;LabelRectValue=the coordinates of the rect where this text will be placed on the background
; Top* Bottom* Left* Right
;SetupProgram=relative path to the program to launch when this choice is selected. Followed by our separator and
; the command line arguments if any for the program, followed by the separartor and winexec if the program is
; 16 bit i.e. setup.exe*/SetFile=<S>\autorun\bai7us.set*winexec
;TestFile=relative path to another file that must exist before we will attempt to launch the
; 'SetupProgram'
;SetupWindow=The window name of the program launched by the 'SetupProgram', we will check for this
; being active and set focus to this window rather than launch a second instance of
; 'SetupProgram'
;Description=The discription of this button displayed when a user highlights (move the mouse
; over) this button
;ErrorText=the error text displayed if the the 'SetupProgram" cannot be launched when the button is selected
SetupLabel = %ARB0SetupLabel.Text%
LabelRectValue = 180*210*25*600
SetupProgram = setup.exe**
TestFile = \programs\coreldrw.exe
SetupWindow = Corel Setup Wizard
Description = %ARB0Description.Text%
ErrorText = %ARB0Error.Text%
SetupLabel = %ARB1SetupLabel.Text%
LabelRectValue = 340*408*530*600
Description = %ARB1Description%
AlreadyRunningErrorText =
16Color = setup\bitmap\INTRO16.BMP
256Color = setup\bitmap\INTRO256.BMP
ARTitle.Text = CorelDRAW 8 ZkuÜebnφ verze CD-ROM
ARB0SetupLabel.Text = Instalace program∙ CorelDRAWÖ 8, Corel PHOTO-PAINTÖ 8 a pomocn²ch program
;ARB0Description.Text = Tato mo₧nost nainstaluje program CorelDRAW 8, mnohokrßt ocen∞n² program pro vektorovou grafiku, CorelPHOTO-PAINT pro profesionßlnφ ·pravy obrßzk∙ a malovßnφ spolu s °adou nßstroj∙, kterΘ rozÜφ°φ mo₧nosti vaÜφ tvorby, jako nap°φklad: Corel OCR-TRACE, Corel CAPTURE, Corel TEXTURE, Bitstream Font Navigator 3.0 a Corel SCRIPT Editor.
ARB0Description.Text = Tato volba umo uje instalaci zkuÜebnφ verze ocen nΘho programu pro tvorbu vektorov²ch ilustracφ CorelDRAW 8, programu Corel PHOTO-PAINT ur enΘho pro profesionßlnφ ·pravy a tvorbu obrßzk a dalÜφch pomocn²ch program , kterΘ zv²Üφ produktivitu vaÜφ prßce.
ARB0Error.Text = Disk CD byl z°ejm∞ vyjmut z jednotky. Vlo₧te jej prosφm znovu.
ARB2Error.Text = Disk CD byl z°ejm∞ vyjmut z jednotky. Vlo₧te jej prosφm znovu. Je takΘ mo₧nΘ, ₧e nemßte nainstalovßn prohlφ₧eΦ sφt∞ Internet.
ARB1SetupLabel.Text = UkonΦit
ARB1Description = Klepnutφm sem instalaci ukonΦφte.