home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #
- # (c) Cayenne Software Inc. 1997
- #
- # File: @(#)commonbrow.tcl /main/titanic/41
- # Author: <generated>
- # Description:
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # SccsId = @(#)commonbrow.tcl /main/titanic/41 17 Nov 1997 Copyright 1997 Cayenne Software Inc.
- # Start user added include file section
- require "browserobj.tcl"
- require "browserpro.tcl"
- require "browsewmta.tcl"
- require "filterhand.tcl"
- require "infoview.tcl"
- require "m4vardescr.tcl"
- require "navigation.tcl"
- require "treenode.tcl"
- # End user added include file section
- require "histwmttoo.tcl"
- Class CommonBrowser : {HistWmtTool MainWindow} {
- method destructor
- constructor
- method createInterface
- method currentObj
- method mkHistEntry
- method historyActivated
- method findTreeNode
- method addContextArea
- method updateToolBar
- method updateWmtArea
- method createPropContainers
- method releasePropContainers
- method setCurrentObj
- method getSelectedSet
- method flatView
- method treeView
- method selectionChanged
- method open
- method popUp
- method stop
- method updateTitle
- method undoCommandBusy
- method editCut
- method editCopy
- method editPaste
- method editSelAll
- method editDeselAll
- method editSelInv
- method editUndo
- method addPropContainer
- method removePropContainer
- attribute _currentObj
- attribute customLevelVersion
- attribute cutObjects
- attribute cutFileVersions
- attribute corporateObj
- attribute rootIdList
- attribute viewSelector
- attribute historyCount
- attribute opened
- # Set of selected objects in this browser.
- #
- attribute selectedSet
- # The owner of the selected objects in the browser
- # (the tree or the navigation view).
- #
- attribute selectionOwner
- attribute moduleHdlr
- attribute filterHdlr
- attribute objectHdlr
- attribute viewHdlr
- attribute menuHdlr
- attribute wmtArea
- attribute navigationView
- attribute infoView
- attribute m4VarDes
- attribute options
- attribute propContainerSet
- attribute undoCommand
- }
- method CommonBrowser::destructor {this} {
- # Start destructor user section
- if [$this opened] {
- $this saveHist desk
- $this saveToolBarPresence desk
- $this saveContextAreaPresence desk
- $this saveMessageAreaPresence desk
- }
- catch {
- if [isCommand [$this undoCommand]] {
- [$this undoCommand] delete
- }
- [$this filterHdlr] delete
- [$this menuHdlr] delete
- [$this viewHdlr] delete
- [$this objectHdlr] delete
- [$this moduleHdlr] delete
- [$this m4VarDes] delete
- [$this options] delete
- }
- # End destructor user section
- $this HistWmtTool::destructor
- }
- constructor CommonBrowser {class this name toolId} {
- set this [MainWindow::constructor $class $this $name]
- set this [HistWmtTool::constructor $class $this $name]
- $this config -historyCount 0 -opened 0
- global classCount
- set classCount 0
- global makeSelectionUpToDate
- set makeSelectionUpToDate 1
- $this m4VarDes [M4VarDescription new $this.m4VarDes]
- $this options [BrowserOptions new $this.options]
- [$this options] setContexts editor {""}
- [$this options] setContexts previewer {""}
- [$this options] setContexts viewer {""}
- $this moduleHdlr [ModuleHandler new \
- -moduleSpecSetChanged {
- set d_modules [%this deselectedModuleSpecSet]
- foreach file [%this getFiles tcl d_desk.tcl $d_modules] {
- source $file
- }
- set s_modules [%this selectedModuleSpecSet]
- foreach file [%this getFiles tcl s_desk.tcl $s_modules] {
- source $file
- }
- # clear dictionary, used in the proc module_promoter in proc.tcl
- global modulePromoterSet
- $modulePromoterSet contents ""
- } \
- ]
- global globalModuleHandler
- set globalModuleHandler [$this moduleHdlr]
- MenuBar new $this.MB
