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- ###########################################################################
- ##
- ## Copyright (c) 1996 by Cadre Technologies Inc.
- ##
- ## This software is furnished under a license and may be used only in
- ## accordance with the terms of such license and with the inclusion of
- ## the above copyright notice. This software or any other copies thereof
- ## may not be provided or otherwise made available to any other person.
- ## No title to and ownership of the software is hereby transferred.
- ##
- ## The information in this software is subject to change without notice
- ## and should not be construed as a commitment by Cadre Technologies Inc.
- ## or Scientific Toolworks Inc.
- ##
- ###########################################################################
- proc find_ada95_file_types {} {
- global ada95_spec_type
- global ada95_body_type
- global ada95_sep_type
- set ada95_spec_type "ada_spec"
- set ada95_body_type "ada_body"
- set ada95_sep_type "ada_subunit"
- }
- proc ada95_echo {s} {
- # puts stdout $s
- }
- proc echo {s} {
- # puts stdout $s
- }
- proc add_incl_stmnt {type sect} {
- global link_incl_list
- if {[lsearch $link_incl_list $type] == -1} {
- section append $sect "with ${type};\n"
- lappend link_incl_list $type
- }
- }
- proc add_incl_stmnt_force {type sect} {
- #HM Added this procedure to force withs for association classes
- section append $sect "with ${type};\n"
- }
- #
- # Return a class name in child syntax
- #
- proc get_full_class_name {class} {
- set res_class_name [get_name $class]
- set syntax [get_child_syntax $class]
- if {$syntax == "" || $syntax == "True"} {
- set cur_class $class
- set cur_parents [get_super_classes $cur_class]
- while { ! [lempty $cur_parents]} {
- set cur_parent [get_super_class [lindex $cur_parents 0]]
- set new_name [get_name $cur_parent]
- append new_name "."
- append new_name $res_class_name
- set res_class_name $new_name
- set cur_class $cur_parent
- set cur_parents [get_super_classes $cur_class]
- }
- # if {[get_controlled_type $cur_class] == "Controlled" ||
- # [get_controlled_type $cur_class] == "Limited Controlled"} {
- # set new_name "Ada.Finalization."
- # append new_name $res_class_name
- # set res_class_name $new_name
- # }
- }
- return $res_class_name
- }
- proc get_ada95_super_classes {class} {
- set supers [get_super_classes $class]
- if { ! [lempty $supers]} {
- return $supers
- }
- if {[get_controlled_type $class] == "Controlled" ||
- [get_controlled_type $class] == "Limited Controlled"} {
- return "Ada.Finalization"
- }
- return ""
- }
- proc get_g_handle_name {type_name} {
- global cur_model
- set p_class [ $cur_model classByName $type_name ]
- if {$p_class == ""} {
- set ind [string last "." $type_name]
- if { $ind == 0 } {
- return $g_handle_name
- }
- incr ind
- set new_name [string range $type_name $ind end]
- set p_class [ $cur_model classByName $new_name ]
- if {$p_class == ""} {
- return $g_handle_name
- }
- }
- if {[get_sub_classes $p_class] != ""} {
- return Class_$g_handle_name
- }
- return $g_handle_name
- }
- proc incr_component_count {} {
- global g_component_count
- incr g_component_count 1
- }