2 Could not register Half-Life edit control class.
3 Ignoring mislinked chat room
4 Ignoring unlinked chat room
5 The number of maps in the map directory changed.
6 The file 'liblist.gam' in the game directory was malformed, see /valve/liblist.gam for format info.
7 Your network connection may have failed, continuing anway...
8 Could not allocate memory for player information instance.
9 Could not create chat server connection.
10 Could not create chat server data stream.
11 Could not prepare chat server client for connection.
12 Deletion of linked key action item.
13 Keyboard bindings file 'kb_act.lst' is empty.
14 Error parsing bindings file 'kb_act.lst'.
15 Keyboard bindings file 'kb_keys.lst' is empty.
16 Error parsing file 'kb_keys.lst'.
17 Too many actions in file 'kb_keys.lst'.
18 Colors
19 Could not query graphics device capabilities.
20 Your graphics card does not support a necessary raster operation.
21 Could not register Half-Life's window class.
22 Insufficient number of windows sockets, networking may not operate correctly.
23 Memory-mapped file i/o initialization failed.
24 Couldn't allocate memory for player profile, exiting.
25 Button face bitmap graphics file sizes appear invalid.
26 Could not register user messages.
27 Could not create file mapping to engine.
28 Could not connect to server '%s'.
29 SZ_GetSpace overflow without m_bAllowOverflow set
30 SZ_GetSpace requested length is greater than available buffer size.
31 Could not allocate room static text control.
32 Could not allocate room tab control.
33 Could not allocate chat display window control.
34 Could not allocate chat text input control.
35 Could not allocate chat user list control.
36 Could not allocate server browser list control.
37 No servers selected.
38 Half-Life could not open the server list archive file: '%s'.
39 Could not allocate space for new chat rrom user.
40 Could not allocate space for a new server.
41 Could not open master server list file.
42 SetDialog with no dialog!
43 You must create or select a player profile to continue.
44 Could not register Half-Life combobox class.
45 Could not register Half-Life edit control class.
46 Could not register Half-Life list control class.
47 Could not register Half-Life scrollbar class.
48 Could not register Half-Life slider class.
49 Could not register Half-Life tab control class.
50 Could not remove chat nicknames.
51 No chosen profile.
52 Could not locate any active %s servers with available slots.
53 Could not connect to any active %s servers.
54 Could not allocate buffer for readme: %i bytes
55 The room name was invalid.
56 You must select a save game slot from the available slots.
57 You must be playing in a single player game to save.
58 Could not register Half-Life list box class.
59 Could not open bitmap file '%s'.
60 Could not open MCI file for playback: %s
61 Could not get MCI Device ID for MCI device
62 Could not set up MCI window for playback of MCI device: %s
63 Could not display MCI playback of MCI device in window: %s
64 Could not seek to start of MCI data: %s
65 Could not set break key on MCI data: %s
66 Could not start playback of MCI data: %s
67 Could not stop playback of MCI data: %s
68 Could not close MCI data: %s
69 Could not restore default bindings for player.
70 Invalid sound name
71 Could not allocate space for key binding
72 Can't change audio settings without a current player profile.
73 Can't change video settings without a current player profile.
74 Use your mouse or the arrow keys to select an item. Double-click or press Enter to change an item. Press Delete to clear an item.
75 valve/media/order/default.html
76 valve/media/order/default.html
77 During play, you can quickly save your game by pressing %s. Load this game again by pressing %s.
78 156 26
79 Your system reported only %.2fK of physical memory, Half-Life requires at least 16MB.
80 Half-Life was unable to allocate %.2fK of memory.
81 Half-Life was unable to create a system object.
82 Half-Life was unable to retreive system information.
83 Half-Life requires Windows/95 or Windows/NT and above.
84 Half-Life requires Service Pack 3 or above
85 Half-Life requires 16 bit color. Please change your desktop settings to HiColor. Sometimes this is called "32767 colors" or "65535 colors".
86 Action
87 Key / button
88 Alternate
89 Press a key or button.
90 Half-Life was unable to display the web page '%s', please make sure you have a web browser installed and that the association for opening .htm files is valid.
91 Time
92 Game
93 Elapsed Time
94 Game
95 Net Spd
96 Map
97 Players/Max
99 Game Type
100 Network
101 Starting...
102 %s completed.
103 Permanently remove %i servers from list?
104 Initiating connection to %s...
105 Lan
106 Internet
107 Connect
108 Show player and rule information
109 Show rule information
110 Filter server
111 Add to favorites
112 Remove from favorites
113 Permanently remove server
114 No player information available
115 Player information is not available for Lan games
116 [quick] %s
117 [autosave] %s
118 #
119 Player Name
120 Kills
121 Time
122 HEV Suit
123 Requesting list of servers..., %i seconds left
124 List received...
125 Contacting servers...
126 %s completed.
