PC World 1998 June
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822 lines
NOTE: This file can serve as both source and documentation. You
can compile by stripping the 1st few lines (these notes) and
the last portion (the cross-references), and then deleting
the left hand 8 columns of what remains. Wordstar can do
this column deletion, and I believe EDLIN can also. CBF
NOTE: The procedural cross referencer (refrence) will not run
with the procedure type definitions in lines 58 to 59
below. They were commented out for the run. Thus the
calls to readbyte and putbyte within decode are not shown.
NOTE: This program has been deliberately written to isolate the
decode operation, and make it useful in other operations.
One anomaly with LZHUF (and LHARC) is that they become
very slow when compressing a long string of identical
bytes (i.e. a file full of blanks, or nuls). I believe
this would be improved by preceding the encoding with
run length compression, using 90h as the encodeing signal,
so that <char> 90h nn (with 2 <= nn <= 255) represents
<char> followed by nn repetitions, i.e. at least a total
of nn+1 occurences of <char>. <90h 0> would represent 90h
itself, and 90h cannot be run length encoded. <90h 1>
would represent EOF, thus embedding a specific EOF marker
in the file. This allows use where the actual file length
is unknown before it is reached, i.e. in communications.
NOTE: The attached LZHUFE.EXE file was compiled with the $r-
option. However for any development etc the source should
be compiled with $r+ (run-time range checks on) option.
This found many evil gotchas.
NOTE: LZHUFE.EXE is just as fast, within crude measurements, as
LZHUF. This shows that even Turbo Pascals relatively
crude code generation competes favorably with C. There
is much room for optimization left. However I believe
the Pascal source is much clearer than the C source.
NOTE: The debug mechanism is guarded both by the Turbo {$IFDEF}
construct, and by individual constants. The latter is
ISO compatible. However, Turbo does not strip inaccessible
IF statements, as does PascalP, thus the dual mechanism.
1 {$M 12000,0,0} (* see notes to "decode" *)
3 PROGRAM lzhufe(infile, outfile, output);
4 (* Based on decode section of lzhuf.c *)
5 (* Written by Haruyasu Yoshizaki 1988/11/20 *)
6 (* Some minor changes 1989/4/6 *)
7 (* Comments translated by Haruhiko Okumura 1989/4/7 *)
9 (* Converted to Pascal by C.B. Falconer, 1989/4/25 *)
10 (* I have attempted to use only ISO constructs, but *)
11 (* some Turboisms have remained, especially in the *)
12 (* file access area, and the use of inc/dec, hex *)
13 (* constants, longints, bytes and words. I have *)
14 (* also attempted to use the maximum range checking *)
16 (********** LZSS compression **********)
18 CONST (* These only take effect if 'dbg' is defined *)
19 debuga = false; (* show recorded size *)
20 debugb = true; (* display output chars *)
22 iobuffsize = 4096; (* for Turbo block i/o only *)
23 eofmark = $1a; (* textfile eof mark *)
25 (* These constants are used by the file-handling *)
26 (* procedures when opening and closing disk *)
27 (* files. The mode fields of Turbo Pascal's file *)
