PC World 1998 October
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70 lines
1 | unrecoverable internal error; expect a core dump.
2 | %1.
3 | %1 %2: invalid corporate id.
4 | %1: unable to create project.
5 | %1 (V%2): unable to create configuration version.
6 | %1: phase of type '%2' is illegal specification.
7 | %1 (%2): unable to create phase version.
8 | %1: unable to create system version.
9 | %1: unable to create file version.
10 | %1.%2: cannot create diagram.
11 | %1.%2: diagram already exists; changes are ignored.
12 | %1: unknown component type.
13 | %1: %2: invalid component type.
14 | %1: unknown label type.
15 | component type '%1': %2: illegal label type.
16 | component type '%1': label of type '%2' is read-only.
17 | label type '%1': '%2': invalid label value.
18 | component type '%1': label type '%2': %3: illegal item type.
19 | component type '%1': label type '%2': item type '%3': %4: illegal scope name.
20 | component type '%1': label type '%2': item type '%3': %4: scope is not allowed for this item.
21 | %1: %2: invalid node type.
22 | %1: %2: invalid connected node type.
23 | %1: %2: invalid connector type.
24 | %1: add is not allowed.
25 | %1: should be some rake connector.
26 | %1: should be some rake node.
27 | %1: no such connector type allowed between component types %2 and %3.
28 | %1: no such connected node type allowed for component type %2.
29 | %1: only one segment allowed.
30 | item '%1' (%2): work item cannot have properties, while trying to set property '%3' to '%4'.
31 | item '%1' (%2): no such item, while trying to set property '%3' to '%4'.
32 | component type '%1': label type '%2': item type '%3': property type '%4': unable to set property value to '%5'; reason: %6.
33 | %1: invalid number of incoming connectors.
34 | %1: invalid number of outgoing connectors.
35 | %1.%2: unable to edit diagram.
36 | %1.%2: unable to save diagram.
37 | segment: (%1, %2): a segment's starting coordinates must both be positive.
38 | %1: %2: a segment's starting x coordinate must be positive.
39 | %1: %2: a segment's starting y coordinate must be positive.
40 | %1: %2: a segment's ending x coordinate must be positive.
41 | %1: %2: a segment's ending y coordinate must be positive.
42 | %1: %2: a node's upperleft x coordinate must be positive.
43 | %1: %2: a node's upperleft y coordinate must be positive.
44 | %1: %2: a node's width must be positive.
45 | %1: %2: a node's height must be positive.
46 | component:label '%1': no label value facts available.
47 | '%1': deleted illegal characters.
48 | '%1': string too long: truncated.
49 | '%1': deleted all characters from [%2].
50 | '%1': illegal character (type %3) at position %2.
51 | '%1': illegal character (type %3) at or close behind position %2.
52 | '%1': expected %2 instead of %3 fields.
53 | '%1': expected all characters from [%2].
54 | %1: object creation is not allowed.
55 | %1: filename must be qualified with a class name.
56 | unable to determine %1 from command line or client context.
57 | unable to enter %1 level.
58 | Created %1 '%2'.
59 | Created %1 '%2' (version '%3').
60 | Entered %1 '%2'.
61 | Saving file '%1.%2' ...
62 | Saved file '%1.%2'.
63 | UnSaved file '%1.%2'.
64 | '%1': expected character '%2' at position %3.
65 | '%1': expected %2 at position %3.
66 | item '%1' (%2): no work item, while trying to set property '%3' to '%4'.
67 | Opened %1 '%2'.
68 | Quit file '%1.%2'.
69 | %1 (V%2): illegal configuration version specification.