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- @echo off
- rem JAM R1.20, EXTEND.BAT -- automatically enlarges a JAM drive.
- rem Sun Jul 10 1994, written by George A. Reznik.
- rem Copyright (c) 1992-1994 JAM Software.
- rem All Rights Reserved.
- echo EXTEND 1.20 Copyright (c) JAM Software, 1992-1994. All rights reserved.
- echo:
- if "%1" == "" goto usage
- if not "%1" == "/?" goto getinfo
- :usage
- echo Automatically enlages the size of a JAM drive.
- echo Use:
- echo EXTEND drive: [size]
- echo Where:
- echo drive JAM drive to extend
- echo size Specifies amount of physical space (in Kbytes)
- echo on which JAM drive should be extended.
- echo If not specified the maximum possible value is used.
- echo Example:
- echo EXTEND D: -- extend the size of JAM drive D:
- echo Note:
- echo Do not run this batch file from the drive you want to extend.
- goto end
- :getinfo
- jmount /q %1 > extend2.bat
- if errorlevel 1 goto end
- if not exist extend2.bat goto cerror
- echo Building secondary command file ...
- echo if not "%%4" == "available" goto chkflags > jam.bat
- echo echo JAM drive %%2 not mounted. >> jam.bat
- echo goto end >> jam.bat
- echo :chkflags >> jam.bat
- echo if not "%%5" == "[Locked]" goto unmount >> jam.bat
- echo echo JAM drive %%2 locked. >> jam.bat
- echo goto end >> jam.bat
- echo :unmount >> jam.bat
- echo echo Deactivating JAM drive %%2 ... >> jam.bat
- echo jmount /q /d %%2 >> jam.bat
- echo if errorlevel 1 goto end >> jam.bat
- echo echo Extending the size of %%4 ... >> jam.bat
- echo jsize /q %%4 +%2 >> jam.bat
- echo if errorlevel 1 goto end >> jam.bat
- echo echo Remounting JAM drive %%2 ... >> jam.bat
- echo jmount /q /m %%2 %%4 >> jam.bat
- echo :end >> jam.bat
- if exist jam.bat goto run
- :cerror
- echo Cannot create a file on current drive.
- goto end
- :run
- call extend2.bat
- del extend2.bat
- del jam.bat
- :end