home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- ;Path is absolutely necessary for included files.
- [IncludeInf]
- ..\disk2\Incontrl.in
- ..\disk3\dmdinst.inf
- [DestinationDirs]
- Setup.Copy = %Setup.dir%
- ; Uninstall is created to allow the removal of pertinent files
- ; without removing install16.exe. Install16.exe is called during
- ; the reboot after completing uninstall from
- ; (HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\RunOnce). This ensure all Diamond
- ; files are closed, and then the "Program Files\Diamond" directory can be removed.
- Uninstall.Copy = %Setup.dir%
- [SourceDisksNames]
- 1= %SourceDisk1Name%,,1
- [SourceDisksFiles]
- ;<file> = <disk number>,<subdir>,<filename>,<size>,<checksum>
- install.exe = 1,,350000
- _install.@r = 1,,120000
- inst16.exe = 1,,41000
- thunk32.dll = 1,,30000
- thunk16.dll = 1,,32000
- readme.txt = 1,,12041
- dmdinst.inf = 3,,12342
- [Setup]
- CopyFiles = Setup.Copy
- Uninstall = Setup.Copy
- AddReg = Setup.AddReg
- DelReg = Setup.AddReg
- ProgramGroups = Setup.ProgramGroups
- [Setup.Copy]
- install.exe
- _install.@r
- inst16.exe
- thunk16.dll
- thunk32.dll
- readme.txt
- dmdinst.inf
- [Uninstall.Copy]
- install.exe
- _install.@r
- thunk16.dll
- thunk32.dll
- readme.txt
- dmdinst.inf
- [Setup.AddReg]
- HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Diamond.Display
- HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Diamond.Display,UninstallString,,@p\%Setup.dir%\install.exe
- HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Diamond.Display,DisplayName,,%DisplayName%
- [Setup.ProgramGroups]
- %InControl.Desc%,%DisplayName%,%Setup.dir%\install.exe,,%Setup.dir%,%Setup.dir%\install.exe,0
- [Strings]
- Setup.dir = "Setup98"
- InControl.Desc = "InControl Tools 98"
- DiamondSetup = "Diamond Software Removal"
- ;;;;following strings should have localized version in Company.INI file
- SourceDisk1Name = "Diamond Installation Disk"
- DisplayName = "Uninstall InControl Tools 98"