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- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #
- # Copyright (c) 1994-1996 by Cayenne Software Inc.
- #
- # This software is furnished under a license and may be used only in
- # accordance with the terms of such license and with the inclusion of
- # the above copyright notice. This software or any other copies thereof
- # may not be provided or otherwise made available to any other person.
- # No title to and ownership of the software is hereby transferred.
- #
- # The information in this software is subject to change without notice
- # and should not be construed as a commitment by Cayenne Software Inc.
- #
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #
- # File : @(#)libnesql.tcl /main/titanic/4
- # Original date : 17-12-1994
- # Description : Redefine some procedures (used by NewEra code
- # generation) previously defined in libsql.tcl.
- # So source this tcl file after libsql.tcl.
- # Also define some new procedures.
- #
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #
- # Return the string for one assignment
- #
- proc assign_elem {col {prefix1 ""} {postfix1 ""} {prefix2 ""} {postfix2 ""} \
- {sect "src"}} {
- set name [$col getUniqueName]
- return "LET $prefix1$name$postfix1 = $prefix2$name$postfix2\n"
- }
- # Return the string for one assignment in a master-detail relationship
- #
- proc assign_elem_md {col {prefix1 ""} {postfix1 ""} {prefix2 ""} \
- {postfix2 ""} {sect "src"}} {
- set name [$col getUniqueName]
- set fname [$col getForeignName]
- return "LET $prefix1$name$postfix1 = $prefix2$fname$postfix2\n"
- }
- # Return a string containing a series of question marks separated by commas
- #
- proc gen_dyn_place_holders {section table selector} {
- set columns [get_col_list $table $selector]
- if { [lempty $columns] } {
- return ""
- }
- lvarpop columns
- set str "?"
- while { ![lempty $columns] } {
- append str ", ?"
- lvarpop columns
- }
- return $str
- }
- # Generate a compare of column names with dynamic placeholders
- #
- proc gen_dyn_comparec {section columns {prefix1 ""} {postfix1 ""} \
- {separator ", "} {newline ""}} {
- if { [lempty $columns] } {
- return;
- }
- $section pushIndent
- set newpf $separator$newline$prefix1
- set col [lvarpop columns]
- set name [$col getUniqueName]
- expand_text $section {~$prefix1~$name~$postfix1 = ?}
- while { ![lempty $columns] } {
- set col [lvarpop columns]
- set name [$col getUniqueName]
- expand_text $section {
- ~$newpf~$name~$postfix1 = ?}
- }
- $section append $newline
- $section popIndent
- }
- proc gen_dyn_compare {section table selector {prefix1 ""} {postfix1 ""} \
- {separator ", "} {newline ""}} {
- gen_dyn_comparec $section [get_col_list $table $selector] $prefix1 \
- $postfix1 $separator $newline
- }
- # Generate setParam statements to replace placeholders
- #
- proc gen_setparamc {section table pnr selectors rowname} {
- upvar $pnr param_nr
- $section pushIndent
- set columns [$table columnSet]
- foreach selector $selectors {
- foreach col $columns {
- if [expr $column_selector($selector)] {
- expand_text $section {
- CALL stmt.setParam(~$param_nr, ~${rowname}.getVal(~[get_column_nr $col]))
- }
- incr param_nr
- }
- }
- }
- $section popIndent
- }
- proc gen_setparamc_name {section table selectors} {
- set param_nr 1
- $section pushIndent
- set columns [$table columnSet]
- foreach selector $selectors {
- foreach col $columns {
- if [expr $column_selector($selector)] {
- set ixval [map_fgl2ixval [$col getType3GL]]
- set name [$col getUniqueName]
- expand_text $section {
- CALL stmt.setParam(~$param_nr, ~$name)
- }
- incr param_nr
- }
- }
- }
- $section popIndent
- }
- # Generate setParam statements to replace placeholders
- #
- proc gen_setparam_cl {section link pnr rowname} {
- upvar $pnr param_nr
- $section pushIndent
- if { [$link getLinkType] == "export" } {
- set link [$link friendLink]
- }
- set columns [$link columnSet]
- foreach col $columns {
- expand_text $section {
- CALL stmt.setParam(~$param_nr, ~${rowname}.getVal(~[get_foreign_column_nr $col]))
- }
- incr param_nr
- }
- $section popIndent
- }
- # Generate a compare list with dynamic placeholders for imported/exported
- # columns i.e. the list of columns must have obj_type "imp_column".
- # If the link is a export_link get the friend of the link
- #
- proc gen_dyn_compare_cl {section link {prefix1 ""} {postfix1 ""} \
- {separator ", "} {newline ""}} {
- if { [$link getLinkType] == "export" } {
- set link [$link friendLink]
- }
- set columns [$link columnSet]
- if { [lempty $columns] } {
- return ;
- }
- set col [lvarpop columns]
- set tcol_nm [$col getUniqueName]
- $section pushIndent
- expand_text $section {~$prefix1~$tcol_nm~$postfix1 = ?}
- set newpf $separator$newline$prefix1
- while {![lempty $columns]} {
- set col [lvarpop columns]
- set tcol_nm [$col getUniqueName]
- expand_text $section {~$newpf~$tcol_nm~$postfix1 = ?}
- }
- $section popIndent
- $section append $newline
- }
- # Generate a list of getVal calls for values in a row. The values correspond
- # to the columns.
