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- Interchess version 2.1.6
- Copyright (C) 1998-1999 Henry Wrightson
- All Rights Reserved
- ===========================================================================
- Contents
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1. Introduction
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Interchess is an internet chess program that uses email to play chess with
- another opponent. All you need is a valid email profile and a connection
- to the internet and your away. Either an email account on a local area
- network or a dial-up networking connection to your pop3 mail server will
- suffice.
- ...Well it was up until v1.3.2, then suddenly it jumped to 1.5.0 with the
- introduction of a vs. computer mode whereby you can play chess against the
- computer. Not to get too technical, it uses Depth-first, Mini-Max games
- search and state space evaluation algorithms to play the game and given
- a fast enough machine you can raise the search depth and play a fairly
- intelligent game of chess. This feature is not its primary feature, more
- an afterthought, so don't forget that above all, Interchess is in existence
- to provide a means to play chess with your friends. To this end, and due
- to the fact that the vs. computer mode is temperamental at best, this
- feature has all the heuristics exposed to the user for modification. I'm
- no grandmaster so the heuristics are a little shaky but with enough tweaking
- you should be able to adjust it to play a fair game of chess. As features go
- this one is mainly for fun.
- 2. Legal Stuff
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Interchess is protected under copyright law to such an extent that illegal
- reproduction or distribution of this application and any component thereof
- is strictly prohibited, (see DISTRIBUTION below). Interchess is copyrighted
- to Henry Wrightson 1998.
- Disclaimer of Warranty:
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- This application is freeware but not public domain, it is still protected
- under international copyright law. Freeware merely entitles you to use the
- application at no cost to yourself. See the document LICENCE.TXT for full
- details of ownership.
- 4. Installation
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Simply run the Setup.exe program and follow the on-screen prompts. It is
- essential that you are not running any other applications otherwise you may
- get sharing violation errors as the setup application tries to copy on top
- of files that are currently being used. Simply quit everything you are
- using, including hidden apps that may appear in the system tray and you
- should be safe. If a sharing violation does occur, abort the installation
- and make sure you are definitely not running anything else, if you are not,
- then re-run the setup and choose to ignore the sharing violation and this
- should get round the problem.
- Additional chess sets are also available, and although these are simple enough
- to install they are not contained within an installation program. They are
- simple zip files that can be extracted to the directory into which Interchess
- was initially installed.
- 5. Un-installation
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Why would you ever want to uninstall such a fantastic piece of software!
- Assuming you do then simply run the Add/Remove software control panel and
- choose to remove Interchess.
- 6. Technical Stuff
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Minimum specification: Pentium 90Mhz
- 8Mb RAM
- 6Mb free HD space
- Ethernet
- Windows 95
- Recommended specification: Pentium 166
- 32Mb RAM
- 10Mb free HD space
- Sound
- 2Mb graphics
- Ethernet
- Windows 98
- Because of the nature of mail transports this application requires a mail
- client to be running for it to work. This may not be the case if your
- mail profile is set up to use Dial-up networking but in this case, any mail
- created by Interchess while 'off-line' will remain in the outbox of your
- default mail client until you choose to send it. While logged onto a LAN,
- Without a mail client running, the application will launch but it will be
- "off-line", until you run a client and logon from the system tray menu.
- Because, a mail client will be running at the same time as Interchess, there
- is an added side effect of allowing you access to chess moves that arrive
- in your inbox BEFORE Interchess has had a chance to grab them. You can
- imagine that tampering with the email in any way prior to letting Interchess
- have it can only end in tears. I, therefore, suggest you don't, but then,
- it's your life do what you will. The chess move email is encrypted so it
- won't make a great deal of sense to you anyway.
- Just remember that Interchess sends its moves by standard email and as such
- the chess move must undergo the same processes any other email would be subjected
- to, this includes being visible in the Inbox and Outbox from time to time.
- While using a Dial-up networking email profile, when you first launch Interchess,
- a connection to the internet will be automatically requested and you will
- have the choice of whether to connect to the internet or to remain offline.
- While off line Interchess will work as normal but no email will be sent until
- you explicitly tell your email client to send it. Likewise nothing will be
- received unless you are logged onto your email server.
- At regular intervals Interchess has to extract new moves from the inbox and
- to make sure this is as fast as possible, it will only deal with emails that
- are unread. This means that if a new chess move arrives, don't read it or
- mark it as read because Interchess will simply ignore it. If you choose to
- retrieve new moves from the menu, this limitation will be ignored and all mail,
- read or otherwise, will be checked.
- If your computer seems sluggish while running Interchess try reducing the
- number of unread emails in your INBOX. Also increase the interval between
- each check that Interchess makes by selecting Options... from System tray
- icon.
- 7. Distribution
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- You are hereby licensed to make as many copies of this software and
- documentation as you wish; give exact copies of the original version to
- anyone, provided no remuneration is exacted; and distribute this software and
- documentation in its unmodified form via electronic means. There is no charge
- for any of the above.
- You are specifically prohibited from charging, or requesting donations, for
- any such copies, however made; and from distributing the software and/or
- documentation with other products (commercial or otherwise) without prior
- written permission.
- The mass-distribution of this product via any medium is strictly prohibited
- without prior consent of the author. The term "mass-distribution" applies
- to the distribution of this application in such a fashion that it would reach
- multiple unknown parties.
- 8. Footnote
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- As a user of Interchess you agree to abide by the following terms and
- conditions;
- 1. Interchess is pretty cheep so don't evaluate it forever, when you're happy
- that it works, why not pay for it.
- 2. You use this program at your own risk but I suggest that it won't do
- anything untoward to your system, but I'm afraid, for the sake of the law,
- I must reiterate the disclaimer stated above in the Legal Stuff section
- of his document.
- 3. You are required to entertain the possibility of learning to play chess a
- little better.
- Please feel free to drop me an e-line any time with your comments to one of
- the following email addresses;
- Interchess@HenryWrightson.In2Home.co.uk
- Interchess@HappyValley.Screaming.net
- Also don't forget to keep and eye on my website for updates and additional
- Interchess components such as new chess sets and boards.
- http://members.tripod.co.uk/HenryWrightson/
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Have fun...
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 4th September, 1999
- Henry Wrightson
- Interchess@HenryWrightson.In2Home.co.uk
- Interchess@HappyValley.Screaming.net
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