PC World 1998 October
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# Copyright (c) 1997 by Cayenne Software, Inc.
# This software is furnished under a license and may be used only in
# accordance with the terms of such license and with the inclusion of
# the above copyright notice. This software or any other copies thereof
# may not be provided or otherwise made available to any other person.
# No title to and ownership of the software is hereby transferred.
# The information in this software is subject to change without notice
# and should not be construed as a commitment by Cayenne Software, Inc.
# File : cppgrammar.tcl
# Author :
# Original date : November 1997
# Description : Classes for code generation
# File: @(#)cppextincl.tcl /main/titanic/1
# Start user added include file section
# End user added include file section
Class CppExtInclude : {GCObject} {
method destructor
method generate
method definition
attribute fileName
attribute _definition
constructor CppExtInclude {class this definition} {
set this [GCObject::constructor $class $this]
$this _definition $definition
[$definition _extIncludeSet] append $this
# Start constructor user section
# End constructor user section
return $this
method CppExtInclude::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
method CppExtInclude::generate {this section} {
$section append "#include <[$this fileName]>\n"
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
method CppExtInclude::definition {this args} {
if {$args == ""} {
return [$this _definition]
set ref [$this _definition]
if {$ref != ""} {
[$ref _extIncludeSet] removeValue $this
set obj [lindex $args 0]
if {$obj != ""} {
[$obj _extIncludeSet] append $this
$this _definition $obj
# File: @(#)cppfriend.tcl /main/titanic/5
# Start user added include file section
# End user added include file section
Class CppFriend : {GCObject} {
method destructor
method generate
method friendOf
attribute cl
attribute _friendOf
constructor CppFriend {class this cl} {
set this [GCObject::constructor $class $this]
$this cl $cl
# Start constructor user section
# End constructor user section
return $this
method CppFriend::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
method CppFriend::generate {this section} {
$section append "friend class [[$this cl] getName];\n"
[$this friendOf] addForward [$this cl] hdr
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
method CppFriend::friendOf {this args} {
if {$args == ""} {
return [$this _friendOf]
set ref [$this _friendOf]
if {$ref != ""} {
[$ref _friendSet] removeValue $this
set obj [lindex $args 0]
if {$obj != ""} {
[$obj _friendSet] append $this
$this _friendOf $obj
# File: @(#)cppgen.tcl /main/titanic/3
# Start user added include file section
# End user added include file section
Class CppGen : {GCObject} {
method destructor
method generate
method subcl
attribute isVirtual
attribute cl
attribute _subcl
attribute access
constructor CppGen {class this cl access} {
set this [GCObject::constructor $class $this]
$this cl $cl
$this access $access
# Start constructor user section
$this isVirtual 0
# End constructor user section
return $this
method CppGen::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
method CppGen::generate {this section} {
$section append "[$this access] "
if [$this isVirtual] {
$section append "virtual "
$section append "[[$this cl] getName]"
[$this subcl] addInclude [$this cl] hdr
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
method CppGen::subcl {this args} {
if {$args == ""} {
return [$this _subcl]
set ref [$this _subcl]
if {$ref != ""} {
[$ref _genSet] removeValue $this
set obj [lindex $args 0]
if {$obj != ""} {
[$obj _genSet] append $this
$this _subcl $obj
# File: @(#)cppgencode.tcl /main/titanic/3
# Start user added include file section
# End user added include file section
Class CppGenCode : {TextSection} {
method destructor
method method
attribute _method
constructor CppGenCode {class this method} {
set this [TextSection::constructor $class $this]
$this _method $method
[$method _genCodeSet] append $this
# Start constructor user section
# End constructor user section
return $this
method CppGenCode::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
method CppGenCode::method {this args} {
if {$args == ""} {
return [$this _method]
set ref [$this _method]
if {$ref != ""} {
[$ref _genCodeSet] removeValue $this
set obj [lindex $args 0]
if {$obj != ""} {
[$obj _genCodeSet] append $this
$this _method $obj
# File: @(#)cppinitial.tcl /main/titanic/3
# Start user added include file section
# End user added include file section
Class CppInitializer : {GCObject} {
method destructor
method generate
method ctor
method valueSet
method addValue
method removeValue
attribute name
attribute _ctor
attribute _valueSet
constructor CppInitializer {class this ctor} {
set this [GCObject::constructor $class $this]
$this _ctor $ctor
[$ctor _initializerSet] append $this
$this _valueSet [List new]
# Start constructor user section
# End constructor user section
return $this
method CppInitializer::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
method CppInitializer::generate {this section} {
set cppCtor [$this ctor]
set idx [ [$cppCtor initializerSet] search -exact $this ]
if { $idx == -1 } {
m4_fatal $F_INTINCON "CppInitializer::generate"
if { $idx != 0 } {
set comma ","
} else {
set comma " :"
$section indent +
$section append "${comma}\n[$this name]("
[$this valueSet] foreach value {
$value generate $section
$section append ")"
$section indent -
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
method CppInitializer::ctor {this args} {
if {$args == ""} {
return [$this _ctor]
set ref [$this _ctor]
if {$ref != ""} {
[$ref _initializerSet] removeValue $this
set obj [lindex $args 0]
if {$obj != ""} {
[$obj _initializerSet] append $this
$this _ctor $obj
method CppInitializer::valueSet {this} {
return [$this _valueSet]
method CppInitializer::addValue {this newValue} {
[$this _valueSet] append $newValue
$newValue _initializer $this
method CppInitializer::removeValue {this oldValue} {
$oldValue _initializer ""
[$this _valueSet] removeValue $oldValue
# File: @(#)cppinitval.tcl /main/titanic/5
# Start user added include file section
# End user added include file section
Class CppInitValue : {GCObject} {
method destructor
method generate
method initializer
attribute value
attribute _initializer
constructor CppInitValue {class this initializer} {
set this [GCObject::constructor $class $this]
$this _initializer $initializer
[$initializer _valueSet] append $this
# Start constructor user section
# End constructor user section
return $this
method CppInitValue::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
method CppInitValue::generate {this section} {
set cppInit [$this initializer]
set idx [ [$cppInit valueSet] search -exact $this ]
if { $idx == -1 } {
