home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- ;!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- ;!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!
- ;!!!!!!!!!!! You should translate the text between ""-s !!!!!!!!!!!
- ;!!!!!!!!!!! You may use no more characters than the number after the ; !!!!!!!!!!!
- ;!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!
- ;!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 17 1 1 "This program requires DIRECTX 6.0 or above. Please run INSTALLER from CD 1 and install DIRECTX 7.0!" ;100
- 17 1 2 "Selected video device: %s is not working!"
- 17 1 3 "Selected video device: %s not found! Please re-run SETUP!"
- 17 1 4 "This program requires DirectDraw"
- 17 1 5 "Selected videomode not found! Please re-run SETUP!"
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;14 name of races
- 17 1 6 "Solarian" ;*** do not translate
- 17 1 7 "Antari" ;*** do not translate
- 17 1 8 "Shinari" ;*** do not translate
- 17 1 9 "Iberon" ;*** do not translate
- 17 1 10 "Kra'hen" ;*** do not translate
- 17 1 11 "Godan" ;*** do not translate
- 17 1 12 "Cheblon" ;*** do not translate
- 17 1 13 "Toluen" ;*** do not translate
- 17 1 14 "Trader"
- 17 1 15 "Pirate"
- 17 1 16 "Zaul" ;*** do not translate
- 17 1 17 "Pyridian" ;*** do not translate
- 17 1 18 "Cha'karg" ;*** do not translate
- 17 1 19 "Shape changer"
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;14 plural names of races
- 17 1 20 "Solarians"
- 17 1 21 "Antarians"
- 17 1 22 "Shinaries"
- 17 1 23 "Iberons"
- 17 1 24 "Kra'hens"
- 17 1 25 "Godans"
- 17 1 26 "Cheblons"
- 17 1 27 "Toulens"
- 17 1 28 "Traders"
- 17 1 29 "Pirates"
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 17 1 30 "Zauls"
- 17 1 31 "Pyridians"
- 17 1 32 "Cha'kargs"
- 17 1 33 "Shape changers"
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;19 races empire name
- 17 1 34 "Solarian Federation"
- 17 1 35 "Antarian Empire"
- 17 1 36 "Shinari Republic"
- 17 1 37 "Iberon Empire"
- 17 1 38 "Kra'hen Empire"
- 17 1 39 "Godan Kingdom"
- 17 1 40 "Cheblon Clans"
- 17 1 41 "Toluen Empire"
- 17 1 42 "Traders"
- 17 1 43 "United Pirates"
- 17 1 44 "Kul Hunters"
- 17 1 45 "Pyridian Empire" ;empire of Pyridians
- 17 1 46 "Cha'karg Empire" ;empire of Cha'kargs
- 17 1 47 "Shape changers" ;empire of Shape changers
- 17 1 48 "Aminit Kingdom"
- 17 1 49 "Allied Zaulians" ;empire of Zaulians
- 17 1 50 "The Fist Tribe"
- 17 1 51 "Independent"
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 17 2 1 "Level 1" ;14 level of spies
- 17 2 2 "Level 2"
- 17 2 3 "Level 3"
- 17 2 4 "Level 4"
- 17 2 5 "Level 5"
- 17 2 6 "Level 6"
- 17 2 7 "Level 7"
- 17 2 8 "Level 8"
- 17 2 9 "Level 9"
- 17 2 10 "Level 10"
- 17 2 11 "Level 11"
- 17 2 12 "Level 12"
- 17 2 13 "Level 13"
- 17 2 14 "Level 14"
- 17 2 15 "Level 15"
- 17 2 16 "Level 16"
- 17 2 17 "Level 17"
- 17 2 18 "Level 18"
- 17 2 19 "Level 19"
- 17 2 20 "Level 20"
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;22 names of spy missions
- 17 2 21 "Training"
- 17 2 22 "Acquire empire info"
- 17 2 23 "Acquire planet info"
- 17 2 24 "Acquire invention info"
- 17 2 25 "Steal credits"
- 17 2 26 "Sabotage: building"
- 17 2 27 "Sabotage: ship"
- 17 2 28 "Steal invention"
- 17 2 29 "Incite revolt"
- 17 2 30 "Hunt for enemy spies"
- 17 2 31 "Kidnap"
- 17 2 32 "Assasinate Leader"
- 17 2 33 "Counter intelligence"
- 17 2 34 "Fable 1"
- 17 2 35 "Locate Prof. Zaschkin"
- 17 2 36 "Meet unknown agent"
- 17 2 37 "Find Bloody Hand sect"
- 17 2 38 "Exterminate terrorists"
- 17 2 39 "Search for crystal"
- 17 2 40 "Snoop around"
- 17 2 41 "Find assassin"
- 17 2 42 "Acquire hostages info."
