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- Refined production techniques allow this basic
- fighter to be produced quickly and efficiently in
- large quantities. FIREPOWER: 10 HULL: 1
- ; "Advanced Fighter"
- A refined version of the basic fighter armed with
- dual laser cannons and a small magnetic deflector
- shield for defense. FIREPOWER: 15 HULL: 2
- ; "Interceptor"
- This heavily armed fighter is a deadly adversary
- with an exceptional success rate.
- ; "Heavy Fighter"
- Heavy duty armour and powerful weapons make this
- Fighter extremely useful for attacking larger
- ships. FIREPOWER: 40 HULL: 5
- ; "Destroyer"
- The mainstay of many fleets, this light
- Destroyer has a good range of basic features and
- a relatively high top speed. HULL: 10 TANKS: 1
- ; "Heavy Destroyer"
- Extra equipment pods and a stronger hull make
- this vessel an improvement over the basic
- destroyer. HULL: 15 TANKS: 1
- ; "Corvette"
- A strong hull makes the corvette an ideal defense
- ship for larger convoys. It can carry a large
- payload of weapons. HULL: 25 TANKS: 2
- ; "Heavy Corvette"
- Boasting an extra weapons pod, the Heavy Corvette
- carries more firepower than the standard model.
- HULL: 40 TANKS: 2
- ; "Cruiser"
- Tough and durable, the Cruiser is a true
- favourite of hardened space veterans. It will
- rarely let you down. HULL: 60 TANKS: 2
- ; "Heavy Cruiser"
- A technological leap from the Cruiser, this
- vessel houses additional weapon pods for
- increased firepower. HULL: 100 TANKS: 2
- ; "Battleship"
- A sight to strike fear into all but the most well
- equipped of opponents. When equipped with the
- best weapons it is deadly. HULL:200 TANKS:4
- ; "Transport"
- A gift from the Zaul confederation, this ship can
- carry up to 10.000 Zauls in relatively
- comfortable conditions. HULL: 5 TANKS: 2
- ; "Colonizationship"
- These immense vessels carry all the necessary
- equipment for colonizing new worlds, including
- the colonists themselves. HULL: 5
- ; "Terraformer ship"
- This vast spacecraft provides a slow but
- effective way of customizing a planet's
- environment to suit your needs. HULL: 5
- ; "Satellite"
- When placed in orbit around a planet, a satellite
- provides you with surface and production
- ; "Spy Satellite"
- Fitted with improved sensors, the Spy Satellite
- can detect and report on planetary conditions and
- ; "Light laser"
- Accurate and efficient, its main drawback is its
- relatively low power.
- ; "Quad laser"
- This is a simple upgrade to the Light Laser. The
- firing rate is improved, increasing the amount
- of energy delivered to the target. FIREPOWER: 15
- ; "Pulse Laser"
- Advancements in wave focusing techniques allow
- this laser to fire it's beam for a longer period
- of time. FIREPOWER: 25
- ; "Beam Laser"
- A simple upgrade to the Pulse Laser. Refined
- focusing technology surpasses the performance of
- the Pulse Laser. FIREPOWER: 40
- ; "Turbo laser"
- The latest breakthrough in laser technology. A
- complex cooling system allows it to fire at an
- increased rate. FIREPOWER: 65
- ; "Neutrongun"
- Harnessing the latest neutron technology has led
- to the development of this hybrid gun, a small
- and deadly armament. FIREPOWER: 20
- ; "Impulse gun"
- The Impulse gun is similar to Neutron gun in
- principle but utilises overcharged proton
- impulses to destroy it's target. FIREPOWER: 40
- ; "Photon blaster"
- Developments in Photon technology have led to a
- breakthrough in weapons manufacturing. This is an
- exceptionally powerful weapon. FIREPOWER: 80
- ; "Mezongun"
- This highly destructive weapon is renowned for
- its potency and excessive energy consumption.