28 (* variables will contain one of these values *)
29 fmclosed = $d7b0;
30 fminput = $d7b1; (* reference data *)
31 fmoutput = $d7b2;
32 fminout = $d7b3;
35 iobuffer = ARRAY[1..iobuffsize] OF byte;
36 iobufptr = 0..iobuffsize; (* 0 = empty *)
38 (* reference data, actual contents of FILE type *)
39 filerec = RECORD (* typed and untyped file record *)
40 handle : word;
41 mode : word;
42 recsize : word;
43 private : ARRAY[1..26] OF byte;
44 userdata : ARRAY[1..16] OF byte;
45 name : ARRAY[0..79] OF char;
46 END; (* filerec *)
48 fcb = RECORD
49 fid : FILE; (* Turbo untyped block i/o *)
50 fwrtaccess : boolean;
51 feof : boolean;
52 bufflast, (* posn of last in buffer *)
53 buffndx : iobufptr; (* last read from buffer *)
54 buff : iobuffer; (* 0 = empty *)
55 END; (* fcb *)
57 (* Non-standard method of passing procedures *)
58 putbproc = PROCEDURE(b : byte);
59 getbfunc = FUNCTION(VAR b : byte) : boolean;
61 VAR
62 infile,
63 outfile : fcb;
64 endofinput : boolean;
66 (* 1---------------1 *)
68 (* In this group we attempt to follow standard Pascal semantics *)
69 (* i.e. output files always have feof true, and it is an error *)
70 (* to write to a file without this condition. *)
71 (* The system is incomplete, intended for this program only. *)
73 FUNCTION freset(VAR f : fcb; fn : string) : boolean;
74 (* equivalent to assign/reset pair *)
76 BEGIN (* freset *)
78 buffndx := 0; bufflast := 0; (* mark empty *)
79 fwrtaccess := false;
80 assign(fid, fn);
81 {$i-} reset(fid, 1); {$i+}
82 feof := ioresult <> 0;
83 freset := NOT feof; END;
84 END; (* freset *)
86 (* 1---------------1 *)
87 {$F+} (* passed procs must be FAR *)
88 FUNCTION readbyte(VAR c : byte) : boolean;
89 (* assumes using infile. Returns false at eof *)
91 BEGIN (* readbyte *)
92 WITH infile DO BEGIN
93 IF (buffndx >= bufflast) AND NOT feof THEN BEGIN (* reload *)
94 {$i-} blockread(fid, buff, iobuffsize, bufflast); {$i+}
95 buffndx := 0;
96 feof := (ioresult <> 0) OR (bufflast = 0); END;
97 IF feof THEN c := eofmark
99 buffndx := succ(buffndx); c := buff[buffndx]; END;
100 readbyte := NOT feof; END;
101 END; (* readbyte *)
102 {$F-}
103 (* 1---------------1 *)
105 FUNCTION frewrite(VAR f : fcb; fn : string) : boolean;
106 (* equivalent to assign/rewrite pair *)
108 BEGIN (* frewrite *)
110 buffndx := 0; bufflast := 0; (* mark empty *)
111 fwrtaccess := true;
112 assign(fid, fn);
113 {$i-} rewrite(fid, 1); {$i+}
114 feof := ioresult = 0;
115 frewrite := feof; END;
116 END; (* frewrite *)
118 (* 1---------------1 *)
120 PROCEDURE fflush(VAR f : fcb);
121 (* empty output buffers to disk. Not checking status *)
123 BEGIN (* fflush *)
125 IF (bufflast > 0) AND feof AND fwrtaccess THEN BEGIN
126 {$i-} blockwrite(fid, buff, bufflast, buffndx); {$i+}
127 IF (ioresult <> 0) OR (buffndx <> bufflast) THEN
128 feof := false; (* no longer writeable *) END;
129 buffndx := 0; bufflast := 0; (* mark empty *) END;
130 END; (* fflush *)
132 (* 1---------------1 *)
133 {$F+} (* passed procs must be FAR *)
134 PROCEDURE putbyte(c : byte);
135 (* assumes using outfile *)
137 BEGIN (* putbyte *)
138 WITH outfile DO
139 IF fwrtaccess AND feof THEN BEGIN
