home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #
- # (c) Cayenne Software Inc. 1997
- #
- # File: @(#)config_examples.tcl /main/titanic/4
- # Author:
- # Description:
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # SccsId = @(#)config_examples.tcl /main/titanic/4 28 Oct 1997 Copyright 1997 Cayenne Software Inc.
- source [m4_path_name tcl cginit.tcl]
- require wmt_util.tcl
- require machdep.tcl
- proc getBrowserType {fileType} {
- global fstorage::custObjHandler
- set custObjHandler ${fstorage::custObjHandler}
- if {$custObjHandler == ""} {
- set modHandler [ModuleHandler new]
- $modHandler setCurrentContext
- set custObjHandler [CustObjHandler new $modHandler]
- set fstorage::custObjHandler $custObjHandler
- $custObjHandler setCurrentContext
- }
- set objSpecSet [$custObjHandler currentObjectSpecSet]
- foreach objSpec $objSpecSet {
- if {([$objSpec fsExtension] == $fileType) &&
- ([$objSpec repositoryType] == "ExternalFileVersion")} {
- return [$objSpec browserType]
- }
- set repositoryType [$objSpec repositoryType]
- }
- return ""
- }
- proc m4copydir {dir checkfile} {
- set save_dir [pwd]
- set subdir [location config $dir]
- if [catch {set cddir [m4_path_name $subdir $checkfile]}] {
- puts "could not find $checkfile in $subdir"
- return
- }
- set PhaseV [[ClientContext::global] currentPhase]
- cd [path_name directory $cddir]
- set files [glob -nocomplain *]
- set dest [location [$PhaseV path] $dir]
- if {! [file exist $dest]} {
- mkdir -path [list $dest]
- }
- foreach file $files {
- set fileName [nt_get_name $file]
- set fileType [nt_get_type $file]
- set browserType [getBrowserType $fileType]
- set fullName "$fileName.$browserType"
- if {$browserType != ""} {
- if [catch {set fd [fstorage::open $fullName w]} reason] {
- puts stderr $reason
- puts stderr "could not create $file.$fileType \($browserType\)"
- continue
- } else {
- fstorage::close $fd
- if {($browserType == "pas") || ($browserType == "txt")} {
- set uIndex [string last "Unit" $fileName]
- incr uIndex -1
- set className [string range $fileName 0 $uIndex]
- fstorage::set_imp_from $fullName $className
- }
- puts "copying $file to $dest"
- fstorage::copyFile $file phase $dir $file
- }
- } else {
- puts "copying $file to $dest"
- fstorage::copyFile $file phase $dir $file
- }
- }
- cd $save_dir
- }
- proc mkImplementation {checkfile} {
- set cc [ClientContext::global]
- set path [$cc currentLevelString]
- set configV [$cc currentConfig]
- set phaseV [$cc currentPhase]
- set nextPhaseV [$phaseV next $configV]
- if {[$nextPhaseV isNil]} {
- puts "No 'Implementation' phase available"
- return
- }
- set sysV [$cc currentSystem]
- if {![$sysV isNil]} {
- set sysName [[$sysV system] name]
- set sysV [$nextPhaseV findSystemVersion $sysName "system"]
- if {[$sysV isNil]} {
- puts "Creating system '$sysName' in 'Implementation' phase..."
- set sysV [$nextPhaseV createSystemVersion $sysName "cl" "system" $configV]
- }
- while {[$cc currentLevel] != "Config"} {
- $cc upLevel
- }
- $cc downLevelId $nextPhaseV
- $cc downLevelId $sysV
- m4copydir $sysName $checkfile
- } else {
- puts "No current system"
- return
- }
- }
- proc installExample {sysName designSrc checkfile} {
- set cc [ClientContext::global]
- set phaseV [$cc currentPhase]
- set sysV [$phaseV findSystemVersion $sysName "system"]
- if {![$sysV isNil]} {
- puts "System '$sysName' already exists: not configuring it again."
- } else {
- require "$designSrc"
- mkImplementation $checkfile
- }
- }
- puts "Start configure TicTacToe Delphi Example"
- set sysName "TicTacToe"
- set designSrc "TicTacToe.tcl"
- set checkfile "TicTacToe_CellUnit.pas"
- installExample $sysName $designSrc $checkfile
- puts "End configure TicTacToe Delphi Example"