- ; "Paralyser"
- The Paralyser fires a statically charged cloud at
- the target, rendering computer systems useless
- for a short period of time. FIREPOWER: 200
- ; "Ship-manipulator"
- Code breaking technology allows remote control of
- enemy vessels, unless the enemy can trace the
- control frequency and jam it. FIREPOWER: 300
- ; "Anti-matter ray"
- A powerful weapon that creates an anti-matter
- field attracting enemy vessels to the deadly
- core. High recharge times. FIREPOWER: 600
- ; "Destructor Ray"
- This aptly titled weapon slices through any
- object in its path with ease. The slow firing
- rate is only a small drawback. FIREPOWER: 900
- ; "Cargo pod"
- Extra space is always valuable. This accessory
- allows flagships to carry additional ground
- units. TANKS: 1
- ; "Enh. cargo pod"
- When retrofitted to a suitable flagship, this
- extension allows even more ground units to be
- carried than the standard cargo pod. TANKS: 2
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- ; "Radar array"
- The Radar array can be fitted to spacecraft or
- used as a ground installation.
- RANGE: 30
- ; "Enhanced radar"
- An improved version of the Radar array, this
- device can be used to detect the movement of
- vessels at an even greater range. RANGE: 40
- ; "Deep space radar"
- This Radar can detect vessels and planets.
- RANGE: 50
- ; "Stealth radar"
- A relatively simple upgrade has led to
- improvements in image resolution, enabling this
- system to detect cloaked vessels. RANGE: 60
- ; "Battle Computer"
- This devices enhances your targetting systems,
- increasing the chance of a direct hit inflicting
- damage of up to 30% more.
- ; ""
- ; "Computer jammer"
- A high frequency pulse generator that, when
- activated, severely disrupts computer activity
- and ECM systems on the target vessel.
- ; "ECM"
- An Electronic Counter Measure that detects and
- confuses incoming missiles so they miss their
- target.
- ; "Advanced ECM"
- A more advanced, active ECM system. Using lasers,
- gravity pulse fields and neutrino emitters it
- confuses and diverts missile attacks.
- ; "Anti ECM"
- A subtle countermeasure system that disables
- enemy ECM systems without disrupting your own
- tracking and ECM systems.
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- ..................................................
- ; "Energy shield"
- The standard shield can be equipped onto any type
- of ship. The shield dissipates energy, and
- increases the ships Hull strength by 15%.
- ; "Kinetic shield"
- Utilising kinetic energy fields, and improved
- power systems, this shield increases the hull
- strength of a vessel by 30%.
- ; "Inertia shield"
- New pulsed field technology increases the shield
- effectiveness by 45% and absorbs up to 30% of
- Laser hits.
- ; "Magnetic shield"
- This Electro-Magnetic shield increases shield
- power by 60%, gives a 45% protection against
- Lasers and 12% protection against Neutron shots.
- ; "Gravity shield"
- A superior defense system that in addition to
- 80% increased protection, deflects most Laser
- fire and 36% of Neutron and Photon bolts.
- ; "Deflector shield"
- The ultimate shield, giving 100% extra
- protection for the ship. It Deflects lasers and
- absorbs a high amount of Neutron and Photon bolts.
- ; "Combat cloaking"
- A development of shield technology that renders a
- ship practically invisible in space battles.
- Using offensive weaponry negates the effect.
- ; "Fleet cloaking"
- This device creates strong magnetic impulses,
- bending incoming Radar beams. When equipped on a
- suitable ship the entire fleet can be cloaked.
- ; "Hyperdrive MK 1"
- A relatively minor upgrade to a vessel's drive
- systems. Nevertheless, maximum speed will be
- 8 thrust factors.
- ; "Hyperdrive MK 2"
- A highly tuned version of the Hyperdrive that
- pushes the design performance to the limit and
- increases the speed to 10 thrust factors.
- ; "Hyperdrive MK 3"
- This new Hyperdrive is compatible with all ships.
- Using its twin boosters can increase the speed
- of your ship to 12 thrust factors.
- ; "Hyperdrive MK 4"
- Utilising feedback from other Hyperdrive users,
- extensive improvements have been made that
- increase speed to 14 thrust factors.
- ; "Hyperdrive MK 5"
- Ultra-light alloys are used to increase speed
- to 16 thrust factors. This drive requires giant
- generators, and large amounts of power.
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- ; "Torpedo"
- A cheap missile, carrying an explosive warhead
- that damages all ships in the explosion radius.