140 inc(bufflast); buff[bufflast] := c;
141 IF bufflast = iobuffsize THEN fflush(outfile); END;
142 (* buffer cannot be full on exit *)
143 END; (* putbyte *)
144 {$F-}
145 (* 1---------------1 *)
147 PROCEDURE fclose(VAR f : fcb);
149 VAR
150 fr : filerec ABSOLUTE f; (* depends on turbo alignments *)
152 BEGIN (* fclose *)
154 IF ((fr.mode = fmoutput) OR (fr.mode = fminout)) AND feof THEN
155 fflush(f);
156 IF fr.mode <> fmclosed THEN close(fid); END;
157 END; (* fclose *)
159 (* 1---------------1 *)
161 PROCEDURE error(message : string);
164 writeln; writeln(message); halt(1);
165 END;
167 (* 1---------------1 *)
169 PROCEDURE decode(readbyte : getbfunc; (* get data *)
170 putbyte : putbproc; (* put data *)
171 monitor : boolean); (* show activity *)
172 (* This uses about 9k of stack space for local variables. *)
173 (* They might be better assigned on the heap. However that *)
174 (* reduces the clarity, and I wanted to isolate the decoder *)
175 (* Unfortunately Turbos memory scheme does not allow the *)
176 (* stack to expand automatically. A 16k stack suffices. *)
179 n = 4096; (* buffer size. Power of 2 *)
180 f = 60; (* lookahead buffer size *)
181 encodemin = 3; (* min encode string length *)
182 max_freq = $8000; (* updates tree when the root *)
183 (* frequency reaches this value.*)
185 (* derived constants. No expression for ISO compatibility *)
186 threshold = 2; (* encodemin - 1 *)
187 bufmax = 4155; (* n+f-1 *)
188 codemax = 313; (* 256-encodemin+f *)
189 n_char = 314; (* codemax + 1; kinds of chars *)
191 (* Huffman coding *)
192 tblsize = 627; (* 2*n_char - 1 *) (* was T *)
193 (* Root at tblsize, others nodes *)
194 huffroot = 626; (* tblsize - 1 *) (* was R *)
195 tblmax = 628; (* tblsize + 1 *)
196 parentmax = 941; (* tblsize + n_char *)
198 TYPE
199 bufindex = 0..bufmax;
200 charindex = 0..codemax;
202 VAR
203 i, j, k, r, c : integer;
204 count : longint;
205 textsize : longint;
206 printcount : longint;
207 getbuf : word;
208 getlen : byte;
210 (* Huffman coding *)
212 (* table to encode/decode the upper 6 bits of position *)
213 huffcode : ARRAY[0..255] OF RECORD
214 code, len : byte;
215 END; (* huffcode *)
217 freq : ARRAY[0..tblmax] OF word; (* freq table *)
219 (* pointers to parent nodes, except for *)
220 (* the elements[T..T + N_CHAR - 1] which *)
221 (* are used to get the positions of leaves *)
222 (* corresponding to the codes. *)
223 parent : ARRAY[0..parentmax] OF word;
225 (* pointers to child nodes (son[], son[] + 1) *)
226 son : ARRAY[0..tblsize] OF integer;
228 (* LZSS table *)
229 histbuff : ARRAY[bufindex] OF byte;
231 (* 2---------------2 *)
233 PROCEDURE starthuff;
234 (* initialization of tree *)
236 VAR
237 i : integer;
238 j : integer;
240 (* 3---------------3 *)
242 PROCEDURE ihuff;
243 (* Form decoding tables huffcode.len and huffcode.code *)
244 (* This replaces the original initialized data area, *)
245 (* and is compatible with standard Pascal. *)
247 VAR
248 i, nxtcode : integer;
250 (* 4---------------4 *)
252 PROCEDURE enter(ix, lgh : integer);
254 BEGIN (* enter *)
255 WITH huffcode[ix] DO BEGIN
256 len := lgh; code := nxtcode; END;
257 IF succ(ix) MOD (1 shl (8-lgh)) = 0 THEN
