home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #
- # (c) Cayenne Software Inc. 1997
- #
- # File: @(#)custedarea.tcl /main/titanic/9
- # Author: <generated>
- # Description:
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # SccsId = @(#)custedarea.tcl /main/titanic/9 5 Dec 1997 Copyright 1997 Cayenne Software Inc.
- # Start user added include file section
- require custfileut.tcl
- # End user added include file section
- Class CustEdArea : {Object} {
- constructor
- method destructor
- method load
- method edit
- method save
- method quit
- method readCorporateObjects
- method readUserObjects
- method readUpperLevelsObjects
- method readLevelObjects
- method read
- method deleteObjects
- method redefineObject
- method adjustCreatedObject
- method setContext
- method sortArea
- method source
- method filter
- attribute isChanged
- attribute isReadOnly
- attribute userLevelAlwaysLast
- attribute toolType
- attribute _curName
- attribute _curType
- attribute _path
- attribute _scope
- attribute _level
- attribute _module
- attribute _repObj
- attribute _filter
- }
- constructor CustEdArea {class this name} {
- set this [Object::constructor $class $this $name]
- $this isChanged 0
- $this isReadOnly 0
- $this userLevelAlwaysLast 0
- $this toolType "browser"
- # Start constructor user section
- # End constructor user section
- return $this
- }
- method CustEdArea::destructor {this} {
- set ref [$this _filter]
- if {$ref != ""} {
- $ref _editorArea ""
- }
- # Start destructor user section
- # End destructor user section
- }
- proc CustEdArea::indentList {list indentLevel protect} {
- set indents ""
- for {set i 0} {$i < $indentLevel} {incr i} {
- set indents "$indents\t"
- }
- set indList " \{"
- while {![lempty $list]} {
- set key [lvarpop list]
- set value [lvarpop list]
- if {[string length $key] > 7} {
- set tabs "\t"
- } else {
- set tabs "\t\t"
- }
- if {$protect == 1} {
- set strVal [string trim $value]
- if {[regexp {[ ]} $strVal]==1 || $strVal==""} {
- set indList "$indList\n\t$indents$key$tabs\{$value\}"
- } else {
- set indList "$indList\n\t$indents$key$tabs$value"
- }
- } else {
- set indList "$indList\n\t$indents$key$tabs$value"
- }
- }
- set indList "$indList\n$indents\}\n"
- return $indList
- }
- method CustEdArea::load {this obj} {
- $this isReadOnly 1
- $this isChanged 0
- if [isCommand $obj] {
- $this _repObj $obj
- $this _curName [[[$this _repObj] customFile] name]
- $this _curType [[[$this _repObj] customFile] type]
- $this readUpperLevelsObjects
- if [$this userLevelAlwaysLast] {
- $this readLevelObjects
- $this readUserObjects
- } else {
- $this readUserObjects
- $this readLevelObjects
- }
- } else {
- # if user or corporate is the case, the name of the
- # file is given
- # [$this _curName].[$this _curType]
- $this _repObj ""
- set index [string last "." $obj]
- $this _curName [string range $obj 0 [expr {$index -1}]]
- $this _curType [string range $obj [expr {$index +1}] end]
- $this readCorporateObjects
- if {"[$this _level]" == "user"} {
- $this readUserObjects
- }
- }
- $this sortArea
- [$this filter] rehash
- }
- method CustEdArea::edit {this obj} {
- $this isReadOnly 1
- $this isChanged 0
- if {[isCommand $obj]} {
- # lock the object
- if {[$this _repObj] != $obj || [.main currentlyReadOnly]} {
- $obj edit
- $this _repObj $obj
- $this _curName [[[$this _repObj] customFile] name]
- $this _curType [[[$this _repObj] customFile] type]
- }
- $this readUpperLevelsObjects
- if [$this userLevelAlwaysLast] {
- $this isReadOnly 0
- $this readLevelObjects
- $this isReadOnly 1
- $this readUserObjects
- $this isReadOnly 0
- } else {
- $this readUserObjects
- $this isReadOnly 0
- $this readLevelObjects
- }
- } else {
- # if user or corporate is the case, the name of the
- # file is given
- # [$this _curName].[$this _curType]
- $this _repObj ""
- set index [string last "." $obj]
- $this _curName [string range $obj 0 [expr {$index -1}]]
- $this _curType [string range $obj [expr {$index +1}] end]
- if {"[$this _level]" == "user"} {
- $this readCorporateObjects
- $this isReadOnly 0
- $this readUserObjects
- } else {
- $this isReadOnly 0
- $this readCorporateObjects
- }
- }
- $this sortArea
- [$this filter] rehash
- }
- method CustEdArea::save {this} {
- set tmpFile [args_file {}]
- set fid [open $tmpFile w]
- foreach object [$this getObjects] {
- if [$object editable] {
- $this writeObject $object $fid
- }
- }
- close $fid
- if {[$this _level] == "user"} {
- set file [path_name concat \
- [path_name concat ~ icase] \
- [$this _curName].[$this _curType] \
- ]
- copy_text_file $tmpFile $file
- } elseif {[$this _level] == "corporate"} {
- set file [location [m4_var get M4_home] etc \
- [$this _curName].[$this _curType]]
- copy_text_file $tmpFile $file
- } else {
- [$this _repObj] upLoad $tmpFile
- }
- unlink $tmpFile
- $this isChanged 0
- }
- method CustEdArea::quit {this} {
- if [isCommand [$this _repObj]] {
- [$this _repObj] quit
- }
- }
- method CustEdArea::readCorporateObjects {this} {
