INFO_OLD_NU_DETECTED_TITLE=Norton AntiVirus 4.0 and the Norton Utilities 2.0
INFO_OLD_NU_DETECTED2=Norton AntiVirus 4.0 uses the latest technology to detect and eliminate viruses. Because of this, new format virus definitions files are required. Although you are still protected using Norton Utilities 2.0, it uses an older format of virus definitions files for virus scanning.\n
ERROR_MOVEDATA=An error occurred during the move data process : %d
SERVICES_MARKED_FOR_DELETION=Setup has detected that one or more Norton AntiVirus device drivers have been \nmarked for deletion.\n\nYou must re-start Windows 95 before Norton AntiVirus can be re-installed.
INFO_OLD_NU_DETECTED3=To make sure that you have the most current protection using both products, run LiveUpdate from both Norton AntiVirus and Norton Utilities. The next release of Norton Utilities will use the new virus detection engine so that a single LiveUpdate session from either product will update both.\n
DEF_UPDATE_MSG_FMT=Please specify the path to the file %s
NAV_COMPONENT_NAME=Norton AntiVirus for Windows 95
REBOOT_HEADER=You need to restart your computer.\n
SUPPORT_SARC=Symantec AntiVirus Research Center
ADMIN_DEF_ARCHIVE=Definitions Archive
COMPONENT_COPY_INFO_PROGRAM=Copying Norton AntiVirus program files...
REBOOT_NETSCAPE=Netscape Plugins will be configured.\n
ERROR_INVALID_OS=You must be running Windows 95 in order to install this product.
ERROR_DBCS_DIRECTORY=Norton AntiVirus cannot be installed into a DBCS directory. Resetting default directory.
ADMIN_LU_ARCHIVE=LiveUpdate Archive
ABORT_TITLE=Installation Aborted
ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_DISK_SPACE=There is not enough free disk space on the system to install Norton AntiVirus. Please free up some disk space to continue or select another target drive.
COMPONENT_COPY_INFO_WINSYS=Copying Windows system files...
ERROR_VGARESOLUTION=This program requires VGA or better resolution.
HTML_IF_UNABLE=If we are unable to forward you to the desided web site.
ERROR_COMPONENT_MOVE_DATA=ComponentMoveData had the following error:\n\nMedia Name: %s\nComponent: %s\nFile Group: %s\nFile: %s\nError Number: %ld (refer to the online help)
ERROR_NT_WORKSTATIONS_ONLY=This product can only be installed on NT Workstations. Aborting installation.
ABORT_TEXT=You have aborted the installation of Norton AntiVirus. If you would like to install Norton AntiVirus please run Setup again.
ERROR_NORTON_APP_RUNNING=A Symantec application is currently running. Setup cannot install \nNorton AntiVirus files or update shared files if they are in use.\nPlease close all Symantec applications before continuing.