m4_fatal $F_INTINCON "CppInitValue::generate"
if { $idx != 0 } {
set comma ", "
} else {
set comma ""
$section append "${comma}[$this value]"
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
method CppInitValue::initializer {this args} {
if {$args == ""} {
return [$this _initializer]
set ref [$this _initializer]
if {$ref != ""} {
[$ref _valueSet] removeValue $this
set obj [lindex $args 0]
if {$obj != ""} {
[$obj _valueSet] append $this
$this _initializer $obj
# File: @(#)cppmodel.tcl /main/titanic/14
# Start user added include file section
# End user added include file section
Class CppModel : {GCObject} {
method destructor
method findDefinition
method generate
method setFileNameParams
method definitionSet
method addDefinition
method removeDefinition
attribute _definitionSet
constructor CppModel {class this} {
set this [GCObject::constructor $class $this]
$this _definitionSet [List new]
# Start constructor user section
# End constructor user section
return $this
method CppModel::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
method CppModel::findDefinition {this name} {
[$this definitionSet] foreach definition {
if {$name == [$definition getName]} {
return $definition
return ""
method CppModel::generate {this typeToClassDict} {
# define local section names
# header file sections
set hdrCategories [List new]
set specialCategories [List new]
# source file sections
set cppCategories [List new]
# title dictionary
set titleDict [Dictionary new]
# needs one indent
set indentDict [Dictionary new]
$cppCategories append "cpp-hdr"
$cppCategories append "cpp-incl"
$cppCategories append "cpp-static-init"
$cppCategories append "cpp-ctor"
$cppCategories append "cpp-dtor"
$cppCategories append "cpp-impl"
$titleDict set "cpp-impl-gen" "// ${CppConstants::regenEnd}\n"
$cppCategories append "cpp-impl-gen"
$cppCategories append "cpp-trailor"
$hdrCategories append "hdr-hdr"
$hdrCategories append "hdr-incl"
$hdrCategories append "hdr-typedef" ; # special one
$hdrCategories append "hdr-enum" ; # special one
$hdrCategories append "hdr-class-head"
foreach access {"public" "protected" "private"} {
$titleDict set "hdr-typedef-$access" \
"// Nested typedefs"
$indentDict set "hdr-typedef-$access" "yes"
$hdrCategories append "hdr-typedef-$access"
$specialCategories append "hdr-typedef-$access"
$titleDict set "hdr-ctor-$access" "// Default constructor/destructor"
$indentDict set "hdr-ctor-$access" "yes"
$hdrCategories append "hdr-ctor-$access"
$indentDict set "hdr-dtor-$access" "yes"
$hdrCategories append "hdr-dtor-$access"
$titleDict set "hdr-user-defined-$access-meth" \
"// User-defined methods"
$indentDict set "hdr-user-defined-$access-meth" "yes"
$hdrCategories append "hdr-user-defined-$access-meth"
$titleDict set "hdr-attrib-access-$access" \
"// Attribute accessor methods"
$indentDict set "hdr-attrib-access-$access" "yes"
$hdrCategories append "hdr-attrib-access-$access"
$titleDict set "hdr-assoc-access-$access" \
"// Association accessor methods"
$indentDict set "hdr-assoc-access-$access" "yes"
$hdrCategories append "hdr-assoc-access-$access"
$titleDict set "hdr-user-defined-$access-data" \
"// User-defined attributes"
$indentDict set "hdr-user-defined-$access-data" "yes"
$hdrCategories append "hdr-user-defined-$access-data"
$titleDict set "hdr-special-$access-data" \
"// Special attribute"
$indentDict set "hdr-special-$access-data" "yes"
$hdrCategories append "hdr-special-$access-data"
$specialCategories append "hdr-special-$access-data"
$titleDict set "hdr-special-$access-meth" \
"// Special methods"
$indentDict set "hdr-special-$access-meth" "yes"
$hdrCategories append "hdr-special-$access-meth"
$specialCategories append "hdr-special-$access-meth"
$specialCategories append "hdr-ctor-protected"
$specialCategories append "hdr-ctor-private"
$specialCategories append "hdr-user-defined-public-data"
$specialCategories append "hdr-user-defined-protected-data"
$titleDict set "hdr-assoc-storage-private-data" \
"// Association attribute storage"
$indentDict set "hdr-assoc-storage-private-data" "yes"
$hdrCategories append "hdr-assoc-storage-private-data"
$hdrCategories append "hdr-class-tail"
$hdrCategories append "hdr-impl"
$titleDict set "hdr-impl-gen" "// ${CppConstants::regenEnd}\n"
$hdrCategories append "hdr-impl-gen"
$specialCategories append "hdr-impl-gen"
$hdrCategories append "hdr-trailor"
[$this definitionSet] foreach definition {
# first check if this is a normal class and if it
# is synthetic, if so, skip this class
if [$definition isA CppClass] {
if [$definition isSynthetic] {
# create sections
set sections [CppSectionList new]
$cppCategories foreach cat {
$sections setSection $cat [TextSection new]
$hdrCategories foreach cat {
$sections setSection $cat [TextSection new]
# generate code
$definition generate $sections
# combine sections
set cppSection [TextSection new]
set hdrSection [TextSection new]
$cppCategories foreach cat {
set sect [$sections getSection $cat]
if {[string length [$sect contents]] != 0} {
set marker [$titleDict set $cat]
if { $marker != ""} {
$cppSection append $marker
$cppSection append "\n"
$cppSection appendSect $sect
if {$cat == "cpp-static-init"} {
$cppSection append "\n"
if { [$definition isA CppClass] } {
$hdrCategories foreach cat {
if { $cat == "hdr-typedef" } { continue }
if { $cat == "hdr-enum" } { continue }
switch $cat {
"hdr-typedef-public" \
{ $hdrSection append "public:\n" }
"hdr-typedef-protected" \
{ $hdrSection append "protected:\n" }
"hdr-typedef-private" \
{ $hdrSection append "private:\n" }
if { [$indentDict set $cat] == "yes" } {
$hdrSection indent +
set sect [$sections getSection $cat]
set length [string length [$sect contents]]
set marker [$titleDict set $cat]
if { $marker != "" } {
if { ($length != 0) ||
([$specialCategories search -exact $cat] == -1) } {
$hdrSection append $marker
$hdrSection append "\n"
if {$length != 0} {
$hdrSection appendSect $sect
$hdrSection append "\n"
if { [$indentDict set $cat] == "yes" } {
$hdrSection indent -
} else {
# special cases (typedef or enum)
foreach cat {"hdr-hdr" "hdr-incl" "hdr-typedef" "hdr-enum" "hdr-impl" "hdr-trailor"} {
set sect [$sections getSection $cat]
if {[string length [$sect contents]] != 0} {
$hdrSection appendSect $sect
$hdrSection append "\n"
# add sections to the dictionary
set sectDict [Dictionary new]
$sectDict set "c++" $cppSection
$sectDict set "h++" $hdrSection
$typeToClassDict set [$definition OOPLClass] $sectDict
method CppModel::setFileNameParams {this fileHandler} {
[$this definitionSet] foreach definition {
set oClass [$definition OOPLClass]
if { $oClass != ""} {
$definition hdrFileName \
[$fileHandler getFsFileName $oClass [$fileHandler hdrType]]
$definition cppFileName \
[$fileHandler getFsFileName $oClass [$fileHandler cppType]]
regsub {\.} [$definition hdrFileName] "_" prot
$definition protector [string toupper $prot]
} else {
