PC Gamer 2000 January
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INI File
165 lines
; This file contains the information that will be displayed in the nag (or reminder)
; screens for the give product.
; There is a corresponding section to each dialog in the License Manager API.
; The section names are pretty self explanitory.
; Lines will be wrapped into the dialog box. To insert a newline character, merely
; put in a backslash then the character 'n' ('\n'), as is done in this file.
; Because of the function used to read these lines, to put a blank either at the start or the
; end of the line, just put a backslash then the character 'b' (like this: '\b') as is
; done in this file.
Title=Purchase Support Plan
MsgText0001=More than 200 new viruses are discovered each month. You need to update your\b
MsgText0002=software to ensure you have the most up-to-date virus detection.\n\n
MsgText0003=Your license has expired. Though you are no longer entitled to free\b
MsgText0004=product upgrades, you may still update your virus definition (DAT) files.
Title=Purchase Support Plan
MsgText0001=Each moth more than 200 new viruses are discovered that can infect your system.\b\b
MsgText0002=To protect yourself against these new viruses you need to purchase the Personal Support\b
MsgText0003=Program, which provides you electronically with FREE Upgrades for one year!\n
MsgText0004=For current pricing and purchase instructions please press the purchase button.
Title=Update McAfee VirusScan
ButtonText=Update McAfee VirusScan DAT files!
MsgText0001=More than 200 new viruses are discovered each month. You need to update\b
MsgText0002=your software to ensure you have the most up-to-date virus detection.\n\n
MsgText0003=Your current license allows you %s of free Software Upgrades.
Title=Purchase %s
ButtonText=Stay Protected: Buy %s Today!
MsgText0001=Thank you for evaluating %s.\n\nKeeping the program updated is critical.\b\b
MsgText0002=If you purchase %s online today you are assured of having the latest protection.\n\n
MsgText0003=To order multiple copies or purchase a site license, please call 1-408-988-3832.\n\n
MsgText10001=If you have a modem or Internet connection press the Purchase button\b
MsgText10002=for current pricing and to buy the program online.\n\n
MsgText10003=The information button has additional details.
Title=Purchase %s
ButtonText=Stay Protected: Buy %s Today!
MsgText0001=Thank you for evaluating %s. Your evaluation period has ended, you are no\b
MsgText0002=longer licensed to use this product!\n\n
MsgText0003=To order multiple copies or purchase a site license, please call 1-408-988-3832.\n\n
MsgText10001=If you have a modem or Internet connection press the Purchase button\b
MsgText10002=for current pricing and to buy the program online.\n\n
MsgText10003=The information button has additional details.
; There's a control on the Eval nag dialog that says how many days of the expiration are left.
; If this section exists (or isn't commented out), the LicenseManager will put a value in there.
NotExpiredMsg=Your license will expire in %s.
ExpiredMsg=Your license has been expired for %s.
Title=Welcome to McAfee VirusScan!
MsgText0001=Your system is being protected by McAfee VirusScan Software. The #1 virus detection\b
MsgText0002=and removal program. Each month there are more than 200 new viruses discovered by our\b
MsgText0003=World Wide Anti-Virus Emergency Response Team - A.V.E.R.T. For optimal protection,\b
MsgText0004=McAfee recommends that you Update your anti-virus software on a regular basis.\n\n
MsgText0005=In order to ensure you have the very latest in virus detection, press the update\b
MsgText0006=button to receive the latest version of the software for free.
Title=Welcome to McAfee VirusScan!
MsgText0001=Your system is being protected by McAfee VirusScan Software. The #1 virus detection\b
MsgText0002=and removal program. Thank you for choosing to evaluate this program. You may\b
MsgText0003=use this program without obligation during this trial period.\n\n
MsgText0004=McAfee recommends that you Update your anti-virus software on a regular basis.\b
MsgText0005=In order to ensure you have the very latest in virus detection, press the purchase\b
MsgText0006=button to purchase the latest version of the software.\n\n
MsgText0007=To order multiple copies or purchase a site license, please call 1-408-988-3832.\n\n
; Here is the MoreInfo screen for McAfee VirusScan.
