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- ════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
- release version
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- │ Problems? │
- └─────────────────────────┘
- While we have encountered few problems with this program, we suggest you
- keep in mind that it is possible the program would prevent Tyrian from
- running correctly.
- Actually, it is possible if you select weapons which are not normally
- available in the full game. You are, after all, able to do things which
- are impossible to do with the game normally. This is a cheat program.
- If you are having problems running Tyrian and you think Shipedit is the
- cause, you should be able to solve it by deleting NEWSH$ from the Tyrian
- directory.
- ┌─────────────────────────┐
- │ Introduction │
- └─────────────────────────┘
- ShipEdit is a fairly straightforward program [aside from the graphical editor]
- and can be used to add your own customized ships to the game. It is specially
- designed so it is difficult to cheat, but you can make sure you use any weapon
- you want while playing the game.
- ┌─────────────────────────┐
- │ Warnings │ <-- READ This FIRST
- └─────────────────────────┘
- Different Tyrian Versions:
- ShipEdit will automatically detect which version of Tyrian you are using.
- I would suggest using the latest version, but this program does have
- automatic backward compatibility when compiling. It will show in the editor
- screen what version you are using.
- [0-1 is version 1.0 or 1.1 - ShipEdit cannot discern between them.
- 2 is version 1.2 or higher.]
- This is the user data file. This file contains the current editor data
- used by ShipEdit, including all the ship graphics you have drawn, the
- ship weapon data, etc.
- Two additional data files included with ShipEdit. Each contains 8
- different sets of graphics from Tyrian that can be used as ships. To
- use one of these files, simply rename it to be USER.SHP.
- This is the compiled data file which is used by Tyrian. ShipEdit
- automatically saves your data and compiles it when you exit the
- program. This file is version-specific!
- Giving Custom Ships to Other People:
- There are two ways to give data you have edited to other people.
- (1) Give them your editor data - USER.SHP. If they have ShipEdit, they
- can edit this file and compile it for use with their version of
- Tyrian. (To compile it, just run ShipEdit and then exit the program.)
- Note that if they enter the ship data editor, ShipEdit will change
- the data presented if they do not have access to those weapons.
- (See Below under the section SHIP DATA for more information.)
- (2) Give them your compiled data file NEWSH$.SHP. This is
- version-specific but they do not need ShipEdit to use it. I would
- suggest limiting uploads of this file to those compiled under version
- 1.2 to avoid future problems - or at least to clearly mark what
- version you intend this for. Versions 1.0 and 1.1 are interchangeable
- but 1.2 uses a different format.
- ┌─────────────────────────┐
- │ Using a NEWSH$.SHP file │
- └─────────────────────────┘
- Tyrian will automatically find a NEWSH$.SHP file, check for how much memory
- it requires, and load it into your game.
- To activate one of the ten available ships while playing:
- Player 1: Hold down TAB and press a number from 1 through 0 [0=Ship #10]
- Player 2: Hold down CAPS and press a number from 1 through 0
- NEWSH$.SHP contains the graphics for your custom ships. If you change the
- graphics in this file, your saved games will use the new graphics. Just make
- sure you don't delete this file after you've started using them.
- For example, if I pressed TAB+5, I would activate my custom ship #5. This
- might be using graphic set #3, which is a snowball. If I changed the ship
- graphic to a bubble in the editor and then ran Tyrian again, this ship would
- no longer be a snowball, but would use the bubble graphics.
- ┌─────────────────────────┐
- │ Ship Data │
- └─────────────────────────┘
- There are 10 fields for each ship. There are 10 sets of ship data you can
- use at one time.
- [NOTE: The Street-Fighter-Like commands (or "twiddles", as one person so oddly
- put it) will not work for custom ships that you design. It's the price you
- pay, though I may alter it someday if I find an easy workaround.]
- SHIP #: This is the ship slot you are currently editing. At the bottom
- of the screen you are shown how to activate this ship while
- playing the game.
- Ship Graphic: This is the graphic your ship will use. You may select from
- just about any of the graphics available in the game, and can
- choose from any of the eight custom sets of graphics.
- Choose the items this ship configuration will use:
- Front Weapon: [*]
- Rear Weapon: [*]
- Special Weapon: [*]
- Left Sidekick: [*]
- Right Sidekick: [*] [**]
- Power: [***]
- Armor: [***]
- Shield: [***]
- [*] - The game will keep track of every weapon you have found. Aside from a
- basic available selection, you can only choose those weapons that you
- have found.
- [**] - There are cetain sidekicks available in Version 1.2 which should only
- be used as RIGHT sidekicks. They probably won't crash the game, but
- if selected as a left sidekick will not look very nice. These are
- labeled in the editor as [RIGHT ONLY].
- [***]- The more you play the game, the better the class of items you can
- select. Also, this will improve faster if you get good destruction
- percentage scores. Good luck!