- 17 2 43 "Sabotage: radar"
- 17 2 44 "Sabotage: self-destruct"
- 17 2 45 "Snoop around"
- 17 2 46 "Fable 13" ;*** do not translate
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 17 3 1 "Ready" ; 22 status of spies
- 17 3 2 "Wounded"
- 17 3 3 ""
- 17 3 4 "MIA"
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 17 3 5 "Died !!!" ; 27 texts of spies
- 17 3 6 "Kidnapped !!!"
- 17 3 7 "Wounded !!!"
- 17 3 8 "Mission successful!"
- 17 3 9 "The mission was a failure"
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 17 3 10 "wife" ; 20
- 17 3 11 "relative"
- 17 3 12 "mother in law"
- 17 3 13 "cat"
- 17 3 14 "parrot"
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 17 3 15 "Planet joined your empire" ;27
- 17 3 16 "Planet became independent"
- 17 3 17 "Planet joined someone else"
- 17 3 18 "Morale has got worse!"
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 17 3 19 "Lasers" ;16 name of pods in ships
- 17 3 20 "Guns"
- 17 3 21 "Bombs + Missiles"
- 17 3 22 "Communication"
- 17 3 23 "Shields"
- 17 3 24 "Hyperdrives"
- 17 3 25 "Tank turrets 1"
- 17 3 26 "Tank turrets 2"
- 17 3 27 "Tank specials"
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 17 3 28 "Sell units. Price: - $" ; 80
- 17 3 29 "Upgrade. Cost: - $"
- 17 3 30 "You haven't got enough money to rebuild your units. Credits needed: - $"
- 17 3 31 "You cannot sell this ship(s) because you haven't got enough room for tanks"
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 17 3 32 "I want to modify the design but rebuild my ships/tanks later" ; 80
- 17 3 33 "I want to rebuild all of the ships/tanks. The price:"
- 17 3 34 "Not enough money for the modification. It would cost:"
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 17 3 35 "CIVILIAN" ; 14 colony building types
- 17 3 36 "INDUSTRIAL"
- 17 3 37 "MILITARY"
- 17 3 38 "COMMERCIAL"
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 17 3 39 "SPACESHIPS" ; 14 research territories
- 17 3 40 "BUILDINGS"
- 17 3 41 "TANKS"
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 17 4 21 "MORALE" ; 25 problems in colonies
- 17 4 22 "Electricity"
- 17 4 23 "Food"
- 17 4 24 "Living space"
- 17 4 25 "Hospital needed"
- 17 4 26 ""
- 17 4 27 "Family member captured"
- 17 4 28 ""
- 17 4 29 ""
- 17 4 30 ""
- 17 4 31 "Recreational facilities "
- 17 4 32 "Fear of self-destruct bld"
- 17 4 33 "Colony hub needed"
- 17 4 34 "Stadium needed"
- 17 4 35 ""
- 17 4 36 ""
- 17 4 37 "Criminals"
- 17 4 38 ""
- 17 4 39 "Environment contamination"
- 17 4 40 "High taxes"
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; 9 population morale
- 17 4 41 "Rebellion"
- 17 4 42 "Rebelling"
- 17 4 43 "Very low"
- 17 4 44 "Low"
- 17 4 45 "Neutral"
- 17 4 46 "Normal"
- 17 4 47 "Good"
- 17 4 48 "High"
- 17 4 49 "Very high"
- 17 4 50 "Super!"