m4_error $E_DEFNOOOPL
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
method CppModel::definitionSet {this} {
return [$this _definitionSet]
method CppModel::addDefinition {this newDefinition} {
[$this _definitionSet] append $newDefinition
$newDefinition _model $this
method CppModel::removeDefinition {this oldDefinition} {
$oldDefinition _model ""
[$this _definitionSet] removeValue $oldDefinition
# File: @(#)cppobject.tcl /main/titanic/5
# Start user added include file section
# End user added include file section
Class CppObject : {GCObject} {
method destructor
method formatComment
method generate
method getName
attribute comment
attribute name
constructor CppObject {class this} {
set this [GCObject::constructor $class $this]
# Start constructor user section
# End constructor user section
return $this
method CppObject::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
method CppObject::formatComment {this section {prefix "// "}} {
if { [string length [$this comment]] > 0 } {
set restComment [$this comment]
set newlinePos [string first "\n" $restComment ]
while {$newlinePos != -1} {
set thisline [string range $restComment 0 [expr $newlinePos - 1]]
set restComment \
[string range $restComment [expr $newlinePos + 1] end]
set newlinePos [string first "\n" $restComment ]
$section append "${prefix}$thisline\n"
$section append "${prefix}$restComment\n"
method CppObject::generate {this sections} {
m4_fatal $F_ABSTRACT "CppObject::subGenerate"
method CppObject::getName {this} {
return [$this name]
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
# File: @(#)cppregen.tcl /main/titanic/3
# Start user added include file section
# End user added include file section
Class CppRegen : {TextSection} {
method destructor
method method
attribute _method
constructor CppRegen {class this method} {
set this [TextSection::constructor $class $this]
$this _method $method
[$method _regenSet] append $this
# Start constructor user section
# End constructor user section
return $this
method CppRegen::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
method CppRegen::method {this args} {
if {$args == ""} {
return [$this _method]
set ref [$this _method]
if {$ref != ""} {
[$ref _regenSet] removeValue $this
set obj [lindex $args 0]
if {$obj != ""} {
[$obj _regenSet] append $this
$this _method $obj
# File: @(#)cppsection.tcl /main/titanic/3
# Start user added include file section
# End user added include file section
Class CppSectionList : {GCObject} {
method destructor
method getSection
method setSection
method removeSection
attribute section
constructor CppSectionList {class this} {
set this [GCObject::constructor $class $this]
$this section [Dictionary new]
# Start constructor user section
# End constructor user section
return $this
method CppSectionList::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
method CppSectionList::getSection {this title} {
set sect [[$this section] set $title]
if {$sect == ""} {
m4_error $F_NOCATEGORY $title
return [TextSection new]
return $sect
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
method CppSectionList::setSection {this title newSection} {
[$this section] set $title $newSection
method CppSectionList::removeSection {this title} {
[$this section] unset $title
# File: @(#)cpptype.tcl /main/titanic/12
# Start user added include file section
# End user added include file section
Class CppType : {GCObject} {
method destructor
method isArray
method getTypeName
method generate
method addTemplateParam
method removeTemplateParam
attribute name
attribute isStatic
attribute isConst
attribute isPointer
attribute arraySize
attribute isReference
attribute includeInFile
attribute otherModifier
attribute nested
attribute localType
attribute templateParamSet
constructor CppType {class this} {
set this [GCObject::constructor $class $this]
$this templateParamSet [List new]
# Start constructor user section
$this arraySize -1
$this isStatic 0
$this isConst 0
$this isPointer 0
$this isReference 0
$this localType ""
$this nested ""
$this otherModifier ""
$this includeInFile ""
# End constructor user section
return $this
method CppType::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
method CppType::isArray {this {array -1}} {
if {$array == -1 } {
if {[$this arraySize] != -1} {
return 1
return 0
} else {
if { $array == 0 } {
$this arraySize -1
} else {
$this arraySize $array
method CppType::getTypeName {this fileT curDef} {
if {($fileT == "hdr") &&
([$this localType] == $curDef) &&
([$this localType] != "") &&
([$this nested] != "")} {
return [[$this nested] getTypeName $fileT $curDef]
set typeName ""
if {[$this isConst] && [$this otherModifier] == ""} {
set typeName "const "
if {[$this localType] == ""} {
# Standard (or external) type
if {[$this name] == ""} {
set typeName "${typeName}void"
} else {
set typeName "${typeName}[$this name]"
} else {
# Using a locally defined class, enum or typedef
set typeName "${typeName}[[$this localType] getName]"
if {[$this otherModifier] != ""} {
if {([$this localType] != "") && ($curDef != "")} {
$curDef addInclude [$this localType] hdr
if [regsub -all {~\$name} [$this otherModifier] $typeName omf] {
return $omf
} else {
return "${typeName}[$this otherModifier]"
if {([$this localType] != "") && ($curDef != "")} {
set hasExtIncl 0
foreach incl [[[$this localType] OOPLClass] getPropertyValue "include_list"] {
$curDef addExtIncl $incl
set hasExtIncl 1
if {$fileT != "" && $hasExtIncl!=1} {
if {[$this includeInFile] == ""} {
if {[$this isPointer] || [$this isReference]} {
$this includeInFile "cpp"
} else {
$this includeInFile "hdr"
if {[$this includeInFile] == "cpp"} {
if {$fileT == "hdr" && $fileT != "any" } {
$curDef addForward [$this localType] hdr
if {$fileT == "cpp" || $fileT == "any"} {
$curDef addInclude [$this localType] cpp
} else {
if {$fileT == "hdr" || $fileT == "any"} {
$curDef addInclude [$this localType] hdr
if {![[$this templateParamSet] empty]} {
set typeName "${typeName}< "
set first 1
[$this templateParamSet] foreach param {
set pTypeName [$param getTypeName $fileT $curDef]
if {!$first} {
set typeName "${typeName}, $pTypeName"
} else {
set typeName "${typeName}$pTypeName"
set first 0
set typeName "${typeName} >"
if {[$this nested] != ""} {
set typeName "${typeName}::[[$this nested] getTypeName $fileT $curDef]"
if {[$this isPointer]} { set typeName "${typeName}*" }
if {[$this isReference]} { set typeName "${typeName}&" }
return $typeName
method CppType::generate {this varName section fileT curDef} {
set typeName "[$this getTypeName $fileT $curDef] "
if {$fileT == "hdr" && [$this isStatic]} { $section append "static " }
$section append $typeName
$section append $varName
if [$this isArray] {
$section append "\[[$this arraySize]\]"
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
method CppType::addTemplateParam {this newTemplateParam} {