- ┌─────────────────────────┐
- │ Graphical Editor │
- └─────────────────────────┘
- As you can see by the example files, User1 and User2, there are 8 banks of
- ships which are labeled within the editor. There are five turning frames
- for each ship, from left to right:
- #1 - Hard left turn
- #2 - Beginning left turn
- #3 - Center
- #4 - Beginning right turn
- #5 - Hard right turn
- You CAN use the available graphical tools, but they are keyboard-based and
- are cumbersome to use except for slight touch-ups or applying certain
- specific alterations. The commands are shown onscreen in the help boxes if
- you need to use them.
- I would suggest using an independent program to create your own PCX screens
- and to load in ships from there. Keep in mind that you can use SHIPEDIT.PCX
- to get the palette you need to use, or you can simply capture the editor
- screen.
- To capture a shape from a PCX screen, move to the ship frame you want to
- edit and press 'E'. This will activate the editor for this shape. Now, press
- 'E' again to bring up a list of PCX files in the current directory.
- Select the PCX file to capture from by pressing the first letter of the
- image name and/or using the arrow keys. Then, press ENTER. [ESC will exit
- this screen.]
- Now, the image will be displayed onscreen and a flashing rectangle will also
- appear. Use your mouse to position the rectangle around the shape you want
- to capture and press button 1. [ESC will also exit this screen.]
- To capture another frame from the same file, all you need to do is move to the
- next frame you want to capture and press 'L'.
- Keep in mind that Color #0 is transparent! We don't want to have you flying
- around in a black rectangle, now, do we?
- ┌─────────────────────────┐
- │ Music │
- └─────────────────────────┘
- Yes, ShipEdit will load the Tyrian music data and attempt to play it. It may
- or may not work with MIDI very well, but does use the same driver as Tyrian,
- so there should be no problems.
- There is another Jukebox in this version, an earlier one we didn't release,
- which is quite insane and should definitely confound you.
- The Jukebox manual follows:
- ╒═════════════════════════╕ ┌┐
- │ Basic-User's Commands ├┬─┘└┐
- └─────────────────────────┴┴───┘
- The left and right arrow keys change the song selection on the jukebox front.
- V - Toggles between Tempo and Volume control. Tempo is blue. Volume is yellow.
- The up and down arrow keys, in addition to the PGDN and PGUP keys, control
- the tempo bars on the bottom left and right of the screen. The higher it
- gets, the faster the song plays.
- F - Fades the tempo down to slow.
- L - If you have individual DAT files you want to play, this will load them
- from the disk directly.
- R - Starts the song over from the beginning again.
- T - Resets the tempo to normal.
- ESC or Q - Quit the Jukebox
- ╒═════════════════════════╕ ┌┐
- │ Disclaimer ├─┬─┘└┐
- └─────────────────────────┴─┴───┘
- WARNING: Users with heart trouble, epilepsy, regular seizures, and no artistic
- taste should use caution when viewing these weird "screen-saver-like"
- effects. We are not responsible for the effects of our work. :-)
- ╒═════════════════════════╕ ┌┐
- │ Advanced POWER JUKEBOX! ├┬─┬─┘└┐
- └─────────────────────────┴┴─┴───┘
- ─────────┴────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- B Blanks the screen to color 0 (often referred to as black)
- C Clears the palette to black
- D Draws the palette in two horizontal bars at the top-left of the
- screen
- I Loads a PCX image from disk
- M Turns off all filters, turns the song name and bars off, and
- sets the program to Ultra-Speed
- P Creates a dual-color palette
- This palette will fade all 256 colors from one color to another,
- making it look ugly most of the time.
- Keep pressing P until you find two colors you like.
- S Toggles the song name and tempo bars on and off
- (You won't notice you have turned them off because they'll still
- be on the screen from the last time they were drawn there!)
- U Reverts to the main palette after you're tired of the palette you
- generated using P
- Z Toggle Ultra-Speed (This deactivates the delay and the stars)
- F1 Randomizes the RED values in the palette
- F2 Randomizes the GREEN values in the palette
- F3 Randomizes the BLUE values in the palette
- (Generally, you'll use these commands after pressing C)
- [ and ] Certain commands below use a variable in the program to modify their
- effect. The left bracket decreases this effect and the right
- bracket increases it.
- { and } For a faster way to modify the variable above, use these instead
- ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- 1-4 Different fade effects
- 1- Vertical+Horizontal fade
- 2- Horizontal fade
- 3- Vertical fade
- 4- Diagonal fade
- 5 Ugly fuzzy-plasm grower
- Causes a field of fuzz to grow out of whatever shapes are on the
- screen
- Looks like tree bark under a microscope changing at an impossible
- speed
- 6 Fuzz
- 7 Random Fuzz
- 8 Generic No-frills fuzz
- (Creates absolutely no interesting patterns, guaranteed!)
- 9 Wild slow fade towards the bottom-right with a neat lava effect
- growing out of the background after a while.
- This works best with a palette generated by P.