- Maneuverability:6 Speed:500 FIREPOWER: 20
- ; "Adv. torpedo"
- Combines advanced tracking and navigation systems
- with a higher warhead than the standard design.
- Maneuverability:9 Speed:500 FIREPOWER: 40
- ; "Heavy torpedo"
- Incorporating multiple warheads into the design
- has lead to a more devestating missile weapon.
- Maneuverability: 5 Speed: 400 FIREPOWER: 60
- ; "STS bomb"
- Space to Suface weapon that delivers explosives
- to an area of a planet from space. Usually used
- against ground defenses. FIREPOWER: 30
- ; "ASTS bomb"
- An advanced version of the STS bomb. A larger
- payload with a greater destructive affects on
- a wider area of the planet. FIREPOWER: 60
- ; "Virus bomb"
- The virus bomb kills all known life forms. With
- nothing left to feed on the virus dies, leaving
- the planet free to colonize. FIREPOWER: 90
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- ; "Space Base"
- A small space base. It can repel an attack from
- smaller fleets without the need of assitance.
- HULL: 50
- ; "Adv. Space Base"
- Designed to contain and defeat attacks by larger
- fleets, this base has a hull crafted from exotic
- alloys. HULL: 70
- ; "Heavy Space Base"
- Although the cost and production time of this
- base is enormous, it has the potential to defend
- a planet from all forms of attack. HULL: 90
- ; "Mobile Base"
- Incorporating cutting edge hyperdive technology
- makes the mobile base a reality. A very effective
- piece of hardware. SPEED: 2 HULL: 90
- ; "Colony Hub"
- The most important structure on a colony as
- everything is controlled from here. The more Hubs
- you build, the faster you can build on the colony.
- ; "Small house"
- The Small house is the cheapest and lowest
- capacity housing available for your people. It
- gives a slightly crowded home to 7000 colonists.
- ; "Large house"
- These tall apartment blocks are more expensive to
- build than small house but can provide a more
- comfortable living space for over 12.000 people.
- ; "Food factory"
- Processes food for 9000 inhabitants.The
- effectiveness of this factory varies according to
- the planet's environment and race.
- ; "Auto food fact."
- The automated food factory produces food for
- 18000 inhabitants in a shorter time and uses
- fewer workers than the standard food factory.
- ; "Hospital"
- Hospitals improve colony morale and maintains the
- health of 8000 inhabitants. It also fights
- disease and finds remedies to new viruses.
- ; "Police Station"
- On sufficiently populated planets, Police Stations
- are demanded by the colonists to protect 15000
- inhabitants and keep crime at an acceptable level.
- ; "Fire brigade"
- The Fire Brigade will automatically repair colony
- structures with up to 50% of damage for no charge.
- They are very useful after attacks or disasters.
- ; "Water plant"
- Moisture Vaporators extract moisture from the air
- to provide drinkable quality water. Some planets
- need Vaporators to increase population growth.
- ; "Park"
- Parks provide a physical reminder of the colonists'
- homeworld. These pleasant, relaxing oasis of
- nature raise colony morale.
- ; "Bar"
- A social space where colonists can bond with one
- another through the shared ritual consumption of
- beverages. Naturally, Bars raise colony morale.
- ; "Recreation cent."
- The Recreation centre provides such healthy
- entertainments as Hyperpool and Flashpong. These
- entertainments improve morale on the colony.
- ; "Stadium"
- The stadium provides a location for performances
- and sporting events to be put on for the benefit
- of the colonists.
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- ; "Ship research"
- The Spacecraft Research Centre increases your
- empire's knowledge of spacecraft related research
- and development.
- ; "Tank research"
- The Tank Research Centre increases your empire's
- knowledge of ground unit research and development.
- ; "Bld research"
- The Buildings Research Centre designs new colony
- buildings.
- ; "Spaceshp factory"
- The Spaceship factory increases the colony's ship
- production capacity, and modifies the speed of
- production.
- ; "Adv. Ship fact."
- An improved Spaceship factory that requires less
- workers whilst increasing manufacturing capacity.
- ; "Tank factory"
- The Tank factory increases the colony's Tank
- production capacity and modifies the speed of
- production.
- ; "Adv. tank fact."
- An improved Tank factory that increases the
- manufacturing capacity whilst requiring less
- workers.