[$this templateParamSet] append $newTemplateParam
method CppType::removeTemplateParam {this oldTemplateParam} {
[$this templateParamSet] removeValue $oldTemplateParam
# File: @(#)cppclfeatu.tcl /main/titanic/5
# Start user added include file section
# End user added include file section
Class CppClFeature : {CppObject} {
method destructor
method getCategory
method getSection
method cl
attribute _cl
attribute access
attribute type
constructor CppClFeature {class this cl access type} {
set this [CppObject::constructor $class $this]
$this _cl $cl
[$cl _featureSet] append $this
$this access $access
$this type $type
# Start constructor user section
# End constructor user section
return $this
method CppClFeature::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
$this CppObject::destructor
method CppClFeature::getCategory {this fileT} {
m4_fatal $F_ABSTACT "CppClFeature::getCategory"
method CppClFeature::getSection {this fileT sections} {
set sectName "[$this getCategory $fileT]"
return [$section getSection $sectName]
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
method CppClFeature::cl {this args} {
if {$args == ""} {
return [$this _cl]
set ref [$this _cl]
if {$ref != ""} {
[$ref _featureSet] removeValue $this
set obj [lindex $args 0]
if {$obj != ""} {
[$obj _featureSet] append $this
$this _cl $obj
# File: @(#)cppattribu.tcl /main/titanic/7
# Start user added include file section
# End user added include file section
Class CppAttribute : {CppClFeature} {
method destructor
method generate
method subGenerate
method getCategory
method accMethodSet
method addAccMethod
method removeAccMethod
attribute defaultValue
attribute _accMethodSet
constructor CppAttribute {class this cl access type} {
set this [CppClFeature::constructor $class $this $cl $access $type]
$this _accMethodSet [List new]
# Start constructor user section
# End constructor user section
return $this
method CppAttribute::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
$this CppClFeature::destructor
method CppAttribute::generate {this sections} {
$this subGenerate "hdr" \
[$sections getSection "[$this getCategory hdr]"]
$this subGenerate "cpp" \
[$sections getSection "[$this getCategory cpp]"]
method CppAttribute::subGenerate {this fileT section} {
if {$fileT == "hdr"} {
# Attributes are only mentioned in the header file
$this formatComment $section
[$this type] generate [$this getName] $section \
hdr [$this cl]
if {[$this defaultValue] != ""} {
$section append " /* = [$this defaultValue] */"
$section append ";\n"
} else {
# or they must be static
if {([[$this type] isStatic] == 1) && ([$this defaultValue] != "")} {
[$this type] generate \
"[[$this cl] getName]::[$this getName]" \
$section cpp [$this cl]
$section append " = ([$this defaultValue]);\n"
method CppAttribute::getCategory {this fileT} {
set access [string tolower [$this access]]
if { $fileT == "hdr" } {
return "hdr-special-${access}-data"
} else {
return "cpp-static-init"
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
method CppAttribute::accMethodSet {this} {
return [$this _accMethodSet]
method CppAttribute::addAccMethod {this newAccMethod} {
[$this _accMethodSet] append $newAccMethod
$newAccMethod _belongsTo $this
method CppAttribute::removeAccMethod {this oldAccMethod} {
$oldAccMethod _belongsTo ""
[$this _accMethodSet] removeValue $oldAccMethod
# File: @(#)cppmethod.tcl /main/titanic/12
# Start user added include file section
# End user added include file section
Class CppMethod : {CppClFeature} {
method destructor
method subGenerate
method generate
method getCategory
method genSignature
method genRegenCode
method paramSet
method addParam
method removeParam
method regenSet
method addRegen
method removeRegen
attribute isDynamic
attribute isAbstract
attribute isInline
attribute isConst
attribute _paramSet
attribute _regenSet
constructor CppMethod {class this cl access type} {
set this [CppClFeature::constructor $class $this $cl $access $type]
$this _paramSet [List new]
$this _regenSet [List new]
# Start constructor user section
$this isInline 0
$this isConst 0
$this isDynamic 0
$this isAbstract 0
# End constructor user section
return $this
method CppMethod::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
$this CppClFeature::destructor
method CppMethod::subGenerate {this fileT section} {
m4_fatal $F_ABSTRACT "CppMethod::subGenerate"
method CppMethod::generate {this sections} {
if { [$this access] != "None" } {
set hdrSect [$sections getSection "[$this getCategory hdr]"]
set hdrInclSect [$sections getSection "hdr-incl"]
if { $hdrSect == "" } {
m4_fatal $F_NOCATEGORY [$this getCategory hdr]
$this subGenerate "hdr" $hdrSect
set cppSect [$sections getSection "[$this getCategory cpp]"]
set cppInclSect [$sections getSection "cpp-incl"]
if { $cppSect == "" } {
m4_fatal $F_NOCATEGORY [$this getCategory cpp]
$this subGenerate "cpp" $cppSect
$cppSect append "\n"
method CppMethod::getCategory {this fileT} {
m4_fatal $F_ABSTRACT "CppMethod::getCategory"
return "${fileT}-user-defined-public"
method CppMethod::genSignature {this fileT section} {
set mthdName ""
if {$fileT == "cpp"} {
set mthdName "${mthdName}[[$this cl] getName]::"
set mthdName "${mthdName}[$this getName]"
if {([$this isDynamic] || [$this isAbstract]) && ($fileT == "hdr" || $fileT == "va")} {
$section append "virtual "
if {[$this isInline] && $fileT == "cpp" } {
$section append "inline "
if {[$this type] == "" || [$this isA CppConstructor] ||
[$this isA CppDestructor] ||
(([$this getName]==[[$this cl] getName]) && [[$this type] isStatic]) } {
$section append $mthdName
} else {
if [[$this type] isArray] {
# Arrays become pointers when returned
[$this type] isArray 0
[$this type] isPointer 1
[$this type] isConst 1
set mthdName ""
if {$fileT == "cpp"} {
set mthdName "${mthdName}[[$this cl] getName]::"
set mthdName "${mthdName}[$this getName]"
[$this type] generate $mthdName $section \
$fileT [$this cl]
$section append "("
[$this paramSet] foreach param {
$param generate $fileT $section
if {$fileT == "hdr"} {
$section append ")"
if [$this isConst] {
$section append " const"
if [$this isAbstract] {
$section append " = 0"
$section append ";\n"
} else {
$section append ")"
if [$this isConst] {
$section append " const"
method CppMethod::genRegenCode {this section} {
if {[[$this regenSet] empty] && ([$this name] != "")} {
$section append "// !! Implement this function !!\n"
set name [$this name]
if [string match operator* $name] {
set name "operator"
$section append "int ${name}_is_not_yet_implemented;\n"
} else {
$section indent -
[$this regenSet] foreach regen {
$section appendSect $regen
$section indent +
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
method CppMethod::paramSet {this} {
return [$this _paramSet]
method CppMethod::addParam {this newParam} {
[$this _paramSet] append $newParam
$newParam _method $this
method CppMethod::removeParam {this oldParam} {
