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- How to obtain updates to the shareware version over the net:
- If you have FTP access, you can always get the most up-to date version of
- F-PROT by anonymous FTP from a number of sites. Our primary method of
- distribution is through Simtel and Garbo, and all "mirrors" of those sites
- should always carry an up-to-date version of F-PROT.
- The primary locations are
- ftp://garbo.uwasa.fi/pc/virus/fp-xxx.zip
- ftp://ftp.simtel.net/pub/simtelnet/msdos/virus/fp-xxx.zip
- http://www.simtel.net/pub/simtelnet/msdos/virus/fp-xxx.zip
- xxx stands for the version number, for example 300 in version 3.00.
- The Simtel archive is mirrored on numerous sites, and in general you
- should use the one that is closest to you geographically.
- Country Host Directory
- --------- ---------------------- -------------------
- Australia ftp.bhp.com.au /pub/simtelnet
- Australia ftp.iniaccess.net.au /pub/simtelnet
- Australia ftp.tas.gov.au /pub/simtelnet
- Austria ftp.univie.ac.at /mirror/simtelnet
- Belgium ftp.linkline.be /mirror/simtelnet
- Belgium ftp.tornado.be /pub/simtelnet
- Brazil ftp.iis.com.br /pub/simtelnet
- Brazil ftp.unicamp.br /pub/simtelnet
- Canada ftp.crc.doc.ca /systems/ibmpc/simtelnet
- Canada ftp.direct.ca /pub/simtelnet
- Chile sunsite.dcc.uchile.cl /pub/Mirror/simtelnet
- China ftp.pku.edu.cn /pub/simtelnet
- Czech Republic ftp.eunet.cz /pub/simtelnet
- Czech Republic pub.vse.cz /pub/simtelnet
- Czech Republic ftp.zcu.cz /pub/simtelnet
- Finland ftp.funet.fi /mirrors/ftp.simtel.net/pub/simtelnet
- France ftp.grolier.fr /pub/simtelnet
- France ftp.ibp.fr /pub/simtelnet
- Germany ftp.rz.ruhr-uni-bochum.de /pub/simtelnet
- Germany ftp.tu-chemnitz.de /pub/simtelnet
- Germany ftp.uni-heidelberg.de /pub/simtelnet
- Germany ftp.uni-magdeburg.de /pub/mirrors/simtelnet
- Germany ftp.uni-paderborn.de /pub/simtelnet
- Germany ftp.uni-trier.de /pub/pc/mirrors/simtelnet
- Germany ftp.rz.uni-wuerzburg.de /pub/pc/simtelnet
- Greece ftp.ntua.gr /pub/pc/simtelnet
- Hong Kong ftp.cs.cuhk.hk /pub/simtelnet
- Hong Kong ftp.hkstar.com /pub/simtelnet
- Hong Kong sunsite.ust.hk /pub/simtelnet
- Italy cis.utovrm.it /simtelnet
- Italy ftp.flashnet.it /pub/simtelnet
- Italy ftp.unina.it /pub/simtelnet
- Italy mcftp.mclink.it /pub/simtelnet
- Japan ftp.iij.ad.jp /pub/simtelnet
- Japan ftp.riken.go.jp /pub/simtelnet
- Japan ftp.saitama-u.ac.jp /pub/simtelnet
- Japan ftp.u-aizu.ac.jp /pub/PC/simtelnet
- Japan ring.aist.go.jp /pub/simtelnet
- Japan ring.asahi-net.or.jp /pub/simtelnet
- Latvia ftp.lanet.lv /pub/mirror/simtelnet
- Malaysia ftp.jaring.my /pub/simtelnet
- Malaysia ftp.mimos.my /pub/simtelnet
- Mexico ftp.gdl.iteso.mx /pub/simtelnet
- Netherlands ftp.euro.net /d5/simtelnet
- Netherlands ftp.nic.surfnet.nl /mirror-archive/software/simtelnet
- New Zealand ftp.vuw.ac.nz /pub/simtelnet
- Norway ftp.bitcon.no /pub/simtelnet
- Poland ftp.cyf-kr.edu.pl /pub/mirror/Simtel.Net
- Poland ftp.icm.edu.pl /pub/simtelnet
- Poland ftp.man.poznan.pl /pub/simtelnet
- Portugal ftp.ip.pt /pub/simtelnet
- Portugal ftp.ua.pt /pub/simtelnet
- Romania ftp.sorostm.ro /pub/simtelnet
- Slovenia ftp.arnes.si /software/simtelnet
- South Africa ftp.is.co.za /pub/simtelnet
- South Africa ftp.sun.ac.za /pub/simtelnet
- South Korea ftp.nuri.net /pub/simtelnet
- South Korea ftp.sogang.ac.kr /pub/simtelnet
- Spain ftp.rediris.es /mirror/simtelnet
- Sweden ftp.sunet.se /pub/simtelnet
- Switzerland ftp.switch.ch /mirror/simtelnet
- Taiwan ftp.ncu.edu.tw /Packages/simtelnet
- Taiwan nctuccca.edu.tw /mirror/simtelnet
- Thailand ftp.nectec.or.th /pub/mirrors/simtelnet
- UK, Edinburgh emwac.ed.ac.uk /mirrors/simtelnet