- $this menuHdlr [CustBrMenuHandler new $toolId [$this moduleHdlr]]
- $this createInterface
- eval [[$this moduleHdlr] moduleSpecSetChanged]
- $this viewHdlr [CustViewHandler new $toolId [$this moduleHdlr]]
- $this objectHdlr [CustObjHandler new [$this moduleHdlr]]
- $this filterHdlr [FilterHandler new $this.filterHdlr]
- # Check if handlers are created without errors:
- # the corporate customization files exist
- if [isCommand .main.error] {
- return $this
- }
- # Go back to corporate level and initialize the interface (toolbar)
- set clientContext [ClientContext::global]
- set levelIds [$clientContext currentLevelIdString]
- while {! [[$clientContext currentProject] isNil]} {
- $clientContext upLevel
- }
- [$this menuHdlr] setCurrentContext
- if [catch {[$this objectHdlr] setCurrentContext} msg] {
- wmtkerror $msg
- }
- if [catch {[$this viewHdlr] setCurrentContext} msg] {
- wmtkerror $msg
- }
- # Reset clientContext
- $clientContext setLevelIds $levelIds
- m4_var foreach m4var {
- if [m4_var saveStatus $m4var] {
- m4_var saveStatus $m4var 0
- }
- }
- ClassMaker::extend CustMenuPushButton HistMenuButton \
- {treeNode levelPath abbrev}
- $this loadHist desk
- return $this
- }
- method CommonBrowser::createInterface {this} {
- DlgColumn new $this.DC
- $this setContextAreaPresence desk
- interface VerSplitter $this.DC.VS {
- NavigationView navigBT {
- rowCount 5
- horStretchFactor 5
- verStretchFactor 5
- horShrinkFactor 5
- verShrinkFactor 5
- }
- InfoView infoIV {}
- }
- $this setToolBarPresence desk
- $this setMessageAreaPresence desk
- $this navigationView $this.DC.VS.navigBT
- $this infoView $this.DC.VS.infoIV
- }
- method CommonBrowser::currentObj {this {newObject ""}} {
- if {"$newObject" != ""} {
- $this _currentObj $newObject
- return
- }
- set currentObj [$this _currentObj]
- if {$makeSelectionUpToDate && "$currentObj" != ""} {
- [$currentObj browsUiObj] makeUpToDate
- }
- return $currentObj
- }
- method CommonBrowser::mkHistEntry {this levelPath mnem {treeNode ""}} {
- set latest [$this historyCount]
- incr latest
- set abbrev [HistWmtTool::abbrevLevelPath $levelPath]
- set button [$this menuBar].file.menu.his$latest
- HistMenuButton new $button \
- -label "$mnem $abbrev" -abbrev $abbrev \
- -treeNode $treeNode -levelPath $levelPath \
- -activated "$this historyActivated %this" \
- -mnemonic $mnem -hintText "Opens $levelPath."
- $this historyCount $latest
- return $button
- }
- method CommonBrowser::historyActivated {this entry} {
- if {![isCommand [$entry treeNode]]} {
- $entry treeNode [$this findTreeNode [$entry levelPath]]
- }
- if [isCommand [$entry treeNode]] {
- [$entry treeNode] open
- } else {
- InfoDialog new .main.info -message \
- "[$entry levelPath]:\n does not exist"
- .main.info popUp
- $this removeHistory $entry
- $this renumberHist
- $entry delete
- }
- }
- method CommonBrowser::findTreeNode {this levelPath} {
- set treeNode ""
- append levelPath "/"
- for {set count 0; set slash [string first "/" $levelPath]} \
- {$slash >= 0} \
- {incr count; set slash [string first "/" $levelPath]} {
- if {$slash != 0} {
- set level [string range $levelPath 0 [expr $slash - 1]]
- if {"$treeNode" == ""} {
- set childSet [[$this treeView] rootSet]
- } else {
- $treeNode appendChildren
- set childSet [$treeNode childSet]
- }
- set found 0
- foreach childNode $childSet {
- set childObj [$childNode browsUiObj]
- if {!([$childObj isA CustomLevelVersion] ||
- [$childObj isA FileVersion])} continue
- set childLabel [$childObj getInfo Name]
- case $count in {
- 3 {
- # ConfigVersion
- append childLabel ":[$childObj getInfo Version]"
- }
- {4 6} {
- # PhaseVersion or FileVersion
- append childLabel ".[$childObj getInfo Type]"
- }
- 5 {
- # SystemVersion