- ; "Production impr."
- A general purpose factory that can be used to
- assist with the manufature of space and ground
- vehicles to increase productivity by 50%.
- ; "Spy centre"
- These centres co-ordinate the spying effort of
- your empire. The number of agents you can hire
- is dictated by the amount of these centres.
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- ; "Planetary Gun 1"
- This ground to space gun fires a stream of highly
- charged particles into space, potentially damaging
- approaching assault fleets.FIREPOWER:60 HULL: 10
- ; "Planetary Gun 2"
- This weapon launches bolts of superheated matter
- into space, inflicting damage on enemy starships.
- ; "Planetary Gun 3"
- A combination of existing planetary defense systems
- that uses Plasma bolts mixed with charged particles
- for extra potency. FIREPOWER: 160 HULL: 40
- ; "Planetary Gun 4"
- This weapon fires a stream of antimatter particles,
- that explode upon contact. It can easily disable a
- ship with a single blast.FIREPOWER: 260 HULL: 80
- ; "Rocket Fortress"
- The Rocket Fortress is the simplest fortification
- available. During a ground assault it will fire at
- any enemy tanks in range. FIREPOWER: 3 HULL: 40
- ; "Machine Gun Fort"
- This Fortress greatly improves your colony's
- defenses. It has an increased range of fire and
- fortified walls. FIREPOWER: 6 HULL: 60
- ; "Laser Fortress"
- This Fortress boasts the latest cannon designs and
- required a complete redesign to incorporate
- improved cooling systems. FIREPOWER: 10 HULL: 80
- ; "Heavy Fortress"
- This is the heaviest fortification you can build to
- defend your colony against ground attacks. It is
- formidably tough. FIREPOWER: 15 HULL:110
- ; "Planet Shield"
- It projects a powerful wall of ionized particles
- above the atmosphere, providing limited protection
- attacks from space. HULL: 10
- ; "Adv. Planet Shld"
- It consists of carefully balanced fields of reverse
- spin gravitons, forming a barrier with extemely
- high repulsion qualities. HULL: 20
- ; "Disortion Shield"
- Utilizing the warping effects of millions of tiny
- micro-singularities, this shield offers the most
- effective form of planetary cover. HULL: 30
- ; "Bunker"
- This is a reinforced shelter, used by colonists
- during times of danger. It can greatly reduce the
- number of casualties during conflict. HULL: 50
- ; ""
- ; "Self-destruct "
- This building can be used to destroy the entire
- colony, which is sometimes preferable to enemy
- occupation.
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- ; "Trade centre"
- The Trade centre is the focal point of colonial
- commerce. Every trader who arrives has to pay
- a docking fee of $5000 credits.
- ; "Bank"
- Banks provide financial investment for local
- commerce. For each trader paying the docking
- fee it increases this revenue by 50%.
- ; "Trade port"
- Fitted with automated customs facilities and robot
- dockworkers. Attracts traders to visit the planet
- more often and gives access to the trade screen.
- ; "Fusion plant"
- The Fusion Plant is most effective on planets with
- a ready supply of suitable materials for
- processing. OUTPUT: 600 KW\h
- ; "Solar plant"
- Highly efficient superconductors and orbiting
- focal arrays make Solar plants the most efficient
- power source on sunny planets. OUTPUT: 1000 KW\h
- ; "Magma plant"
- This power plant utilises a planet's geothermal
- energy and converts it into electricity.The output
- depends on the type of planet. OUTPUT: 1500 KW\h
- ; "Mezon plant"
- This plant uses geothermal energy combined with
- nuclear fusion to create the most efficient energy
- source ever constructed. Output: 2000 KW\h
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- ; "Wheeled tank"
- This tank chassis may be deployed on many types of
- terrain. However, its relatively weak hull is
- unable to carry heavier turrets. HULL: 10
- ; "Tracked tank"
- This vehicle is slow but may be deployed on most
- types of terrain. HULL: 20
- ; "Anti-grav tank"
- This fast and maneuverable tank can navigate any
- known terrain using its anti-grav drive.