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 17 5 1 "Forests" ; 9 name of surfaces
- 17 5 2 "Rocky"
- 17 5 3 "Desert"
- 17 5 4 "Volcanic"
- 17 5 5 "Grass"
- 17 5 6 "Mars like"
- 17 5 7 "Icy"
- 17 5 8 "Barren"
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 17 5 9 ""
- 17 5 10 ""
- 17 5 11 ""
- 17 5 12 ""
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 17 5 20 "production" ; 10
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 17 5 21 "pop grow" ; 8 'population growth'
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 17 5 22 "None" ; 10 tax levels
- 17 5 23 "Very low"
- 17 5 24 "Low"
- 17 5 25 "Moderate"
- 17 5 26 "High"
- 17 5 27 "Very high"
- 17 5 28 "Demanding"
- 17 5 29 "Oppressive"
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 17 5 30 "None" ; 15 auto build modes
- 17 5 31 "Civilian"
- 17 5 32 "Production"
- 17 5 33 "Technological"
- 17 5 34 "Military"
- 17 5 35 "Ship production"
- 17 5 36 "Tank production"
- 17 5 37 "Spy centres"
- 17 5 38 "Trade"
- 17 5 39 "Military 2"
- 17 5 40 "Military 3"
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 17 5 41 "Zero" ; 10 planet priority level
- 17 5 42 "Low"
- 17 5 43 "Normal"
- 17 5 44 "High"
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 17 5 45 "Sell %s. Credits: $%d" ; 30 from 'Sell Destroyer. Credit: 3400'
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 17 5 46 "Fleet" ; 5
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 17 5 47 "%s fleet" ; 8 from 'Antarian fleet'
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 17 6 1 "Transfer tanks" ; 80 icon tooltips
- 17 6 2 "Production"
- 17 6 3 "Redirect to other planet (or right click on the target planet)"
- 17 6 4 "Planet surface"
- 17 6 5 "Deploy satellite ($3000)"
- 17 6 6 "Deploy spy satellite ($3000)"
- 17 6 7 "Terraform planet"
- 17 6 8 "Colonize planet"
- 17 6 9 "Tank information"
- 17 6 10 ""
- 17 6 11 ""
- 17 6 12 ""
- 17 6 13 "Split fleet"
- 17 6 14 "Join fleets"
- 17 6 15 "See more information"
- 17 6 16 "Alert captain to virus"
- 17 6 17 "Deploy wormhole"
- 17 6 18 "Use gigabomb on planet"
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 17 6 19 "Lower limit" ; 11 lowest limit of automatically spendable money 'Lower limit: $5000'
- 17 6 20 "Production" ; 11
- 17 6 21 "Auto build" ; 11
- 17 6 22 "Research" ; 11
- 17 6 23 ""
- 17 6 24 ""
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 17 6 25 "Set lowest limit of automatically spendable money" ; 49
- 17 6 26 "Set production money" ; 49
- 17 6 27 "Set auto build money" ; 49
- 17 6 28 "Set research money" ; 49
- 17 6 29 ""
- 17 6 30 ""
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 17 6 31 "Lower limit" ; 11
- 17 6 32 "Production" ; 11
- 17 6 33 "Auto build" ; 11
- 17 6 34 "Research" ; 11
- 17 6 35 ""
- 17 6 36 ""
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 17 6 37 "Set lowest limit of automatically spendable money" ; 60
- 17 6 38 "Set production money" ; 60
- 17 6 39 "Set auto build money" ; 60
- 17 6 40 "Set research money" ; 60
- 17 6 41 ""
- 17 6 42 ""
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 17 6 43 "Are you sure you want to kill your spy?" ; 30
- 17 6 44 "Yes"
- 17 6 45 "No"
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 17 6 46 "Are you sure to quit game?" ; 30
- 17 6 47 "Yes"
- 17 6 48 "No"
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; 16 name of unit types
- 17 7 1 "-NONE-"
- 17 7 2 "Standard Tank"
- 17 7 3 "Standard Fighter"
- 17 7 4 "Standard Destroyer"