- append childLabel ".[[$childObj system] type]"
- }
- }
- if {"$level" == "$childLabel"} {
- set found 1
- break
- }
- }
- if {!$found} break
- set treeNode $childNode
- }
- set levelPath [string range $levelPath [expr $slash + 1] end]
- }
- if {"$levelPath" == ""} {
- return $treeNode
- }
- return ""
- }
- method CommonBrowser::addContextArea {this} {
- $this wmtArea [BrowseWmtArea new $this.DC.WA]
- }
- method CommonBrowser::updateToolBar {this} {
- if [catch {[$this menuHdlr] setCurrentContext} errorMsg] {
- if [info exists errorInfo] {
- set errorInfoCopy $errorInfo
- } else {
- set errorInfoCopy ""
- }
- if [info exists errorCode] {
- set errorCodeCopy $errorCode
- } else {
- set errorCodeCopy ""
- }
- resetErrorVars
- } else {
- set errorMsg ""
- }
- [$this infoView] updateToolBarEntries
- if {"$errorMsg" != ""} {
- global errorInfo errorCode
- set errorInfo $errorInfoCopy
- set errorCode $errorCodeCopy
- wmtkerror $errorMsg
- }
- }
- method CommonBrowser::updateWmtArea {this} {
- if {! [isCommand [$this wmtArea]]} {
- return
- }
- [$this wmtArea] updateContextInfo
- [$this wmtArea] updateViewInfo
- [$this wmtArea] updateFilterIndicator
- }
- method CommonBrowser::createPropContainers {this edit} {
- require "propstruct.tcl"
- require "wbpropcont.tcl"
- set selectedObjSet [$this selectedObjSet]
- if [lempty $selectedObjSet] {
- return
- }
- set maxNameLength 0
- set propStructList [List new]
- foreach obj $selectedObjSet {
- set objType [$obj browserType]
- set phaseType ""
- set phaseV [$obj getParent PhaseVersion]
- if {"$phaseV" != ""} {
- set phaseType [[$phaseV phase] type]
- }
- PropLocation new .propLocation \
- -containerKind [$obj uiClass] \
- -containerType $objType \
- -phaseType $phaseType
- set compPropDefs [[$this propKnowledgeDB] definitions .propLocation]
- if {[llength $compPropDefs] == 0} {
- .propLocation delete
- continue
- }
- set objName [$obj getInfo Name]
- set objNameLength [string length $objName]
- if {$objNameLength > $maxNameLength} {
- set maxNameLength $objNameLength
- }
- $propStructList append [PropStruct new \
- -name $objName \
- -type $objType \
- -component $obj \
- -containerKey [.propLocation asString] \
- -compPropDefs $compPropDefs]
- .propLocation delete
- }
- set formatString "%-*.*s %s"
- set cntList [List new]
- $propStructList foreach propStruct {
- set pres [format $formatString $maxNameLength $maxNameLength \
- [$propStruct name] [$propStruct type]]
- set cnt [WbPropContainer new \
- -editable $edit \
- -propertyKey [$propStruct containerKey] \
- -propertyPresentation $pres \
- -propHolder [$propStruct component]]
- foreach propDef [$propStruct compPropDefs] {
- $cnt addPropDefinition $propDef
- }
- $cntList append $cnt
- }
- $this propContainerSet $cntList
- }
- method CommonBrowser::releasePropContainers {this} {
- # empty
- }
- method CommonBrowser::setCurrentObj {this newObject} {
- set errorStack ""
- if {! [isCommand $newObject]} {
- set rootObject [lindex [[$this treeView] rootSet] 0]
- if {! [isCommand $rootObject]} {
- return $errorStack
- }
- set newObject $rootObject
- }
- set currentObj [$this currentObj]
- if {$currentObj == $newObject} {
- return $errorStack
- }
- if {[isCommand $currentObj] &&
- [$currentObj browsUiObj] == [$newObject browsUiObj]} {
- $this currentObj $newObject
- $this updateView
- return $errorStack
- }
- $this currentObj $newObject
- set customLevelVersion [$newObject browsUiObj]
- if {! [$customLevelVersion isA CustomLevelVersion]} {
- set customLevelVersion [$newObject getParent CustomLevelVersion]
- }
- $this customLevelVersion $customLevelVersion
- # adjust title
- $this updateTitle
- # adjust parent and treeNode associations
- for {set treeNode $newObject} \
- {"$treeNode" != ""} \
- {set treeNode [$treeNode parent]} {