- It cannot carry a heavy payload. HULL: 30
- ; "Mega tracked"
- This Behemoth is the largest tank ever built. For
- maximum firepower, it can be fitted with twin
- turrets. HULL: 50
- ; "Mine-layer"
- Deploys proximity mines as it moves across the
- planet surface. The Mine-layer can be fitted with
- different types of mine as required. HULL: 20
- ; "Missile jammer"
- Using standard ECM technology, this device emits
- radio signals to jam enemy missiles. The affected
- missiles will either divert or detonate.
- ; "Radar jammer"
- This device counteracts standard radar signals
- by jamming the transmissions. Enemy will not be
- able to use the radar map.
- ; "Range extension"
- A simple modification to the firing system of a
- tank that significantly increases its effective
- range.
- ; "Suspensor"
- This device generates a suspension field around
- the tank which will be able to climb
- the steepest of hills.
- ; "Detonator"
- This device is nothing more than a large bomb. When
- ordered, the tank will place the bomb next to the
- target and detonate, destroying everything nearby.
- ; "Devastator"
- A simple upgrade to the Detonator, this bomb
- carries a greater destructive capacity than it's
- less refined predecessor.
- ; "Air strike pod"
- A target designation system. Signals are sent into
- space giving the exact location of targets. Any
- fighters in orbit will then attack these targets.
- ; "Laser strike pod"
- Signals are sent into space giving the location of
- targets on the surface. Large ships in orbit will
- then launch a massive attack against them.
- ; "Repair pod"
- This device will automatically repair a damaged
- tank. Up to 50% of the original hull strength can
- be repaired.
- ; "Holo-projector"
- A useful device that projects a holographic image
- of your strongest tank into the surrounding area.
- This can cause great confusion amongst the enemy.
- ; "Advanced radar"
- An important extension, which eliminates the
- radar jamming signals, providing accurate details
- of the terrain and shows the whereabouts of mines.
- ; "Machine gun"
- A small, unremarkable turret. It's light machine
- gun is only effective at fairly close range.
- Useful for destroying buildings. FIREPOWER: 2
- ; "Cannon turret"
- A small turret, armed with explosive shells.
- ; "Laser turret"
- This turret is armed with a reasonably powerful
- Laser beam that can cause extensive damage to
- targets. Recharge times are high. FIREPOWER: 4
- ; "Heavy Turret"
- A long range turret armed with explosive shells.
- This system is effective and very reliable.
- ; "Ion turret"
- A superb turret. This weapon carries an awesome
- amount of firepower for its class. FIREPOWER: 8
- ; "Rocket turret"
- This turret uses rocket powered, low flying
- missiles as ammunition. They have a greater range
- than smaller munitions. FIREPOWER: 3
- ; "Rocket turret 2"
- Advanced image recognition software, anti-jamming
- systems and high speed thrusters have improved the
- performance of this turret immensely.FIREPOWER: 5
- ; "Paralyser turret"
- This ECM disables all electrical circuits in an
- enemy tank. The crippled tank will slowly regain
- power and control over time.
- ; "Tank manipulator"
- This device is capable of controling the computer
- system of an enemy tank until the enemy locates
- and disables it.
- ; "Mine"
- A proximity mine, detonated by the presence of an
- enemy vehicle. It can be detected at close range
- by more observant commanders. DAMAGE: 1
- ; "Fusion mine"
- A powerful mine, utilising a small nuclear device
- to a devestating effect. DAMAGE: 2
- ; "Machine gun mine"
- This "mine" will be activated as a Machine Gun
- turret when an enemy tank comes into its range.
- ; "Laser mine"
- This "mine" is a proximity activated laser gun,
- with a greater destructive capacity than the
- Machine gun mine. FIREPOWER: 4
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- ; "Planetary X-Ray"
- This device is fitted to all Radar systems,
- enabling them to detect any planetarty cloaking
- devices.
- ; ""
- ; "Crystal decoder"
- A highly specialized piece of equipment, utilizing
- advanced decoding algorithms and recognition
- systems to decode data files.
- ; "Crystal decoder2"
- A more advanced version of the Crystal decoder.
- This upgrade utilises data from previous studies
- of the Crystals to improve efficiency.
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- ; "Thermo-Cooler"
- The creation of Professor Zaschkin, this device
- will try to halt the events that
- lead to a volcanic erruption on a planet.
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