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- Voodoo2(TM) Based 3D Accelerators Driver Kit
- Voodoo2 Driver kit Version: 3.03.00
- Glide Driver Version:
- Glide3 Driver Version:
- Voodoo2 D3D Driver Build Number:
- Voodoo2 Control Panel Applet:
- OpenGL(r) Driver Version: ICD
- Platform: Windows(r) 95/98 and DOS
- Copyright ( 1997-1999 3dfx Interactive, Inc. )
- All Rights Reserved
- NOTE: Use of this software is subject to the terms in the 3dfx license
- agreement.
- 3dfx Interactive, Inc.
- Website: http://www.3dfx.com
- News Server: news://news.3dfx.com
- This product may be covered by one or more of the following
- US patents: 5,724,561 5,740,343 5,808,621 5,822,452 5,831,624
- =======================================================================
- What's in the distribution?
- =======================================================================
- This distribution contains Glide, Glide3, Direct3D(r) drivers for
- Voodoo2 Based 3D Accelerators and the Voodoo2 Control Panel Applet.
- This distribution should be used by all OEM's shipping boards for
- the Windows 95/98 platform. It is suggested that the files in this kit
- be placed on a driver CD in uncompressed (unzipped) format.
- The following Voodoo2 boards will function with these drivers:
- - 3dfx Interactive Voodoo2 reference boards
- Included Files
- --------------
- 3dfxV2.DRV - DirectDraw Driver
- 3dfx16V2.DLL - DirectDraw 16 Bit DLL
- 3dfx32V2.DLL - DirectDraw 32 Bit DLL
- 3dfxV2PS.DLL - Control Panel Applet
- 3dfxV2PS.HLP - Control Panel Help File
- VOODOO2.BMP - Voodoo2 Desktop Wallpaper
- FXMEMMAP.VXD - Voodoo VXD for Mapping Memory
- RICHED20.DLL - Microsoft Redistributable File *
- CSH.DLL - Control Panel Help Control File *
- MSVCRT.DLL - Microsoft Redistributable File
- GLIDE2X.DLL - Win95/98 Glide for Voodoo2 (Supports Glide 2.31+)
- FXOEM2X.DLL - Win95/98 Glide OEM Extension DLL
- GLIDE2X.OVL - DOS Glide for Voodoo2 (Supports Glide 2.31+)
- GLIDE3X.DLL - Win95/98 Glide3 for Voodoo2
- VOODOO2.INF - INF File for installing Drivers
- V2-AUTO.INF - INF File used to add backwards compatability
- LICENSE.TXT - 3dfx License Agreement
- MANIFEST.TXT - Listing and size of files
- README.TXT - This File
- * File used for Control Panel Applet. If a newer version of the named
- file exists a dialog box will appear asking to keep the existing file.
- It is suggested that you keep any existing newer files.
- =======================================================================
- Installation
- =======================================================================
- Requirements
- ------------
- - Windows 95 or Windows 98
- - PC with an Intel(r), AMD(r) or, Cyrix(r) based processor
- - One free PCI slot (or two free PCI slots for SLI)
- - 16MB of RAM or more Suggested
- Installation
- ------------
- The installation below can vary depending on which version of Windows
- is installed. To determine the Windows 95 version click Start,
- Settings, Control Panel. Double-click on the system icon. If the
- Windows version is 4.00.950b, Windows 95 OEM SR2 is running.
- Existing Drivers Installed or PCI Multimedia Device shown in Device Mgr
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1) Start Windows and extract the drivers to a temporary directory.
- 2) Open Device Manager (Start, Settings, Control Panel, System)
- 3) Locate the existing reference to the card it will be listed as:
- Reference Card: Other Devices / PCI Multimedia Device or
- Sound, Video, Game Controllers / Voodoo2
- NOTE: In an SLI configiration (2 Voodoo2 cards) you only need to
- select one card to update.
- 4) Double Click on the card, then click the driver Tab
- Windows 95 Standard Release users: Click "Change Driver" and choose
- "Have Disk"
- Windows 95 OEM SR2 users: Click "Update Driver" then click
- the Next Button. Click "Other
- Locations"
- Windows 98 users: Click "Update Driver" then click
- the Next Button twice on the
- Detection Dialog Box. Ensure that
- "Specify a Location" is checked and
- "Microsoft Windows Update" is not
- checked. Click Browse to continue.
- 5) Point the driver location to where the files are extracted to and click
- OK.
- Windows Standard Release 95 users: Select "Voodoo2 3D Accelerator"
- from the List and click OK.
- Click OK again to save changes in
- Device Manager.
- Windows 95 OEM SR2 Users: Click on Finish to continue.
- Windows 98 users: Click on Next to continue.
- 6) You MAY then be prompted to insert the "Voodoo2 Drivers for Windows 9X"
- Disk. Again, point to the path you extracted the files to and press OK.
- 7) Windows will copy the drivers. Reboot the system when prompted
- 8) Install DirectX 6.1 (If not already installed)
- No Current Drivers Installed (Single Board and SLI)
- ---------------------------------------------------
- Single Board
- ============
- 1) Start Windows and extract the drivers to a temporary directory.
- 2) Shutdown Windows, Power off the system and install your Voodoo2
- 3D board into a PCI slot.
- 3) Restart Windows after hardware installation.
- 4) Windows will detect a "PCI Multimedia Device", you need to:
- Windows 95 Standard Release users: Select "Use Driver from Mfr"
- and click OK
- Windows 95 OEM SR2 users: Click the Next Button on the
- Detection Dialog Box. Then click
- "Other Locations"
- Windows 98 users: Click the Next Button twice on the
- Detection Dialog Box. Ensure that
- "Specify a Location" is checked and
- "Microsoft Windows Update" is not
- checked. Click Browse to continue.
- 5) Point the driver location to where the files are extracted to and click
- OK. (Windows 98: You will need to click on Next to continue)
- 6) You MAY then be prompted to insert the "Voodoo2 Drivers for Windows 9X"
- Disk. Enter the path the drivers are extracted to and press OK.
- 7) Windows will copy the drivers. Reboot the system when prompted
- 8) Install DirectX 6.1 (If not already installed)
- SLI (Two Voodoo2 Boards with SLI cable)
- =======================================
- 1) Start Windows and extract the drivers to a temporary directory.
- 2) Shutdown Windows, Power off the system and install your Voodoo2
- 3D boards into PCI slots next to each other
- 3) Connect the SLI cable to both boards.
- 4) Restart the system and Windows after hardware installation.
- 5) Windows will detect a "PCI Multimedia Device", you need to:
- Windows 95 Standard Release users: Select "Use Driver from Mfr"
- and click OK
- Windows 95 OEM SR2 users: Click the Next Button on the
- Detection Dialog Box. Then click
- "Other Locations"
- Windows 98 users: Click the Next Button twice on the
- Detection Dialog Box. Ensure that
- "Specify a Location" is checked and
- "Microsoft Windows Update" is not
- checked. Click Browse to continue.
- 6) Point the driver location to where the files are extracted to and click
- OK. (Windows 98: You will need to click on Next to continue)
- 7) You MAY then be prompted to insert the "Voodoo2 Drivers for Windows 9X"
- Disk. Enter the path the drivers are extracted to and press OK.
- 8) Windows will copy the drivers. When prompted to reboot the system,
- click No. You may be asked to reboot several more times. Manually
- restart the system by clicking Start, Shutdown and Restart.
- 9) Install DirectX 6.1 (If not already installed)
- Troubleshooting
- ---------------
- Problem: After installing this driver, the Control panel applet I had
- for a Voodoo Graphics card is gone.
- Resolution: The Voodoo2 drivers will uninstall *ANY* Voodoo Graphics
- drivers. This is to ensure only Voodoo2 drivers are on the system.
- Problem: After upgrading Voodoo Graphics to Voodoo2, old Glide games
- that worked before are not working now.
- Resolution: Make Voodoo2 backwards compatable with Voodoo Graphics by
- adding environment variables with V2-auto.inf. Using Windows Explore
- and find V2-auto.inf in directory were zip file was extracted. Right
- click V2-auto.inf and select Install from pop-up menu. Reboot system.
- This will update the Autoexec.bat file with environment variables.
- Uninstall will not remove the lines from Autoexec.bat
- OpenGL(r) ICD: Known Limitations
- ----------------------------------
- The OpenGL ICD included with this kit is meant for use with OpenGL based
- games only. It may not be compatible with other applications that use the
- OpenGL API for 3D rendering support.