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- * <F4><C3> SPYING (F7)
- +
- + <F2><C1>
- + Certain races prefer to avoid open hostilities and rely on more subtle
- - and underhanded methods to achieve their aims. The use of spies to
- - achieve these aims is a well-established practise. Spies can be used
- - for many different tasks including theft, sabotage, kidnapping and
- - assassination.
- +
- + Your empire can employ a maximum of 12 spies. Your first spy is
- - housed at your headquarters but to employ further spies you will have
- - to build spy centres. The number of spies you employ and the maximum
- - you can employ is displayed at the bottom of the window at the bottom
- - left of the screen.
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- * <Pspy_kis.bmp>
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- + <F3><C5>Spies <C1><F2>
- +
- + Left click on a spy to select him. His personal information is displayed in
- - the window at the bottom right of the screen and contains the following
- - information.
- +
- + <C5>Name
- + Race
- + XP:<C1> During missions your spies acquire experience points. The more complex the
- - mission, the more points they receive.
- + <C5>Rank:<C1> After gaining enough experience points, your agents achieve a
- - new level, or rank. They get 3 skill points at each rank, which can be
- - divided among the following four skill areas:
- + <C5>- Infiltrate:<C1> This is important when the mission's target is
- * outside your empire. If an agent has high offense skill, they will
- * have a higher chance of returning safely.
- * <C5>- Counter Intelligence:<C1> This skill is useful for agents that are
- * sent on counter intelligence missions. You can use them to prevent
- * the enemy spies from attacking your empire. The more spies you
- * have on counter intelligence missions, the less chance enemy spies
- * have of succeeding in their missions in your empire.
- + <C5>- Combat:<C1> This skill is used when two enemy spies meet. The spy with
- * the best combat rating will win.
- + <C5>- Loyalty:<C1> If enemy forces catch your spy, they may try to
- * convert him into a double agent. Spies with higher loyalty ratings
- * are harder to convert.
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- * <Pspy_skills.bmp>
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- + <F3><C5>Double agents<F2><C1>
- +
- + If your spies manage to catch an enemy spy you can decide whether to
- - kill him or employ him as a double agent. The latter option offers
- - several advantages. When the double agent is sent on a mission against
- - your empire he will fail his mission, yet if he is sent on a mission
- - against other empires, he will provide you, as well as his original
- - employer, with information without costing you anything.
- +
- + Naturally, the enemy can also try to convert your spies to double
- - agents, so you should never trust anyone completely...
- - If you suspect one of you spies is a double agent, you are able to kill them.
- +
- +
- + New Spies
- +
- + When a new spy arrives in your empire, several options are available to you
- - in the window at the bottom right of the screen. The cost of hiring the spy
- - is shown as "Required Credits". If you don't have the neccasary credits you
- - can ask the spy to come back to you later.
- +
- +
- + <F3><C5>Missions<F2><C1>
- +
- + As the rank of your spies increases, they can solve more and more
- - difficult tasks. In the beginning they provide you with basic
- - information but later they are able to acquire well-kept secrets from
- - other empires.
- +
- + For certain tasks, such as stealing inventions, you can specify a
- - target. First you have to select the mission type, then select the
- - name of the empire you want to target. In some cases you can also
- - specify what design your spy has to steal or which planet he should
- - sabotage.
- +
- + Once you have sent an agent on a mission, you will see how many days
- - are left until completion of the mission, and what chance he has of
- - success. His chances depend on his level, skills and other factors.
- - If you have more agents on counter intelligence missions, you will
- - decrease the chances of success of enemy spies (see Level 1 missions).
- +
- * <Pspying_fej.bmp>
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- + <C5>Level 1 missions
- +
- + Training<C1>
- + You can send your spies on training missions. These missions allow
- - your spies to develop their skills in safety.
- +
- + <C5>Info: Check empire<C1>
- - You can get different kinds of information about enemy empires such as how
- - many planets are in their empire, their population, their ships and
- - developed inventions.
- +
- + <C5>Info: about planets<C1>
- - There are two types of missions. You can select "any planet" as the target,
- - which enables you to learn the name of a new planet. If you set a specific
- - planet as a target, you can learn the population number, the morale and the
- - number of tanks present.
- +
- + <C5>Info : inventions<C1>
- - If the mission is successful, you learn the names of three inventions
- - researched by the enemy.
- +
- + <C5>Counter intelligence<C1>
- - You can try to prevent enemy spies from damaging your empire. The mission will
- - continue until you recall your spy (or he is killed).
- +
- + <C5>Level 2 missions
- + Steal money:<C1> You can steal money from the treasury of the enemy.
- +
- + <C5>Level 3 missions
- + Sabotage <C1>
- - This is a slow but effective way of weakening the enemy. In a successful
- - mission the target building is destroyed. You can select specific targets
- - only if you have previously received information about them.
- +
- + <C5>Detonate ship<C1>
- - Similar to sabotage but in this case the target is a spaceship.
- +
- + <C5>Level 4 missions
- + Steal invention<C1>
- - If you know that the enemy has developed a certain invention that you have
- - not, you can try to steal the designs.
- +
- + <C5>Level 5 missions
- + Incite revolt<C1>
- - If you incite a revolt on a planet the revolting colony breaks away from the
- - ruling empire and will join another one.
- +
- + <C5>Level 6 missions
- + Hunt for enemy spies<C1>
- - If you think that the enemy's spies are causing too much trouble, you can
- - try to kill them. Be sure that your agent has good combat skills!
- +
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- * <PSpy_mission.bmp>
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- + <C5>Level 8 missions
- + Assassination of ruler<C1>
- - This is the most difficult mission to complete. Your agent has to penetrate
- - into the highest circles of the enemy empire and wait for the appropriate
- - moment to kill their ruler. The murder will result in a chaotic situation in
- - the empire resulting in the possible revolution or defection of some
- - colonies.
- +
- + Below these you can set a target race, target planet and building
- - (where needed). The only mission to use all three targets is the sabotage,
- - where you have to decide which race, which planet and which building is the
- - target.
- +
- + Before you select to start a mission, the time, chance and cost are displayed
- - in the window at the bottom left of the screen.