- set corp [[ClientContext::global] currentCorporate]
- $this read $corp corporate
- }
- method CustEdArea::readUserObjects {this} {
- eval "proc registerObject {spec} {$this createObject \$spec user}"
- set file [path_name concat [path_name concat ~ icase] \
- [$this _curName].[$this _curType]]
- if [file exists $file] {
- $this source $file
- }
- }
- method CustEdArea::readUpperLevelsObjects {this} {
- # read all the levels up to the current level
- set name [$this _curName]
- set type [$this _curType]
- case [$this _level] in {
- {corporate} {
- }
- {project} {
- $this read [lindex [$this _path] 0] corporate
- }
- {configuration} {
- $this read [lindex [$this _path] 0] corporate
- $this read [lindex [$this _path] 1] project
- }
- {phase} {
- $this read [lindex [$this _path] 0] corporate
- $this read [lindex [$this _path] 1] project
- $this read [lindex [$this _path] 2] configuration
- }
- {system} {
- $this read [lindex [$this _path] 0] corporate
- $this read [lindex [$this _path] 1] project
- $this read [lindex [$this _path] 2] configuration
- $this read [lindex [$this _path] 3] phase
- }
- }
- }
- method CustEdArea::readLevelObjects {this} {
- eval "proc registerObject {spec} {$this createObject \$spec \
- [$this _level]}"
- if {![[$this _repObj] isNil]} {
- set tmpFile [args_file {}]
- [$this _repObj] downLoad $tmpFile
- $this source $tmpFile
- unlink $tmpFile
- }
- }
- method CustEdArea::read {this object type} {
- eval "proc registerObject {spec} {$this createObject \$spec $type}"
- set custFile [CustFileUtilities::find $object [$this _curName] \
- [$this _curType]]
- if {"$custFile" == ""} return
- if {"$object" == "" || [$object isA Corporate]} {
- $this source $custFile
- # read also the modules
- set moduleHdlr [.main moduleHdlr]
- set modules [$moduleHdlr moduleSpecSet]
- foreach module $modules {
- set files [$moduleHdlr getFiles etc \
- [$this _curName].[$this _curType] $module]
- foreach file $files {
- $this _module [$module name]
- $this source $file
- }
- }
- $this _module ""
- } else {
- set tmpFile [args_file {}]
- $custFile downLoad $tmpFile
- $this source $tmpFile
- unlink $tmpFile
- }
- }
- method CustEdArea::deleteObjects {this objs} {
- foreach i $objs {
- $i delete
- $this isChanged 1
- }
- .main selectionChanged
- }
- method CustEdArea::redefineObject {this obj} {
- if {[$obj readOnly]} {
- return "Object to redefine is read-only defined on level \
- [$obj specLevel]"
- }
- set user 0
- if {[$this _level] == "user"} {
- set user 1
- }
- # use as much of the scope of the redefined object
- set scope [$this _scope]
- for {set i [llength $scope]} {$i < [llength [$obj scope]]} {incr i} {
- lappend scope [lindex [$obj scope] $i]
- }
- # make an exact copy
- set newObj [$this createObject [list displayName [$obj displayName] \
- scope $scope \
- specLevel [$this _level] \
- name [$obj name] \
- unregister [$obj unregister] \
- type [$obj type] \
- userDefined $user \
- visible [$obj visible] \
- objSpec [$obj objSpec]] \
- [$this _level]]
- $newObj editable 1
- return $newObj
- }
- method CustEdArea::adjustCreatedObject {this obj level} {
- if {![$this isReadOnly]} {
- $obj editable 1
- # if invalid scope (level) specified, set scope to corporate
- if {$icaseLevel([llength [$obj scope]]) == ""} {
- $obj scope ""
- }
- }
- if {$level == "user"} {
- $obj userDefined 1
- }
- if {[$this _module] != ""} {
- $obj specModule "[$this _module]"
- $obj specLevel "module: [$this _module]"
- } else {
- $obj specLevel $level
- }
- }
- method CustEdArea::setContext {this} {
- set cc [ClientContext::global]
- set corp [$cc currentCorporate]
- set proj [$cc currentProject]
- set confV [$cc currentConfig]
- set phaseV [$cc currentPhase]
- set sysV [$cc currentSystem]
- set path ""
- set scope ""
- if {! [$corp isNil]} {
- $this _level corporate
- lappend path $corp
- if {! [$proj isNil]} {
- $this _level project
- lappend path $proj
- lappend scope *
- if {! [$confV isNil]} {
- $this _level configuration
- lappend path $confV
- lappend scope *
- if {! [$phaseV isNil]} {
- $this _level phase
- lappend path $phaseV
- lappend scope *
- if {! [$sysV isNil]} {
- $this _level system
- lappend path $sysV
- lappend scope *
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- $this _scope $scope
- $this _path $path
- }
- method CustEdArea::sortArea {this} {
- # no sort done in general, only in specific cases
- }
- method CustEdArea::source {this fileName} {
- if [catch {
- set fid [open $fileName]
- set l [List new -contents [read $fid]]
- close $fid
- set end [$l length]
- for {set i 1} {$i <= $end} {incr i 2} {
- registerObject [$l index $i]
- }
- } rsn] {
- wmtkerror $rsn
- }
- }
- # Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
- method CustEdArea::filter {this args} {
- if {$args == ""} {
- return [$this _filter]
- }
- set ref [$this _filter]
- if {$ref != ""} {
- $ref _editorArea ""
- }
- set obj [lindex $args 0]
- if {$obj != ""} {
- $obj _editorArea $this
- }
- $this _filter $obj
- }