- [$treeNode browsUiObj] treeNode $treeNode
- if [isCommand [$treeNode parent]] {
- [$treeNode browsUiObj] parent [[$treeNode parent] browsUiObj]
- }
- }
- # adjust the current client context
- set levelPath ""
- set levelObj ""
- for {set contextlvl [$newObject browsUiObj]} \
- {"$contextlvl" != ""} \
- {set contextlvl [$contextlvl parent]} {
- if {! ([$contextlvl isA CustomLevelVersion] ||
- ([$contextlvl isA FileVersion] &&
- [$contextlvl getParent CorporateGroupVersion] == ""))} continue
- if {"$levelObj" == ""} {
- set levelObj $contextlvl
- }
- set levelPath "/[$contextlvl identity]$levelPath"
- }
- if {"$levelPath" == "" &&
- [isCommand [$this corporateObj]] &&
- (! [[$this corporateObj] isNil])} {
- set levelPath "/[[$this corporateObj] identity]"
- }
- set clientContext [ClientContext::global]
- if {"$levelPath" != "[$clientContext currentLevelIdString]"} {
- $clientContext setLevelIds $levelPath
- }
- # remove undoCommand if no longer valid
- if {[isCommand [$this undoCommand]] &&
- (! [[$this undoCommand] validAfterLevelChange])} {
- [$this undoCommand] delete
- }
- # adjust the list of selected modules
- [$this moduleHdlr] setCurrentContext
- # read phases file
- if [catch {getPhases} msg] {
- append errorStack "$msg\n"
- resetErrorVars
- }
- # adjust the viewspec list
- if [catch {[$this viewHdlr] setCurrentContext} msg] {
- append errorStack "$msg\n"
- resetErrorVars
- }
- # adjust the objectspec list
- if [catch {[$this objectHdlr] setCurrentContext} msg] {
- append errorStack "$msg\n"
- resetErrorVars
- }
- # retrieve the possible file types
- getFileTypes [$this objectHdlr]
- # change the view
- [$this infoView] setCurrentObj $newObject
- # adjust the menu structure to the new situation,
- if [catch {[$this menuHdlr] setCurrentContext} msg] {
- append errorStack "$msg\n"
- resetErrorVars
- }
- $this selectionChanged 1
- if [isCommand [$this viewSelector]] {
- [$this viewHdlr] adjustViewMenu \
- "[[$newObject browsUiObj] uiClass]" \
- "[[$newObject browsUiObj] browserType]"
- }
- # adjust the toolBar
- [$this infoView] updateToolBarEntries
- checkModuleWarnings
- return $errorStack
- }
- method CommonBrowser::getSelectedSet {this} {
- return [[[$this infoView] area] selectedSet]
- }
- method CommonBrowser::flatView {this} {
- return [[$this infoView] area]
- }
- method CommonBrowser::treeView {this} {
- return [$this navigationView]
- }
- method CommonBrowser::selectionChanged {this} {
- # determine selection owner
- set treeSelection [[$this treeView] selected]
- if [llength $treeSelection] {
- $this selectionOwner [$this treeView]
- } else {
- $this selectionOwner [$this flatView]
- }
- $this selectedSet [concat $treeSelection \
- [[.main flatView] selectedSet]]
- # walk throught the menu structure to determine
- # if the menus must be enabled/disabled
- global makeSelectionUpToDate
- set makeSelectionUpToDate 0
- [$this menuHdlr] selectionChanged
- set makeSelectionUpToDate 1
- }
- method CommonBrowser::open {this} {
- if [$this opened] return
- $this opened 1
- set id 0
- foreach rootId [$this rootIdList] {
- set rootObj [[lindex $rootId 0] new [lindex $rootId 1]]
- set node [TreeNode new [$this navigationView].node$id $rootObj]
- BrowserProcs::initializeInfo $rootObj $node
- incr id 1
- }
- # trigger the selectionChange of the menuHandler, to be sure
- # that the menu entries are enabled/disabled correctly
- if [isCommand [$this undoButton]] {
- [$this undoButton] sensitive 0
- }
- $this selectionChanged
- }
- method CommonBrowser::popUp {this} {
- $this MainWindow::popUp
- $this ready
- $this cursor DEFAULT
- }
- method CommonBrowser::stop {this} {
- [[$this infoView] fastViewHandler] checkView [$this infoView]
