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INI File | 1999-10-01 | 9.2 KB | 388 lines |
- [Chase2Camera]
- maxHorizonVelocity = 2
- ; in units (deg/frame) or (deg/0.05sec) - worst case
- maxVerticalVelocity = 2
- ; in units (deg/frame) or (deg/0.05sec) - worst case
- maxZoomVelocity = 8
- ; in units (meters/frame) or (meters/0.05sec) - worst case
- initialRadius = 70
- ; initial distance between camera & plane
- minimumZoomRadius = 130
- ; limit on zoom in
- initialAzimuth = 0
- ; 0 - camera behind plane, 180 - camera in front of plane
- initialElevation = 6
- ; 0 - plane level, 90 - above plane
- zoomOutTime = 32
- arcadeShiftDown = 15
- initialArcadeRadius = 120
- [RefuelCamera]
- deltaT1= 2
- deltaT2= 6
- radiusViewPoint1 = 45
- elevationViewPoint1 = 25
- azimuthViewPoint1 = 175
- radiusViewPoint2 = 25
- elevationViewPoint2 = 30
- azimuthViewPoint2 = 184
- radiusViewPoint3 = 120
- elevationViewPoint3 = 10
- azimuthViewPoint3 = 330
- radiusViewPoint4 = 130
- elevationViewPoint4 = 20
- azimuthViewPoint4 = 375
- [DollyCamera]
- RollOn = 0
- ; 0 - camera parallel to horizon, 1 - camera parallel to plane wings
- maxHorizonVelocity = 2
- ; in units (deg/frame) or (deg/0.05sec) - worst case
- maxVerticalVelocity = 2
- ; in units (deg/frame) or (deg/0.05sec) - worst case
- maxZoomVelocity = 8
- ; in units (meters/frame) or (meters/0.05sec) - worst case
- initialRadius = 100
- ; initial distance between camera & plane (shouldn't be negative!!!)
- initialAzimuth = 0
- ; 0 - camera behind plane, 180 - camera in front of plane
- initialElevation = 20
- ; 0 - plane level, 90 - above plane
- minimumZoomRadius = 80
- ; limit on zoom in
- scalingFactor = 60
- [peepCockpit]
- shortPeepVelocity = 14
- ; velocity for the short peeps (till 30 deg)
- mediumPeepVelocity = 20
- ; velocity for the medium peep (80 deg)
- longPeepVelocity = 26
- ; velocity for the medium peeps (165, 180 deg)
- [panningCockpit]
- realisticModel = 1
- aroundVelocityLookAt = 0
- ; 0 - roll around body LookAt, 1 - roll around velocity LookAt
- onlyIn2D = 1
- ; 0 - roll in 2D and 3D is equal, 1 - around velocity LookAt only in 2D
- maxHorizonVelocity = 5
- ; panning velocities
- maxVerticalVelocity = 5
- maxForwardZoom = 3
- ; zoom possible only toward the front of the cockpit
- headForwardParameter = 3
- ; amount of movement forward during panning
- headSideParameter = 2
- ; amount of movement sideway during panning
- gEffectOn = 0
- ; only in 3D and 2D cockpit views
- GEffectParameter= 150
- initialElevation = 0
- FOV = 50
- tiltAngle2D = 115
- ; ten times the real value
- tiltAngle3D = 67
- ; ten times the real value
- subTypeParam = 0
- ; 0 - zoom changes field of view, 1 - dolly zoom
- [Hud]
- aroundVelocityLookAt = 0
- tiltAngle = 90
- subpartCockpit = 1
- headHeight = 7
- ; ten times the real value
- ; angles in ALL planes are 10 times the real value
- [F16]
- headUpwards = 0
- headBackwards = 45
- tiltAngle = 68
- tiltAngleScroll2D = 30
- tiltAngCross2D = 80
- tiltAngCross3D = 48
- sideAngleLimit = 165
- upAngleLimit = 80
- downAngleLimit = 23
- backDownAngleLimit = 20
- cockpitSizeParam = 30
- [F15]
- headUpwards = 15