- 0 Weird circle thing.
- A large circle creates more and more ripples of itself while
- shrinking. If it shrinks enough, you get to see duplicates of
- the circle coming onto the screen. Of course, it doesn't work
- quite the way it originally did, but hey, it's neat.
- SHIFT-0 Diamond generator
- Creates odd cross-hatching diamond patterns. Not as good as my
- Quiltmaster, but oh well.
- SHIFT-9 Cross-hatching color cycler
- This works best with P. It causes a box in the center of the screen
- to cycle along a palette very slowly while introducing a growing
- amount of noise. It's weird seeing the image in the box fading
- away and then coming back again in another color.
- It reminds me of a stained-glass window.
- SHIFT-8 Water rippler
- P produces a nice palette to look at this with.
- The image has a water (or lava) effect placed in the background
- while any shapes on the screen waver in a wild pattern much like
- a real pool of water changes the image reflecting in it when you
- cause the water to run in a river over little rocks.
- SHIFT-7 Medium water waves
- SHIFT-6 Water waves in almost symmetry
- SHIFT-5 Large water waves
- SHIFT-4 This one causes shapes on the screen to expand.
- Once the shape expands enough, water waves appear inside it while
- the shape still grows.
- (The water wave effects work best with P or another nice palette
- with few color transitions)
- SHIFT-3 Super 9.
- This one fades the screen constantly in a diagonal pattern, and
- like 9, little dots appear in sections that have faded completely.
- However, the dots cause circular ripples to appear overlapping
- each other. With a little user fiddling, the effect is fantastic.
- SHIFT-2 This one causes a normal fade to work on the screen.
- Like 9 and Shift-3, though, little dots can appear on the screen
- as well.
- But, you can control the dots using the left and right brackets
- ( [ and ] ). The left bracket decreases the rate of dot appearance
- while the right bracket increases the rate.
- The jukebox starts out with the bracket value at 0, meaning there
- are NO dots that appear.
- - Moderately fast parallax to the right
- _ Moderately fast parallax to the left
- = Slightly faster parallax to the right
- + Slightly faster parallax to the left
- , Fast, symmetric parallax to the left
- . Fast, symmetric parallax to the right
- < Fast, symmetric parallax to the left *with distortion*
- > Fast, symmetric parallax to the right *with distortion*
- ; Very Fast, symmetric parallax to the left
- ' Very Fast, symmetric parallax to the right
- The Super-Parallaxing effects all function like SHIFT-2 except for
- [<] and [>] which function like SHIFT-3.
- The [-] and [_] commands cannot be combined with other commands, while
- all the other parallax commands can.
- SHIFT-1 This function uses the brackets the same way as SHIFT-2.
- However, it parallaxes both left and right at the same time with
- the center standing still! This is centered perfectly on the
- center of the ECLIPSE logo in ECLIPSE2.PCX.
- F5 Auto-Detailer.
- This effect creates weird details in pictures and generally works
- best on a pre-made image with a well-gradiated palette.
- F6-F8 More Auto-Detailer modes!
- SHIFT-F5 Even MORE Auto-Detailer modes!
- through (SHIFT-F8 is my favorite)
- BACKSPACE Screen-Streaker
- Causes any image on the screen to fade (or slide) downwards. This
- often leaves large amounts of residue at the top.
- ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- ╒═════════════════════════╕ ┌┐
- │ Suggested User Tests ├┬─┬─┘└┐
- └─────────────────────────┴┴─┴───┘
- The Blurry Amoeboid:
- [P] Keep pressing P until you find a nice palette with a lot of contrast.
- [9] This will start the Wild Neon Lava Fade
- [6] This will create a semi-interesting pattern
- [5] This completes the Amoeboid pattern
- ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- The Diagonal Pattern-Maker:
- [P] Keep pressing P until you find a nice palette with a lot of contrast
- [0] Start the Circle thing
- [5] This completes the Diagonal Pattern-Maker
- ?[7or9] Adding 7 or 9 causes the Pattern-Maker to behave differently
- Note:
- By adding SHIFT-5, SHIFT-6, and/or SHIFT-7 to the Pattern-Maker you turn
- it into a really interesting effect. You have to see it to understand it.
- ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- ┌─────────────────────────┐
- │ Disclaimer │
- └─────────────────────────┘
- ShipEdit is written by the same person who wrote Tyrian [and this manual],
- but it is not supported by XSIV Games and is regarded as an independent
- creation. It is not specifically supported in any way by anyone, though nice
- letters to me on the Internet might get you an answer. :)
- I forsee no problems as long as you keep in mind the version limitations.
- For instance, additional items available in version 1.2 will probably crash
- someone's copy of version 1.1, so try to indicate what version you intend any
- uploads to be used under!
- As always, with something as complex as this, there are probably bugs and other
- problems. I've never seen one, but who knows?
- -Zinglon-
- -Master of All-
- ...and...
- -Jason Emery-
- - The Author-