home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #
- # (c) Cayenne Software Inc. 1997
- #
- # File: @(#)repunardia.tcl /main/titanic/13
- # Author: <generated>
- # Description:
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # SccsId = @(#)repunardia.tcl /main/titanic/13 28 Nov 1997 Copyright 1997 Cayenne Software Inc.
- # Start user added include file section
- # End user added include file section
- require "reptooldia.tcl"
- Class RepUnarDialog : {RepToolDialog} {
- constructor
- method destructor
- method popUp
- method checkOk
- method pressedOk
- method unarchiveFinished
- method browseDirectory
- method browseArchive
- method browseCommand
- method setSource
- method setDirectory
- method setCommand
- method doUnarchive
- attribute srcField
- attribute cmdField
- attribute dirField
- attribute dirLabel
- attribute shutdownButton
- attribute unarchivedDirectory
- attribute intoDir
- attribute oldDirs
- attribute currentRepositoryName
- attribute currentRepositoryDir
- }
- constructor RepUnarDialog {class this name view} {
- set this [RepToolDialog::constructor $class $this $name $view]
- # Start constructor user section
- $this autoPopDown 0
- interface DlgColumn $this.c {
- Label l {
- text "Source"
- horStretchFactor 100
- }
- DlgRow s {
- spaceType NONE
- horStretchFactor 100
- DlgColumn s {
- spaceType EVEN
- horStretchFactor 100
- SingleLineText src {
- horStretchFactor 100
- columnCount 30
- text ""
- }
- }
- DlgColumn b {
- spaceType EVEN
- horStretchFactor 0
- PushButton browse {
- horStretchFactor 0
- label "Browse..."
- }
- }
- }
- Label l { text "Command" }
- DlgRow c {
- spaceType NONE
- horStretchFactor 100
- DlgColumn c {
- spaceType EVEN
- horStretchFactor 100
- SingleLineText cmd {
- text ""
- horStretchFactor 100
- columnCount 30
- }
- }
- DlgColumn b {
- spaceType EVEN
- horStretchFactor 0
- PushButton browse {
- horStretchFactor 0
- label "Browse..."
- }
- }
- }
- CheckButton shut {
- label "Shutdown dbservers before unarchiving."
- state 1
- }
- Label dirLabel { text "Directory" }
- DlgRow r {
- spaceType NONE
- DlgColumn n {
- spaceType EVEN
- horStretchFactor 100
- SingleLineText dir {
- text ""
- editable 0
- columnCount 30
- horStretchFactor 100
- }
- }
- }
- Label note {
- font times-normal-14
- text "Note: the unarchive command runs in this directory."
- }
- }
- $this srcField $this.c.s.s.src
- $this cmdField $this.c.c.c.cmd
- $this dirLabel $this.c.dirLabel
- $this dirField $this.c.r.n.dir
- $this shutdownButton $this.c.shut
- $this okPressed "$this pressedOk"
- [$this srcField] textModified "$this checkOk"
- [$this dirField] textModified "$this checkOk"
- [$this cmdField] textModified "$this checkOk"
- $this.c.s.b.browse activated "$this browseArchive"
- $this.c.c.b.browse activated "$this browseCommand"
- # End constructor user section
- return $this
- }
- method RepUnarDialog::destructor {this} {
- # Start destructor user section
- # End destructor user section
- $this RepToolDialog::destructor
- }
- method RepUnarDialog::popUp {this} {
- set ctx [string tolower [$this objType]]
- [$this cmdField] text [m4_var get M4_unarchive_cmd -context $ctx]
- $this checkOk
- $this RepToolDialog::popUp
- }
- method RepUnarDialog::checkOk {this} {
- $this okSensitive [expr {
- [[$this srcField] text] != "" &&
- [[$this cmdField] text] != "" &&
- [[$this dirField] text] != ""
- }]
- }
- method RepUnarDialog::pressedOk {this} {
- $this busy 1
- set ctx [string tolower [$this objType]]
- m4_var set M4_unarchive_cmd [[$this cmdField] text] -context $ctx
- # Save these values before shutdown for use by subclasses later on.
- #
- set rep [[$this view] rep]
- $this currentRepositoryName [$rep currentName]
- if ![[$rep currentCorporate] isNil] {
- $this currentRepositoryDir [$rep currentRepDir]
- } else {
- $this currentRepositoryDir ""
- }
- if [[$this shutdownButton] state] {
- set name [$this currentRepositoryName]
- if {$name != "" && ![$rep shutdownDbServers $name]} {
- $this busy 0
- return
- }
- }
- set dir [Repository::expandDirName [[$this dirField] text]]
- if ![file exists $dir] {
- set dlg [$this view].createDir
- if ![isCommand $dlg] {
- QuestionDialog new $dlg \
- -title "Create Directory" \
- -okPressed "$this doUnarchive 1" \
- -cancelPressed "$this busy 0; return"
- }
- $dlg message "Directory '$dir' does not exist.\nCreate it?"