- headBackwards = 20
- tiltAngle = 90
- tiltAngleScroll2D = 53
- tiltAngCross2D = 96
- tiltAngCross3D = 55
- sideAngleLimit = 165
- upAngleLimit = 80
- downAngleLimit = 27
- backDownAngleLimit = 8
- cockpitSizeParam = 30
- [F15E]
- headUpwards = 10
- headBackwards = 20
- tiltAngle = 90
- tiltAngleScroll2D = 53
- tiltAngCross2D = 96
- tiltAngCross3D = 53
- sideAngleLimit = 165
- upAngleLimit = 80
- downAngleLimit = 25
- backDownAngleLimit = 12
- cockpitSizeParam = 41
- [F4]
- headUpwards = 30
- headBackwards = 15
- tiltAngle = 130
- tiltAngleScroll2D = 32
- tiltAngCross2D = 70
- tiltAngCross3D = 60
- sideAngleLimit = 165
- upAngleLimit = 80
- downAngleLimit = 35
- backDownAngleLimit = 0
- cockpitSizeParam = 29
- [F117]
- headUpwards = 0
- headBackwards = 40
- tiltAngle = 100
- tiltAngleScroll2D = 0
- tiltAngCross2D = 35
- tiltAngCross3D = 90
- sideAngleLimit = 163
- upAngleLimit = 80
- downAngleLimit = 24
- backDownAngleLimit = 11
- cockpitSizeParam = 20
- [F105]
- headUpwards = 30
- headBackwards = 40
- tiltAngle = 125
- tiltAngleScroll2D = 57
- tiltAngCross2D = 137
- tiltAngCross3D = 30
- sideAngleLimit = 160
- upAngleLimit = 80
- downAngleLimit = 30
- backDownAngleLimit = 0
- cockpitSizeParam = 29
- [F22]
- headUpwards = 0
- headBackwards = 38
- tiltAngle = 100
- tiltAngleScroll2D = 47
- tiltAngCross2D = 81
- tiltAngCross3D = 79
- sideAngleLimit = 165
- upAngleLimit = 80
- downAngleLimit = 23
- backDownAngleLimit = 3
- cockpitSizeParam = 30
- [A10]
- headUpwards = 0
- headBackwards = 15
- tiltAngle = 90
- tiltAngleScroll2D = 40
- tiltAngCross2D = 82
- tiltAngCross3D = 78
- sideAngleLimit = 160
- upAngleLimit = 80
- downAngleLimit = 28
- backDownAngleLimit = 14
- cockpitSizeParam = 30
- [MIG29]
- headUpwards = 0
- headBackwards = 20
- tiltAngle = 73
- tiltAngleScroll2D = 11
- tiltAngCross2D = 51
- tiltAngCross3D = 43
- sideAngleLimit = 165
- upAngleLimit = 80
- downAngleLimit = 20
- backDownAngleLimit = 3
- cockpitSizeParam = 40
- [headMovementLimits]
- maxSideAngle = 145
- ; limits on head turn to the sides in realistic model
- maxUpAngle = 80
- ; limits on head turn up in realistic model
- maxDownAngle = 20
- [DualView]
- sidewaysFactor= 50
- stretchFactor= 100
- viewCenterFactor= 100
- zoomInTime = 20
- smoothDualTime = 30
- [FlyBy]
- distanceForward = 1000
- distanceRightLeft = 50
- distanceUpDown = 40
- dollyHorizontalDistance = 350
- dollyFrontDistance = 750
- downToUpFactor = 6000
- flyByTiltParam = 0
- finishFlyByNorma = 1000000
- downToUpTime = 100
- startingRadius = 700
- dollySpeed = 4
- flyByTime = 68
- cutFrontTime= 24
- cutBackTime = 26
- xOffset = 1
- yOffset = 700
- zOffset = 1
- maxFlyByVelocity = 50
- accelerationParam = 15
- [frictionFlybY]
- KVX = 200
- ; damper of spring accroding to x,y,z axes
- KVY = 100
- KVZ = 200
- [springFlyby]
- KX = 400
- KY = 200
- KZ = 400
- xOffset = 30
- yOffset = 0
- zOffset = 80
- ; offsets on x,y,z in plane referentiel we want the camera
- ; to reach before stabilizing behind the plane (causes camera to pass under the plane for example)
- radius = 400
- ; distance we want the camera to be after the flyby
- elevation = 0
- ; pitch we want to see object after fly by