127 New Saved Game
128 New
129 Current
130 Direct Draw Init Failed (%08lx):%s\n
131 Direct Draw 4 Init Failed (%08lx):%s\n
132 Display mode
133 Name
134 People
135 Servers
136 Half-Life requires DirectDraw
137 Failed to load Engine DLL.
138 -vt requires one of software, gl, or d3d.
139 Number of saved games changed?
140 Unable to allocate space for binding
141 Unable to locate the gamma image 'gamma.bmp'.
142 Unable to restore DirectDraw video mode.
143 Game sound volume
144 HEV suit volume
145 Play CD music.
146 High quality sound (for fast computers)
147 Change screen size, video mode, gamma, and glare reduction.
148 Change sound volume and quality.
149 Change keyboard, mouse, and joystick settings.
150 Go back to the Main Menu.
151 Create Private Room
152 Room Name
153 Room Topic
154 Server Name:
155 Map:
156 Associated Room:
157 Type of Game:
158 Max. Players:
159 Filter the list of Half-Life games
160 Show only servers which:
161 are responding
162 responded more quickly than
163 are not full
164 have people currently playing
165 are in my 'favorites' list
166 are associated with the selected chat room
168 Player to find:
170 Crosshair
171 Reverse mouse
172 Mouse look
173 Look spring
174 Look strafe
175 Mouse filter
176 Joystick
177 Enable the weapon aiming crosshair.
178 Reverse mouse up/down axis.
179 Use the mouse to look around instead of using the mouse to move.
180 Causes the screen to "spring" back to looking straight ahead when you move forward.
181 In combination with your mouse look modifier, causes left-right movements to strafe instead of turn.
182 Average mouse inputs over the last two frames to smooth out movements.
183 Enable the joystick.
184 Mouse sensitivity.
185 Load a previously saved game
186 Save current game.
187 Go back to the Main Menu.
188 Return to game.
189 Start a new game.
190 Learn how to play Half-Life.
191 Load a previously saved game.
192 Load a saved game, save the current game.
193 Change game settings, configure controls.
194 View the Readme.txt file.
195 Order the full version of Half-Life.
196 Quit playing Half-Life.
197 Connect to the fastest, active Internet game server found.
198 Search for Half-Life servers, chat with other players, configure character.
199 Type Message:
200 Play Half-Life on the 'easy' skill setting.
201 Play Half-Life on the 'medium' skill setting.
202 Play Half-Life on the 'difficult' skill setting.
203 Go back to the Main Menu.
204 Select Player
205 Na&me:
206 Password:
207 remember password
208 Player Model
209 Player Name
210 Player profile:
211 Chat with users and browse for servers.
212 Go back to the Main Menu.
213 Screen size
214 Gamma
215 Glare reduction
216 Gamma: Adjusts Half-Life's color balance to best suit your monitor. Move the slider until you can just make out the figure standing in shadow on the right side of the sample image.
217 Glare Reduction: Adjusts darker colors to reduce the effect of glare on your monitor.
218 Run in a &window
219 &Use mouse
220 OpenGL Driver
221 D3D Device
222 Set video options such as screen size, gamma, and glare reduction.
223 Set video modes and configure 3D accelerators.
224 Go back to the previous menu.
225 Refreshing servers...
226 Start
227 Contacting servers...
228 Requesting list of servers...
229 Could not find readme.txt
230 Connecting to server '%s'
231 Connection established to %s, switching to game
232 Skipping...
233 %s\n%3.1f Seconds Elapsed
234 Entering the Hazard Course will exit any current game, OK to exit?
235 Quit Half-Life without saving current game?
236 Are you sure you want to quit?
237 Exit without saving changes?
238 Loading a game will exit any current game, OK to exit?
239 Delete selected game?
240 Starting a new game will exit any current game, OK to exit?
241 Enter a name:
242 Save changes made to profile?
243 Can't save, you are not currently playing a game.
244 Are you sure you want to overwrite this saved game?
245 Your video settings do not appear to be valid, use these settings anyway?
246 Enable A3D hardware support
247 &Done
248 &Controls
249 &Audio
250 &Video
251 &Cancel
252 Create &room
253 &Filter
254 &Search
255 &Return
256 &New game
257 &Hazard course
258 &Configure
259 &Save/load game
260 &Load game
261 &Multiplayer
262 &View readme
263 &Order
264 &Quit
265 &Advanced controls
266 &Cancel
267 &Use defaults
268 &Delete
269 &Save game
270 &Login
271 &Connect
272 Crea&te game
273 &Refresh
274 &List rooms
275 &Easy
276 &Medium
277 &Difficult
278 &Yes
279 &No
280 &Ok
281 &Video options
282 Video &modes
283 &Quick start
284 Spraypaint Image
285 &Internet games
286 View a list of Half-Life game servers and join the one of your choice.
287 C&hat rooms
288 Talk online with other Half-Life players.
289 &Lan game
290 Set up a Half-Life game on a local area network.
291 C&ustomize
292 Choose your player name, and select visual options for your character.
293 Room Password (optional)
294 Server Rule
295 Value
296 &Search for Game
297 Chat
298 &Internet games
299 &Exit
300 Add a server by manually by IP address...
301 Request updated server list.
302 Server hostname:
303 Server IP address:
304 Server 'ping' time:
305 Player Face
306 Player Skin
307 &Join Game
308 &Find Game
309 S&tart Game
311 Color
312 Return to your current muli-player game.
313 Disconnect yourself from the game server.
314 Resume
315 Disconnect
316 &Add server
317 &Update
318 &View game info
319 Quick multiplayer
320 &List rooms
321 C&ontent control
322 &Update Half-Life.
323 Disable visuals inappropriate for younger players and multiplayer.
324 Download the latest version of Half-Life.
325 Could not locate any WON servers.
326 Couldn't locate player profile
327 Half-Life requires DirectX version 6 or above. Please install DirectX 6 and restart Half-Life.
328 Validation refused\n'%s'
329 Validation refused.
330 Authentication out of order (1).
331 Authentication problem (2)
332 Error creating message (1).
333 Invalid signal from authentication server (1).
334 Insufficient memory to receive authentication response.
335 You must type in a valid CD Key to play Half-Life
336 The CD Key you typed was invalid, please try again
337 Your CD Key is invalid, please reenter the CD key
338 Could not validate Half-Life
339 Couldn't register Half-Life user message
340 Please Insert the Half-Life CD
341 Bogus list type in %s
342 Expecting { in %s
343 Expecting } in %s
344 That IP address could not be resolved.
345 Couldn't allocate space for user name
346 Couldn't allocate space for chat text
347 Couldn't register chat edit control
348 Could not find default keybinding file %s
349 Unable to retrieve server list, check that your internet connection is active
350 Unable to reach master, using previous list...
351 Could not obtain room list
352 Number of saved games changed?
353 Entering the multiplayer system will terminate your current single player game, OK to exit without saving?
354 Please type in the CD Key displayed on the Half-Life CD case
355 Exiting the multiplayer system will terminate your current multiplayer game, OK to exit?
356 Enter server Internet address\n(e.g.,
357 Enter room password:
358 Can't save, you are not currently playing a game.
359 Are you sure you want to overwrite this saved game?
360 Delete selected game?
361 Account in use
362 Invalid account
363 Invalid server request
364 Invalid client certificate
365 Invalid client value
366 Invalid client certificate
367 Invalid client lookup value
368 Invalid client authentication value
369 Corrupt executable
370 Unknown account error
371 Unconnected.
372 Attempting connection...
373 %s entered...\n
374 %s left...\n
375 Starting engine...
376 Searching for servers...
377 Got Server List...
378 Connecting to servers...
379 Requesting server information
380 Creating room '%s', please wait
381 Creating room
382 Time
383 Game
384 Elapsed Time
385 New Saved Game
386 New
387 Current
388 Connecting to server '%s'...\n\n%s
389 Room:
390 Activate content control
391 Check this box and enter password to disable visuals inappropriate for younger players and multiplayer. Anyone wishing to change this setting will need to use this password.