- #
- proc gen_rowgetval_c {section columns {prefix ""} {postfix ""} \
- {separator ", "} {newline ""}} {
- if { [lempty $columns] } {
- return ;
- }
- set col [lvarpop columns]
- $section pushIndent
- set ixval [map_fgl2ixval [$col getType3GL]]
- expand_text $section {~${prefix}.getVal(~[get_column_nr $col])~$postfix\
- CAST ~$ixval}
- set newpf $separator$newline$prefix
- while {![lempty $columns]} {
- set col [lvarpop columns]
- set ixval [map_fgl2ixval [$col getType3GL]]
- expand_text $section {~${newpf}.getVal(~[get_column_nr $col])~$postfix\
- CAST ~$ixval}
- }
- $section popIndent
- $section append $newline
- }
- proc gen_rowgetval {section table selector {prefix ""} {postfix ""} \
- {separator ", "} {newline ""}} {
- gen_rowgetval_c $section [get_col_list $table $selector] $prefix \
- $postfix $separator $newline
- }
- proc gen_rowgetval_l {section link {prefix ""} {postfix ""} {separator ", "} \
- {newline ""}} {
- gen_rowgetval_c $section [$link columnSet] $prefix $postfix \
- $separator $newline
- }
- # Generate a list of getVal calls for values in a row. The values correspond
- # to the columns. These procs are the same as the gen_rowgetval* procs, except
- # that the index used to get values from a row, is not the column_nr, but an
- # incremental index ("inc" in gen_rowgetvalinc* stands for "incremental").
- #
- proc gen_rowgetvalinc_c {section columns {prefix ""} {postfix ""} \
- {separator ", "} {newline ""}} {
- if { [lempty $columns] } {
- return ;
- }
- set col [lvarpop columns]
- $section pushIndent
- set ixval [map_fgl2ixval [$col getType3GL]]
- set i 1
- expand_text $section {~${prefix}.getVal(~$i)~$postfix CAST ~$ixval}
- set newpf $separator$newline$prefix
- while {![lempty $columns]} {
- set col [lvarpop columns]
- set ixval [map_fgl2ixval [$col getType3GL]]
- incr i
- expand_text $section {~${newpf}.getVal(~$i)~$postfix CAST ~$ixval}
- }
- $section popIndent
- $section append $newline
- }
- proc gen_rowgetvalinc {section table selector {prefix ""} {postfix ""} \
- {separator ", "}} {
- gen_rowgetvalinc_c $section [get_col_list $table $selector] $prefix \
- $postfix $separator
- }
- proc gen_rowgetvalinc_l {section link {prefix ""} {postfix ""} \
- {separator ", "}} {
- gen_rowgetvalinc_c $section [$link columnSet] $prefix $postfix \
- $separator
- }
- # nullify columns
- #
- proc gen_assign_nullc {section columns {prefix1 ""} {postfix1 ""}} {
- $section pushIndent
- foreach col $columns {
- $section append \
- [assign_elem_null $col $prefix1 $postfix1]
- }
- $section popIndent
- }
- # see gen_assign_nullc
- #
- proc gen_assign_null {section table selector {prefix1 ""} {postfix1 ""}} {
- gen_assign_nullc $section [get_col_list $table $selector] $prefix1 \
- $postfix1
- }
- # Return the string for one null assignment
- #
- proc assign_elem_null {col {prefix1 ""} {postfix1 ""}} {
- set colnr [get_column_nr $col]
- return "CALL $prefix1.getVal($colnr).setNull()\n"
- }
- # Redefine for NewEra
- # Return the string for one assignment
- #
- proc assign_elem {col {prefix1 ""} {postfix1 ""} {prefix2 ""}
- {postfix2 ""} {sect "src"} {retvarname retVal}} {
- set name [$col getUniqueName]
- set colnr [get_column_nr $col]
- return "LET $retvarname = $prefix1.setVal(COPY $name, $colnr)\n"
- }
- # Redefine for NewEra
- # Return the string for one assignment in a master-detail relationship
- #
- proc assign_elem_md {col {prefix1 ""} {postfix1 ""} {prefix2 ""}
- {postfix2 ""} {sect "src"} {retvarname retVal}} {
- set colnr [get_column_nr $col]
- set fcolnr [get_foreign_column_nr $col]
- return "LET $retvarname = $prefix1.setVal(COPY $prefix2.getVal($fcolnr), $colnr)\n"
- }
- # Special for initByRow
- #
- proc gen_assign_initrow {section table selector rowname initrowname} {
- set columns [get_col_list $table $selector]
- $section pushIndent
- set i 1
- foreach col $columns {
- set colnr [get_column_nr $col]
- expand_text $section {
- LET retVal =\
- ~${rowname}.setVal(~${initrowname}.getVal(~${i}),\
- ~${colnr})
- }
- if {[$col getColumnType] == "key"} {
- incr i
- } else {
- expand_text $section {
- LET retVal = ~${initrowname}.delete(~${i})
- }
- }
- }
- $section popIndent
- }
- # add a "column_nr" attribute to (imported) column objects in the model
- # add a "foreign_column_nr" attribute to imported column objects in the model
- #
- proc add_column_nr_attrs {} {
- global oomodel
- set tables [[$oomodel sqlModel] tableSet]
- foreach table $tables {
- set column_nr 1
- set columns [$table columnSet]
- foreach col $columns {
- add_attr $col column_nr $column_nr
- incr column_nr
- if { [$col get_obj_type] == "imp_column" } {
- set foreign_column_nr 1
- set fcolumns [[$col master] columnSet]
- foreach fcol $fcolumns {
- if { [$col column] == $fcol } {
- add_attr $col foreign_column_nr $foreign_column_nr
- break
- }
- incr foreign_column_nr
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- proc get_column_nr {col} {
- if {$col != ""} {
- return [$col getPropertyValue column_nr]
- } else {
- return -1
- }
- }
- proc get_foreign_column_nr {col} {
- return [$col getPropertyValue foreign_column_nr]
- }