- azimuth = 0
- ; yaw we want to see object after fly by
- [GroupCamera]
- offsetXx = 80
- offsetYy = 100
- offsetYx = 10
- offsetZz = 90
- offsetZy = 10
- ; offset so that camera can show the other planes
- ; behind the leader. not really advise to change them too much
- leaderWeight = 2
- ; how close do we want the camera to the leader according to other planes
- [ObjectCamera]
- initialRadius = 250
- initialAzimuth = 75
- initialElevation = 35
- finalAzimuth = 0
- finalElevation = 20
- firstMovementTime = 30
- ; ten times bigger than value in seconds
- [padlockTarget]
- realisticModel = 1
- ; allows head twisting or doesn't
- parallel2Horizon = 0
- ; takes into account roll
- [Targ]
- heightIncreaseParam = 80
- ; Elevates camera from the ground when targeting an ground object in meters
- ;maxZoomVelocity = 40
- ; max zoom velocity in about meter/0.04s
- maxDistanceFactorParam = 100
- ; factor multiplier for object size to give max viewing distance
- cutStartTime = 20
- flyByTime = 3
- ; time before the point of view stablize
- closeInTime = 6
- flyByElevation = 8
- ; the angle above horizon in which the flyBy is done
- startingRadius = 2000
- initialRadius = 110
- airTargetAzimuth = 150
- airTargetElevation = 20
- maxHorizonVelocity = 3
- maxVerticalVelocity = 3
- maxZoomVelocity = 6
- [TurnAround]
- elevation = 10
- ; Pitch with which we look down at the object
- maxTurnVelocity = 1
- scaleFactor = 17
- ; * boundingBox = radius
- [AutomaticSequence]
- on = 0
- [EjectCamera]
- initialDistanceForward = 350
- initialDistanceSideways = 70
- sideRadius = 40
- aboveViewTime = 2
- zoomInOutTime = 8
- ; aboveViewRadius = 100
- zoomOutFactor = 10
- ejectVelocity = 10
- [LaunchCamera]
- initialAzimuth = 20
- radiusFromPlane = 40
- radiusFromMissile = 60
- initialElevation = 10
- viewLaunchTime = 5
- directionVec = 200
- sideMovementFactor = 100
- explosionSlowDownTime = 40
- [ChaseMissileCamera]
- initialRadius = 250
- finalRadius = 100
- azimuthChange = 30
- elevationChange = 10
- [HeadingCamera]
- initialRadius = 100
- initialAzimuth = 0
- initialElevation = 15
- [CameraManager]
- enableViewChange = 1
- ;--------------VIEW NAMES-----------------------
- targetViewName = "Target View - "
- targetPlayerViewName = "Target - Player View"
- playerTargetViewName = "Player - Target View"
- playerWingmanViewName = "Player - Wingman View"
- playerThreatViewName = "Player - Threat View"
- playerIncomingMissileViewName = "Player - Incoming Missile View"
- chaseViewName = "Chase View"
- leftPylonViewName = "Left Pylon View"
- gearViewName = "Gear View"
- tailViewName = "Tail View"
- rightPylonViewName = "Right Pylon View"
- autoViewName = "Auto View"
- actionViewName = "Action View"
- flyByViewName = "Fly By View"
- remoteControlViewName = "Remote Control View"
- frontViewName = "Front View"
- orbitViewName = "Orbit View"
- orbitCamDirection = " - Cam Direction"
- padlockWingmanViewName = "Padlock To Wingman View"
- padlockTargetViewName = "PadLock To Target View"
- weaponViewName = "Weapon View"
- incomingMissileViewName = "INCOMING MISSILE!"
- forwardViewName = "Forward View"
- visitViewName = "Visit View"