392 Enter password:
393 Enter again to confirm:
394 The passwords you entered did not match, please try again.
413 Reconnection to chat failed, please verify that you are connected to the internet and try again.
414 Reconnected...
415 Could not join room '%s'. Click 'List rooms' to select a different room.
416 Visit &WON.net
417 www.won.net
418 Set CD volume with the Windows multimedia accessory for volume control.
419 Previous
420 Next
421 Modem - 33.6K
422 Modem - 14.4K
423 Permanent rooms
424 User-created rooms
425 Go back to the Main Menu.
426 Go to the World Opponent Network.
427 Enable EAX hardware support
428 The selected OpenGL mode is not supported by your video card.
429 The selected D3D mode is not supported by your video card.
430 The selected video mode is not available.
431 Please select a different video mode.
432 The video subsystem could not be initialized.
433 Could not connect to the WON server. Please check your internet connection.
434 Your Half-Life executable is out of date. Half-Life will now update to the current version.
435 Your Half-Life CD Key is invalid.
436 Requesting server information
437 Not connected
438 Check the Internet for updates?
439 Unable to authenticate with WON servers.
440 Logging on to WON
441 Custom logos must have the same width and height.
442 Custom logos can be no larger than 64 x 64 pixels.
443 Custom logo width and height must be 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, ro 64.
444 Custom
445 Enter data transfer rate ( 100 - 9999 )
446 Updating registry settings for Half-Life. You will need to reconfigure your settings.
447 Tyring to join %s
448 Too much text, please wait.
449 Searching for user %s...
450 Directory server did not return any user information.
451 Couldn't find user %s
452 Found %s in %s
453 Could not obtain authentication information
454 Server did not return any directory information.
455 Could not find room %s
456 Can't join %s..., room has too many users ( %i ), try again later
457 No advanced options available
459 Your Half-Life CD Key is currently in use. Please try again later.
460 Type /join [roomname] to join another chat room.
461 Your CD key cannot be used on the WON.net system.
462 Content control configuration - on
463 Half-Life AutoPatch Error
464 Sierra Utilites are not properly installed. Please reinstall from the CD.
465 Could Not Run the AutoPatch Program
466 Half-Life is not properly Installed
467 Could not connect to game server\nReason: %s
468 Password required, please enter a password to try connecting again.
469 640 x 480 is recommended as the most reliable OpenGL mode. Other modes are hardware dependent and may not be available on your card.\n\nIf you have a 3D card that incorporates the Voodoo, Voodoo 2, or Banshee chipsets, select the 3DFX Mini Driver as your OpenGL Driver.
470 Changing your logo will terminate your current multiplayer game, OK to exit?
471 For 3D support, Half-Life requires the current versions of device drivers on your system. The 3D Info link will help you ensure you have the correct drivers.
473 Your Half-Life executable has been modified. Please check your system for viruses and then re-install Half-Life.
474 0
475 0 0 0 0
476 0 0
477 0
478 0
479 0 0 0 0
480 0
481 0
482 110 50 75 80 70
483 0 0
484 0 0 0
485 0
486 0
487 0 0
488 0 0
489 0
490 0
491 0 0
492 0 0
494 0
495 0
496 Use the joystick to look around instead of using the joystick to move.
497 Joystick look
498 0
499 You cannot connect to a server which is operating under a different protocol version.
500 Sort list using best server estimate
501 Maximum number of decals in multiplayer.
502 Draw faster software sprites
503 Player Model: %s
504 are running game
505 &Advanced options
506 Type
507 Name
508 Version
509 Size
510 Rating
511 Installed
512 Servers
513 Players
514 Downloading '%s'
515 Total download size for game %s\n%.2fmb
516 Total download size for game %s\n%.0fkb
517 Downloading %s from\n%s\nFile: %s\n%.0f%%
518 %.1f seconds
519 Connecting to %s
520 Getting download size
521 Downloading %s from\n%s
522 Nothing to download
523 Could not find liblist.gam file on remote host\nDouble check that %s is a valid custom game site
524 %i servers ( %i players online )
525 Refresh selected server
526 You cannot connect to a server running custom game %s until you install the custom game
527 Could not open %s on remote machine
528 Could not open %s on local machine
529 C&ustom game
530 Select a custom game, search the Internet for custom games
531 &Activate
532 &Install
533 Details
534 &Visit web site
535 &Refresh list
536 D&eactivate
537 Info:
538 Yes
539 No
540 Update
541 Requesting custom game info
542 You are about to download a custom game. Downloading a custom game for Half-Life has the same issues and risks as downloading any program from the Internet. They could contain viruses, have bugs that will crash your system causing you to lose unsaved work, or could perform operations that might harm your computer.\nYou can disable this warning by checking the "Don't show this warning again" checkbox at the bottom of this form.
543 Don't show this warning again
544 Custom game '%s' has a new version available, are you sure you want to select it before installing the updated version?
545 Custom game %s is already installed, are you sure you want to re-install?
546 Custom game download
547 Custom game '%s' was created for a different version of Half-Life than the current version you have installed. Are you sure you want to select it before installing the updated version?
548 You cannot connect to a server running version %i of custom game '%s' until you upgrade to that version. Your current version is %i
549 You are attempting to connect to a server running game '%s' for Half-Life version %s. Your current version of Half-Life is %s. Continue anyway?
550 Can't activate custom game '%s', you must install the custom game first.
552 %i servers remaining
553 Dedicated server (faster, but you can't join the server from this machine).
554 You are attempting to connect to a server running version %i of the game '%s', but you only have version %i installed. Continue anyway?
555 Can't connect to %s, server is full.
556 Do you want to uncompress the files for game '%s'?