- UK, London ftp.demon.co.uk /pub/simtelnet
- UK, Liverpool ftp.mersinet.co.uk /pub/simtelnet
- UK, Lancaster micros.hensa.ac.uk /pub/simtelnet
- UK, London sunsite.doc.ic.ac.uk /packages/simtelnet
- US, California ftp.cdrom.com /pub/simtelnet
- US, California ftp.digital.com /pub/micro/pc/simtelnet
- US, Illinois uiarchive.cso.uiuc.edu /pub/systems/pc/simtelnet
- US, Mass. ftp.bu.edu /pub/mirrors/simtelnet
- US, Michigan oak.oakland.edu /pub/simtelnet
- US, New York ftp.rge.com /pub/systems/simtelnet
- US, Oklahoma ftp.ou.edu /pub/simtelnet
- US, Oregon ftp.orst.edu /pub/simtelnet
- US, Utah ftp.cyber-naut.com /pub/simtelnet
- US, Virginia mirrors.aol.com /pub/simtelnet
- For people in remote corners of the world, without reliable FTP or WWW
- access, we offer the "F-PROT by E-mail" service.
- To use this service, you MUST be able to handle multiple-part uu-, xx-
- or mime-encoded mail messages. Please do not waste your (and ours) time by
- using this service if you do not already have the software to decode such
- messages, and keep in mind that this service is intended for those who
- have no other alternative...that is, no FTP or WWW access.
- To use this service you send an E-mail message to f-prot-update@complex.is
- This is an automated mail server. No human will see your message, and if
- it does not match the format described below, the mail server will just
- respond with a standard help message.
- For now the following commands are accepted by the mail server.
- Please note that the commands must be in the body of the message, not in
- the subject line or the header.
- send-as: form
- send-part: part_num
- send-size: size_in_kilobytes
- send-version
- subscribe notice
- unsubscribe notice
- check notice
- The 'send-as' command signifies the encoding that should be used in sending
- the file by E-mail. 'form' must be one of: 'uue', 'xxe' or 'mime'.
- If the 'send-as' command is 'mime', F-PROT will be sent as a MIME message
- with Content-Type: message/partial.
- send-part: requests transmission of a specific part. You should only use
- this command if you are requesting re-transmission of a corrupted part.
- send-size: requests that a specific size (in KB) is used for each part.
- The size must be between 20 and 60.
- If the 'send-as' command is 'mime', F-PROT will be sent as a MIME message
- with Content-Type: message/partial.
- send-version is used to check which version is currently available. Using
- "finger f-prot@complex.is" is a better method, however.
- Examples:
- To get an uuencoded copy of the current version of F-PROT, send a message
- containing the following in the body to 'f-prot-update@complex.is' :
- send-as: uue
- If for some reason, the 6th part of the transmission failed, you could
- send another message to 'f-prot-update@complex.is' containing the following
- in the body:
- send-as: uue
- send-part: 6
- To change the block size to about 20 Kilobytes, you could send a message
- to 'f-prot-update@complex.is' containing the following in the body:
- send-as: uue
- send-size: 20
- And if the 4th part of that transmission is lost, you could send the
- following message to 'f-prot-update@complex.is':
- send-as: uue
- send-size: 20
- send-part: 4
- subscribe notice: Allows people to subscribe to a new version notice.
- Subscribers will then receive announcement in e-mail when new versions of
- F-PROT are available.
- unsubscribe notice: Removes people from the new version notice list.
- check notice: Sends back confirmation whether an address is subscribed or
- not.
- Comments about this service should be addressed to: f-prot-request@complex.is
- Suggestions for improvements are welcomed.