; Using a text editor like NOTEPAD.EXE, the product manager
; for this program should edit this file and put in information that the user
; may want to see (or that they want to show the user) when the user presses the
; more info button on the reminder screen.
; Lines will be wrapped into the dialog box. To insert a newline character, merely
; put in a backslash then the character 'n', as is done in this file. To put a blank
; on the end of a line, use the backslash then the character 'b' (like this: '\b').
MsgText0001=McAfee VirusScan is a native Windows desktop anti-virus solution, providing\b
MsgText0002=comprehensive protection against known and unknown viruses.\n\nYou can electronically\b
MsgText0003=obtain the latest version of McAfee VirusScan by clicking Purchase from the Purchase\b
MsgText0004=dialog box.\n\nWith this order, you receive 90 days of free technical phone support,\b
MsgText0005=engine upgrades, and unlimited virus definition (DAT) files\b
MsgText0006=for the life of the engine.
FaxText0001=If you do not have a modem or Internet connection, you can order McAfee VirusScan by\b
FaxText0002=fax. Press the Fax Form button below, fill out and print the form provided, and fax\b
FaxText0003=it to McAfee at (408) 970-9727.
EndText0001=McAfee offers free online DAT file updates for the life of your engine. The term\b
EndText0002=update refers only to the DAT files; the term upgrade refers to product version.\b\b
EndText0003=Some DAT file updates may require an engine upgrade.
MsgText0001=McAfee VirusScan is a native Windows desktop anti-virus solution, providing\b
MsgText0002=comprehensive protection against known and unknown viruses.\n\nYou can\b
MsgText0003=electronically update your version by clicking Update from the Update dialog box.
EndText0001=McAfee offers free virus definition (DAT) file updates for the life of your\b
EndText0002=engine. The term update refers only to the DAT files; the term upgrade refers to product\b
EndText0003=version. Some DAT file updates may require an engine upgrade.\n\nYour copy of McAfee\b
EndText0004=VirusScan includes 90 days of free technical phone support, free DAT file updates,\b
EndText0005=and %s of unlimited engine upgrades.
MsgText0001=McAfee VirusScan is a native Windows desktop anti-virus solution, providing\b
MsgText0002=comprehensive protection against known and unknown viruses.\n\nYou can\b
MsgText0003=electronically update your version by clicking Update from the Update dialog box.
EndText0001=McAfee offers free virus definition (DAT) file updates for the life of your\b
EndText0002=engine. The term update refers only to the DAT files; the term upgrade refers to product\b
EndText0003=version. Some DAT file updates may require an engine upgrade.\n\nThe Personal Support\b
EndText0004=Plan can be purchased to provide one full year of both technical phone support and\b
EndText0005=complete product maintenance including unlimited DAT file updates and engine upgrades.\n\n
EndText0006=McAfee recommends that you order the Personal Support Plan for continued maximum protection.\b
; The following is the text of the message that the user will get when they check the box in
; the nag message that says "Don't display this message again." and hit the cancel button.
MsgText0001=By not getting updates, you are at a great risk of becoming infected with a virus.\n
MsgText0002=Are you sure you wish to turn off these notifications?
; The following section is for the menus. If the ECSetMenus function is called with the
; help menu information set, the items referenced by the "Help" key will be placed in
; the help menu. When the user selects it, he'll be directed to the URL referenced in the
; HelpURL key.
Help=&On-Line Support
Purchase=&Purchase VirusScan
Update=&Update VirusScan
; The following section are for prompts that the License Manager will display.
StopWork=Before you can upgrade McAfee VirusScan you must stop the scan in progress.\n\nWould you like to stop the scan and continue?"
StopWorkCaption=Stop Scan?
; The following is for items not covered by their own section
GotoWebButtonTooltip=Go to the McAfee Store