- [[$this infoView] fastViewHandler] saveObjects
- if {! [$this watchdogBusy]} {
- $this WmtTool::stop
- }
- }
- method CommonBrowser::updateTitle {this} {
- set currentObj [$this currentObj]
- set title [$this title]
- set hyphen [string first "-" $title]
- if {$hyphen < 0} {
- append title " -"
- } else {
- set title [string range $title 0 $hyphen]
- }
- set iconTitle [[$currentObj browsUiObj] getInfo Name]
- append title " $iconTitle"
- $this config \
- -title $title \
- -iconTitle $iconTitle
- }
- method CommonBrowser::undoCommandBusy {this {type UndoCommand}} {
- set cmd [$this undoCommand]
- if {[isCommand $cmd] && [$cmd isA $type] && [$cmd busy]} {
- return 1
- }
- return 0
- }
- method CommonBrowser::editCut {this} {
- if [isCommand [$this undoCommand]] {
- [$this undoCommand] delete
- }
- busy {
- # reset previous cutState
- foreach object [$this cutObjects] {
- if [isCommand $object] {
- $object cutState 0
- }
- }
- # save old conversion sets and changed BROWSUIOBJ to CUT_BROWSUIOBJ
- # to force cut operation
- set conversionSet(0) [[.main flatView] conversionSet]
- [.main flatView] conversionSet "CUT_BROWSUIOBJ contextList"
- foreach object [$this selectedSet] {
- set conversionSet($object) [$object conversionSet]
- $object conversionSet "CUT_BROWSUIOBJ contextList"
- }
- # save cut objects so cut state can be reset later
- $this cutObjects [$this selectedSet]
- set cutFileVersions ""
- foreach object [$this cutObjects] {
- if [[$object browsUiObj] isA FileVersion] {
- lappend cutFileVersions [$object browsUiObj]
- }
- }
- $this cutFileVersions $cutFileVersions
- [$this selectionOwner] setClipboardValue
- [.main flatView] conversionSet $conversionSet(0)
- foreach object [$this selectedSet] {
- # set current cutState
- $object conversionSet $conversionSet($object)
- $object cutState 1
- }
- }
- }
- method CommonBrowser::editCopy {this} {
- if [isCommand [$this undoCommand]] {
- [$this undoCommand] delete
- }
- busy {
- [$this selectionOwner] setClipboardValue
- }
- }
- method CommonBrowser::editPaste {this} {
- if [isCommand [$this undoCommand]] {
- [$this undoCommand] delete
- }
- require "editpastec.tcl"
- global classCount
- $this undoCommand [EditPasteCmd new editPasteCmd$classCount]
- incr classCount
- [$this undoCommand] do
- # Cleanup when clipboard is empty
- if {[isCommand [$this undoCommand]]} {
- if { [[$this undoCommand] currentObj] == ""} {
- [$this undoCommand] delete
- } else {
- [[$this undoCommand] currentObj] cutState 0
- }
- }
- }
- method CommonBrowser::editSelAll {this} {
- if [isCommand [$this undoCommand]] {
- [$this undoCommand] delete
- }
- require "editselall.tcl"
- global classCount
- $this undoCommand [EditSelAllCmd new editSelAllCmd$classCount]
- incr classCount
- [$this undoCommand] do
- }
- method CommonBrowser::editDeselAll {this} {
- if [isCommand [$this undoCommand]] {
- [$this undoCommand] delete
- }
- require "editdesela.tcl"
- global classCount
- $this undoCommand [EditDeselAllCmd new editDeselAllCmd$classCount]
- incr classCount
- [$this undoCommand] do
- }
- method CommonBrowser::editSelInv {this} {
- if [isCommand [$this undoCommand]] {
- [$this undoCommand] delete
- }
- require "editselinv.tcl"
- global classCount
- $this undoCommand [EditSelInvCmd new editSelInvCmd$classCount]
- incr classCount
- [$this undoCommand] do
- }
- method CommonBrowser::editUndo {this} {
- if [isCommand [$this undoCommand]] {
- [$this undoCommand] toggleUndo
- }
- }
- # Do not delete this line -- regeneration end marker
- method CommonBrowser::addPropContainer {this newPropContainer} {
- [$this propContainerSet] append $newPropContainer
- }
- method CommonBrowser::removePropContainer {this oldPropContainer} {
- [$this propContainerSet] removeValue $oldPropContainer
- }