$oldParam _method ""
[$this _paramSet] removeValue $oldParam
method CppMethod::regenSet {this} {
return [$this _regenSet]
method CppMethod::addRegen {this newRegen} {
[$this _regenSet] append $newRegen
$newRegen _method $this
method CppMethod::removeRegen {this oldRegen} {
$oldRegen _method ""
[$this _regenSet] removeValue $oldRegen
# File: @(#)cppusermet.tcl /main/titanic/5
# Start user added include file section
# End user added include file section
Class CppUserMethod : {CppMethod} {
method destructor
method getName
method subGenerate
method getCategory
constructor CppUserMethod {class this cl access type} {
set this [CppMethod::constructor $class $this $cl $access $type]
# Start constructor user section
# End constructor user section
return $this
method CppUserMethod::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
$this CppMethod::destructor
method CppUserMethod::getName {this} {
if {([$this name]=="create") && [[$this type] isStatic]} {
return [[$this cl] getName]
} else {
return [$this name]
method CppUserMethod::subGenerate {this fileT section} {
$this formatComment $section
if { $fileT == "cpp" } {
if {![$this isAbstract]} {
$this genSignature $fileT $section
$section append "\n{\n"
$section indent +
$this genRegenCode $section
$section indent -
$section append "}\n"
} else {
$this genSignature $fileT $section
method CppUserMethod::getCategory {this fileT} {
if {$fileT == "hdr"} {
return "hdr-user-defined-[string tolower [$this access]]-meth"
} else {
if [$this isInline] {
return "hdr-impl"
return "cpp-impl"
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
# File: @(#)cppdefinit.tcl /main/titanic/10
# Start user added include file section
require "caynutil.tcl"
# End user added include file section
Class CppDefinition : {CppObject} {
method destructor
method addProtectorStart
method addProtectorEnd
method addInclude
method addForward
method addExtIncl
method addHeader
method generateFwd
method generateInc
method model
method extIncludeSet
method addExtInclude
method removeExtInclude
method getIncludeSect
method setIncludeSect
method removeIncludeSect
method getObsoleteCode
method setObsoleteCode
method removeObsoleteCode
attribute hdrFileName
attribute cppFileName
attribute protector
attribute includedDefs
attribute forwardDefs
attribute isSynthetic
attribute OOPLClass
attribute _model
attribute _extIncludeSet
attribute includeSect
attribute obsoleteCode
constructor CppDefinition {class this OOPLClass model} {
set this [CppObject::constructor $class $this]
$this OOPLClass $OOPLClass
$this _model $model
[$model _definitionSet] append $this
$this _extIncludeSet [List new]
$this includeSect [Dictionary new]
$this obsoleteCode [Dictionary new]
# Start constructor user section
$this setObsoleteCode "hdr" [TextSection new]
$this setObsoleteCode "cpp" [TextSection new]
$this setIncludeSect "hdr" [TextSection new]
$this setIncludeSect "cpp" [TextSection new]
$this includedDefs [Dictionary new]
$this forwardDefs [Dictionary new]
$this isSynthetic 0
# End constructor user section
return $this
method CppDefinition::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
$this CppObject::destructor
method CppDefinition::addProtectorStart {this section} {
$section append "#ifndef [$this protector]\n"
$section append "#define [$this protector] 1\n\n"
method CppDefinition::addProtectorEnd {this section} {
$section append "#endif // [$this protector]\n"
method CppDefinition::addInclude {this forDef fileT} {
if {$forDef == $this} {
if {$fileT == "cpp"} {
[$this includedDefs] set $forDef $fileT
} else {
if {$fileT == "hdr"} {
[$this includedDefs] set $forDef $fileT
} else {
if {![[$this includedDefs] exists $forDef]} {
[$this includedDefs] set $forDef $fileT
method CppDefinition::addForward {this forDef fileT} {
if {$fileT == "hdr"} {
if {$forDef != $this} {
[$this forwardDefs] set $forDef $fileT
} else {
if {![[$this forwardDefs] exists $forDef]} {
[$this forwardDefs] set $forDef $fileT
method CppDefinition::addExtIncl {this fileName} {
if {$fileName == ""} {
[$this extIncludeSet] foreach extIncl {
if { [$extIncl fileName] == "$fileName" } {
set newExtIncl [CppExtInclude new $this]
$newExtIncl fileName "$fileName"
method CppDefinition::addHeader {this fileT section} {
if {$fileT == "hdr"} {
set filename [$this hdrFileName]
} else {
set filename [$this cppFileName]
if {$fileT == "hdr" } {
set name "h++"
} else {
set name "c++"
expandHeaderIntoSection $filename $name $section
$section append "\n"
method CppDefinition::generateFwd {this hdrSect srcSect} {
set hdrList [List new]
[$this forwardDefs] foreach forDef fileT {
if {![[$this includedDefs] exists $forDef]} {
$hdrList append "class [$forDef getName];\n\n"
} else {
if {[[$this includedDefs] set $forDef] == "cpp" } {
$hdrList append "class [$forDef getName];\n\n"
$hdrList sort
$hdrList foreach entry {
$hdrSect append $entry
method CppDefinition::generateInc {this hdrSect srcSect} {
set hdrDict [Dictionary new]
set cppDict [Dictionary new]
[$this includedDefs] foreach forDef fileT {
if {$fileT == "hdr"} {
$hdrDict set [$forDef protector] [$forDef hdrFileName]
} else {
$cppDict set [$forDef protector] [$forDef hdrFileName]
[$this extIncludeSet] foreach extIncl {
$extIncl generate $hdrSect
if {![[$this extIncludeSet] empty]} {
$hdrSect append "\n"
foreach protector [lsort [$hdrDict names]] {
set hdrFileName [$hdrDict set $protector]
$hdrSect append "#ifndef $protector\n"
$hdrSect append "#include \"$hdrFileName\"\n"
$hdrSect append "#endif\n\n"
foreach protector [lsort [$cppDict names]] {
set hdrFileName [$cppDict set $protector]
$srcSect append "#ifndef $protector\n"
$srcSect append "#include \"$hdrFileName\"\n"
$srcSect append "#endif\n\n"
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
method CppDefinition::model {this args} {
if {$args == ""} {
return [$this _model]
set ref [$this _model]
if {$ref != ""} {
[$ref _definitionSet] removeValue $this
set obj [lindex $args 0]
if {$obj != ""} {
[$obj _definitionSet] append $this
$this _model $obj
method CppDefinition::extIncludeSet {this} {
return [$this _extIncludeSet]
method CppDefinition::addExtInclude {this newExtInclude} {
[$this _extIncludeSet] append $newExtInclude
$newExtInclude _definition $this
method CppDefinition::removeExtInclude {this oldExtInclude} {
$oldExtInclude _definition ""
[$this _extIncludeSet] removeValue $oldExtInclude
method CppDefinition::getIncludeSect {this fType} {
return [[$this includeSect] set $fType]
method CppDefinition::setIncludeSect {this fType newIncludeSect} {
[$this includeSect] set $fType $newIncludeSect
method CppDefinition::removeIncludeSect {this fType} {
[$this includeSect] unset $fType
method CppDefinition::getObsoleteCode {this fType} {
return [[$this obsoleteCode] set $fType]
method CppDefinition::setObsoleteCode {this fType newObsoleteCode} {
[$this obsoleteCode] set $fType $newObsoleteCode