- 17 7 5 "Colonization"
- 17 7 6 "Standard Corvette"
- 17 7 7 "Standard Cruiser"
- 17 7 8 "Battleship"
- 17 7 9 "Standard Transporter"
- 17 7 10 "Tracked Tank"
- 17 7 11 "All-Terrain Tank"
- 17 7 12 "Advanced Fighter"
- 17 7 13 "Interceptor"
- 17 7 14 "Heavy Fighter"
- 17 7 15 "* raxus Keltoran" ;*** do not translate
- 17 7 16 "* ghton Dalian" ;*** do not translate
- 17 7 17 "* ar Mail" ;*** do not translate
- 17 7 18 "* mtuian" ;*** do not translate
- 17 7 19 "* onzox" ;*** do not translate
- 17 7 20 "* yMess" ;*** do not translate
- 17 7 21 "* rthorn" ;*** do not translate
- 17 7 22 "* yvallium" ;*** do not translate
- 17 7 23 "*" ;*** do not translate
- 17 7 24 "* utarkhos" ;*** do not translate
- 17 7 25 "* eether" ;*** do not translate
- 17 7 26 "* utRogue #1" ;*** do not translate
- 17 7 27 "* utRogue #2" ;*** do not translate
- 17 7 28 "*" ;*** do not translate
- 17 7 29 "Wormhole Deployer"
- 17 7 30 "* monslasher" ;*** do not translate
- 17 7 31 "* lfunction" ;*** do not translate
- 17 7 32 "Prof Zaschkin"
- 17 7 33 "* limiter" ;*** do not translate
- 17 7 34 "* rgin" ;*** do not translate
- 17 7 35 "* id" ;*** do not translate
- 17 7 36 "*7" ;*** do not translate
- 17 7 37 "*8" ;*** do not translate
- 17 7 38 "*9" ;*** do not translate
- 17 7 39 "*10" ;*** do not translate
- 17 7 40 "*11" ;*** do not translate
- 17 7 41 "*12" ;*** do not translate
- 17 7 42 "Wheeled tank"
- 17 7 43 "Fighter"
- 17 7 44 "Destroyer"
- 17 7 45 "Colonization"
- 17 7 46 "Terraformer ship"
- 17 7 47 "Space Base"
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; 16 name of imventions
- 17 8 1 "Fighter"
- 17 8 2 "Advanced Fighter"
- 17 8 3 "Interceptor"
- 17 8 4 "Heavy Fighter"
- 17 8 5 "Destroyer"
- 17 8 6 "Heavy Destroyer"
- 17 8 7 "Corvette"
- 17 8 8 "Heavy Corvette"
- 17 8 9 "Cruiser"
- 17 8 10 "Heavy Cruiser"
- 17 8 11 "Battleship"
- 17 8 12 "Transport"
- 17 8 13 "Colonizationship"
- 17 8 14 "Terraformer ship"
- 17 8 15 "Satellite"
- 17 8 16 "Spy Satellite"
- 17 8 17 "Light laser"
- 17 8 18 "Quad laser"
- 17 8 19 "Pulse Laser"
- 17 8 20 "Beam Laser"
- 17 8 21 "Turbo laser"
- 17 8 22 "Neutrongun"
- 17 8 23 "Impulse gun"
- 17 8 24 "Photon blaster"
- 17 8 25 "Mezongun"
- 17 8 26 "Paralyser"
- 17 8 27 "Ship-manipulator"
- 17 8 28 "Anti-matter ray"
- 17 8 29 "Destructor Ray"
- 17 8 30 "Cargo pod"
- 17 8 31 "Enh. cargo pod"
- 17 8 32 ""
- 17 8 33 "Radar array"
- 17 8 34 "Enhanced radar"
- 17 8 35 "Deep space radar"
- 17 8 36 "Stealth radar"
- 17 8 37 "Battle Computer"
- 17 8 38 ""
- 17 8 39 "Computer jammer"
- 17 8 40 "ECM"
- 17 8 41 "Advanced ECM"
- 17 8 42 "Anti ECM"
- 17 8 43 ""
- 17 8 44 ""
- 17 8 45 ""
- 17 8 46 ""
- 17 8 47 ""
- 17 8 48 ""
- 17 9 1 "Energy shield"
- 17 9 2 "Kinetic shield"
- 17 9 3 "Inertia shield"
- 17 9 4 "Magnetic shield"
- 17 9 5 "Gravity shield"
- 17 9 6 "Deflector shield"
- 17 9 7 "Combat cloaking"
- 17 9 8 "Fleet cloaking"
- 17 9 9 "Hyperdrive MK 1"
- 17 9 10 "Hyperdrive MK 2"
- 17 9 11 "Hyperdrive MK 3"
- 17 9 12 "Hyperdrive MK 4"
- 17 9 13 "Hyperdrive MK 5"
- 17 9 14 ""
- 17 9 15 ""
- 17 9 16 ""
- 17 9 17 "Torpedo"
- 17 9 18 "Adv. torpedo"
- 17 9 19 "Heavy torpedo"
- 17 9 20 "Napalm bomb"
- 17 9 21 "Neutron bomb"
- 17 9 22 "Virus bomb"
- 17 9 23 ""
- 17 9 24 ""
- 17 9 25 ""
- 17 9 26 ""
- 17 9 27 ""
- 17 9 28 ""
- 17 9 29 "Space Base"
- 17 9 30 "Adv. Space Base"
- 17 9 31 "Heavy Space Base"
- 17 9 32 "Mobile Base"
- 17 9 33 "Colony Hub"
- 17 9 34 "Small house"
- 17 9 35 "Large house"
- 17 9 36 "Food factory"
- 17 9 37 "Auto food fact."