258 nxtcode := succ(nxtcode);
259 END; (* enter *)
261 (* 4---------------4 *)
263 BEGIN (* ihuff *)
264 nxtcode := 0;
265 FOR i := 0 TO 31 DO enter(i, 3);
266 FOR i := 32 TO 79 DO enter(i, 4);
267 FOR i := 80 TO 143 DO enter(i, 5);
268 FOR i := 144 TO 191 DO enter(i, 6);
269 FOR i := 192 TO 239 DO enter(i, 7);
270 FOR i := 240 TO 255 DO enter(i, 8);
271 END; (* ihuff *)
273 (* 3---------------3 *)
275 BEGIN (* starthuff *)
276 ihuff;
277 FOR i := 0 TO pred(n_char) DO BEGIN
278 freq[i] := 1;
279 son[i] := i + tblsize; parent[i + tblsize] := i; END;
280 i := 0; j := n_char;
281 WHILE (j <= huffroot) DO BEGIN
282 freq[j] := freq[i] + freq[succ(i)];
283 son[j] := i; parent[i] := j; parent[succ(i)] := j;
284 i := i + 2; j := succ(j); END;
285 freq[tblsize] := $ffff; parent[huffroot] := 0;
286 END; (* starthuff *)
288 (* 2---------------2 *)
290 PROCEDURE nextbyte;
292 VAR
293 c : byte;
295 BEGIN (* nextbyte *)
296 IF endofinput THEN BEGIN
297 fclose(outfile);
298 error('Read past eof'); END;
299 WHILE (getlen <= 8) DO BEGIN
300 IF NOT readbyte(c) THEN BEGIN (* delay eof for buffer *)
301 endofinput := true; c := 0; END;
302 getbuf := getbuf OR (c shl (8 - getlen));
303 getlen := getlen + 8; END;
304 END; (* nextbyte *)
306 (* 2---------------2 *)
308 FUNCTION getbit : boolean; (* get one bit *)
310 BEGIN (* getbit *)
311 IF getlen <= 8 THEN nextbyte;
312 getbit := (getbuf AND $8000) <> 0;
313 getbuf := getbuf shl 1; getlen := pred(getlen);
314 END; (* getbit *)
316 (* 2---------------2 *)
318 FUNCTION getbyte : integer; (* get one byte *)
320 BEGIN (* getbyte *)
321 IF getlen <= 8 THEN nextbyte;
322 getbyte := getbuf shr 8;
323 getbuf := getbuf shl 8; getlen := getlen - 8;
324 END; (* getbyte *)
326 (* 2---------------2 *)
328 FUNCTION decodechar : integer;
330 VAR
331 c : word;
333 (* 3---------------3 *)
335 PROCEDURE update (c : integer);
336 (* advance frequency of code c, and update tree *)
338 VAR
339 i, j, k, l : integer;
341 (* 4---------------4 *)
343 PROCEDURE reconst;
344 (* reconstruction of tree *)
346 VAR
347 i, j, k : integer;
348 f, l : word;
350 BEGIN (* reconst *)
351 (* collect leaf nodes in the first half of the *)
352 (* table and replace the freq by (freq + 1) / 2. *)
353 j := 0;
354 FOR i := 0 TO huffroot DO BEGIN
355 IF (son[i] >= tblsize) THEN BEGIN
356 freq[j] := succ(freq[i]) shr 1 (* DIV 2 *);
357 son[j] := son[i]; j := succ(j); END;
358 END;
360 (* begin constructing tree by connecting sons *)
361 i := 0;
362 FOR j := n_char TO huffroot DO BEGIN
363 k := succ(i);
364 f := freq[i] + freq[k]; freq[j] := f;
365 k := pred(j);
366 WHILE (f < freq[k]) DO k := pred(k);
367 k:= succ(k); l := (j - k) * 2;
368 move(freq[k], freq[k+1], l); freq[k] := f;
369 move(son[k], son[k+1], l); son[k] := i;
370 i := i + 2; END;
372 (* connect parent *)
373 FOR i := 0 TO huffroot DO BEGIN
374 k := son[i]; parent[k] := i;
375 IF k < tblsize THEN parent[succ(k)] := i; END;
376 END; (* reconst *)
378 (* 4---------------4 *)
380 BEGIN (* update *)
381 IF (freq[tblmax] = max_freq) THEN reconst;
382 c := parent[c + tblsize];
384 k := succ(freq[c]); freq[c] := k;
385 (* if the order is disturbed, exchange nodes *)
386 l := succ(c);
387 IF (k > freq[l]) THEN BEGIN
389 inc(l);
390 UNTIL k <= freq[l];
391 dec(l);
393 freq[c] := freq[l]; freq[l] := k;
395 i := son[c]; parent[i] := l;
396 IF (i < tblsize) THEN parent[succ(i)] := l;
397 j := son[l]; son[l] := i;
399 parent[j] := c;
400 IF (j < tblsize) THEN parent[succ(j)] := c;
401 son[c] := j;
403 c := l; END;
404 c := parent[c];
405 UNTIL c = 0; (* repeat up to root *)
406 END; (* update *)
408 (* 3---------------3 *)
410 BEGIN (* decodechar *)
411 c := son[huffroot];
412 (* travel from root to leaf, choosing the smaller *)
413 (* child node (son[]) if the read bit is 0, the *)
414 (* bigger (son[] +1; if the read bit is 1 *)
415 WHILE (c < tblsize) DO c := son[c + ord(getbit)];
416 c := c - tblsize;
417 update(c); decodechar := c;
418 END; (* decodechar *)
420 (* 2---------------2 *)
422 FUNCTION decodeposition : integer;
424 VAR
425 i, j, c : word;
427 BEGIN (* decodeposition *)
428 (* recover upper 6 bits from table *)
429 i := getbyte;
430 WITH huffcode[i] DO BEGIN
431 c := code shl 6; j := len; END;
432 (* read lower 6 bits verbatim *)
433 (* comment/code dont match *)
434 dec(j, 2);
435 WHILE j <> 0 DO BEGIN
436 dec(j); i := i + i + ord(getbit); END;
437 decodeposition := c OR (i AND $3f);
438 END; (* decodeposition *)
440 (* 2---------------2 *)
442 FUNCTION readlong : longint;
443 (* Read 4 bytes, convert into LSByte 1st 32 bit integer *)
445 VAR
446 i : integer;
447 buff : RECORD
448 CASE boolean OF
449 false : ( long : longint);
450 true : ( bytes : ARRAY[0..3] OF byte);
451 END; (* buff record *)
453 BEGIN (* readlong *)
454 FOR i := 0 TO 3 DO
455 IF NOT readbyte(buff.bytes[i]) THEN buff.long := 0;
456 readlong := buff.long;
457 END; (* readlong *)
459 (* 2---------------2 *)
461 BEGIN (* decode *)
462 textsize := 0; printcount := 0; count := 0;
463 getbuf := 0; getlen := 0;
464 textsize := readlong; (* header is size of text *)
465 IF textsize > 0 THEN BEGIN
466 {$IFDEF dbg}
467 IF debuga THEN writeln('Size=', textsize);
468 {$ENDIF}
469 starthuff;
470 FOR i := 0 TO n - f - 1 DO (* prefill with common char *)
471 histbuff[i] := ord(' ');
472 r := n - f;
474 WHILE count < textsize DO BEGIN
475 c := decodechar;
476 IF (c < 256) THEN BEGIN (* a verbatim character *)
477 {$IFDEF dbg}
478 IF debugb THEN write(chr(c));
479 {$ENDIF}
480 putbyte(c);
481 histbuff[r] := c; (* record in history buff *)
482 r := succ(r) AND pred(n); (* advance MODULO n *)
483 inc(count); END
484 ELSE BEGIN (* posn/lgh in buffer *)
485 i := pred(r - decodeposition) AND pred(n);
486 j := c - 255 + threshold;
487 {$IFDEF dbg}
488 IF debugb THEN write('<', j, '>'); (* show size *)
489 {$ENDIF}
490 FOR k := 0 TO j - 1 DO BEGIN (* copy the string *)
491 c := histbuff[(i + k) AND pred(n)];
492 {$IFDEF dbg}
493 IF debugb THEN write(chr(c));
494 {$ENDIF}
495 putbyte(c);
496 histbuff[r] := c; (* revising the buffer *)
497 r := succ(r) AND pred(n); inc(count); END;
498 END;
499 IF monitor AND (count > printcount) THEN BEGIN
500 write(count : 12, #13); (* show progress *)
501 printcount := printcount + 1024; END;
502 END;
503 END;
504 IF monitor THEN writeln(count : 12);
505 END; (* decode *)
507 (* 1---------------1 *)
509 BEGIN (* lzhufe *)
510 filemode := 0; (* so Turbo handles r/o files *)
511 IF paramcount <> 2 THEN BEGIN
512 writeln('Decodes files encoded by LZHUF');
513 error('Usage: lzhufe infile outfile'); END
514 ELSE IF NOT freset(infile, paramstr(1)) THEN
515 error('Can''t open: ' + paramstr(1))
517 endofinput := false;
518 IF NOT frewrite(outfile, paramstr(2)) THEN BEGIN
519 error('Can''t create: ' + paramstr(2)); END
521 decode(readbyte, putbyte, true); (* do the real work *)
522 fclose(outfile); END;
523 fclose(infile); END;
524 END. (* lzhufe *)
Files cross referenced on 1989 Apr 27 8:18 :
========== ===========
absolute 150
assign 80 112
b 58 59
blockread 94
blockwrite 126
boolean 50 51 59 64 73 88 105 171
. 308 448
buff 54 94 99 126 140 447 455 456
bufflast 52 78 93 94 96 110 125 126
. 127 129 140 141
buffndx 53 78 93 95 99 110 126 127
. 129
bufindex 199 229
bufmax 187 199
byte 35 43 44 58 59 88 134 208
. 214 229 293 450
bytes 450 455
c 88 97 99 134 140 203 293 300
. 301 302 331 335 382 384 386 393
. 395 399 400 401 403 404 405 411
. 415 416 417 425 431 437 475 476
. 478 480 481 486 491 493 495 496
char 45
charindex 200
chr 478 493
close 156
code 214 256 431
codemax 188 200
count 204 462 474 483 497 499 500 504
debuga 19 467
debugb 20 478 488 493
dec 391 434 436
decode 169 521
decodechar 328 417 475
decodeposition 422 437 485
encodemin 181
endofinput 64 296 301 517
enter 252 265 266 267 268 269 270
eofmark 23 97
error 161 298 513 515 519
f 73 77 105 109 120 124 147 150
. 153 155 180 348 364 366 368 470
. 472
false 19 79 128 449 517
fcb 48 63 73 105 120 147
fclose 147 297 522 523
feof 51 82 83 93 96 97 100 114
. 115 125 128 139 154
fflush 120 141 155
fid 49 80 81 94 112 113 126 156
filemode 510
filerec 39 150
fmclosed 29 156
fminout 32 154
fminput 30
fmoutput 31 154
fn 73 80 105 112
fr 150 154 156
freq 217 278 282 285 356 364 366 368
. 381 384 387 390 393
freset 73 83 514
frewrite 105 115 518
fwrtaccess 50 79 111 125 139
getbfunc 59 169
getbit 308 312 415 436
getbuf 207 302 312 313 322 323 463
getbyte 318 322 429
getlen 208 299 302 303 311 313 321 323
. 463
halt 164
handle 40
histbuff 229 471 481 491 496
huffcode 213 255 430
huffroot 194 281 285 354 362 373 411
i 203 237 248 265 266 267 268 269
. 270 277 278 279 280 282 283 284
. 339 347 354 355 356 357 361 363
. 364 369 370 373 374 375 395 396
. 397 425 429 430 436 437 446 454
, 455 470 471 485 491
ihuff 242 276
inc 140 389 483 497
infile 3 62 92 514 523
integer 203 226 237 238 248 252 318 328
. 335 339 347 422 446
iobuffer 35 54
iobuffsize 22 35 36 94 141
iobufptr 36 53
ioresult 82 96 114 127
ix 252 255 257
j 203 238 280 281 282 283 284 339
. 347 353 356 357 362 364 365 367
. 397 399 400 401 425 431 434 435
. 436 486 488 490
k 203 339 347 363 364 365 366 367
. 368 369 374 375 384 387 390 393
. 490 491
l 339 348 367 368 369 386 387 389
. 390 391 393 395 396 397 403
len 214 256 431
lgh 252 256 257
long 449 455 456
longint 204 205 206 442 449
lzhufe 3
max_freq 182 381
message 161 164
mode 41 154 156
monitor 171 499 504
move 368 369
n 179 470 472 482 485 491 497
n_char 189 277 280 362
name 45
nextbyte 290 311 321
nxtcode 248 256 258 264
ord 415 436 471
outfile 3 63 138 141 297 518 522
output 3
paramcount 511
paramstr 514 515 518 519
parent 223 279 283 285 374 375 382 395
. 396 399 400 404
parentmax 196 223
pred 277 313 365 366 482 485 491 497
printcount 206 462 499 501
private 43
putbproc 58 170
putbyte 134 170 480 495 521
r 203 472 481 482 485 496 497
readbyte 88 100 169 300 455 521
readlong 442 456 464
reconst 343 381
recsize 42
reset 81
rewrite 113
shl 257 302 313 323 431
shr 322 356
son 226 279 283 355 357 369 374 395
. 397 401 411 415
starthuff 233 469
string 73 105 161
succ 99 257 258 282 283 284 356 357
. 363 367 375 384 386 396 400 482
. 497
tblmax 195 217 381
tblsize 192 226 279 285 355 375 382 396
. 400 415 416
textsize 205 462 464 465 467 474
threshold 186 486
true 20 111 301 450 521
update 335 417
userdata 44
word 40 41 42 207 217 223 331 348
. 425
write 478 488 493 500
writeln 164 467 504 512
124 Identifiers 728 Occurences
1 Collisions 2 Misses
Procedural Cross-Referencer - Version T2.0
Line Program/procedure/function heading
3 PROGRAM lzhufe(infile, outfile, output);
73 FUNCTION freset(VAR f : fcb; fn : string) : boolean;
88 FUNCTION readbyte(VAR c : byte) : boolean;
105 FUNCTION frewrite(VAR f : fcb; fn : string) : boolean;
120 PROCEDURE fflush(VAR f : fcb);
134 PROCEDURE putbyte(c : byte);
147 PROCEDURE fclose(VAR f : fcb);
161 PROCEDURE error(message : string);
169 PROCEDURE decode(readbyte : getbfunc; (* get data *)
170 putbyte : putbproc; (* put data *)
171 monitor : boolean); (* show activity *)
233 PROCEDURE starthuff;
242 PROCEDURE ihuff;
252 PROCEDURE enter(ix, lgh : integer);
290 PROCEDURE nextbyte;
308 FUNCTION getbit : boolean; (* get one bit *)
318 FUNCTION getbyte : integer; (* get one byte *)
328 FUNCTION decodechar : integer;
335 PROCEDURE update (c : integer);
343 PROCEDURE reconst;
422 FUNCTION decodeposition : integer;
442 FUNCTION readlong : longint;
524 END. (* lzhufe *)
Procedural Cross-Referencer - Version T2.0
Head Body Notes Calls made to
169 461 decode : readlong starthuff
decodechar decodeposition
328 410 decodechar : getbit update
422 427 decodeposition : getbyte getbit
252 254 enter :
161 163 error :
147 152 fclose : fflush
120 123 fflush :
73 76 freset :
105 108 frewrite :
308 310 getbit : nextbyte
318 320 getbyte : nextbyte
242 263 ihuff : enter
3 509 lzhufe : error freset
frewrite decode
readbyte putbyte
290 295 nextbyte : fclose error
134 137 putbyte : fflush
88 91 readbyte :
442 453 readlong :
343 350 reconst :
233 275 starthuff : ihuff
335 380 update : reconst
Procedural Cross-Referencer - Version T2.0
Head Body Notes Called by
169 461 decode : lzhufe
328 410 decodechar : decode
422 427 decodeposition : decode
252 254 enter : ihuff
161 163 error : nextbyte lzhufe
147 152 fclose : nextbyte lzhufe
120 123 fflush : putbyte fclose
73 76 freset : lzhufe
105 108 frewrite : lzhufe
308 310 getbit : decodechar decodeposition
318 320 getbyte : decodeposition
242 263 ihuff : starthuff
3 509 lzhufe :
290 295 nextbyte : getbit getbyte
134 137 putbyte : lzhufe
88 91 readbyte : lzhufe
442 453 readlong : decode
343 350 reconst : update
233 275 starthuff : decode
335 380 update : decodechar
Files scanned on 1989 Apr 27 8:19