A certain Azel 223 appeared armed with a Waver at the counter of the Sex Shop located at 2142 Vedar Street, {fS}Qalisar{fC}. The vendor immediately activated the security system.
Mecaguard No. 95121 from patrol 19 appeared 1. 371 minutes later and opened fire on the accused, wounding him seriously. He nevertheless managed to make a getaway.
The delinquent was immediately listed among the wanted.
One of Yomir 487's fellow-workers has anonymously declared that in the course of an evening spent in a bar with the accused he publicly insulted our enlightened leader, Legatee Angus Reshev. He is reported to have said: "Reshev is a bastard".
The fact that the accused was drunk at the time is not an extenuating circumstance.
The culprit was caught in the act while prowling through the district of {fS}Qalisar{fC}. Agents Den 415 and Kay'l 669 questioned Kary 962 and proceeded to arrest him.
The body of a certain Maya 121 was found in an alleyway of {fS}Anekbah{fC}.
This new victim is the fifteenth in less than two weeks: all the bodies were horribly mutilated and the victims had all disappeared four days before their bodies were found.