method CppDefinition::removeObsoleteCode {this fType} {
[$this obsoleteCode] unset $fType
# File: @(#)cpptypedef.tcl /main/titanic/7
# Start user added include file section
# End user added include file section
Class CppTypeDef : {CppDefinition} {
method destructor
method generate
attribute type
constructor CppTypeDef {class this OOPLClass model type} {
set this [CppDefinition::constructor $class $this $OOPLClass $model]
$this type $type
# Start constructor user section
# End constructor user section
return $this
method CppTypeDef::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
$this CppDefinition::destructor
method CppTypeDef::generate {this sections} {
if [$this isSynthetic] {
set hdrSect [ $sections getSection "hdr-hdr" ]
set inclSect [ $sections getSection "hdr-incl" ]
set typedSect [ $sections getSection "hdr-typedef" ]
set trailSect [ $sections getSection "hdr-trailor" ]
$this addHeader "hdr" $hdrSect
$this addProtectorStart $hdrSect
$this formatComment $typedSect
$typedSect append "typedef "
[$this type] generate [$this getName] $typedSect "hdr" $this
$typedSect append ";\n"
$this addProtectorEnd $trailSect
$this generateInc $hdrSect $hdrSect
$this generateFwd $hdrSect $hdrSect
$hdrSect append "// "
$hdrSect append ${CppConstants::startInclude}
$hdrSect append "\n"
$hdrSect appendSect [$this getIncludeSect "hdr"]
$hdrSect append "// "
$hdrSect append ${CppConstants::endInclude}
$hdrSect append "\n\n"
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
# File: @(#)cppparam.tcl /main/titanic/4
# Start user added include file section
# End user added include file section
Class CppParam : {CppObject} {
method destructor
method generate
method method
attribute defaultValue
attribute type
attribute _method
constructor CppParam {class this type method} {
set this [CppObject::constructor $class $this]
$this type $type
$this _method $method
[$method _paramSet] append $this
# Start constructor user section
# End constructor user section
return $this
method CppParam::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
$this CppObject::destructor
method CppParam::generate {this fileT section} {
set cppMeth [$this method]
set idx [ [$cppMeth paramSet] search -exact $this ]
if { $idx == -1 } {
m4_fatal $F_INTINCON "CppParam::generate"
if { $idx != 0 } {
$section append ", "
if [[$this type] isArray] {
[$this type] isArray 0
[$this type] isPointer 1
[$this type] isConst 1
[$this type] generate [$this getName] $section \
$fileT [[$this method] cl]
if {$fileT == "hdr" && [$this defaultValue] != ""} {
$section append "= [$this defaultValue]"
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
method CppParam::method {this args} {
if {$args == ""} {
return [$this _method]
set ref [$this _method]
if {$ref != ""} {
[$ref _paramSet] removeValue $this
set obj [lindex $args 0]
if {$obj != ""} {
[$obj _paramSet] append $this
$this _method $obj
# File: @(#)cppassocat.tcl /main/titanic/4
# Start user added include file section
# End user added include file section
Class CppAssocAttrib : {CppAttribute} {
method destructor
method getCategory
constructor CppAssocAttrib {class this cl access type} {
set this [CppAttribute::constructor $class $this $cl $access $type]
# Start constructor user section
# End constructor user section
return $this
method CppAssocAttrib::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
$this CppAttribute::destructor
method CppAssocAttrib::getCategory {this fileT} {
if {$fileT == "hdr"} {
return "hdr-assoc-storage-private-data"
} else {
return "cpp-static-init"
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
# File: @(#)cppgenmeth.tcl /main/titanic/5
# Start user added include file section
# End user added include file section
Class CppGenMethod : {CppMethod} {
method destructor
method genGenCode
method subGenerate
method getCategory
method genCodeSet
method addGenCode
method removeGenCode
attribute _genCodeSet
constructor CppGenMethod {class this cl access type} {
set this [CppMethod::constructor $class $this $cl $access $type]
$this _genCodeSet [List new]
# Start constructor user section
# End constructor user section
return $this
method CppGenMethod::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
$this CppMethod::destructor
method CppGenMethod::genGenCode {this section} {
[$this genCodeSet] foreach genCode {
$section appendSect $genCode
method CppGenMethod::subGenerate {this fileT section} {
$this formatComment $section
if { $fileT == "cpp" } {
if {![$this isAbstract]} {
$this genSignature $fileT $section
$section append "\n{\n"
$section indent +
$this genGenCode $section
$section indent -
$section append "}\n"
} else {
$this genSignature $fileT $section
method CppGenMethod::getCategory {this fileT} {
if {$fileT == "hdr"} {
set access [$this access]
return "hdr-special-[string tolower $access]-meth"
} else {
if [$this isInline] {
return "hdr-impl-gen"
return "cpp-impl-gen"
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
method CppGenMethod::genCodeSet {this} {
return [$this _genCodeSet]
method CppGenMethod::addGenCode {this newGenCode} {
[$this _genCodeSet] append $newGenCode
$newGenCode _method $this
method CppGenMethod::removeGenCode {this oldGenCode} {
$oldGenCode _method ""
[$this _genCodeSet] removeValue $oldGenCode
# File: @(#)cppdestruc.tcl /main/titanic/6
# Start user added include file section
# End user added include file section
Class CppDestructor : {CppGenMethod} {
method destructor
method getName
method subGenerate
method getCategory
constructor CppDestructor {class this cl access type} {
set this [CppGenMethod::constructor $class $this $cl $access $type]
# Start constructor user section
# End constructor user section
return $this
method CppDestructor::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
$this CppGenMethod::destructor
method CppDestructor::getName {this} {
return "~[[$this cl] getName]"
method CppDestructor::subGenerate {this fileT section} {
$this formatComment $section
$this genSignature $fileT $section
if { $fileT == "cpp" } {
$section append "\n{\n"
$section indent +
$section append "// "
$section append ${CppConstants::startDtor}
$section append "\n"
$this genRegenCode $section
$section append "// "
$section append ${CppConstants::endDtor}
$section append "\n"
$this genGenCode $section
$section indent -
$section append "}\n"
method CppDestructor::getCategory {this fileT} {
if {$fileT == "hdr"} {
set access [string tolower [$this access]]
if {$access == ""} {
set access "public"
return "hdr-dtor-$access"
} else {
return "cpp-dtor"
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
# File: @(#)cppenum.tcl /main/titanic/6
# Start user added include file section
# End user added include file section
Class CppEnum : {CppDefinition} {
method destructor
method generate
method itemSet
method addItem
method removeItem
attribute _itemSet
