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- /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1993 by Westmount Technology B.V., Delft, The Netherlands.
- *
- * This software is furnished under a license and may be used only in
- * accordance with the terms of such license and with the inclusion of
- * the above copyright notice. This software or any other copies thereof
- * may not be provided or otherwise made available to any other person.
- * No title to and ownership of the software is hereby transferred.
- *
- * The information in this software is subject to change without notice
- * and should not be construed as a commitment by Westmount Technology B.V.
- *
- *---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * File : @(#)PtrDict.cxx /main/titanic/1
- * Author : frmo
- * Original date : 26-2-1993
- * Description : PtrDict (A map of key-value pairs),
- * value is a pointer
- *
- *---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- static const char SccsId[]="@(#)PtrDict.cxx /main/titanic/1 12 Sep 1996 Copyright 1993 Westmount Technology";
- #ifndef PTRDICT_HXX
- #include "PtrDict.hxx"
- #endif
- // Specialized DictSlot used as a search key only
- class DictKey: public DictSlot {
- public:
- DictKey(const Hashable &key) : DictSlot((Hashable *) &key, 0) {}
- };
- DictSlot::~DictSlot()
- {
- }
- unsigned DictSlot::hash() const
- {
- return key->hash();
- }
- int DictSlot::isEqual(const Hashable &other) const
- {
- const DictSlot &otherSlot = (const DictSlot &)other;
- return key->isEqual(*otherSlot.key);
- }
- void GenPtrDict::set(Hashable *key, void *value)
- {
- DictSlot *slot = new DictSlot(key, value);
- DictSlot *existing = DictSlotTbl::find(*slot);
- if (existing) {
- delete key;
- delete slot;
- existing->setValue(value);
- } else
- DictSlotTbl::add(*slot);
- }
- void *GenPtrDict::get(const Hashable &key) const
- {
- DictKey dictKey(key);
- DictSlot *slot = DictSlotTbl::find(dictKey);
- return slot ? slot->getValue() : 0;
- }
- void GenPtrDict::remove(const Hashable &key)
- {
- DictKey dictKey(key);
- DictSlot *slot = DictSlotTbl::find(dictKey);
- if (slot) {
- DictSlotTbl::remove(dictKey);
- // key is always copied in "template" instantiations
- delete slot->getKey();
- delete slot;
- }
- }
- int GenPtrDict::isPresent(const Hashable &key) const
- {
- DictKey dictKey(key);
- return DictSlotTbl::find(dictKey) != 0;
- }
- const Hashable *GenPtrDict::firstKey()
- {
- DictSlot *slot = DictSlotTbl::first();
- return slot ? slot->getKey() : 0;
- }
- const Hashable *GenPtrDict::nextKey()
- {
- DictSlot *slot = DictSlotTbl::next();
- return slot ? slot->getKey() : 0;
- }
- void *GenPtrDict::firstValue()
- {
- DictSlot *slot = DictSlotTbl::first();
- return slot ? slot->getValue() : 0;
- }
- void *GenPtrDict::nextValue()
- {
- DictSlot *slot = DictSlotTbl::next();
- return slot ? slot->getValue() : 0;
- }