sybase SQL Anywhere or Watcom SQL."
  1153. static_text=
  1154. push_button=.+"&OK"
  1156. [Dialog]
  1157. name=Evaluation
  1158. width=75
  1159. condition=IsEval
  1160. static_text="Copyright 1997, Sybase, Inc. All Rights Reserved."
  1161. static_text=
  1162. static_text="This software is licensed for evaluation purposes only pursuant to the terms of the SYBASE NO-CHARGE 60 DAY SOFTWARE EVALUATION LICENSE AGREEMENT (the 'Evaluation License'). As stated in the Evaluation License, this software is licensed to you on an 'as is' basis without warranty of any kind on a no-charge basis for a period of 60 days during which time you may use the software for evaluation purposes only and not for development or production use.  The text of this license is contained in the file 'license.txt', %LicTxtLocation%."
  1163. static_text=
  1164. static_text="     Please confirm your acceptance of these license terms:"
  1165. static_text="I accept and agree to abide by the terms and conditions of the 'SYBASE NO-CHARGE 60 DAY SOFTWARE EVALUATION LICENSE AGREEMENT'." 
  1166. push_button=+"&Yes"
  1167. push_button=*"&No"
  1169. [Dialog]
  1170. name=InsertDisk
  1171. static_text="@ needs the following diskette:"
  1172. dynamic_text=DiskDesc,""
  1173. static_text=
  1174. static_text="Please insert or specify new path"
  1175. edit_control=SrcDir,,"Source Directory:"
  1176. static_text=
  1177. push_button=+"&OK"
  1178. push_button=^"&Cancel"
  1180. [Dialog]
  1181. name=InsertFormattedDisk
  1182. static_text=
  1183. dynamic_text=FormattedDiskInfo,""
  1184. dynamic_text=ifd_1,"Please insert a diskette into '%MakeDiskDrive%'."
  1185. static_text=
  1186. dynamic_text=ifd_2,"Label the diskette as '%DiskDesc%'."
  1187. static_text="All existing data on the diskette will be destroyed."
  1188. static_text=
  1189. static_text="If you have already made this diskette, press 'Skip'"
  1190. static_text=
  1191. push_button=+"&OK"
  1192. push_button=>"&Skip"
  1193. push_button=^"&Cancel"
  1195. [Dialog]
  1196. name=InsertDisk1
  1197. static_text=
  1198. dynamic_text=FormattedDiskInfo,""
  1199. static_text=
  1200. static_text="@ must write configuration information to the install diskette"
  1201. static_text="âfâBâXâPâbâgé╔Åæé⌐é╚é»éΩé╬é╚éΦé▄é╣é±",IsJapanese
  1202. dynamic_text=id1_1,"Please insert DISK01 into '%MakeDiskDrive%'."
  1203. static_text=
  1204. push_button=+"&OK"
  1205. push_button=^"&Cancel"
  1207. [Dialog]
  1208. name=Modify
  1209. static_text=
  1210. dynamic_text=AutoText,""
  1211. static_text=
  1212. static_text="@ can:"
  1213. radio_button=ModNow,1,"&Make all the modifications for you"
  1214. radio_button=ModLater,0,"&Let you make the modifications later"
  1215. static_text=
  1216. push_button=+"&OK"
  1217. push_button=^"&Cancel"
  1219. [Dialog]
  1220. name=ModifyEnvironment
  1221. static_text=
  1222. static_text="@ needs to modify environment variables in the registry."
  1223. static_text=
  1224. static_text=="@ can:"
  1225. radio_button=ModUser,0,="Modify current &user environment variables"
  1226. radio_button=ModMachine,1,="Modify local &machine environment variables"
  1227. radio_button=ModLater,0,="&Let you make the modifications later"
  1228. static_text=
  1229. push_button=+"&OK"
  1230. push_button=?"&Help"
  1231. push_button=^"&Cancel"
  1233. [Dialog]
  1234. name=Help_ModifyEnvironment
  1235. static_text=
  1236. static_text="Components of this application can be run as an NT service. If you wish to run this application as a service, or you are not sure, choose the 'modify local machine' option."