constructor CppEnum {class this OOPLClass model} {
set this [CppDefinition::constructor $class $this $OOPLClass $model]
$this _itemSet [List new]
# Start constructor user section
# End constructor user section
return $this
method CppEnum::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
$this CppDefinition::destructor
method CppEnum::generate {this sections} {
if [$this isSynthetic] {
set hdrSect [ $sections getSection "hdr-hdr" ]
set includeHdrSect [ $sections getSection "hdr-incl" ]
set enumSect [ $sections getSection "hdr-enum" ]
set trailSect [ $sections getSection "hdr-trailor" ]
$this addHeader "hdr" $hdrSect
$this addProtectorStart $hdrSect
$this formatComment $enumSect
$enumSect append "enum [$this getName] {\n"
$enumSect indent +
[$this itemSet] foreach item {
$item generate $enumSect
$enumSect append "\n"
$enumSect indent -
$enumSect append "};\n"
$this addProtectorEnd $trailSect
$this generateInc $hdrSect $hdrSect
$this generateFwd $hdrSect $hdrSect
$hdrSect append "// "
$hdrSect append ${CppConstants::startInclude}
$hdrSect append "\n"
$hdrSect appendSect [$this getIncludeSect "hdr"]
$hdrSect append "// "
$hdrSect append ${CppConstants::endInclude}
$hdrSect append "\n\n"
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
method CppEnum::itemSet {this} {
return [$this _itemSet]
method CppEnum::addItem {this newItem} {
[$this _itemSet] append $newItem
$newItem _enum $this
method CppEnum::removeItem {this oldItem} {
$oldItem _enum ""
[$this _itemSet] removeValue $oldItem
# File: @(#)cppconstru.tcl /main/titanic/5
# Start user added include file section
# End user added include file section
Class CppConstructor : {CppGenMethod} {
method destructor
method getName
method subGenerate
method getCategory
method initializerSet
method addInitializer
method removeInitializer
attribute _initializerSet
constructor CppConstructor {class this cl access type} {
set this [CppGenMethod::constructor $class $this $cl $access $type]
$this _initializerSet [List new]
# Start constructor user section
# End constructor user section
return $this
method CppConstructor::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
$this CppGenMethod::destructor
method CppConstructor::getName {this} {
return [[$this cl] getName]
method CppConstructor::subGenerate {this fileT section} {
$this formatComment $section
$this genSignature $fileT $section
if { $fileT == "cpp" } {
[$this initializerSet] foreach init {
$init generate $section
$section append "\n{\n"
$section indent +
$this genGenCode $section
$section append "// "
$section append ${CppConstants::startCtor}
$section append "\n"
$this genRegenCode $section
$section append "// "
$section append ${CppConstants::endCtor}
$section append "\n"
$section indent -
$section append "}\n"
method CppConstructor::getCategory {this fileT} {
if {$fileT == "cpp"} {
if [$this isInline] {
m4_warning $W_INLINECTOR
$this isInline 0
return "cpp-ctor"
} else {
set access [string tolower [$this access]]
if {$access == ""} {
set access "public"
return "hdr-ctor-$access"
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
method CppConstructor::initializerSet {this} {
return [$this _initializerSet]
method CppConstructor::addInitializer {this newInitializer} {
[$this _initializerSet] append $newInitializer
$newInitializer _ctor $this
method CppConstructor::removeInitializer {this oldInitializer} {
$oldInitializer _ctor ""
[$this _initializerSet] removeValue $oldInitializer
# File: @(#)cppnestedt.tcl /main/titanic/2
# Start user added include file section
# End user added include file section
Class CppNestedTypeDef : {CppClFeature} {
method destructor
method generate
constructor CppNestedTypeDef {class this cl access type} {
set this [CppClFeature::constructor $class $this $cl $access $type]
# Start constructor user section
# End constructor user section
return $this
method CppNestedTypeDef::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
$this CppClFeature::destructor
method CppNestedTypeDef::generate {this sections} {
set access [string tolower [$this access]]
if {$access == ""} {
set access "public"
set typedSect [ $sections getSection "hdr-typedef-$access" ]
$this formatComment $typedSect
$typedSect append "typedef "
[$this type] generate [$this getName] $typedSect "hdr" [$this cl]
$typedSect append ";\n"
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
# File: @(#)cppaccmeth.tcl /main/titanic/6
# Start user added include file section
# End user added include file section
Class CppAccMethod : {CppGenMethod} {
method destructor
method subGenerate
method getCategory
method getMethodName
method belongsTo
attribute kind
attribute _belongsTo
constructor CppAccMethod {class this cl access type belongsTo} {
set this [CppGenMethod::constructor $class $this $cl $access $type]
$this _belongsTo $belongsTo
[$belongsTo _accMethodSet] append $this
# Start constructor user section
# End constructor user section
return $this
method CppAccMethod::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
$this CppGenMethod::destructor
method CppAccMethod::subGenerate {this fileT section} {
$this formatComment $section
$this genSignature $fileT $section
if { $fileT == "cpp" } {
$section append "\n{\n"
$section indent +
$this genGenCode $section
$section indent -
$section append "}\n"
method CppAccMethod::getCategory {this fileT} {
if {$fileT == "hdr"} {
set access [$this access]
if [[$this belongsTo] isA CppAssocAttrib] {
return "hdr-assoc-access-[string tolower $access]"
} else {
return "hdr-attrib-access-[string tolower $access]"
} else {
if [$this isInline] {
return "hdr-impl-gen"
return "cpp-impl-gen"
method CppAccMethod::getMethodName {this kind name} {
set firstUp [string toupper [string range $name 0 0]]
set uName "${firstUp}[string range $name 1 end]"
switch $kind {
attrib-get {
set fullName "get${uName}"
attrib-set {
set fullName "set${uName}"
assoc-get {
set fullName "get${uName}"
assoc-get-set {
set fullName "get${uName}Set"
assoc-set {
set fullName "set${uName}"
assoc-add {
set fullName "add${uName}"
assoc-remove {
set fullName "remove${uName}"
default {
puts stderr "Unknown kind: $kind, $name"
set fullName "$name"
return $fullName
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
method CppAccMethod::belongsTo {this args} {
if {$args == ""} {
return [$this _belongsTo]
set ref [$this _belongsTo]
if {$ref != ""} {
[$ref _accMethodSet] removeValue $this
set obj [lindex $args 0]
if {$obj != ""} {
[$obj _accMethodSet] append $this
$this _belongsTo $obj
# File: @(#)cppenumite.tcl /main/titanic/3
# Start user added include file section
# End user added include file section
Class CppEnumItem : {CppObject} {
method destructor
method generate
method enum
attribute item
attribute value
attribute _enum
constructor CppEnumItem {class this enum} {
set this [CppObject::constructor $class $this]
$this _enum $enum
