- TF Stats included with this update. This will take server log files and create a webpage with the results of the match. Refer to \halflife\tfc\TFStats.htm for instructions.
- Server now allows banning by userid. Refer to TFCServer.htm located in your \halflife\tfc\manual folder.
- Updated TFC manual with information on running a TFC server.
Fixes in this Update:
- Fixed problem where too many packets were being sent at signon that was causing problems for cable modem users.
- Team 4 can now score on 4 player TFC maps.
- Fixed soldier's nail grenades in TFC.
- Demo Playback fixed.
- Userinfo overrun fixed.
- Spies feigning in doorways will no longer drop all clients on server.
- Grenades will no longer detonate if you change teams.
- Dedicated server no longer requires hw.dll for authentication.
- Dedicated server will heartbeat with +map in the command line.