  1237. static_text=
  1238. push_button=+"&OK"
  1240. [Dialog]
  1241. name=DLLInstall
  1242. static_text="@ attempted to install the file:"
  1243. dynamic_text=FileDesc,"    "
  1244. static_text="in this directory:"
  1245. dynamic_text=DLLDir,"    "
  1246. static_text="but, it currently exists in"
  1247. dynamic_text=OtherDLLDir,"    "
  1248. static_text=
  1249. radio_button=DLL_Delete_Old,,"Install the new file and &delete the existing file"
  1250. radio_button=DLL_Keep_Both,,"Install the new file and &keep the existing file"
  1251. radio_button=DLL_Replace_Old,,"&Replace the existing file with the new file"
  1252. radio_button=DLL_Dont_Install,,"Do ¬ install the new file"
  1253. static_text=
  1254. check_box=DLL_Skip_Dialog,0,"&Use the current choice for all subsequent DLLs"
  1255. static_text=
  1256. push_button=+"&OK"
  1257. push_button=^"&Cancel"
  1259. [Dialog]
  1260. name=ReadOnlyFile
  1261. static_text="@ attempted to install the file:"
  1262. dynamic_text=FileDesc,"    "
  1263. static_text="but found it marked read-only"
  1264. static_text=
  1265. radio_button=RO_Replace_Old,,"&Install the file anyway"
  1266. radio_button=RO_Dont_Install,,"&Do not install this file"
  1267. static_text=
  1268. check_box=RO_Skip_Dialog,0,"&Use the current choice for all read-only files"
  1269. static_text=
  1270. push_button=+"&OK"
  1271. push_button=^"&Cancel"
  1273. [Dialog]
  1274. name=DeleteReadOnlyFile
  1275. static_text="@ attempted to remove the file:"
  1276. dynamic_text=FileDesc,"    "
  1277. static_text="but found it marked read-only"
  1278. static_text=
  1279. radio_button=RO_Remove_Old,,"&Remove the file anyway"
  1280. radio_button=RO_Dont_Remove,,"&Do not remove this file"
  1281. static_text=
  1282. check_box=RO_Skip_Remove,0,"&Use the current choice for all read-only files"
  1283. static_text=
  1284. push_button=+"&OK"
  1285. push_button=^"&Cancel"
  1287. [Dialog]
  1288. name=CantOpen
  1289. static_text=
  1290. dynamic_text=OpenError,"                                                                 "
  1291. static_text=
  1292. static_text="@ will now stop."
  1293. push_button=*"&OK"
  1296. [Dialog]
  1297. name=NewerFile
  1298. static_text="@ attempted to install the file:"
  1299. dynamic_text=FileDesc,"    "
  1300. static_text="but found a newer version already existed"
  1301. static_text=
  1302. radio_button=Newer_Replace_Old,,"&Install the file anyway"
  1303. radio_button=Newer_Dont_Install,,"&Do not install this file"
  1304. static_text=
  1305. check_box=Newer_Skip_Dialog,0,"&Use the current choice for all newer files"
  1306. static_text=
  1307. push_button=+"&OK"
  1308. push_button=^"&Cancel"
  1310. [Dialog]
  1311. name=License
  1312. static_text="Please fill in the following License information:"
  1313. static_text=
  1314. edit_control=LicenseName,,"   Name:"
  1315. static_text=
  1316. edit_control=LicenseCompanyName,,"Company:"
  1317. static_text=
  1318. dynamic_text=LicenseMessage,""
  1319. push_button=+"&OK"
  1320. push_button=^"&Cancel"
  1322. [Dialog]
  1323. name=LocCfg
  1324. static_text="@ Can not find the following file:"
  1326. dynamic_text=FileToFind,""
  1327. static_text=
  1328. check_box=CfgFileCreate,1,"&Create the file"
  1329. static_text=
  1330. static_text="Otherwise, specify a new drive:"
  1331. edit_control=CfgDir,,"Drive Letter:"
  1333. static_text=
  1334. push_button=+"&OK"
  1335. push_button=^"&Cancel"
  1337. [ErrorMessage]