[$enum _itemSet] append $this
# Start constructor user section
# End constructor user section
return $this
method CppEnumItem::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
$this CppObject::destructor
method CppEnumItem::generate {this section} {
set cppEnum [$this enum]
set idx [ [$cppEnum itemSet] search -exact $this ]
if { $idx == -1 } {
m4_fatal $F_INTINCON "CppEnumItem::generate"
if { $idx != 0 } {
set comma ",\n"
} else {
set comma ""
if { [ string length [$this value] ] > 0 } {
$section append "${comma}[$this item] = [$this value]"
} else {
$section append "${comma}[$this item]"
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
method CppEnumItem::enum {this args} {
if {$args == ""} {
return [$this _enum]
set ref [$this _enum]
if {$ref != ""} {
[$ref _itemSet] removeValue $this
set obj [lindex $args 0]
if {$obj != ""} {
[$obj _itemSet] append $this
$this _enum $obj
# File: @(#)cppuseratt.tcl /main/titanic/6
# Start user added include file section
# End user added include file section
Class CppUserAttrib : {CppAttribute} {
method destructor
method getCategory
constructor CppUserAttrib {class this cl access type} {
set this [CppAttribute::constructor $class $this $cl $access $type]
# Start constructor user section
# End constructor user section
return $this
method CppUserAttrib::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
$this CppAttribute::destructor
method CppUserAttrib::getCategory {this fileT} {
if {$fileT == "hdr"} {
set access [string tolower [$this access]]
return "hdr-user-defined-$access-data"
} else {
return "cpp-static-init"
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
# File: @(#)cppderived.tcl /main/titanic/3
# Start user added include file section
# End user added include file section
Class CppDerivedAttrib : {CppAttribute} {
method destructor
method getCategory
constructor CppDerivedAttrib {class this cl access type} {
set this [CppAttribute::constructor $class $this $cl $access $type]
# Start constructor user section
# End constructor user section
return $this
method CppDerivedAttrib::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
$this CppAttribute::destructor
method CppDerivedAttrib::getCategory {this fileT} {
return "${fileT}-user-defined-private-data"
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
# File: @(#)cppclass.tcl /main/titanic/9
# Start user added include file section
# End user added include file section
Class CppClass : {CppDefinition} {
method destructor
method addFriendClass
method generate
method friendSet
method addFriend
method removeFriend
method genSet
method addGen
method removeGen
method featureSet
method addFeature
method removeFeature
attribute _friendSet
attribute _genSet
attribute _featureSet
constructor CppClass {class this OOPLClass model} {
set this [CppDefinition::constructor $class $this $OOPLClass $model]
$this _friendSet [List new]
$this _genSet [List new]
$this _featureSet [List new]
# Start constructor user section
$this name [$OOPLClass getName]
# End constructor user section
return $this
method CppClass::destructor {this} {
# Start destructor user section
# End destructor user section
$this CppDefinition::destructor
method CppClass::addFriendClass {this friend} {
[$this friendSet] foreach fr {
if {$friend == [$fr cl]} {
return $fr
set fr [CppFriend new $friend]
$this addFriend $fr
return $fr
method CppClass::generate {this sections} {
if [$this isSynthetic] {
set hdrHdrSect [ $sections getSection "hdr-hdr" ]
set hdrCppSect [ $sections getSection "cpp-hdr" ]
set includeHdrSect [ $sections getSection "hdr-incl" ]
set includeCppSect [ $sections getSection "cpp-incl" ]
set classHeadSect [ $sections getSection "hdr-class-head" ]
set classTailSect [ $sections getSection "hdr-class-tail" ]
set trailSect [ $sections getSection "hdr-trailor" ]
set obsoleteHdrSect [ $sections getSection "hdr-impl" ]
set obsoleteCppSect [ $sections getSection "cpp-impl" ]
$this addHeader "hdr" $hdrHdrSect
$this addHeader "cpp" $hdrCppSect
$this addInclude $this "cpp"
$this addProtectorStart $hdrHdrSect
$this formatComment $classHeadSect
$classHeadSect append "class [$this getName]"
set first 1
[$this genSet] foreach gen {
if {$first} {
set first 0
$classHeadSect append ": "
} else {
$classHeadSect append ", "
$gen generate $classHeadSect
$classHeadSect append " {\n"
$classHeadSect indent +
[$this friendSet] foreach friend {
$friend generate $classHeadSect
$classHeadSect indent -
[$this featureSet] foreach feature {
$feature generate $sections
if {[[$this getObsoleteCode "hdr"] contents] != ""} {
m4_warning $W_GENOCODE ${CppConstants::obsoleteCode} [$this hdrFileName]
$obsoleteHdrSect append "#ifdef "
$obsoleteHdrSect append ${CppConstants::obsoleteCode}
$obsoleteHdrSect append "\n\n"
$obsoleteHdrSect appendSect [$this getObsoleteCode "hdr"]
$obsoleteHdrSect append "#endif // "
$obsoleteHdrSect append ${CppConstants::obsoleteCode}
$obsoleteHdrSect append "\n"
if {[[$this getObsoleteCode "cpp"] contents] != ""} {
m4_warning $W_GENOCODE ${CppConstants::obsoleteCode} [$this cppFileName]
$obsoleteCppSect append "#ifdef "
$obsoleteCppSect append ${CppConstants::obsoleteCode}
$obsoleteCppSect append "\n\n"
$obsoleteCppSect appendSect [$this getObsoleteCode "cpp"]
$obsoleteCppSect append "#endif // "
$obsoleteCppSect append ${CppConstants::obsoleteCode}
$obsoleteCppSect append "\n"
$classTailSect append "};\n"
$this addProtectorEnd $trailSect
$this generateInc $hdrHdrSect $hdrCppSect
$this generateFwd $hdrHdrSect $hdrCppSect
$hdrCppSect append "// "
$hdrCppSect append ${CppConstants::startInclude}
$hdrCppSect append "\n"
$hdrCppSect appendSect [$this getIncludeSect "cpp"]
$hdrCppSect append "// "
$hdrCppSect append ${CppConstants::endInclude}
$hdrCppSect append "\n\n"
$hdrHdrSect append "// "
$hdrHdrSect append ${CppConstants::startInclude}
$hdrHdrSect append "\n"
$hdrHdrSect appendSect [$this getIncludeSect "hdr"]
$hdrHdrSect append "// "
$hdrHdrSect append ${CppConstants::endInclude}
$hdrHdrSect append "\n"
# Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
method CppClass::friendSet {this} {
return [$this _friendSet]
method CppClass::addFriend {this newFriend} {
[$this _friendSet] append $newFriend
$newFriend _friendOf $this
method CppClass::removeFriend {this oldFriend} {
$oldFriend _friendOf ""
[$this _friendSet] removeValue $oldFriend
method CppClass::genSet {this} {
return [$this _genSet]
method CppClass::addGen {this newGen} {
[$this _genSet] append $newGen
$newGen _subcl $this
method CppClass::removeGen {this oldGen} {
$oldGen _subcl ""
[$this _genSet] removeValue $oldGen
method CppClass::featureSet {this} {
return [$this _featureSet]
method CppClass::addFeature {this newFeature} {
[$this _featureSet] append $newFeature
$newFeature _cl $this
method CppClass::removeFeature {this oldFeature} {
$oldFeature _cl ""
[$this _featureSet] removeValue $oldFeature