- 17 9 38 "Hospital"
- 17 9 39 "Police Station"
- 17 9 40 "Fire brigade"
- 17 9 41 "-Water plant"
- 17 9 42 "Park"
- 17 9 43 "Bar"
- 17 9 44 "Recreation cent."
- 17 9 45 "Stadium"
- 17 9 46 ""
- 17 9 47 ""
- 17 9 48 ""
- 17 10 1 "Ship research"
- 17 10 2 "Tank research"
- 17 10 3 "Bld research"
- 17 10 4 "Spaceship fact."
- 17 10 5 "Adv. Ship fact."
- 17 10 6 "Tank factory"
- 17 10 7 "Adv. tank fact."
- 17 10 8 "Production impr."
- 17 10 9 "Spy centre"
- 17 10 10 ""
- 17 10 11 ""
- 17 10 12 ""
- 17 10 13 ""
- 17 10 14 ""
- 17 10 15 ""
- 17 10 16 ""
- 17 10 17 "Planetary Gun 1"
- 17 10 18 "Planetary Gun 2"
- 17 10 19 "Planetary Gun 3"
- 17 10 20 "Planetary Gun 4"
- 17 10 21 "Rocket Fortress"
- 17 10 22 "Machine Gun Fort"
- 17 10 23 "Laser Fortress"
- 17 10 24 "Heavy Fortress"
- 17 10 25 "Planet Shield"
- 17 10 26 "Adv. Planet Shld"
- 17 10 27 "Distortion Shld."
- 17 10 28 "-Bunker"
- 17 10 29 ""
- 17 10 30 "Self-destruct "
- 17 10 31 ""
- 17 10 32 ""
- 17 10 33 "Trade centre"
- 17 10 34 "Bank"
- 17 10 35 "Trade port"
- 17 10 36 "Fusion plant"
- 17 10 37 "Solar plant"
- 17 10 38 "Magma plant"
- 17 10 39 "Mezon plant"
- 17 10 40 ""
- 17 10 41 ""
- 17 10 42 ""
- 17 10 43 ""
- 17 10 44 ""
- 17 10 45 ""
- 17 10 46 ""
- 17 10 47 ""
- 17 10 48 ""
- 17 11 1 "Wheeled tank"
- 17 11 2 "Tracked tank"
- 17 11 3 "Anti-grav tank"
- 17 11 4 "Mega tracked"
- 17 11 5 "Mine-layer"
- 17 11 6 "Missile jammer"
- 17 11 7 "Radar jammer"
- 17 11 8 "Range extension"
- 17 11 9 "Suspensor"
- 17 11 10 "Detonator"
- 17 11 11 "Devastator"
- 17 11 12 "Air strike pod"
- 17 11 13 "Laser strike pod"
- 17 11 14 "Repair pod"
- 17 11 15 "-Holo-projector"
- 17 11 16 "Advanced radar"
- 17 11 17 "Machine gun"
- 17 11 18 "Cannon turret"
- 17 11 19 "Laser turret"
- 17 11 20 "Heavy Turret"
- 17 11 21 "Ion turret"
- 17 11 22 "Rocket turret"
- 17 11 23 "Rocket turret 2"
- 17 11 24 "Paralyser turret"
- 17 11 25 "Tank manipulator"
- 17 11 26 "Mine"
- 17 11 27 "Fusion mine"
- 17 11 28 "Machine gun mine"
- 17 11 29 "Laser mine"
- 17 11 30 ""
- 17 11 31 ""
- 17 11 32 ""
- 17 11 33 "Planetary X-Ray"
- 17 11 34 ""
- 17 11 35 "Crystal decoder"
- 17 11 36 "Crystal decoder2"
- 17 11 37 ""
- 17 11 38 ""
- 17 11 39 "Thermo-Cooler"
- 17 11 40 ""
- 17 11 41 ""
- 17 11 42 ""
- 17 11 43 ""
- 17 11 44 ""
- 17 11 45 ""
- 17 11 46 ""
- 17 11 47 ""
- 17 11 48 ""