  1338. IDS_ERROR="%s"
  1339. IDS_NODISKFOROPTION="This diskette set does not contain the requried option."
  1340. IDS_BADCRC="Internal error unpacking: '%s' - bad CRC."
  1341. IDS_NOMEMORY="Insufficient memory to run @.&\n Close an application and try again."
  1342. IDS_NOSETUPINFOFILE="The %s file cannot be found.\nPlease verify the distribution diskette."
  1343. ID_NOTEMPSPACE="A drive could not be found with at least %ldK free to write a temporary file needed by @."
  1344. IDS_NODISKSPACE="Drive %c: contains %ldK of free disk space.\n@ requires a minimum of %ldK.&\n\nThe installation may fail. Do you want to proceed anyway?"
  1345. IDS_NODISKSPACE_UNC="'%s' contains %ldK of free disk space.\n@ requires a minimum of %ldK.&\n\nThe installation may fail. Do you want to proceed anyway?"
  1346. IDS_UNCPATH_NOTEXIST="Error: Drive '%s' does not exist.\nTry another drive."
  1347. IDS_UNCPATH_NOTWRITABLE="Error: Drive '%s' is not writable.\nTry another drive."
  1348. IDS_ASSUME_ENOUGHSPACE="Cannot determine how much free disk space is on '%s'.\nAssume there is enough space and continue?"
  1349. IDS_CANTMAKEDIR="The %s directory cannot be created.&\nEnter another directory or try another drive."
  1350. IDS_QUERYABORT="@ has not completed installing the software.\nAre you sure you want to stop installation?"
  1351. IDS_SETUPNOGOOD="The software has not been successfully installed!\nYou must run @ again before using the software."
  1352. IDS_UNSETUPNOGOOD="The software has not been successfully uninstalled!\nYou must run @ again to completely remove the software."
  1353. IDS_PMADDNOGOOD="@ could not add the application(s) to the Program Manager.&\nDo you wish to ignore this problem and continue?"
  1354. IDS_PMREMNOGOOD="@ could not remove application(s) from the Program Manager.&\nDo you wish to ignore this problem and continue?"
  1355. IDS_UNSETUPCOMPLETE="@ has completed successfully."
  1356. IDS_COMPLETE="@ has completed successfully."
  1357. IDS_NOMEMORYCOPY="Insufficient memory to copy file.&\nTry again or cancel @."
  1358. IDS_CANTOPENDST="Cannot create destination file:\n %s.&\nTry again or cancel @."
  1359. IDS_CANTOPENDST_NONAME="Cannot create destination file.&\nTry again or cancel @."
  1360. IDS_CANTFINDAUTOEXEC="@ cannot find the original AUTOEXEC.BAT file"
  1361. IDS_CANTFINDCONFIGSYS="@ cannot find the original CONFIG.SYS file"
  1362. IDS_COPYAUTOEXEC="@ will place the contents of your original\nAUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS files\n in the following backup files:\n\n    %s\n    %s"
  1363. IDS_COPYCONFIGSYS="@ will place the contents of your original CONFIG.SYS file in the following backup file: \n\n    %s\n"
  1364. IDS_NEWAUTOEXEC="@ will save the changes it would make to\nyour AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS files\nin the following backup files:\n\n    %s\n    %s"
  1365. IDS_NEWCONFIGSYS="@ will save the changes it would make to your CONFIG.SYS file in the following backup file:\n\n    %s\n"
  1366. IDS_ERRORBACKAUTO="An error occurred trying to create the backup\ncopy of your AUTOEXEC.BAT file"
  1367. IDS_ERRORBACKCONFIG="An error occurred trying to create the backup\ncopy of your CONFIG.SYS file"
  1368. IDS_CHANGES="@ will save the changes it would make to\nyour Environment in the following file:\n\n    %s"
  1369. IDS_OS2CONFIGSYS="The changes to the CONFIG.SYS file are required to run the software.  Please shutdown your system and restart to allow the changes to take effect.\n"
  1370. IDS_NT_REBOOT="@ has completed installing the software.&\n\nYou should reboot your computer so\nthat the changes to your system setup\nwill take effect."
  1371. IDS_OS2_REBOOT="@ has completed installing the software.&\n\nYou should reboot your computer so\nthat the changes to your CONFIG.SYS\nwill take effect."
  1372. IDS_WINDOWS_REBOOT="@ has completed installing the software.&\n\nYou should reboot your computer so\nthat the changes to your AUTOEXEC.BAT,\nCONFIG.SYS and Windows .INI files will take effect."
  1373. IDS_DOS_REBOOT="@ has completed installing the software.&\n\nYou should reboot your computer so\nthat the changes to your AUTOEXEC.BAT\nand CONFIG.SYS will take effect."
  1374. IDS_ERROR_WRITING="An I/O error occurred while writing to the file '%s'"
  1375. IDS_ERROR_OPENING="An I/O error occurred while opening the file '%s'"
  1376. IDS_ERROR_CLOSING="An I/O error occurred while closing the file '%s'"
  1377. IDS_FIRST="%s"
  1378. IDS_UNKNOWNERROR="Unknown error"
  1379. IDS_RENAMEERROR="Cannot rename to %s.&\nContinue with PATCH process?"
  1380. IDS_PATCHFILEERROR="Cannot apply patch file %s.&\nContinue with PATCH process?"
  1381. IDS_COPYFILEERROR ="Cannot copy file %s.&\nContinue with PATCH process?"
  1382. IDS_DELETEFILEERROR ="Cannot delete file %s.&\nContinue with PATCH Process?"
  1383. IDS_CREATEDIRERROR="Cannot create directory %s.&\nContinue with PATCH Process?"
  1384. IDS_NOTPATCHFILE="%s is not a patch file."
  1385. IDS_CANTFINDOUTPUT="Cannot find output file (to be patched) %s."
  1386. IDS_NOATTRIBUTES="Cannot find file attributes of %s."
  1387. IDS_CANTWRITE="Cannot write to file %s."
  1388. IDS_BADLENGTH="File length Error"
  1389. IDS_WRONGCHECKSUM="Invalid Checksum Error"
  1390. IDS_CANTCREATEEFILE="Cannot create file %s."
  1391. IDS_CANTDELETEFILE="Cannot delete file %s."
  1392. IDS_CANTOPENSRC="Cannot open source file:\n%s."
  1393. IDS_CANTRENAME="Cannot rename %s to %s."
  1394. IDS_PATCHABORT="Patch Process Aborted."
  1395. IDS_ENV_CHANGES="Required changes to environment:"
  1396. IDS_ADD_TO_VAR="add the following to the '%s' variable"
  1397. IDS_SET_VAR_TO="set variable '%s' to"
  1398. IDS_DISKETTES_NEEDED="You will need %d diskettes"
  1399. IDS_DRIVE_SPEC="Drive %c: "
  1400. IDS_DRIVE_SPEC_UNC="Drive '%s' "
  1401. IDS_DRIVE_FREED=" will be freed."
  1402. IDS_DRIVE_REQUIRED=" required,  "
  1403. IDS_DRIVE_AVAILABLE=" available."
  1404. IDS_MODIFY_AUTOEXEC="@ needs to modify AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS."
  1405. IDS_MODIFY_CONFIG="@ needs to modify CONFIG.SYS."
  1406. IDS_MODIFY_ENVIRONMENT="@ needs to modify environment variables in the registry."
  1407. IDS_INCONSISTENT="@ has determined that you are installing over a previous version of the software, or have manually added or removed files.  Do you wish to install all missing files?"
  1408. IDS_NO_FILES_PATCHED="No files were patched"
  1409. IDS_REMOVE_ODBC="@ has determined that after this uninstall, the ODBC core components will no longer be used. Should these files be deleted?"
  1410. IDS_REMOVE_DLL="@ has determined that after this uninstall, the file %s will no longer be used. Should this file be deleted?"
  1412. IDS_ERASE_OK="All files on drive '%c' will be erased.\nProceed anyway?"
  1414. IDS_FORMAT_OK="This disk in drive '%c' will be formatted, destroying ALL files.\nProceed anyway?"
  1415. IDS_ERASE_ARE_YOU_SURE="Are you sure you want to erase all files on drive '%c'?"
  1416. IDS_FORMAT_ARE_YOU_SURE="Are you sure you want format drive '%c' destroying all existing files?"
  1417. IDS_INVALID_DISKETTE_SPEC="'%s' is not a valid diskette drive name.\n"
  1418. IDS_LOGFILE_EXISTS="Requested log file: %s exists already.&\nReplace it?\n(If you choose 'NO', this program will abort.)"
  1419. IDS_CANT_OPEN_LOGFILE="Requested log file: %s could not be opened."
  1420. IDS_CANT_WRITE_LOGFILE="%s could not be written."
  1421. IDS_UNPACKING="Unpacking %s... "
  1422. IDS_DELETING="Deleting %s... "
  1423. IDS_CREATINGDIR="Creating directory %s... "
  1424. IDS_SUCCESS="Successful"
  1425. IDS_FAILED_UNPACKING="Failed unpacking"
  1426. IDS_INVALID_EXE="Existing executable is invalid"
  1427. IDS_FAILED_PATCHING="Failed patching new file"
  1428. IDS_FAILED_DELETING="Failed deleting."
  1429. IDS_FAILED_CREATINGDIR="Failed creating directory"
  1430. IDS_CANTREPLACE="Cannot replace the file %s.&\nContinue with the install?"
  1431. IDS_NOSPACE_AFTER_DELETING="The package will require about %ldK of space in the path '%s', yet even after the current contents of this path are deleted, only %ldK will be free.\nYou need %ld bytes (%ldK) more space.\nDo you wish to proceed and create a package even though this may fail?"
  1432. IDS_NOTENOUGHSPACE="The package will require about %ldK of space in the path '%s', yet %ldK is free.\nYou need %ld bytes (%ldK) more space.\nDo you wish to proceed and create a package even though this may fail?"
  1433. IDS_BAD_PATH="The path: '%s' that you entered is either inaccessible, not valid, or cannot be made.\nCheck the path and run this program again."
  1434. IDS_EMPTY_DIR="WARNING: Before copying files, this program will attempt to delete the contents of the existing directory: '%s'.\nAre you sure you wish to proceed?\n"
  1435. IDS_FAILED_COPYING="Error: The package could not be successfully copied to the directory: '%s'."
  1436. IDS_PDF_FAILED="Error: Failed to create the .pdf file for this package successfully."
  1437. IDS_NO_LICENSEINFO="Could not apply the license because a user name and company were not found in c:\sms.ini."
  1438. IDS_PACKAGE_CREATED="A package for Microsoft BackOffice has been successfully created in the directory: '%s'.\nThe package definition file: '%s' can also be found in the same directory."
  1439. IDS_CANTOPENFILE="Cannot open file '%s'."
  1440. IDS_CANTALLOCATEMEMORY="Could not allocate memory."
  1441. IDS_ERROREDITING="Error editing the file '%s'."
  1442. IDS_REGERROR="An error occurred while attempting to modify the registry."
  1443. IDS_REG_ODBC_ERROR="Information about ODBC was expected in the registry, but not found."    
  1444. IDS_FAILED_MODIFYING_FILE="Could not modify the configuration file:\n%s&\nDo you wish to continue?"
  1445. IDS_HELP_BUTTON="?&Help"
  1446. IDS_CANCEL_BUTTON="^&Cancel"
  1447. IDS_OK_BUTTON=".+&OK"
  1448. IDS_FAILEDBACKUP="The file '%s' could not be copied to '%s'.&\n\nDo you wish to continue without a backup?"
  1449. IDS_INVALID_DIR="'%s' is not a valid directory."
  1450. IDS_NODIR="The directory '%s' does not exist.&  Do you want to create it?\n\n(Choose YES to create the directory, or NO to enter a different directory.)"
  1451. IDS_ALIAS_EXISTS="The alias '%s' exists already.&  Do you wish to enter a different alias?\n\n(Choose YES to go back and enter a different alias, or NO to overwrite the the existing alias.)"
  1452. IDS_NODESTINFO="Disk space information from the destination path: '%s' could not be found.  An estimate is that about %ldK of space is needed.&\n\nDo you wish to continue anyway?"
  1453. IDS_NOSRCINFO="Disk space information for the source path: '%s' could not be found.&\n\nDo you wish to continue anyway?"
  1454. IDS_NOFREESPACEINFO="The amount of free space on '%s' cannot be determined.  About %ldK free space is needed.&\n\nDo you wish to continue anyway?"
  1455. IDS_NSCONFIG_1="Netscape Server was found in:"
  1456. IDS_NSCONFIG_2="This dialog lets you choose how to configure Netscape Server for NetImpact Dynamo."
  1457. IDS_NSCONFIG_3="Select where to place the NetImpact Dynamo NSAPI DLLs for use by Netscape Server:"
  1458. IDS_NSCONFIG_4="Use the path: %s (&recommended)"
  1459. IDS_NSCONFIG_5="Use the &path: %s"
  1460. IDS_NSCONFIG_6="&Enter a path."
  1461. IDS_NSCONFIG_7="NSAPI DLL path:"
  1462. IDS_NSCONFIG_8="@ can modify the '%s' file for each Web server under this install of Netscape Server that you want to work with NetImpact Dynamo."
  1463. IDS_NSCONFIG_9="&List selected file(s)..."
  1464. IDS_NSCONFIG_10="Modify the '%s' file(s)."
  1465. IDS_NSCONFIG_11="Below is a list of the %s file(s) for Netscape Web Servers found under this install of Netscape Server.  Select the %s file(s) you want @ to configure for NetImpact Dynamo:"
  1466. IDS_NSCONFIG_12="Before modifying the %s file(s) do you want to copy the original to a backup with the extension %s in the same directory?"
  1467. IDS_NSCONFIG_13="Yes, backup the %s file(s)."
  1468. IDS_IISCONFIG_1="'%s' was found on this machine."
  1469. IDS_IISCONFIG_2="Location: %s"
  1470. IDS_IISCONFIG_3="This dialog lets you choose how to configure the Web server for NetImpact Dynamo."
  1471. IDS_IISCONFIG_4="Select where to place the NetImpact Dynamo ISAPI DLLs for use by the Web server:"
  1472. IDS_IISCONFIG_5="Use the path: %s (&recommended)"
  1473. IDS_IISCONFIG_6="Use the &path: %s"
  1474. IDS_IISCONFIG_7="&Enter a path."
  1475. IDS_IISCONFIG_8="ISAPI DLL path:"
  1476. IDS_IISCONFIG_9="You must enter a virtual alias for this path (e.g. '/Sybase' )."
  1477. IDS_IISCONFIG_10="Virtual alias:"
  1478. IDS_NID_NS="Netscape Server"
  1479. IDS_NID_IIS="Microsoft Web servers"
  1480. IDS_NID_CGI="CGI"
  1481. IDS_NID_WINCGI="Win-CGI"
  1482. IDS_NID_IS_CGI_PRESENT="Do you have a CGI / Win-CGI Web Server on this machine?"
  1483. IDS_NID_LOOKFORSERVERS="@ will attempt to detect Microsoft and/or Netscape Web servers on this machine.\n\nIf a Web server is found, @ will offer to do some of the configuration needed for the Web server work with NetImpact Dynamo.\n\nNote that NetImpact Dynamo must already be installed, and your Web server(s) should not be currently running for this to work."
  1484. IDS_NID_QUERY_LOOKFORSERVERS="Do you want @ to attempt to detect Microsoft and/or Netscape Web servers on this machine?\n\n(If a Web server is found, @ will offer to do some of the configuration needed for the Web Server to work with NetImpact Dynamo.  Note that your Web server(s) should not be currently running for this to work.)"
  1485. IDS_NID_NOSERVERSFOUND="@ could not detect Microsoft or Netscape Web servers on this machine.  If a web server is installed but was not detected, consult the NetImpact Dynamo documentation to set up your web server manually."
  1486. IDS_NID_CANTSETUPSERVERS="Note: @ will not try to detect %s on your machine because one or more of the following NetImpact Dynamo files used by this Web server was not found:\n\n%s&\nReinstall NetImpact Dynamo if you want to detect and configure this Web server."
  1487. IDS_NID_CANTSETUPCGI="Note: One or more of the following files that make up the NetImpact Dynamo Application Server for %s Web servers was not found:\n\n%s\nReinstall NetImpact Dynamo if you want to use these files."
  1488. IDS_NID_OPTIMAFILESMISSING="@ cannot set up the Web server(s) on this machine because one or more of the following NetImpact Dynamo files was not found in '%s' as expected:\n\n%s&\nTry reinstalling NetImpact Dynamo."
  1489. IDS_NID_SUCCESS="Web server configuration completed successfully."
  1490. IDS_NID_FAILED="Web server configuration was aborted or did not complete successfully."
  1491. IDS_NID_ACCESSDENIED="The destination file '%s' exists already and cannot be written to.\nThe file is probably being used by another application right now.\nMake sure that no applications that could use this file are running (like your Web server), and try this program again."
  1493. [SetupErrorMessage]
  1494. IDS_WRITEERROR="Error writing to destination file"
  1495. IDS_NULLSTRING="NULL String"
  1496. IDS_HEAPOK="Heap OK"
  1497. IDS_HEAPEND="End of Heap"
  1498. IDS_HEAPEMPTY="Heap is Empty"
  1499. IDS_HEAPDAMAGE="Head is Damaged"
  1500. IDS_CONTROLERROR="Error creating control"
  1501. IDS_CONTROLCLASSERROR="Invalid control class"
  1502. IDS_QUERYFSERROR="DosQueryFSInfo error: return code = %ld"
  1503. IDS_FORMATTING_FAILED="Formatting Failed!"
  1505. [StatusLineMessage]
  1506. IDS_DISKING=" - Creating Diskettes"
  1508. IDS_CHECKING="Checking directory for existing components ..."
  1509. IDS_CREATEPROGRAMFOLDER="Creating Program Folder"
  1510. IDS_CREATEDIRECTORY="Creating Directories..."
  1511. IDS_CREATING_DISKS="Creating Diskettes..."
  1512. IDS_ERASING_DISKETTE="Erasing Diskette Contents..."
  1513. IDS_RELOCATING="Relocating Files..."
  1514. IDS_COPYFILE="Installing Files..."
  1515. IDS_COPYINGFILE="Copying Files..."
  1516. IDS_REMOVING="Removing Files..."
  1517. IDS_FORMATTING_DISK="Formatting Diskette..."
  1518. IDS_CREATEFILE="Copying New File"
  1519. IDS_DELETEFILE="Deleting File"
  1520. IDS_PATCHFILE="Applying Patch File"
  1521. IDS_DISK_NOT_WRITEABLE="Diskette cannot be written!"
  1522. IDS_DISK_NOT_ENOUGH_FREE="Diskette does not have enough free space!"
  1523. IDS_CREATESERVICE="Creating Windows NT Service..."
  1524. IDS_CREATING_FILE="Creating File..."
  1525. IDS_DELETEFILES="Deleting Files..."
  1526. IDS_CHECKINGPATH="Checking destination path..."
  1527. IDS_EMBEDDED="Renaming files for embedded application..."
  1529. [LicenseMessage]
  1530. IDS_LICENSEMESSAGE="Name and Company name must be filled in"
  1531. IDS_APPLYLICENSE="Applying License..."
  1533. [Application]
  1534. DLL_Delete_Old=0
  1535. DLL_Keep_Both=1
  1536. DLL_Replace_Old=0
  1537. DLL_Dont_Install=0
  1538. RO_Replace_Old=0
  1539. RO_Dont_Install=1
  1540. RO_Remove_Old=0
  1541. RO_Dont_Remove=1
  1542. Newer_Replace_Old=0
  1543. Newer_Dont_Install=1
  1545. [End]