- $dlg delHelpButton
- $dlg popUp
- return
- }
- $this doUnarchive 0
- }
- proc RepUnarDialog::findNewDirs {oldDirs curDirs} {
- return [listSubtract $curDirs $oldDirs]
- }
- method RepUnarDialog::browseDirectory {this} {
- set dirBrowser [$this view].dirBrowser
- if ![isCommand $dirBrowser] {
- RepDirBrowser new $dirBrowser 0 1 \
- -title "Select Directory To Store [$this objType] Directory" \
- -okPressed "%this handleOk ; $this setDirectory \[%this selected]"
- }
- $dirBrowser selected [[$this dirField] text]
- $dirBrowser popUp
- }
- method RepUnarDialog::browseArchive {this} {
- set archiveBrowser [$this view].unArchiveBrowser
- if ![isCommand $archiveBrowser] {
- FileChooser new $archiveBrowser \
- -selectionPolicy BROWSE \
- -title "Select Source Archive" \
- -okPressed "$this setSource \[lindex \[%this selectedSet] 0]"
- $archiveBrowser delHelpButton
- }
- set file [Repository::expandFileName [[$this srcField] text]]
- Repository::expandDirName [file dir $file] existingDir
- $archiveBrowser selectedSet [list $file]
- $archiveBrowser directory $existingDir
- $archiveBrowser popUp
- }
- method RepUnarDialog::browseCommand {this} {
- set commandBrowser [$this view].commandBrowser
- if ![isCommand $commandBrowser] {
- FileChooser new $commandBrowser \
- -selectionPolicy BROWSE \
- -title "Select Unarchive Command" \
- -okPressed "$this setCommand \[lindex \[%this selectedSet] 0]"
- $commandBrowser delHelpButton
- }
- set cmdText [[$this cmdField] text]
- protect_backslashes {cmdText cmd} { set cmd [lindex $cmdText 0] }
- set file [Repository::expandFileName $cmd]
- Repository::expandDirName [file dir $file] existingDir
- $commandBrowser selectedSet [list $file]
- $commandBrowser directory $existingDir
- $commandBrowser popUp
- }
- method RepUnarDialog::setSource {this file} {
- [$this srcField] text $file
- $this checkOk
- }
- method RepUnarDialog::setDirectory {this dir} {
- [$this dirField] text $dir
- $this checkOk
- }
- method RepUnarDialog::setCommand {this cmd} {
- set contents [[$this cmdField] text]
- if [lempty $contents] {
- set contents $cmd
- } else {
- protect_backslashes {cmd contents} {
- set old [lindex $contents 0]
- set oldEnd [string length [quoteIf $old]]
- incr oldEnd
- set contents "[quoteIf $cmd] [string range $contents $oldEnd end]"
- }
- }
- [$this cmdField] text $contents
- $this checkOk
- }
- method RepUnarDialog::doUnarchive {this {makeDir 0}} {
- $this intoDir [Repository::expandDirName [[$this dirField] text]]
- if $makeDir {
- if [catch {BasicFS::makeDir [$this intoDir]} error] {
- $this busy 0
- error $error
- return
- }
- }
- $this oldDirs [BasicFS::readDir [$this intoDir]]
- if ![$this unarchive] {
- $this busy 0
- }
- }
- method RepUnarDialog::unarchiveFinished {this exitCode} {
- $this busy 0
- if {$exitCode == 0} {
- $this popDown
- [$this view] message "Unarchived [$this objDescription] successfully."
- } else {
- [$this view] message "Failed to unarchive [$this objDescription]."
- }
- set dir [Repository::expandDirName [[$this dirField] text]]
- set curDirs [BasicFS::readDir [$this intoDir]]
- set newDirs [RepUnarDialog::findNewDirs [$this oldDirs] $curDirs]
- if {[llength $newDirs] > 1} {
- [$this view] warning "Found more than one new directory after\
- unarchiving, using first one ('[lindex $newDirs 0]')."
- }
- if ![lempty $newDirs] {
- $this unarchivedDirectory [location [$this intoDir] [lindex $newDirs 0]]
- }
- }
- # Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker