ERROR_MISSING_FILE=Setup was unable to locate a file required to continue installation.\n\nPlease make sure the %s CD-ROM is in the drive and click OK.
VID_CARD_VOODOO=3Dfx« Voodoo Graphics version
ISDX_ERR_INTERNAL=An internal error occurred.
ISDX_QRY_INSTALL=This program requires %s to run. Would you like to install it now?
SETUP_TYPE_MULTIPLAYER_DESC=This is the multiplayer only version of Redline. This version does not require the CD to play.
DLG_SETUP_TYPE_PROMPT=Please choose one of the following install options.
ISDX_ERR_OUTOFDISKSPACE=The setup program ran out of disk space during installation.
MSG_CREATE_SHORCUT_ITEMS=Creating shortcuts...
SDSELECTDEST_MSGMID=To install to this folder, click Next.\n\nTo install to a different folder, click Browse and select another folder.\n
ERROR_DISKSPACE=There is not enough space on the drive you selected.\n\nPlease free up some disk space or select a different drive.
ISDX_INSTALLINGDX=Installing DirectX...
ISDX_ERR_BADSOURCETIME=A file's date and time could not be verified or were incorrect.
ERR_MSG_VGARESOLUTION=This program requires VGA or better resolution.
ISDX_ERR_NODIRECTXFOLDER=Make sure that the DirectX folder exists on your Media.\nThe folder is available under <InstallShield>TemplateData\DirectX 5 Template Data.\nYou can also find it on the DirectX SDK.
MSG_CREATE_REG_ITEMS=Creating Registry entries...
DLG_SETUP_TYPE_TITLE=Select Game Version
SDSELECT_DEST_TITLE=Select Destination Location
DLG_TNT_OPTION_TWO=Other video card chipset (most computers)
MULTIPLAYER_SHORTCUT=Redline Multiplayer Only
VID_CARD_STANDARD=Standard PC version
ERROR_LOADING_DLL=Error loading DLL.\n\n%s
BTN_NEXT=&Next >
ERROR_MOVEDATA=An error occurred during the move data process: %d
ISDX_ERR_UNKNOWNOS=The operating system on your system is not currently supported.
ISDX_ERR_SOURCEFILENOTFOUND=A required source file could not be found.
ISDX_ERR_NOTENOUGHSPACE=Not enough space to install DirectX.
ISDX_ERR_CANTFINDDIR=The setup program could not find the working directory.
ERROR_WRONGOS=%s requires Windows 95, Windows 98 or Windows NT 4.0.
DLG_DXSETUP_RADIO_YES=Install Microsoft DirectX
DLG_DXSETUP_VERSOLD=Your computer does not have the latest DirectX drivers. DirectX is required to play %s.\n\n
ISDX_ERR_BADSOURCESIZE=A file's size could not be verified or was incorrect.
BTN_BACK=< &Back
DLG_DXSETUP_TECHSUP=If you experience problems after installing DirectX, please contact your computer manufacturer for assistance. They should be aware of any compatibility issues your computer has, and will be able to help setup DirectX.
ISDX_ERR_NOCOPY=A file's version could not be verified or was incorrect.
SETUP_TYPE_MULTIPLAYER=Multiplayer Only Install
AMD_CPU_DETECTED=Setup has detected that your computer uses an AMD processor. A faster, AMD optimized version of %s has been installed.
ISDX_ERR_CANTFINDINF=A required .inf file could not be found.
DLG_TNT_MSGTOP=Please select one of the following video card options.\n\nIf you do not know what chipset your video card uses, pick "Other video card chipset"\n\n(See Release Notes for further information)
REINSTALL_WARNING=%s is already installed on this computer in a different directory.\nIf you continue this installation, you will have to manually remove the previously installed files.\n\nAre you sure you want to installing to this directory?
ISDX_ERR_SERVICEPACKNUM=Incorrect service pack number for DirectX setup.
SDFINISH_OPT1=Create shortcut to %P on desktop
DLG_DXSETUP_TITLE=Install Microsoft DirectX
SETUP_TYPE_FULL_DESC=This is the full game, which includes both the single and multiplayer game. The CD is required to play the single player game.
GLIDE_PROMPT=The Voodoo Graphics version of %s\nrequires 3Dfx« Glide x.xx or higher.\n\nIf you experience any problems with the 3D portion of the game,\nyou many need to update the Glide driver on your computer.\n\nThe latest version of the Glide drivers can be found in the\n3DFXDRV folder on the %s CD-ROM\n- double-click on Grtvgr.exe to launch the Glide installer.
ISDX_ERR_NOTPREINSTALLEDONNT=The version of Windows NT on the system does not contain\nthe current version of DirectX. An older version of DirectX\nmay be present, or DirectX may be absent altogether.
SETUPCOMPLETE=Setup is complete.
SDFINISH_MSG1=Setup has finished installing %P on your computer.
SYS_CHECK_PROMPT=Checking System Configuration....
DLG_DXSETUP_EXPLAIN=Microsoft DirectX allows high performance games to run under Windows. While DirectX is compatible with most computers, some computers may have hardware that does not fully support DirectX.\n\n
ISDX_ERR_USERHITCANCEL=The Cancel button was pressed before the application was fully installed.
ISDX_ERR_BADWINDOWSVERSION=DirectX does not support the Windows version on the system.
SDSELECTDEST_MSGTOP=Setup will install %P to the destination folder shown below.
DLG_TNT_OPTION_ONE=I have a RIVA TNT chipset based video card
ERROR_INSTDATA=InstData folder not present. The install cannot continue.
DLG_DXSETUP_VERSOK=The DirectX drivers installed on your system are the same version or newer than those on the %s CD-ROM.\n\nThere is no need for you to install DirectX at this time.\n\n
ERROR_UNINSTSETUP=unInstaller setup failed to initialize. You may not be able to uninstall this product.
DLG_TNT_TITLE=Choose Video Card Option
SLAVE_ZERO_AVI=Slave Zero Movie
FULL_GAME_SHORTCUT=Redline (CD-Required)
DLG_DXSETUP_RADIO_NO=Do not install Microsoft DirectX